Psychological attitude - what is it in psychology, examples

Negative attitudes are the most wonderful discovery of psychology. Do you have any doubts?

I don’t, because each of you will agree that if you know the enemy by sight, you can defeat him!

Knowing that you can identify your negative attitudes and remove them is amazing for all of us. After all, this means that you can change your programs in the subconscious and create a new destiny.

Today I want to share with you a great technique that really removes negative beliefs. It just dissolves them... I often give it to my students and together we find and rewrite limiting attitudes.

The results are amazing. Everything we write comes true at the speed of light!!! Don't believe me? Take a look at the results and see for yourself! >>>>

Want to do the practice yourself? Then this article is for you!

What is a psychological attitude

A psychological attitude is a kind of program for the brain. She tells you what to do in familiar situations. For example, when we wake up, we no longer tell ourselves that we need to go brush our teeth and wash our face, because this is important for our health, and we don’t remind ourselves of this once again, but just take it and do it.

Installations save our brain from overload. Most of our activities are carried out unconsciously, that is, on autopilot. As for physical activity, almost everything here is based on autopilot. For example, you don’t think about how to walk. Once you mastered this skill, you repeated it many times and now you do it automatically.

Features of psychological attitudes:

  1. Everyone has them. From the first days of life, a person’s system of beliefs and ideas begins to form, which is also a system of psychological attitudes.
  2. None of the people sees the world objectively. Everyone has their own truth, which is based on a personal system of attitudes.
  3. The installation system is a movable structure. It changes under the influence of external factors or when a person consciously influences his own beliefs. For example, a person is used to deciding everything by force and shouting, but he suddenly came across someone who did not deviate from his convictions even under such oppression. Later the situation repeated itself. And the man began to doubt the correctness of his position.
  4. Psychological beliefs determine the direction of life. Have you ever wondered why people with conditionally identical initial data (for example, children from the same family) live different lives (some people become drunkards, others become businessmen)? It's all about psychological attitudes. Perhaps at one time they were the same for these children, but then one child began to develop along a different path.

The principle of psychological attitudes is used in psychology to correct thinking and behavior, in sports to achieve better results, and in any type of activity. After all, in essence, we are talking about the formation of habits - skills brought to automaticity. The installation is a familiar algorithm proven by multiple repetitions. This is a template that we are used to using in a specific situation. The system of attitudes shapes a person’s worldview.

Important! The installations help save energy and time. However, it is important to have psychological beliefs that promote development in life, rather than hinder it.

Bottom line

We found out that negative attitudes prevent a person from becoming happy and living life the way he wants. A person dreams of living in abundance, but they echo him - money does not buy happiness, money is evil. A person dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur, but he is told that all businessmen are dishonest, it is impossible to conduct business honestly.

A girl dreams of a strong, happy family, but they tell her that all men are womanizers. The girl laughs cheerfully, and they tell her that you will cry. Isn't it time to boycott outdated attitudes and clichés that have lost their meaning?

In our time of the developed science of psychology and the discoveries of quantum physicists, it is time to believe in the power of one’s own thoughts, and not in a predetermined fate and fate. But in order to create life with the power of thought, you need to defeat the internal enemy - the subconscious.

This is a conditional enemy, he wishes us the “best” - to remain calm, balanced and go with the flow. But you can deceive the subconscious - simply convince it that the state you need already exists and you don’t need to make any effort to achieve it. It will be good for everyone - you and the subconscious.

Types of installations

Psychological beliefs permeate our entire lives. They vary in scope and scale. For example, the habit of washing oneself before going to bed and the habit of responding to a scream with a cry are two examples of psychological attitudes, but completely different. Let's take a closer look at what they are:

  1. General and differentiated. The first should be understood as stereotypes. For example: “All blondes are stupid”, “Driving a car is not a woman’s business”, etc. Differentiated beliefs include more specific judgments. For example, a student at a particular university says about a certain teacher: “Yes, he lowers his grades all the time.” Both general and differentiated judgments are based on someone's individual experience or the opinion of an authoritative person.
  2. Semantic, purposeful and operational. The first reflect a person’s understanding of certain things: “Why study biology if it won’t be useful to me in life anyway?” The latter determine a person’s activity: “You cannot take on something new until you have mastered the old one perfectly.” Operational beliefs determine the specifics of performing actions: “First I need to solve work problems, and only then I can take care of my personal affairs.” Thus, these attitudes determine why, what and how a person does.
  3. Conscious and unconscious. Yes, before we said that beliefs are unconscious, but sometimes they are perfectly conscious. For example, if a person says to himself: “I need to devote an hour every day to learning a foreign language so that I can come for an interview at the company of my dreams.” And here is an example of an unconscious attitude: the parents did not insult the child directly, but pushed him away all the time, criticized him a lot, as a result of which he formed the belief “I am bad, no one needs me.”
  4. Limiting and stimulating growth. For example, if a child is told that he cannot be a pianist with short fingers, he will not even touch the instrument, despite a strong desire. And if a person knows that success is 1% talent and 99% work, then he will start playing a musical instrument. Maybe he won’t become a great musician, but he will have a favorite hobby, a source of strength and an outlet.


