How to become an ambidextrous person: right-handed and left-handed at the same time?
Almost 90% of people are dominant. The left brain knows what the right hand
Distinctive features, causes and manifestations of infantilism, and how to deal with it
Infantilism (infantilismus; lat. infantilis infantile, childish, from infantis non-speaking) - clinical syndrome
Trypophobia on the skin: mysterious visions or a real threat?
Among the huge number of phobias that occur in humans, there is one interesting variety - trypophobia. She
Change the life
A large list of useful human habits (30+) with descriptions + examples of them in life
Habits, whatever they may be, greatly influence a person’s way of life and thinking.
Types of conflicts in psychology and ways to resolve them
Each person has an understanding of conflicts from his own experience. This inevitable life phenomenon arises
What is the meaning of life
10 tips from a psychologist when you don’t know how to live this life
0 1979 September 29, 2021 at 07:57 pm Author of the publication: Yanina Burakova Feeling of a dead end and
Behaviorism - what is it in psychology, ideas, theories
Behaviorism is a psychological doctrine, precisely translated, meaning the study of the behavioral responses of individuals.
psychiatrist Eugen Bleier
Ambivalence - what is it in psychology and psychiatry
Ambivalence is a contradictory attitude towards an object or an ambivalent experience caused by an individual or an object.
How can I determine which of the 16 personality types I belong to?
Relationships Each of us is concerned about the problem of mutual understanding with other people. I think that you
Individual psychological characteristics of personality
The uniqueness of a person is determined not only by his inner world, but also by the totality of personality qualities that
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