How birch sap is extracted: rules and devices

Previously, people had no idea about the composition of birch sap, that it was a storehouse of useful substances. However, our ancestors knew very well when it was best to collect this juice, that it was an excellent remedy for annoying coughs and stomach pain. Birch sap relieves wounds. It will give your skin smoothness and shine, and your hair will be thick. The joints will return to their previous shape. After studying the materials we presented, you will be able to immediately draw conclusions regarding when it is advisable to start collecting birch sap.

Collection of birch sap

When to collect juice?

It is no coincidence that March is translated into “berezen” in some languages. This word may be something between "birch" and "take care." In fact, birch has always been a talisman tree for the Slavic peoples. Perhaps the reason for such love lies in the properties of the sap, which was collected as soon as the snow began to melt, and the trees began to cry, taking away with these tears all the pain and cold that accompany the winter period.

Birch has always been considered a talisman tree

Each region has its own timing for collecting birch sap . If you live in the south, you need to start this in mid-March and continue until early April, and if you live in the north, then start in April and finish in May.

Each region has its own deadline for collecting birch sap

Important! Melting snow and tree buds will help you understand when it is best to collect sap. As soon as they swell and become larger, you can start collecting.

It is very important not to miss the moment suitable for collecting the drink.

The procedure for collecting birch sap

Head into the forest and at the nearest tree with a white trunk, which should be at least as thick as your hand, use an awl to create a small hole until the area where the bark meets the wood. To understand where this place is, you need to learn to “listen” to the tree. The bark and body of the tree differ in density, so when you feel that the awl has begun to pass differently through the birch, immediately stop stabbing further. Otherwise, you will harm the plant, since such a wound will be difficult to heal.

It is important to carefully make a hole to obtain birch sap, so as not to harm the tree

If you have correctly determined the time interval, then after a few seconds a transparent heavy drop of juice will appear in place of the hole, which flows up the trunk from the root system. Then you can get juice.

Select the best trees for collecting the drink and do not miss the time frame, since the juice can be obtained within a maximum of one and a half weeks. But you need to get more of the life-giving drink. As soon as foliage forms on the tree, you need to stop taking the sap. As you can see, there is nothing too complicated regarding the timing.

The juice can be obtained within about a week and a half

Note! The farther the birch you need is located from large cities and noisy roads, the better. The reason is that wood can absorb exhaust gases and other less useful elements. All these substances will remain in the juice.

We recommend collecting birch sap away from roads.
By the way, birch trees exist according to the sun, therefore, collecting sap must be done from 10 am to 6 pm. Don't forget this.

It is better if you get the sap from a tree that is located away from the city and major roads

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When to collect birch sap?

Birch sap flows most intensively in early spring. The movement of liquid is a signal for the tree to develop leaves and begin the growing season. In different areas of Russia it begins at different times and has different durations.

The same is true with the influx of birch sap. In different places, collection begins at different times. The sap flows until leaves form. Later this process loses intensity. At the beginning of the season, the juice is extremely clear and clear, while the juice collected late in the season is usually slightly cloudy. It is worth paying attention to some essential details that will help you more accurately determine when to collect birch sap.

Birch juice:

✅ flows when the temperature stays around 5-8°C for about 3-5 days; ✅ earlier it appears on: southern slopes, next to buildings, in open areas; ✅ appears later on: northern slopes, densely overgrown lands, in valleys that take longer to warm up; ✅ long winter leads to more dynamic juice formation; ✅ severe frosts and rapid thaw with high temperatures increase the influx of juice, but reduce the harvest time; ✅ on old trees, sap flows more intensely.

It is also important that the birch tree grows far from highways or industrial enterprises - sap obtained from a tree growing in inappropriate places can become a source of heavy metals that are dangerous to the body, especially lead and cadmium.

How to determine the time to collect birch sap?

