Aggression - what it is, reasons, 7 scientific theories, methods of struggle

Aggression is a very complex and destructive emotion that causes harm not only to the person showing it, but also, of course, to those towards whom it is directed. In psychology, there are several types of aggression, and almost all of us have encountered it in one way or another. You will learn how to control this condition and how to respond to its manifestations in this article.

What is aggression

Aggression is an attack, this is how the word aggressio is translated from Latin. It is accompanied by negative emotions: irritation, anger, anger, rage. In an act of aggression, emotional release occurs - the body is freed from negative energy that, for some reason, has accumulated inside.

Who, who and why should be attacked? The initiator of the conflict must obviously have motives to violate the safety and well-being of living beings around him. Unmotivated aggression is a sign of mental disorders. But even normal people have many complaints against others in order to take out their irritation and anger on them.

Aggression makes a person similar to a predatory animal, which attacks in cases where its basic needs are violated:

in food within certain limits of safety in the reproduction and preservation of offspring

In people, the feeling of hunger also gives rise to irritability: once good-natured fat women, for example, having gone on a diet, take out their “hungry anger” on loved ones and colleagues.

How to cope

There are several ways to help resist aggression. They will come to the rescue when faced with rudeness at work or on the street. First of all, you need to not react. You should not give any reaction: neither positive nor negative. Ignoring is the best option to stop an attacker.

You need to not just remain silent, but not show emotions, this is already more difficult. It's not easy to stop taking words personally. Overcoming yourself begins with recognizing the right of another person to express their opinion, even if it is negative.

If the aggressor does not receive emotional support, then it is more difficult for him to continue active attacks. There is another option for confrontation. Having heard orders and insults from a person, an individual must ask himself: is he obliged to follow his instructions; if not, then he can calmly ask why the aggressor orders.

If the attacker chooses the tactic of ignoring, then you can do the following. The right of silence is reserved for him, but an important aspect is emphasized: such behavior will not achieve anything.

Strong personal boundaries are the best defense against attack. To do this, they develop self-esteem, self-confidence and abstract themselves from people.

Parents or other individuals should not be allowed to push feelings of duty and responsibility.

If the aggressor uses intimidation tactics, then it is worth considering: will this really harm the victim? If the answer is negative, you don’t have to worry.

Important! When attacking, you need to be able to separate the boundaries of your own and others' responsibility.

Identifying verbal aggression plays an important role in maintaining mental balance. If a person knows who he may encounter in life, it is easier for him to develop self-defense mechanisms. It will not be possible to completely avoid encounters with aggressors, but you can reduce the damage from them.

The nature of aggressive behavior

Aggressive reactions appear in behavior when a person fails to satisfy needs that are significant to him. If you didn’t get a ticket to a concert of a group you’re indifferent to, it goes almost unnoticed for your psyche. But if you are a fan, and getting to this concert is the limit of your desires, then the mechanisms of aggression come into play in order to achieve the goal at any cost.

Aggression centers in our brain

In the central nervous system, three centers are responsible for the model of active behavior in unfavorable situations:

1 The amygdala of the right hemisphere of the brain receives all information negative for the body and transmits it to the hypothalamus.

2 The hypothalamus provides a hormonal response to danger signals from the amygdala.

3 The cingulate gyrus and frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex are responsible for choosing behavior in a given situation, calculating the chances of success and possible consequences. The more developed this “thinking” zone of the brain is in a person, the less inclined he is to show aggression - an energy-consuming and destructive way of satisfying needs.

In aggressive people, the work of the amygdala is more pronounced - this center stores the memory of the negative emotions of past experiences: fear, malice, anger. They quickly take hold of the nervous system and provoke immediate action. It is customary to say about such people: “without a king in their head” - they are in a hurry to start a conflict, and only then think about broken pots.

What hormones control aggressive behavior?

Aggressive behavior is prepared by hormones that are secreted by the adrenal glands following a signal from the hypothalamus.

Norepinephrine is the “rage hormone” that awakens the lion in a person. The action of this hormone is conveyed by the formula: “attack or defend.” Inhibition centers are blocked, blood vessels constrict, blood pressure rises, the heart beats faster - the body is preparing to fight for its interests.

Norepinephrine receptors in the brain, if this center is highly developed from birth, a person is genetically predisposed to active behavior and aggression.

