How to increase your IQ: simple exercises for every day




— Types of intelligence and their properties — What is IQ? — Brain exercises to increase IQ — 7 universal tips for increasing mental abilities from Steve Denton — How to increase your intelligence: 5 simple ways - Conclusion

Intelligence abilities are as follows:

1) Analytical. The ability to conduct a comprehensive analysis of information, divide it into semantic and logical blocks, determine relationships, compare and contrast various pieces of information with each other

2) Logical. The logical core of reason includes the ability to reason, think and analyze without violating the principles of formal logic, the ability to make correct, logical and consistent conclusions

3) Deductive. Qualities that help to extract a general idea from a large amount of information and correctly formulate it, the ability to deduce and generalize, the ability to group particulars into something common, to find patterns

4) Critical. The ability to mentally critically evaluate information, the ability to weed out incorrect conclusions, reject false ideas, a quality that allows you to resist influence and suggestion

5) Prognostic. The ability to plan ahead, form a mental model of future events and at the same time keep in mind options for solving various alternatives

Abstract thinking abilities: allow you to penetrate with your mind complex abstract ideas (both mathematical, logical and philosophical) and retain complex concepts and systems in your thinking

Abilities for imaginative thinking: contribute to the ability to compare things with different meanings in the mind, bringing them under a common denominator, the ability to formulate comparisons, metaphors, which helps to simplify the understanding of complex ideas, transferring them to a more accessible level of understanding, good perception of artistic images

The ability to concentrate, to maintain attention: probably relates more to the manifestation of the will than to the work of the mind, but I consider it necessary to mention here, since this largely determines the effective work of the intellect.

Learn specific ways to develop your mind.

Our mind also has some properties:

1) Logic of architecture: the degree of orderliness of thinking and coordinated work of different abilities of the intellect (someone, for example, has order in his head, about him we can say that he thinks soberly and reasonably, but someone else’s thinking, on the contrary, is chaotic, spontaneous and incoherent)

2) Depth and breadth of mind: what perhaps, in the general understanding, determines how smart a person is. Sets the possibilities for comprehensive coverage of the object of thinking and the depth of immersion in mental tasks

3) Speed ​​of operations: well, everything is clear here, how quickly we think and how quickly we solve problems

4) Autonomy: the degree of independence of the mind from the work of feelings, external influence, the ability to make sober decisions, both in a calm state and in conditions of stress, anxiety, fear and psychological pressure. Determined by the measure of awareness.

Our memory supports us in all this. I won’t dwell on it, I think it’s clear what function it has, but I think it’s necessary to highlight one of the types of memory that is important for the functioning of the mind

Working memory: the ability to hold several intermediate operations in the mind at the same time and find their solution. (try multiplying several two-digit numbers in a column in your head: you will have to keep the intermediate result of the multiplication in your memory (what teachers at school called “in your head”) in order to get the final result).

You might be interested in learning how to develop your brain in a very simple way.


What is IQ level?

IQ, short for intelligence quotient, is a measure of someone's intellectual intelligence and potential. This measurement was popularized in the 1900s by French psychologist Alfred Binet.

IQ is measured through standardized testing administered by licensed psychologists and, in some cases, psychologists with specialized training in mental health. Common standardized IQ tests include:

  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V)
  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
  • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

Despite how popular online IQ tests and apps are, they cannot accurately measure your IQ in the same way as IQ tests administered by a psychologist.

While IQ levels are one way to measure intelligence, they are not the only indicator. Instead, IQ testing can be used as a first step in diagnosing other mental health conditions and learning difficulties.

— 7 universal tips for improving mental abilities from Steve Denton


Steve Denton holds a degree in theoretical physics.

1) The Brain Needs Intellectual Challenges By solving complex problems, such as learning a new language, a field of mathematics, or mastering an unfamiliar musical instrument, the brain becomes more plastic and flexible.