1. For several days in a row it should be about 10 degrees per day. In central Russia it is the end of March, the beginning of April. 2. The best time is when you see that buds are just about to appear on the tree. I don’t know how to explain this to you - it’s just clear that they are not there yet, but they are about to appear. 3. You can also use the last method. Cut off (do not break!) a tiny and thin branch. After waiting for some time (up to a maximum of 5 minutes), juice should begin to stand out from it. The cut end should be moist with juice. If this happens, it means we can run for the bucket! If, on the contrary, the twig continues to remain dry and clearly looks unattractive inside, then we wait further. If yellowish sap comes out of the branch, it means that the harvest season from the birch is already coming to an end and we may have 1-2 days left.

How to choose a tree?

Here are the most useful tips from experienced sap collectors.

Collecting birch sap in a plastic bag

  1. It is necessary to approximately determine the diameter of the tree trunk at the chest level of an adult. The indicator should be at the level of 30 centimeters.
  2. Based on the diameter of the birch, calculate the number of holes that can be made . If the gap is from 25 to 30 cm, only one is allowed, from 30 to 40 cm - 2-3 are allowed, from 40 cm - 4 are allowed. Further conclusions are drawn by analogy.
  3. If you make more than one hole, you must maintain a distance of at least 20 cm .
  4. To collect sap, it is best to choose mature and powerful birch trees , which have well-developed roots and a lush crown. Select a tree that grows at a slight slope.
  5. It is optimal to make holes on the south side.
  6. The birch tree must not be sick or injured . If you start collecting juice from it, you can weaken the plant or even kill it.
  7. If you only have an ancient birch stump at your disposal, find out what condition it is in . If he is alive, then you can get juice from there.
  8. If the birch tree is very young and very thin, there is no need to collect drink from it.
  9. When there is only one birch tree at the edge, you are also not allowed to do anything with it.

Do not disturb a tree that is sick or injured

Note! If the volume of juice released is not enough for you, you do not need to form new holes. It’s better to go to a new tree located deep in the forest. In this part the trees had barely begun to warm up.

Rules for collecting birch sap

How is birch sap obtained?

Before you begin directly collecting birch sap, you should prepare the correct container. Its choice must be approached selectively. Previously, this drink was collected in special barrels made of birch bark. However, today most people use ordinary glass jars and sometimes even plastic bottles for this.

So how is birch sap extracted? Before this process, the tree trunk is scored, scored or drilled. It is better to make the slot 40-50 cm from the ground. In this case, the knife or awl should be directed from bottom to top. The depth of the hole should be about 2-3 cm. If the tree is very thick, then this recess must be enlarged.

Having made a slot, a gutter or some other semicircular device is inserted into it. It is along it that the juice will flow into the prepared container.

After completing the process, you should definitely take care of the tree itself. The cut site is carefully covered with wax, moss or cork.

By the way, after the recent cutting down of birch trees, sap can be collected from stumps that have not yet rotted.

Old way of collecting

Previously, women and children were engaged in obtaining juice. Men considered this activity to be entertainment, but sometimes they could accompany the family into the forest, helping to better drive thin stakes into the tree, which provided access to the slightly sweet drink of the awakened birch trees. This option is still used today and is suitable for anyone.

What do you need:

  • a birch bark tin or a simple analogue in the form of a glass jar or other plastic container;
  • stakes are sharp on both sides, their length should be about 20 centimeters;
  • a bunch of grass twisted into a bundle from last year - it should be well washed and dried;
  • several ropes to secure the can near the peg;
  • a knife or other device that allows you to safely and without pain gain access to the desired layer of cortex.

There is an old method of collecting birch sap that is still used today

Rules for collecting juice

A hole is made in the birch

  1. Select a birch tree that meets the requirements and examine it for sap flow.
  2. Mark the approximate location where you will make the hole - about 50 cm up from the roots.
  3. If the birch tree has thick and old bark, you need to carefully lift the top old layer with a knife. Try not to injure the young layer that comes after it.
  4. Using a hand gimlet or screwdriver, make a hole in the center of the cleaned 2 by 2 centimeter square until the soft layer of bark is reached. Make the hole so that the immersed stake is positioned “nose” down.
  5. Drive a stake into the hole.
  6. When the juice begins to flow, place a collection container under the “nose” of the cola.
  7. Attach the container with ropes to the tree trunk.
  8. Disguise your container so that no one can detect it.
  9. You can drain the juice from the container a couple of times a day.