Adrenaline is a “fear hormone” that makes you quickly get rid of danger. It is also called the “rabbit hormone” with the motto: “hit and run.” Adrenaline, like norepinephrine, acts on the autonomic nervous system and accelerates metabolic processes. When the danger has passed, these hormones stimulate the production of positive emotions and the experience of success.

Testosterone is a male hormone, and, as has been established, men for the most part behave more aggressively than women. But researchers did not find a direct connection between increased testosterone and increased aggressiveness.

Psychology of aggressiveness: signs of increasing anger

In psychology, aggression is understood as behavior in which a person achieves his goals without paying attention to the interests of others, and often grossly violates them. Of course, such behavior is dangerous for people's mental, social and physical well-being.

In Russia, aggressive behavior has a large number of supporters who are convinced of its effectiveness. I don’t argue that an aggressor can “effectively” make his way to the cash register by disrupting the women’s line. An aggressive foreman can kick his workers into going to work. But I’m not very sure about the QUALITY of the work performed under pressure.

Psychophysiology of aggressive behavior

The basis of aggressive behavior is the firm belief of the aggressor that he is one hundred percent right, that he has the exclusive authority to do whatever he pleases.

All those who stand in his way at this moment must be thrown aside, punished mentally and physically. The state of anger is a typical emotion of an aggressor, even if he maintains outward calm. The internal degree of aggression is easy to measure: it depends on the level of adrenaline-like substances in the blood. This is indirectly expressed by heart rate and blood pressure.

Keep in mind that as your heart rate and blood pressure increase, your ability to perform physical activity increases, which is what aggressors use to achieve their goals. But adrenaline has a strong vasoconstrictor effect, and this directly affects brain activity in a negative way.

Physiological criteria for the degree of aggression

Criteria proposed by Dave Grossman and Bruce Siddle.

Light degree:

pulse 115–45, systolic blood pressure 140–160. Increased skeletal muscle tone with slight impairment of fine motor skills. Decreased reaction speed and decreased pain sensitivity. Decreased thought processes. An ideal state for a fight, but not for resolving interpersonal conflicts.

Average degree:

pulse 145–175, systolic blood pressure 160–180.

Increasing vasoconstriction with pronounced depression of intelligence. Signs of loss of speech control - the aggressor is only capable of short, undeveloped sentences. He gives monosyllabic answers to questions, often not to the point. Frequent shallow breathing and increased sweating. Fine motor skills are impaired - in this state a person is not able to adequately drive a car and certainly will not insert a thread into a needle.

High degree:

pulse above 175, systolic blood pressure above 180. Sharp activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system. The aggressor is practically unable to think. Speech is severely impaired: individual words and interjections. He practically doesn't respond to questions. “Tunnel vision”: sees only straight ahead with complete loss of peripheral vision. He may lose his hearing altogether and not even hear the shot, although he will notice the flash. Capable only of primitive physical actions: running, pushing, throwing, biting, uncoordinated strikes. Due to severe vasoconstriction in this condition, superficial wounds DO NOT bleed.

How to avoid an attack?

Unless you are an expert in the psychology of conflict, you still need to know when to simply stop all communication with the aggressor and run for your life. I don’t think that among you there are masters of Eastern and Western martial arts.

  • First:
    the aggressor begins to crumple words and “play” with his jaw muscles. This is called “loss of verbal control” (while he is yelling, but coherently, this is still not critical).
  • Second:
    centralization of gaze - looking for where to hit. Doesn't look around. Does not hear extraneous sounds or calls to him. Focused only on you. You are a target for his attacks.
  • Third:
    shallow and frequent breathing indicates a high level of tension in the aggressor’s body, and he is ready to release this tension again on you.

As soon as you notice any of these signs, immediately stop communicating and leave the area. Or call for help. Further presence within the reach of the aggressor is dangerous for your health and life!

How does aggressive behavior occur?

Aggression never occurs out of nowhere, and there are no situations when your interlocutor “suddenly” explodes and attacks you, striking you. It seemed like there was a “normal” conversation going on - and “out of the blue” he (she) grabbed your hair. If this happened, it means that you were completely inattentive to your interlocutor.