Psychological beliefs are a life script. Beliefs determine our activity. All life comes down to proving the correctness of the main goal. And here it is important to understand how significant the nature of the installation is. For example, if a person believes that no one needs him, then he will spend his whole life alone, because unconsciously, in order to confirm the correctness of his belief, he himself will push people away and ruin relationships.

Note! The structure of beliefs includes 3 components: cognitive (thoughts), emotional (feelings and emotions) and behavioral (actions). If it is necessary to adjust some setting, then you need to work in all three directions.

Let's take a closer look at what psychological attitudes are like in structure.


The structure of belief includes the experience and needs of a person. In a given situation, a person acts as he has already acted in similar circumstances.


The basis is the need for social contacts. Social belief is a person’s attitude towards society, the processes and events that occur in it.


Manifestations of negativism regarding current events are easy to see in everyday life. They look quite bright, impressive and convex. To deeply understand the existing problem, you will need to make efforts, be attentive and responsible. Negative life attitudes manifest themselves through certain symptoms. It is important to listen to them in order to draw timely conclusions.

Feelings of sadness and anxiety

The person is depressed and haunted by obsessive thoughts. Sometimes it seems that the anxious internal dialogue has no end - it continues regardless of our desire. You have to sacrifice peace of mind and a sense of security. Anyone who concentrates on their own experiences looks at the world with caution, is afraid to even speak out their fears - they are hidden deep in the subconscious. The melancholy does not go away for a long time. Some people even fall into depression and cannot get out of it for years.

Feeling hopeless

Negative attitudes often make one feel that the situation is hopeless. A person does not suspect that he is limiting himself, trying to hide from storms and adversity. Feelings of hopelessness are caused by a response to stress and should not be treated as a permanent feeling. This is a temporary shelter that cannot be immersed in for too long. If we don’t see a way out, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t one at all. Most likely, the individual simply does not find a suitable way for himself.


The feeling of isolation is dictated by the need for privacy. It seems to the individual that this is the only way she will be able to save her inner world from self-destruction. Closedness can be expressed slightly or very strongly. It all depends on how much the individual suffers and considers it necessary to protect himself. The feeling of detachment from what is happening helps to preserve feelings, not to crumble into pieces at the moment when painful memories come to mind. Isolation can sometimes even help: it will protect the individual from additional experiences and help him not to make other mistakes. If we are not in the best frame of mind, it is better not to make serious decisions.

Methods of influence

How to understand that you are guided by a psychological attitude:

  • in your speech the words “must” and “must” prevail instead of “want”;
  • you react emotionally to everything that happens (in a positive or negative way);
  • you resort to generalizations (putting everyone under the same brush);
  • you are carried away by value judgments and talk in stereotypes and sayings.

If you understand that the learned and habitual patterns of behavior are not leading you where you would like, then you need to change your beliefs. Remember that the quality and standard of your life, as well as your happiness and satisfaction with your life, depend on them. There are special methods or types of influence on oneself or another person in order to change attitudes.

You will be happy when...

This is a very common internal attitude that explains why you are not enjoying life right now. You're just missing something very important. This bright moment will come, and then we will live!

“When I retire, my life will be much better.” Do you think so?

“My life will be calm and happy when I get more money.” May be. How much more? Will you be able to calm down and stop, or will you extend this “more” by an order of magnitude?

Don't put off your life for later. Have fun now. And when this mythical “later” comes, you will get double the pleasure!

Types of influence

Let's look at the main types of psychological influence for correcting attitudes. Note that influence can be unintentional, such as when one person becomes a role model for another person, and intentional, such as when a parent explains to a child what is good and what is bad. And also any influence can be both negative and positive for the one who adopts the attitudes.

Persuasion or argumentation

Persuasion is the influence of one person on the emotions, thoughts and actions of another through the presentation of indisputable facts that are significant for the object of influence. That is, this is a change in a person’s beliefs through arguments in favor of new attitudes. Influence is carried out in the process of conversation, discussion, discussion, dialogue.


Infection is a direct impact on a person’s state and emotions, bypassing the cognitive component. With the help of his energy, one person encourages others to do the same as he does. This technique works especially well in a crowd. Then people begin to become infected from each other, and not just from the leader. In this case, it doesn’t matter what a person says, it’s important how he says it. The stronger the charge, the higher the likelihood that others will begin to repeat the actions of the leader, without particularly going into the essence and content.