You need to insert a peg into the hole made in the tree.

Obtaining juice using a herbal tourniquet

Another option for collecting the miraculous drink the old way differs in that instead of a stake, a flagellum of grass . It will become like a wick, allowing the juice to enter the container. Please note that when using this method, you run the risk of encountering ants who will appreciate your “gift.” So if you use this option, be prepared to have a lot of these insects in your juice.

You can also insert a “wick” into the hole - a flagellum made from grass

Note! From one birch you can get from 1 to 3 liters of sap. You can’t take more, because the plant also needs this juice to live. If you take too much sap, the tree will have a hard time.

In general, you shouldn’t be greedy; it’s better to collect sap from several trees than to deplete one, which will cause the forest to suffer.

You can collect 1-3 liters of sap from one birch tree

How to properly collect birch sap - the best ways

When collecting birch sap, it is recommended to follow simple rules.

  1. Young birch trees need sap for development and growth. Therefore, for collecting, it is better to use trees with a trunk diameter of approximately 20 centimeters.
  2. Do not dehydrate the entire tree. If you take a lot of sap from one birch tree, it will have nothing to feed its leaves, and it will soon die. Therefore, it’s better to get a liter from five trees than five liters from one.
  3. Be sure to heal the wound on the tree after harvesting by sealing the hole with a wooden plug, wax or moss. Otherwise, it will not be able to restore its former beauty.
  4. Do not make the hole too deep, it is enough to go to a depth of 10 cm, and if it is located along the upper layers of wood, you can increase its depth to 15 cm.

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Dishes for camping

By following these simple recommendations, you can collect birch sap without subsequently causing any harm to the tree.

How does the process itself happen? A hole is made in the tree trunk. To do this, use a drill with a narrow drill bit. Next, an outlet tube or hose is inserted into it, under which a container is placed, intended directly for collecting juice. At the same time, to prevent foreign impurities from getting into it, it is better to cover it on top with gauze or some other filter material.

An interesting way is to use an IV cord. One end is stuck into a hole in the tree, the other end with a needle makes a puncture in a plastic bottle, and thus the juice flows into it.

There is also a little trick when drilling into a tree trunk. In order for the sap to flow more intensely, it is necessary to drill not directly into the depths, but slightly tangentially, along the tree bark, because the sap itself is located precisely in its upper layers.

Collection by banks

The lid of the jar was cut off entirely, wrapped in the previous way, and the optimal container was placed under the gutter. If the neck of the container you are using is too narrow, it is enough to use a household funnel. This will increase the volume of juice collected.

Around the same time period, special devices appeared that looked like a hollow tube made of iron or aluminum with a “spout” at one end and a sharp edge at the other.

There is even a special device for collecting juice - a tube, sharp on one side and with a “spout” on the other.

Note! To avoid damaging the wood, the cross-sectional diameter of these devices should not be more than 5 mm. After completing the collection, the device must be removed from the trunk.

Preparation of birch sap

Shelf life of birch sap

Freshly collected juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours. Then fermentation begins. To make it last longer, you can:

  • to freeze;
  • preserve;
  • prepare drinks.

For freezing, the liquid is poured into 300 ml containers and placed in the freezer. When canning, add sugar, boil for 10 minutes and roll up the lids.

To prepare drinks based on birch sap, citric acid, yeast, honey and raisins are used. Birch sap is mixed with the ingredients and left in a cold place. After 2 weeks the drink is ready for consumption.

Birch sap is very beneficial for humans. Collection begins when a drop appears after a puncture in the bark.

Plastic collection devices

With the growing popularity of plastic items in everyday life, collecting juice has also become easier and faster. Here's what it has to do with:

  • plastic containers weigh very little;
  • such a container cannot break and does not leak;
  • plastic containers can be quite large, so there is no need to check them regularly;
  • Plastic containers most often have a lid in which you can make a hole for a straw with flowing liquid, which prevents birch sap from being lost, and insects and debris will not get into the container;
  • the tube used is most often made of plastic;
  • The device can be assembled without problems, it is also easy to remove, and is not subject to deformation.