Classification of types of aggression

The concept of aggression includes the following characteristic features:

destructive (destructive) behavior is an attack - violates the boundaries of the psychological and physical safety of the victim; causes harm, causing physical and moral harm; violates the norms of communication accepted in society

A logical classification of types of aggression according to the method of expression was developed by A. Bass. Based on the nature of their manifestation, all aggressive actions are divided into two categories - physical and verbal manifestations of hostility.

Physical aggression

Physical aggression is a manifestation of hostility expressed through action. The attack can be:

Direct and active - the aggressor does not hide his hostility towards this person, openly encroaches on his safety.

Direct and passive - without hiding his negative attitude towards the opponent, the aggressor prevents him from successfully working towards realizing his goals.

Indirect and active - the instigator prefers to remain in the shadows, acting through third parties, hiring killers.

Indirect and passive - does not keep promises, does not do the work that is expected of him, as if by chance he lets down and sets up his opponent.

Active forms of aggression are characteristic of men; they are aimed at destroying the external attributes of the victim’s life. Women are prone to passive forms of revenge, which do not cause physical harm, but have a destructive effect on the psyche.

Verbal aggression

Verbal aggression is perhaps the most common type of expression of hostility among people.

The direct and active form is a conversation with a categorical raised tone, unceremonious interruption, ridicule in the eyes, cruel jokes and sarcasm, trolling and banter.

Direct passive aggression is silence, boycott, the strongest form of mental violence. It is especially painful for children.

The indirect active form is “washing the bones” behind the victim’s back, spreading gossip and rumors behind his back.

Indirect passive aggression - refusal to clarify the relationship, reluctance to clarify anything.

Other types of aggressive behavior

According to the focus on the object, heteroaggression is distinguished - dissatisfaction with the surrounding world. The aggressor makes claims against him on external objects: familiar and unfamiliar people, animals, inanimate objects. Toxic people lack vital energy unless they ruin their mood and make the lives of their loved ones miserable.

In the absence of a suitable victim among people, they can hit a defenseless animal in a fit of irritation, break a plant, break an expensive vase - all these are manifestations of heteroaggression.

Autoaggression, on the contrary, is directed inside the person himself. Experiencing acute dissatisfaction with basic needs, a person consciously or subconsciously considers himself guilty - this manifests itself in self-deprecation, self-harm, and life-threatening behavior.

Reactive aggression is people’s response to attempts to invade the space of their personal safety. Depending on the characteristics of the psyche and upbringing, the reaction may be different.

Differences from nonverbal aggression

Victimization - what is it in psychology

Nonverbal aggression is physical impact, as well as threatening facial expressions, posture, and gestures. It can be expressed in an attempt to throw any object at another person.

Nonverbal aggression poses a threat to life, since in the heat of the moment an individual can start fighting

It is impossible to completely protect against such influence, since any form of aggression is inherent in society. You can encounter verbal abuse on the street, at work, or at school.

Forms of aggression

Aggressive energy is a product of our body, programmed by nature for survival. In other words, aggressive feelings are born in us to ensure the fulfillment of vital needs. We need aggression in order to defend ourselves and develop, to create and implement our projects in real life.

However, man, unlike animals, has not yet learned to adequately express aggressive energy. Most often it is expressed in conflicting forms that are dangerous to health.

Forms of physical violence

In intraspecific relationships among animals, an attack on a rival is used extremely carefully: it is enough for the dominant male to demonstrate his power in order to exclude all attempts to attack his power.

In humans, the aggressor uses only superior physical strength, weapons are used, the victim is injured, material values ​​are destroyed along the way, and animals suffer.

“Joking” forms of violence against loved ones are practiced: spanking, pinching, painful jolts, which are extremely unpleasant for the victim and bring sadistic pleasure to the aggressor.

Another purely human form of physical aggression is sports competitions. It is believed that sports anger is one of the components of the qualities of a winner. How destructive this form of energy is is proven by the showdown between football fans after the next match.

Verbal attacks

Verbal expression of hostility is unique to humans and manifests itself in a wide variety of forms.

Conversation in a dismissive or commanding tone, raising your voice, unceremoniously interrupting a conversation leaves no doubt about the negative attitude of the interlocutor - this is direct and open aggression. This also includes insults, threats, obscene speech, screaming, and hysterical cries.

The use of humor: jokes, sarcasm, ridicule, banter - refers to a type of active indirect aggression. The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, considered humor to symbolically destroy the enemy, and wit to be an outlet for hostility when there is no other way to express it. “Innocent” jokers can always blame the offended victim for lacking a sense of humor.

