internet addiction read
Internet addiction: types, signs, solutions!
Modern life is unthinkable without the Internet. People communicate using it, blog on social media
The secret of a man's love
The secret of a man's love, or how to build a happy relationship
It’s actually not very difficult to attract a man’s attention, the main thing is to decide
tension and stress photos
Ways to self-regulate psychological state during stress: from natural to sophisticated
If you manage yourself, you manage your life! This immutable truth, which is relevant in our time,
Selection of types of tasks for children with different sensory-perceptual modalities. consultation on the topic
One of the most important sources of knowledge of the world around us is its study with the help of the senses.
what is self-control
What is self-control: what does it consist of and why is it necessary?
Sports, like almost any human activity, should not be carried out uncontrollably. Wherein
Trypanophobia – fear of needles. How to stop being afraid of injections?
What is the fear of needles and pricks called? In psychology, such a phobia is the fear of injections.
What is the fear of work called, and how to get rid of ergophobia?
Fast-paced times and high technologies can lead modern people to physical and emotional stress. Often
Kinesthetic sensations and their role in building body image
What is kinesthetic intelligence and what does it affect? ​​Kinesthetic intelligence is what
How to Overcome Barriers in Communication with Others
Communication barriers: types of barriers and ways to get rid of them
Communication is an integral part of human life. From the ability to quickly establish contacts with others in
How to use demagogic techniques correctly?
January 19, 2021 Hello, dear readers of the blog. In the Russian language there are concepts that
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