Plastic sap collection devices are often used because they are more convenient.

We use a dropper

Let's figure out how to collect juice in this unusual way.

  1. Find a suitable tree and use a wide dropper needle to make a hole in the bark. The length of the needle from the dropper is quite enough for you.
  2. Place the other tip into the lid of the container.
  3. Make sure that the juice begins to flow, attach the container between the roots. If the bottle is small, it can be attached to the birch tree using tape.

Birch sap is even extracted using a dropper.
A cambric with a straw for cocktails works in a similar way . However, you will need to try and first drive the nail 5 cm, forming a hole of the required diameter, and then remove it. It is also permissible to use a brace , the drill diameter of which should be similar to the diameter of the tube. Usually the figure does not exceed a centimeter.


Note! Do not forget about the recommended distance between holes (20 cm) and do not make many holes in the birch. You will take too much juice from her, injure her, and perhaps she will die in the future.

Since technology is developing well these days, some people replace the nail and hand brace with a cordless hand drill, as a result of which obtaining birch sap does not present any problems.

It is forbidden to make many holes in a tree, as this will kill it.

All of the options mentioned above allow us to draw conclusions regarding how best to collect the juice and not damage the plant itself.

There are different ways to collect birch sap

Methods for collecting birch sap step by step

In early April, when there are many warm days, sap flow inside the tree trunks increases. This means it’s time to extract birch sap.

How to collect birch sap through cocktail straws

1. Prepare cocktail tubes that have a special area for bending in the form of an accordion.

2. Take a nail and use pliers to drive it into the birch tree trunk. The diameter of the nail should be equal to the diameter of the tube or slightly less. As you drive the nail, rotate it in different directions in a circle. Thereby enlarging the hole so that the cocktail tube can fit in.

3. In this way, make or punch three holes in the tree trunk. Of these: place two holes side by side horizontally, and the third one slightly higher above them.

4. Stick the tubes into the nail holes and lower them into the plastic bottle.

5. Using regular tape, secure the bottle to the tree trunk by wrapping it around the birch tree several times.

After 2-3 hours, a 1 liter bottle will be full of nutritious birch sap.

After collecting the juice, do not throw the tape in the forest, but take it with you to your home for disposal. Close all holes (seal) with damp soil or resin from neighboring trees.

Extracting birch sap using a dropper

You can collect sap from birch trees from the beginning of sap flow until the leaves bloom.

1. To get birch sap into a five-liter bottle, use a drill to make two holes in the lid. One to push the end of the dropper through, and the other to allow air to come out of the bottle.

2. Take a 5mm drill bit and drill a hole in the tree trunk. When you take out the drill, birch sap will already flow out of the hole. All that remains is to correctly collect it in the bottle.

3. And a medical dropper, which you can buy at a pharmacy, will do a great job with this. Insert the sharp end into the drilled hole.

4. And stick the other end into the hole in the cork.

5. Thus, the connection is established. And somewhere overnight, a 5-liter jar will be filled with valuable birch sap.

Don’t forget to thank the birch tree for giving you such a wonderful birch drink.

6. Then, using a knife, use a knife to make a round stick with a diameter equal to the drilled hole. Hammer this stick into the hole to its full depth.

How to get the most juice?

This option exists, but an understanding person will not use it, since it causes diseases in the birch tree and sometimes kills it.

For this method, they use a simple ax, which is used to cut into the birch tree. The tree is simply covered in tears. An incredible amount of sap is released, as a result of which the plant is unable to recover. You should not use this method, since it is completely unfair to the plant . Yes, you can get a huge amount of sap at once, but this kills the tree and harms the forest. You can't do that!

It is possible to get a huge amount of sap at one time, but then the tree will inevitably die

Note! It is unacceptable to treat nature from the position of a predator. After all, we are people, not animals.

The previously mentioned options for obtaining birch sap, with the exception of the most radical ones, are quite safe for plants, since they do not damage them too much. At the same time, you can get quite a lot of drink from several trees. The forest will remain safe and sound. We have already talked about how to get sap and not damage the birch too much.