Trolling is active indirect aggression; trolls organize conflicts in the communication environment with the help of mocking remarks and provocative messages. Staying on the sidelines, they watch with pleasure how, through their fault, forum participants insult each other.

Why is verbal aggression dangerous?

Verbal statements can cause no less harm than physical impact. They affect the self-esteem of the person addressed, lowering it. They undermine confidence in themselves, their own words, actions and views.

Aggression from other people negatively affects an individual’s well-being. In some cases, the victim of such attacks may not realize that he is being harmed, but at the same time he will be systematically exposed to the negative influence of the aggressor.

The attacker’s desire is to suppress his victim, dominate him in some aspects of life, and achieve his goals by humiliating his opponent.

This method of influence is most often used by the aggressor in order to assert himself at the expense of his victim. In society, such behavior is often practiced as a method of achieving something, defending one’s own interests.

But this approach to solving problems is ineffective for both parties. This behavior prevents you from establishing a constructive dialogue and reaching agreement. Emotions such as anger, irritation, anger are destructive and harm not only the victim, but also the aggressor himself.

Verbal manifestation of aggression worsens a person’s physical and psychological condition.

Verbal aggression tends to intensify over time and take on more sophisticated forms. In some cases, verbal influence can develop into physical violence.

Causes of aggression

The main cause of aggression is the conflict between a person’s vital needs and an obstacle to their satisfaction. Each individual reacts to this conflict in his own way, depending on how much external circumstances influence his inner world. There are several theories explaining the appearance of aggressiveness in people.

1 Aggression is a natural instinct, a biological mechanism for protecting the living space of an individual. Indeed, the central nervous system contains certain centers for receiving stressful information and developing response actions. The release of “fear” and “rage” hormones into the blood provides the body with a fighting spirit.

2 Aggression is a reaction to frustration (disappointment from the fact that it is impossible to satisfy a significant need). Frustration is accompanied by a whole complex of negative emotions: irritation, malice, anger, despair, anxiety. They are a “breeding ground” for aggressive actions.

3 Aggression is the result of social experience. A child who grows up in an aggressive environment adopts the behavior model of his parents. The successful use of physical force (he took a toy from one neighbor and gave it back to another) arouses the approval of others. Aggression is promoted by the media, consolidated in fashionable martial arts sections - and becomes the main tool for solving life's problems.

4 Aggression is the result of unfavorable natural conditions: heat or prolonged cold, dirty air and stuffiness, noise and crowded conditions - negatively affect the physical and mental state of people, cause irritation, and, as a result, attacks on others.

The most common motives for aggressive behavior are hurt pride, reluctance to accept someone’s attentions, an act that causes sharp rejection, or an unexpected obstacle to the implementation of cherished plans. All these are triggers that give vent to accumulated irritation.

Modality of aggressiveness

There are different modalities of aggressiveness.

  1. The degree of aggressive behavior and cruelty;
  2. Focus on one person or on all people in general;
  3. Manifests itself in specific situations or constantly.

Aggression can be assessed qualitatively or quantitatively. This quality is expressed in varying degrees: it is either completely absent in some people, or it is extremely pronounced. Every person exhibits aggression to one degree or another.

If aggressiveness is absolutely absent, then this leads to the development of such personality traits as passivity and complacency. On the other hand, excessive development of aggression can lead to even greater problems - conflict, the inability to control one’s behavior in a stressful situation.

Personal factors of increased aggressiveness

It is important to discover problems at the root of aggressive behavior that a person cannot understand without outside help.

Dissatisfaction with life status. A person who, for example, has natural talent, but has not developed it in time, is doomed to eternal dissatisfaction with life, work, and his environment. He sees himself as worthy of a better life, despises his loved ones, and takes out his anger on them.

Fears and phobias that were not overcome in childhood. Fear is an individual’s experience associated with a threat to his existence. A person who is afraid of everything is almost always in a state of stress - in combat readiness for aggressive actions.

Development crises, reluctance to change. Aggressive energy is a natural mechanism for overcoming obstacles and moving forward. A person who has stopped in his development is inclined to become a parasite, to live at the expense of close people. He reacts aggressively to any reproaches addressed to him and perceives them as an attack on freedom.