According to Denton, one of the win-win options is to study various areas of mathematics - this science opens up wide opportunities for brain development. Mathematics classes allow you to train logical, numerical and visual abstract thinking, while simultaneously improving your connexion skills.

2) You should communicate with well-educated people. Meeting and talking with highly intelligent people can improve the functioning of your own brain. During such conversations, you can learn a lot of new things, in addition, understanding the way smart people think is very useful.

3) Computer games can be used to train the intellect Denton recommends choosing games that require solving complex problems and making numerous decisions. The physicist himself is a fan of the game EVE - in his opinion, it is the most complex and versatile of all computer games.

4) You need to read at least one serious book a week. Denton recommends not only reading serious books regularly, but also choosing authors from different genres. Reading allows you to expand your vocabulary and has a positive effect on verbal intelligence, and also contributes to the development of erudition.

5) Brain training using special software. Denton advises using special software for brain development, with the only caveat - you must use only services that have proven their effectiveness. The Dual N-Back project was able to prove its effectiveness. Another positive point is that the game can be downloaded completely free of charge.

6) A healthy lifestyle is important. Exercising has a positive effect on brain function, and healthy and not too short sleep also increases productivity. It is important to approach your alcohol consumption wisely. In addition, the brain needs proper nutrition to function most efficiently. The body can get the required amount of nutrients only with a balanced diet - a person should eat fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.

7) It is necessary to get rid of limiting ideas about your own intellectual level.

Many people are actually smarter than they think they are. Often such a modest attitude towards their mental abilities does not allow them to achieve more in life. This phenomenon is called the “Dunning-Kruger effect” - according to it, people with below average intelligence often overestimate their intelligence, while those with above average intelligence often underestimate their abilities.

Denton gives an example of his friend - the girl always very modestly assessed her intellectual level and worked as an ordinary secretary, but one day she passed the IQ test of the Mensa organization, which unites people with an extremely high level of intelligence. She later received a degree as a professor of astrophysics and lived a much happier life.


Activities that can increase your IQ

There are two categories of human intelligence: fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is associated with abstract reasoning, while crystallized intelligence is associated with the development of intellectual skills.

According to the National Library of Medicine, these types of intelligences can be influenced by a variety of genetic and environmental factors, including:

  • Parents' IQ
  • genes
  • family life
  • parenting style
  • nutrition
  • education

Here are a few activities you can do to improve different areas of your intelligence, from reasoning and planning to problem solving and more.

How is it measured?

There are many different tests to measure IQ levels. All of them are publicly available on the Internet. A little later I will provide a link to one of them.

There are two options for intelligence testing:

  • for children 10–12 years old;
  • for adults and children over 12 years old.

The average duration of the passage is 30 minutes. The number of questions and tasks can vary from 30 to 100.

Typically, testing consists of two parts:

  1. Methodical. It was developed by reputable experts and published in relevant publications. Includes a list of questions and a scale with explanations.
  2. Software. It is compiled based on the chosen methodology, but has a different logic and design from others.

The scoring system is the same everywhere, but due to certain local differences, test results may differ by 10–15 points.

Memory activity

Memory exercises can help improve not only your memory, but also your thinking and language skills. In fact, memory games have been used in research to study how memory relates to language and subject knowledge.

Reasoning and language are used as indicators of intelligence, meaning that memory activities can continue to develop intelligence.

Activities that involve memory training include:

  • puzzles
  • Crosswords
  • concentrated card game or card matching
  • sudoku

Play sports

It’s not for nothing that they say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” Even the simplest physical exercises increase blood circulation, and this, in turn, activates brain function. It is very useful to do exercises in the morning and then take an exercise break during the working day. During lunch, be sure to get up from your desk and stretch. For example, go with your colleagues to the canteen - the main thing is not to sit still. In the evening, try to walk in the park. The brain will receive more oxygen and nutrients, for which it will be very grateful to you.