To collect birch sap safely for the tree, you can trim a low-growing tree branch and attach a bottle to it to allow the sap to drain.

What are the benefits of birch sap?

  • Birch sap is an excellent remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)
  • Birch sap increases the body's immune strength
  • when used externally, the juice is used to wipe the skin against eczema and other skin diseases
  • Restores male potency
  • Birch sap is an excellent remedy for acne.

Now let's talk about how to collect this valuable drink. Below are instructions in pictures.

Attention: (Do not forget to cover the “birch wounds” with wax or resin so that the tree does not suffer)

Rules for collecting juice

It is very important not only not to damage the tree, but also to help it heal the wounds it receives. After all, punctures damage it in any case. There is nothing complicated in the process. If you used stakes according to the old method, then when you collect the sap, you need to break and clean the area with the hole, coating the top surface with garden pitch or resin extracted from coniferous crops.

The hole made must be covered and closed.

When you finish the activities for obtaining juice, the injuries will remain in any situation. It is necessary to carefully remove all the devices and hammer a wooden chopstick or well-compacted moss into this hole.

Note! Any twig or branch found in the forest can act as a chopik. It is very important to remove the bark and check for rot. Don’t have a garden varnish or haven’t found a spruce tree in the forest? At least use oil paint!

Garden varnish
Of course, a tree with a minor injury can cope on its own, but if you help it, the process will go faster. Birch sap will quickly saturate the cork, fill the remaining gaps in the holes and calmly move on to the branches. The birch tree itself will heal damage with fresh wood without any problems.

It’s better to help the birch recover

If you did everything right, the birch tree will easily heal its wounds caused by collecting sap. Most likely, if next year you want to get a drink from the same tree, you will not even notice any traces of the intervention.

Juice storage

If you don't need to consume the juice right away and want to keep it for a long time, use a glass jar and place it in the refrigerator. Due to this, the juice will not suffer as much from oxidation and will not spoil. But it is advisable not to save the juice for more than a couple of days, as fermentation processes will begin and the drink will become toxic. However, you can preserve the juice, so it will last for a long time.

Juice cannot be stored for very long unless it is processed

Rules for storing birch sap

  • The juice spoils in a short time, so after harvesting, store it in a dark and cool place, but no more than 3 days. For longer storage, preservation will be required. To do this, you need to heat the liquid to 80 degrees and pour it into containers, then seal it tightly.
  • A concentrate is also prepared. To do this, the nectar is boiled until ¾ has evaporated. Next, the liquid is preserved, and when opened, the concentrate is diluted with water. This way, the valuable substances in the drink will be preserved as much as possible.

Juice canning recipes

Freshly collected birch sap is fermented. The containers are washed with hot water and fresh juice is poured into them. For every 0.5 l use 1 tsp. sugar, a few raisins, washed in cool boiled water. If you wish, you can add a little lemon zest.

Attention! The container is closed and reinforced with wire or bandaging.

Keep in mind that carbon dioxide puts a lot of pressure on the container during fermentation, so to avoid breaking the glass, you should not put more sugar than written above. After a couple of days, you will be able to take a sample from a tasty and carbonated drink. For canning, heat the juice to 80 degrees. Pour it into containers, filling it up to the throat, and close the lids. The bottles are capped and then tarred. After this, they are sterilized for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 85 degrees.

You can preserve birch sap yourself

Preparation recipes

First way. Clean three-liter jars are sterilized over steam and then filled with freshly collected drink. For every 0.5 liters of juice, add an incomplete dessert spoon of glucose or regular sugar, as well as 2 raisins, washed in cold water, and a little lemon zest. The glass container is closed with a lid. In a few days you will have a very pleasant-tasting and sour carbonated drink, which is best stored in the refrigerator.

Second way. Before canning birch sap, it is heated in an enamel container to 80 degrees, and then poured into glass jars or bottles. The filled container is sealed with lids or corks containing tar. The containers are placed in water and sterilized over low heat for ¼ hour. The finished juice is stored in a basement or cellar for no more than 5 months.