Life style. The following people have an increased level of aggressiveness: workaholics who work extremely hard and neglect rest; smokers (especially in the absence of cigarettes); alcoholics (in a state of intoxication, during abstinence).

Upbringing. Aggression is rooted in childhood, in the mistakes of family upbringing. Lack of warmth, respect, freedom for self-realization are the main reasons for future dissatisfaction with life. Manifestations of child aggression are a signal for parents. They must understand in time what important need their child cannot satisfy and help him solve the problem.

“Our first priority is to see frustration in children’s aggression. Children should cry not in a corner, abandoned by everyone, but in loving hands.” G. Neufeld


The causes of aggression are multifaceted and varied, there are a huge number of them. The strength of aggressiveness, its direction and duration are different for each person, since the totality of the influence of various factors on him and his perception are individual.

However, regardless of the characteristics of each individual, conflict is always the cause . But the perception of it as a reason to be aggressive is already influenced by various problems. Let's look at the most common of them.

Personal problems

Primarily related to a person’s internal self-perception and how he builds relationships between himself and the world. Personal reasons for aggressive behavior include:

  • Dissatisfaction with life, status, personal and sexual relationships;
  • Fears and phobias;
  • A clearly felt lack of energy, knowledge, willpower;
  • Reluctance to develop, recurring development crises.

Developed neurosis against the background of dysfunctional relationships

The concept of neurotic relationships is relatively new in psychology. However, it most accurately reflects the essence of the manifestation of neurosis against a background of trouble. Aggressiveness is a logical consequence of this, since against the backdrop of constantly fueled negative emotions, the situation itself gives rise to aggression:

  • The person is in a state of control;
  • Relationships are accompanied by a constantly depressed state and a feeling of guilt;
  • One of the couple is often painfully dependent on the other, trying to earn approval and respect;
  • The relationship is not accompanied by mutual support; in the background there is always the expectation of a breakup.

Authoritarian and strict parenting

A family environment in which they do not talk, but give orders, contributes to the transformation of children into potential aggressors . Strict boundaries and punishments in childhood contribute to the fact that the child:

  1. Or he withdraws into himself, accumulating internal aggression that has no outlet (the risk of developing mental disorders increases)
  2. Or turns aggressive behavior on himself (autoaggression)
  3. Or, after getting rid of parental dictates, he “goes into all kinds of bad things,” which manifests itself in uncontrollable attacks of aggression.

Also contribute to the development of aggressiveness:

  • Lack of emotional contact
  • Aggression in the family, parental violence towards each other
  • Lack of respect for the child
  • Not enough freedom
  • Prohibition of physical activity

Substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc.)

When intoxicated or under the influence of substances that cloud the mind, nerve cells die, and a person ceases to adequately assess the situation, returning to primitive instincts, which leads to bursts of unmotivated aggression . When smoking, nicotine entering the bloodstream stimulates an increase in adrenaline and norepinephrine, which also increases the level of aggression.

Inadequate rest, overwork

When the body works, as they say, “for wear,” its forces are aimed primarily at maintaining relatively normal functioning and the level of reflexes. At the same time, mental protection and the ability to maintain the necessary boundaries decrease.

If a person has hidden aggressiveness, it becomes difficult for him to cope with irritability and previously suppressed aggression breaks out.

Interesting fact

Until the age of six, the level of aggression of boys and girls is the same. At the same time, everyone has an innate aggressive potential; in childhood it is higher, in the process of growing up it decreases, unless the additional influence of any factors contributes to the opposite.

Mental disorders

Aggressive people often try to justify their behavior by existing disorders, but in reality aggression manifests itself as a deviation in the mental state of only twelve percent of aggressors. But for these twelve percent, aggression is really a symptom of a disease or pathological process, most often occurring in the brain. These include:

  • Neurasthenia;
  • Psychopathy, sociopathy;
  • Schizophrenia, personality disorders;
  • Stress disorders;
  • Encephalitis;
  • Meningitis.

Features of male aggression

The specificity of male aggressiveness is explained by the action of hormones and behavioral stereotypes determined by the role of men in society. The male hormone testosterone ensures a man's sexual activity, as well as his physical superiority. It is easier for a man to decide on open aggression - he has enough energy and strength for this.