Visual-spatial thinking

Visuospatial thinking involves mental processes associated with physical representations.

In one study, researchers found that improvements in visuospatial thinking led to increases in IQ test scores. In this study, memory and executive control were used in part to help improve participants' visuospatial thinking.

Activities that involve visual and spatial learning include:

  • labyrinths
  • activity point of view
  • 3-D models
  • deployed prisms


Proper nutrition provides a person with good health, good mood and a clear mind. How to increase intelligence with its help: eat healthy foods, include medical supplements and folk remedies in your diet. This is necessary for the brain to begin to develop if a person already leads a healthy lifestyle, takes care of himself and trains the mind.


A properly formulated diet is extremely important for people seeking brain development. It is recommended to pay special attention to the following products:

  • Walnuts – lecithin has a positive effect on the brain, which increases the speed of intellectual activity and strengthens memory;
  • Fish - iodine and omega-3 are responsible for the rate of energy flow to the brain, regulation of cholesterol levels, normalization of blood vessels;
  • Pumpkin seeds - they affect the speed of processing information perceived by the brain, as well as memorization;
  • Spinach - lutein slows down the aging process, which helps improve learning ability.

It is enough to include any of the listed products in your diet to feel their effect within a week. At the same time, it is important to exclude from the menu all unhealthy foods that could have a negative effect on the body.

Medical supplements

Special drugs, which are presented in the form of food additives, have a serious impact on the quality of brain activity. In search of an answer to the question of how to improve your intelligence, you need to think about purchasing the following tools:

  1. Piracetam (Nootropil, Lucetam). Strengthens memory, increases the quality of brain activity.
  2. Omega-3 acids. Prevents brain aging and helps increase concentration.
  3. Creatine. Improves memory, increases stress resistance.
  4. L-tyrosine. Provides the brain with oxygen, improves mood and alertness.

The most popular drugs: Brain Booster, Amino, Gotu Kola, Active Lecithin. Taking them will have a positive effect only when combined with exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Folk remedies

You can become smart with the help of folk remedies, which involve the use of beneficial herbs. The following plants increase brain activity:

  • Ginseng root;
  • Brahmi;
  • Ginko biloba;
  • Sage.

They are used in the form of decoctions or tinctures. The main effect of all herbs is to strengthen memory and enhance brain activity.

Before using medications or folk remedies, it is recommended to consult a doctor to eliminate possible risks associated with side effects or contraindications.

Relational skills

Relational frame theory is concerned with the development of human cognition and language through relational associations. A 2011 study found that using relational frame theory as an intervention can significantly improve IQ scores in children.

A more recent study using this intervention also found improvements in IQ, verbal and numerical reasoning.

Activities that involve relational learning include:

  • books on learning languages
  • object comparison
  • comparison of amounts

New languages

Would you be surprised to know that more than half of the world's trusted population is bilingual? It's no surprise that learning multiple languages ​​is good for the human brain—the sooner the better.

A recent Trusted Source study examined the relationship between early language learning and IQ. The results showed that learning language through conversation and interaction between 18 and 24 months was most beneficial for cognitive outcomes later in life.

Activities that won't increase your IQ

While there are quite a few activities you can enjoy every day that can help raise your IQ, the following myths are not included in these suggestions:

  • take multivitamins
  • listen to music
  • IQ test preparation

Typically, these activities do very little to develop the skills needed to improve your intelligence. To truly improve your IQ, you should focus on activities that develop your brain skills associated with fluid and crystallized intelligence.

Author: Alena Kyupeli

Method number 2 - daily routine

Working hard always leads to high fatigue and depletion of the body's reserves. Those who want to maintain their mental abilities at a sufficiently high level must adhere to a daily routine, a prerequisite for which is a night's sleep of at least six and a half hours a day. Have you probably heard about those phenomenal discoveries that were made in a dream? So, sleep is the most effective way to relieve mental stress; it is as necessary for a person as air and quality food.

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