Third way. To preserve birch sap for a long time, kvass is often made from it. To do this, the freshly collected drink is heated to 35 degrees, and then several yeast granules and 3 raisins are added (per 1 liter of liquid). Sugar and lemon zest are also added to kvass to taste. Finally, the filled jar or bottle is closed and left at room temperature for 1-2 weeks. After this time, the drink is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Now you know how to properly process birch sap at home. However, in any case, it must be stored only in a cool room.

How to make kvass from birch sap?

It is also advisable to make kvass to preserve the juice. Warm the juice to 35 degrees, add 20 g of yeast and 3 raisins per liter, lemon zest if desired. Then close the container tightly and let it sit for a couple of weeks.

You can make delicious kvass from birch sap

There is another option. Take 10 liters of juice, pour in the juice of 4 lemons, add 50 grams of yeast, 30 grams of honey or sugar, 3 raisins per container. Pour into bottles and place in a dark and cool room for a couple of weeks. In general, the drink can reach its condition within a week, but if it sits longer, you can drink it throughout the summer.

Preparing birch sap for the winter

Another version of kvass. Take a barrel of birch sap and place a bag of burnt rye bread crusts there on a rope. After two days, yeast will emerge from the crusts. After this, a bucket of oak bark is placed in the container, this is a preservative.

Attention! If you want flavor, use cherries and dill.

After 14 days, you can take a sample, or you can save it until winter.

You can even make incredibly tasty birch kvass

Previously, people drank fermented birch sap from barrels. This low-alcohol drink was in use. In general, birch sap is very pleasant, it is refreshing and has a positive effect on the body. However, it is often diluted with other juices and decoctions.

Delicious drink with lemon

Do you want to remember the taste of your childhood? I remember this kind of lemonade used to be sold in glass containers, it was magically delicious. And when there was intense heat, it also quenched thirst well and lifted everyone’s spirits. After all, it refreshes very well and gives energy and strength when the sun is shining.

By the way, children are crazy about this drink, and it’s clear why, it’s natural without any impurities or Eshek.

You need to collect the juice where there is no roadway, and for this it is best to use a clean plastic bottle.

We will need:

  • natural birch sap – 1000 ml
  • sugar - 3 tbsp
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, this is easy to do with a juicer, or tap it on the table, and then make a cut and the juice will run like a stream. Mix it with sugar.

2. Next, place birch sap in a deep metal container and add the prepared sugar mixture there. Turn on the heat and bring the liquid to a boil, then turn off.

3. Now you can roll it into jars, or you can simply enjoy its smell and aroma, drink it as a healing drink.

Treatment with birch sap

In the spring, for about three weeks, the tree gives people its sap and has a positive effect on health. The fame and universal love of birch sap is based on the vital forces that the tree transmits to humans.

Since the juice contains enzymes and stimulants of biological origin, it has a positive effect on the immune system. Calcium, potassium and magnesium help normalize the functioning of the heart muscle. The tannin elements of the juice cope with inflammatory processes.

Birch sap is a storehouse of substances beneficial to the human body.

Since the drink contains easily digestible sugars, this has a positive effect on brain activity.

Attention! Birch sap is recognized as a good product for the diet. If you use it on a regular basis, you can feel its tonic effect. If you drink about a glass of juice a day, you can become more alert and energetic. You will stop constantly wanting to sleep, your mood will improve, and fatigue will go away.

Note that birch sap perfectly strengthens the immune system, which suffers from various diseases. It also produces a diuretic effect. The juice helps release uric acid and increases diuresis. It helps people with kidney and urinary tract diseases. The drink has a positive effect on the condition of people suffering from lung diseases and arthritis. Note that if you have urolithiasis or a stomach ulcer, you should first ask your doctor whether you can drink this juice.

Birch sap strengthens the immune system

Experts advise drinking juice if you suffer from skin problems - eczema, lichen, furunculosis. You can gargle with the drink during a sore throat; it also relieves headaches, coughs, and improves the condition of joints. The juice cleanses the blood and removes toxins.