In addition, from childhood, boys learn about their social role as defenders of the family and the state. Constant fights and showdowns “who is stronger?” - a common occurrence among little men: they learn to attack, fight with the offender, and defend their rights.

One of the basic needs in men's lives is self-realization. If they have a social status that does not correspond to their needs, this inevitably leads to an increase in their aggressiveness. Anyone who has failed to assert himself at work tries to prove his worth by demonstrating physical strength. This mainly happens in the family. The most common types of male aggression are family, alcohol, and drugs.

There are several signs that help you see a future family despot in your chosen one:

he tastefully describes fights and scenes of violence, looks for the culprits of failure in everyone except himself, is very jealous and allows himself outbursts of rage, is indifferent and even cruel to children and animals

The family aggressor, reproaching his wife for all serious crimes, lists exactly those facts of which he himself is guilty

Manifestations of aggression in women

As the weaker sex, women suppress their aggression towards men, but take it out on children. That's why so many adult children are offended, first of all, by their mothers. Often women show aggression for emotional release, not wanting to harm anyone: screaming at the limit, crying bitterly, hysterics - all in order to be heard.

But this behavior irritates the man, scares the children - and the woman is left alone with her problems. Women's aggressiveness, more than men's, depends on hormonal levels; its outbreaks are caused by hormonal changes: PMS, pregnancy, lactation, menopause.

The birth of a child sharply increases the physical and mental stress on the female body. She becomes desperate because she does not have personal time and becomes irritable, taking out her anger on the child.

The reasons for children's aggressiveness directly depend on family relationships. “There is a direct connection between punishments, reprimands, lack of rewards, on the one hand, and parental attitudes towards rejection of the child as a whole, on the other.” A. Bandura, American psychologist

Consequences of the manifestation and suppression of aggression and anger

The more we feed our anger, the more power we give it...

Now, let's look at why there are periods in our lives when we have no strength for anything, it seems that our vital energy is going somewhere. The fact is that anger is the most pronounced emotion in which our energy is manifested. The state of energy is expressed: in internal experiences, in their manifestations outside. as well as in energy costs (energy losses). A person with little energy shows anger sluggishly—it’s more like irritation. A strong person, as a rule, also has strong anger. A huge amount of psychic energy manifests itself, among other things, in attacks of rabies. Moreover, the stronger the outbursts of anger, the greater the energy loss. Frequent anger is comparable to burning money. Anger is like a volcanic eruption. The man had energy - and he threw it away. Threw away, as a rule, in excess.

Typically, after an outburst of anger, a person:

  • feeling of loss of energy;
  • feeling guilty for causing harm to another person;
  • wounded pride, lowered self-esteem, as he has caused damage to himself;
  • development of depression.

That is, there is an “ebb of the wave.” And these outbreaks, from the point of view of modern psychological science, lead to a large number of diseases of psychogenic origin, since negative emotions have a subtle connection with the body.

Frequent anger leads to a chronic state of depression, and the rehabilitation period of apathy and anemia is prolonged. When a person rejoices, it lifts him up and increases his reserve of strength, because joy is a life-affirming emotion that fills him with energy. Anger is a devastating emotion. Although for some moment a person subconsciously enjoys revenge and rage, the release is greater than the influx of imaginary positive feelings. Therefore, devastation follows after this, the person falls into prostration and no longer receives satisfaction from this. His conscience begins to torment him that something is going wrong; Over time, depression develops, and an angry person is constantly subject to either depression or irritation.

Chronic manifestations of anger destroy our body year after year.

Here are some of the most common psychosomatic illnesses caused by anger:

  • increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • gallbladder dysfunction;
  • chronic stomach disorders;
  • dental problems;
  • migraine;
  • heartburn.

return to the beginning of the article

Features of aggression in children and adolescents

The main reasons for people's aggressiveness are rooted in childhood.

With the help of aggression, the child got what he wanted: he took away a cherished toy, drove someone away from a convenient place - the model of aggressive behavior was successfully consolidated in the mind.

The tough behavior of significant people: relatives, teachers, older peers became role models.

The child got used to responding to injustice towards himself with aggression: calling him names, fighting, biting.

Receiving little attention from their parents, children try to attract attention to themselves through aggression.