Suggestion is the influence on a person’s thoughts, emotions and behavior through uncritical perception. That is, a person is not given time to analyze, evaluate judgments, or is forbidden to critically analyze what is said, but instead is forced to take everything on faith. As a rule, first a person plays on the emotions of the person to whom he wants to instill some kind of attitude, and then, having achieved the desired state, he begins to “pour into the ears.”

Affirmations are suitable for self-hypnosis - positive statements that a person says to himself. For example: “I am strong”, “I am beautiful”, “I am brave”, etc.


Imitation is copying words, reactions, behavior, hobbies, appearance and everything else from one person to another. As a rule, they imitate those they envy or admire. One way or another, the one who imitates wants to have something that he does not have, but the object to be imitated has.

How to replace negative experiences with positive beliefs

All this, of course, is good - an attentive reader might say - but how, in fact, in real life can you replace your negative experiences with positive beliefs? After all, it is impossible to redo the foundation of a house without destroying the house itself.

Of course this is correct. But even if the plans for an existing house have changed, no one forbids building a new one in accordance with their desires and needs.

There are many facts confirming the possibility of building a new, more spacious house on the site of an old one without destroying it. So, a box of a new building is erected around the old one on a new foundation, the necessary finishing work is carried out, and only then the old house is dismantled.

This results in the so-called nesting doll principle, when an old and dilapidated house finds itself inside a new, spacious and beautiful building: the old house was dismantled and disposed of, but the new one remains. The method, of course, is very expensive, but has a right to exist.

In the matter of a person’s internal attitudes or beliefs, everything turns out to be a little different, since this concept has an energy-informational structure. And as you know, some types of energy can be replaced by others, you just have to pay the necessary attention to this.

As an example, let's try to use the well-known concept of money. I think that any of us can remember quite a lot of negative statements and proverbs dedicated to the topic of money.

But the question is whether this will be beneficial. After all, a negative attitude towards money in our minds, which actually represents a bad life experience, creates very serious, and sometimes even insurmountable, obstacles to its appearance in our real life.

It turns out that if I speak negatively about money, I thereby direct my energy to ensure that it does not appear in my life under any circumstances. After all, if money is evil, then you must always avoid this evil at all costs.

No matter how hard I try to increase my cash flow in this case, the amount of money in my wallet will never change exactly until I see something positive in it for myself and formulate a new positive attitude.

One has only to believe and admit that money is enormous freedom and ample opportunities for one’s own development and improving the quality of life, and the opportunity immediately arises for the formation of a new positive attitude.

And if you can formulate this statement in the form of a short and sonorous slogan or motto, as Winnie the Pooh did with his chants and screams, and constantly feed it with your energy, then you can be sure that a new positive attitude will gradually displace the old negative belief from consciousness.

This algorithm of actions helps to replace any negative beliefs with new positive attitudes in almost all areas of life. It’s hard to even imagine what incredible heights a person can achieve (in the good sense of the word) if he regularly practices this way of thinking and relating to the world around him.

Additional methods

The methods of psychological influence described above are used by people most often, but there are other, less popular methods of forming beliefs.


The goal is to increase a person’s loyalty to a certain belief. And for this, a person describes all the advantages and benefits of his installation. If another person is imbued with this, that is, becomes supportive, then he also adopts this belief.


A calm pace of speech, a quiet tone, a smile, a couple of compliments, a small personal story - a set that increases the chances of success if you ask someone for something. A request can influence a person’s behavior, and based on this, he will form a new belief.


This is a way to influence yourself. The point is that you demonstrate your best qualities, skills, knowledge. Due to this, your self-esteem increases and you achieve great success.


Like the two subsequent techniques, this is a cruel and destructive method of influence. Coercion involves changing a person's attitudes by playing on his survival instinct. Coercion involves the use of violence, blackmail, threats, and restriction of freedom.


Out of his own pain, a person attacks another, trying to convince him that he is bad. If we are talking about a moral attack, then this is shouting and insults. If we are talking about physical influence, then we are talking about the desire to convince a person of his physical weakness and worthlessness.


There are dozens of manipulative techniques, but they all have one goal - to force a person to do what is beneficial to the manipulator.

QUANTUM course

This is the second technique that I talked about at the very beginning. In my opinion, this is the very puzzle that we all miss so much. In my opinion, this course is about quantum thinking. The course algorithm will help not only adjust your thinking, but also transform your vibrational radiation in such a way as to get what you want.


New Year's Marathon

On December 18, the New Year's marathon from KvanUm started!

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