As you can see, the drink is truly miraculous, but we must not forget that it still cannot be used for treatment. It is best to add it to a comprehensive treatment program after finding out the opinion of a specialist.

The value of birch sap

Birch juice

Birch sap is a completely undeservedly forgotten vitamin complex that can grow right under our window. Or rather, it is better not to touch the one that grows right under the window (if you are a city dweller), but by walking deep into the forest, you can easily find a suitable tree that is ready to give you everything useful that is contained in birch sap.

Birch sap is useful in the treatment and prevention of a whole bunch of ailments.

  • Firstly, it is a natural energy drink. Regular intake of juice will give you vigor and vitality, relieve drowsiness and nervousness.
  • Secondly, it helps the body get rid of moisture, because it is a diuretic and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Thirdly, it has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and also stimulates metabolism.
  • Fourthly, it has an immune-strengthening effect. In general, regular consumption of birch sap has a positive effect on the functioning of almost all body systems.

The time for collecting birch sap is determined by the swollen buds. As a rule, this is the beginning of spring, when the snow begins to melt and the sun's rays warm the trees that have been chilled over the winter. At different latitudes, the collection time is different and depends on the climate. But on average, this time occurs around the beginning or middle of March and lasts a month or a month and a half.

It is very easy to check whether the tree is ready to release sap. Take a thin awl and plunge it into the trunk about 5-10 centimeters. If a drop appears immediately at the puncture site, then it’s time to collect the juice.

What birch sap treats: traditional medicine

Table. The use of birch sap in folk medicine.

DiseaseTreatment with birch sap
AnemiaBirch sap has many useful elements, including iron + natural sugar. So you can and should drink it with low hemoglobin. Mix fresh birch sap in equal proportions with apple, carrot and beet juice. Hemoglobin should then return to normal. You need to consume 50 milliliters three times a day before meals.
Low immunityBirch sap can improve the condition of the immune system if you make a drink from birch sap and milk in equal proportions, adding a little starch.
TumorsIf you suffer from various tumors, traditional doctors use 2 parts of birch sap + 2 parts of yarrow juice + 2 parts of carrot juice + 1 part of hemlock herb juice + 1 part of St. John's wort juice + 1 part of meadowsweet herb juice. Use a tablespoon of the product on an empty stomach and wash it down with milk. They also drink a tablespoon at night, also washed down with milk.
Digestive system diseasesIf you suffer from heartburn and gastritis with high acidity, biliary dyskinesia, acute ulcers, flatulence and constant inflammation of the pancreas, then drink the juice as follows: 50 milliliters in pure form or diluted with warm boiled water (2 to 1). Drink this in a day.
High pressureWhen you constantly see high numbers on your blood pressure monitor, suffer from swelling, heart pain, headaches and dizziness, drink half a glass of juice twice a day. The drink acts as a mild diuretic that removes excess moisture.

Birch sap helps against various diseases

Benefits of collecting birch sap

Few natural extracts can boast of such an effect (Figure 1).

It’s not for nothing that people say about berezovitsa that it is a drink for health:

  1. It has no obvious contraindications - both children and adults can drink it.
  2. The refreshing effect and improvement of overall well-being are far from the limit.
  3. Metabolic processes, hormonal levels and blood pressure are stabilized.
  4. Due to the diuretic effect, swelling goes away, the functioning of the liver and kidneys is normalized.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the throat and tumors disappear, and potency increases in men.
  6. Digestion returns to normal, waste and toxins are removed from the body, prevents anemia and vitamin deficiency, and strengthens general immunity.
  7. Vitality increases, skin and hair condition improves, resistance to stress and depression increases.

Figure 1. Natural birch sap is very beneficial for the body.
And this is not all the benefits of collecting a valuable product. It is actively used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Of course, for the benefits to be noticeable, you need to know how to properly collect birch sap and drink it.

Despite all its safety, it is not recommended for people with an allergy to birch pollen, patients with diabetes mellitus and patients with kidney stones.

It is worth adhering to the golden rule - do not overdo it, drinking no more than two glasses a day.

It is best to express tree tears away from highways and big cities, in ecologically clean areas.

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