Making a paracord bracelet with your own hands
Paracord weaving includes many techniques for creating multifunctional accessories. Paraphernalia stores for
mushroom picking in the Urals and Siberia in 2021 photo 1
Edible and poisonous mushrooms. Habitats, role in nature
Even in cold regions of Russia, if there is warm weather, you can pick mushrooms. From the end
Definition of waning and waxing moon
Lesson "orientation by local characteristics"
Basic knowledge For night navigation you need little: the presence of the satellite itself (sometimes the sky is densely overcast
How to choose the right tent for tourism and family vacations
About the purpose We will analyze here only the choice of a tourist (trekking) tent. These are the tents that are used
Hearty field porridge: recipes
Field porridge is a hearty meal cooked in the field over an open fire, something
Cooking snails at home
An accessible source of food for the traveler are snails. Almost all of their species found in the territory
How to build a hut with your own hands - construction tips
How to build a hut on a tree with your own hands? Clear the area for building a house, remove debris
the forest is on fire
Actions in case of a forest fire: rules, features and recommendations
Causes of a fire in the forest There are several reasons why a fire occurs in the forest:
Mushrooms in a basket
Edible mushrooms - photos and names for the mushroom picker
We are glad to welcome you to the blog. Mushroom season is in full swing, so our topic today will be
Tablets for disinfecting drinking water: composition, types and reviews
What are water purification tablets? Untreated and unclean water carries several
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