Patterns of aggressive behavior are fixed on a subconscious level - in the future the child will use them automatically. Thus, a 4-year-old girl showed her aggression by digging her nails into her opponent’s skin with a fierce face, without letting go. It turned out that at the age of two she had to take a toy away from a cat, and the cat scratched her. The girl learned this method of protection and began to actively use it.

Children begin to consciously achieve what they want through aggressive behavior at the age of 2: they bite, throw tantrums, throw toys. By the age of 4, children already control their actions, monitor the reactions of others - whether this or that method of aggression will be successful. At the age of 5 years, a division occurs into male and female methods of aggression. Boys assert themselves through physical attack: fighting, pushing. Girls switch to verbal forms: calling names, ridiculing, threatening.

Younger schoolchildren show aggression spontaneously, in situations where they fail at something. Here it is important to monitor who the aggression is directed at and what are its reasons. Attacks on parents occur due to lack of attention or, conversely, as a protest against restrictions on freedom. Fights with peers indicate a desire to assert oneself and become a leader. Aggression against teachers is a protest against the rules of school life. Without the timely influence of parents, the aggressiveness of younger schoolchildren can turn from a way of emotional release into a character trait.

Factors of occurrence

Aggression begins with irritation that comes with an attack on the safety of physical or psychological personal space. However, it always has reasons and soil that contribute to aggressive reactions, or, in other words, factors of its occurrence, which also partially determine its features and character. Let's consider the classification of aggression factors.


These factors include environmental influences. They may be:

  • Temperature and climatic effects;
  • Unpleasant and painful sensations associated with noise, odors, crowding, crowding, violation of personal boundaries;
  • Cultural influence, the influence of mass media in terms of demonstrating models of aggressive behavior;
  • Exposure to alcohol, drugs and sex;
  • Excitement in the absence of discharge as its result.


Such factors are also called personal , since they include the internal qualities of a person, his emotions and characteristics of the unconscious sphere. The following personal factors are distinguished:

  • Increased anxiety, hostility, irritability, tendency to depression;
  • Inadequate assessment of yourself and your abilities;
  • Lack of will as a manifestation of stability in emotions and inclinations, their antisocial orientation;
  • The level of social development is below average;
  • Difficulties in communication, envy, desire for superiority, selfishness, tendency to blame others for your problems, various types of addictions;
  • Various mental and behavioral disorders.


Psychological factors of aggressive behavior include factors that are formed in social groups. These are factors such as:

  • The level of development of the country of residence, the prevailing relations in it;
  • Propaganda of violence and negativity in the media and society;
  • Low social status, dependence on social assistance;
  • Deviating behavior of figures of influence;
  • The system of upbringing in the family (microsocial factors), the consistent influence of the environment: school, work colleagues, circle of friends, etc.


Such factors are understood as behavior and actions that create difficulties and hindrances for other people. These include:

  • Aimlessness of spending time;
  • Lack of development and aspirations for it;
  • Vandalism;
  • Early onset of sexual life;
  • Early development of antisocial activity, resulting in a criminal record.

How to deal with an aggressive person

The main task in communicating with an aggressive person is to avoid conflict and not succumb to provocation. It’s good to go on the defensive - if possible, silently leave the room or at least remain completely silent. Let the aggressor speak out. The decisive factor in this case will be the attitude with which you will have to listen to insults addressed to you. You need to know for sure: the aggressor is an unhappy person, problems tear him apart, causing the release of negative energy.

Under no circumstances should you respond with anger to anger, or rudeness to rudeness. You should not engage in conversation until the unfortunate person has let off all the steam. After this, you should politely ask him not to talk to you in this manner anymore. At the same time, use body language: stay as straight as possible, look your interlocutor straight in the eyes, emphasizing with your entire appearance that you have no fear of him, but you are not going to offend him either. In the end, each of us has the right to make mistakes.

“Rudeness as a response to an insult indicates weakness of character; rudeness as a habitual behavior is about spiritual poverty; rudeness for the purpose of insult and humiliation is a moral defect.” Refat Shakir-Aliyev, psychiatrist

Psychological aggression

Separately, I would like to consider psychological aggression as the most popular type. This includes:

  • imposing on us goods, services, someone's society, beliefs;
  • unsolicited advice;
  • shifting responsibility;
  • intimidation;
  • formation of dependence;
  • emotional deprivation;
  • slander;
  • inducing feelings of guilt;
  • infringement of self-esteem;
  • compulsion;
  • unfair demands;
  • annoying requests;
  • insults and rudeness.

Sometimes the true goal is not realized even by the aggressor himself. And often this goal is self-affirmation, coercion. For example, manipulation is the same aggression with the goal of exerting influence, getting one’s way.

Methods of dealing with one's own aggressiveness

Each of us has encountered irritation growing in our souls, ready to spill out at the first opportunity. You can free yourself from internal aggression through awareness of its causes and getting rid of negative experiences.

Five steps to understanding

The first thing to do is to understand and forgive yourself in this state.

understand the emotions that will lead or have already led to the conflict, what thoughts arose during the conflict in relation to its participants, what needs should have been realized, analyze all the negative sides of what is happening, see the positive sides

An honest analysis of the situation is the most constructive way to relieve aggression within yourself.

When you need humor

Only those who know their worth can laugh at themselves; they have a greater chance of making their life successful. He does not dwell on his failures and failures. To work on your mistakes is to talk about them with humor. People will appreciate your courage and self-criticism and will be willing to learn from your mistakes. So it’s worth finding the funny sides in your aggressive state and laughing at it.

Active movement

Playing sports will help you cope with aggressive thoughts. Regular physical activity is a good energy release. There will be no strength left for negative emotions.

Jogging and exercise in the fitness room, cycling and tennis will help. Walking and forays into nature can have a calming effect. Perhaps nature will help you take a fresh look at the conflict situation. The main thing is not to sit cooped up, open yourself to new experiences.

Math clears your mind

Arithmetic exercise has helped many people cope with irritation and anxiety. You need to slowly count to yourself to ten. Then, slowly, count in the opposite direction - to one.

You can add three-digit numbers in your mind, multiply two-digit ones - as long as the left hemisphere of the brain is busy with work. At this time, the right hemisphere will not work - and it is responsible for the emotional state of a person.

While you are counting, aggressiveness will simply turn off. And the more difficult the work of the left hemisphere is, the more the emotions that feed aggressiveness will weaken.

Treatment of aggression

To combat aggressive outbursts, you will have to consult a psychotherapist. He will correct your behavior and teach you how to control anger and negative emotions. You will need to reconsider your attitude towards life situations and learn to perceive them correctly.

Pathological manifestations of aggression: fits of rage, violent and destructive acts require the intervention of a psychiatrist who will prescribe medication.

Neuroleptics - used to stop attacks of aggression. Their action enhances the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system.

Normalizers - used for long-term treatment. They balance the processes of inhibition and excitation and regulate mood.

Nootropics are used to strengthen the psyche and improve brain function.

Plant-based sedatives - valerian, St. John's wort, motherwort - have a mild sedative effect on the nervous system.

Essential oils of lavender, ylang-ylang, mint, and lemon balm will help improve sleep and ensure good relaxation.

Do not self-medicate or use strong psychotropic drugs that have serious side effects.

* * *

Aggressiveness is a property inherited from the animal world. Animal behavior researcher K. Lorenz considered aggression to be a time bomb operating in our brain.

To master this destructive gift of nature, great art is needed. After all, along with physical needs, a person needs love and respect, freedom for self-expression.

Reasons for appearance

Consciousness - what is it in psychology

A person develops anger due to the defense mechanisms of the psyche. A simple option is that the individual strives with all his might to defend his rightness. Sometimes the reasons for everything are nervous tension, stress, fatigue.

Important! People with a low level of culture, immoral and asocial are prone to verbal aggression.

A person's behavior can change throughout life. Sometimes the boundaries of morality and morality may blur. Aggravating factors: drug and alcohol addiction, dysfunctional family. During adolescence, children are more prone to aggression due to hormonal fluctuations and separation from their parents.

In rare cases, this behavior appears due to the onset of mental disorders. Then problems arise with empathy, self-criticism, and destructive behavior begins.

Sometimes verbal aggression is a consequence of overwork. A person accumulates negative emotions, collects them and suppresses them. As a result, any little thing can trigger an explosion.

People of sanguine and choleric temperaments are most prone to this. In these types of nervous system, excitation processes predominate over inhibition processes. Therefore, a person can easily get wound up and have a hard time calming down.

An aggressive personality type can develop against the background of a crisis situation. In the absence of timely help, everything can go into the stage of self-destruction: alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

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