10 movies that will take you 10 steps forward

When people decide to develop, they often turn to movies rather than books for help. After all, with the help of films, a person can learn in an easy and accessible way, using the example of the main character, how to improve his life.

In this article you will find films for self-development for different tastes. Everyone will be able to choose exactly the topic that excites them. After all, some people are inspired by movies about sports, and others about business.


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There is no word in the world more harmful and dangerous than “well done”

With a clear conscience, this film can be placed in the top positions of all the various TOP films based on motivation.

Two central characters: one is a young drummer who dreams of becoming a great musician; the other is a conductor who dreams of creating a genius. Both are obsessed with their idea.

An absolutely inhumane, cruel movie, showing that only through blood, pain, constant self-overcoming and snot is greatness born. After "Obsession" any motivational movie looks like a naive children's fairy tale.

The idea of ​​“Obsession” is as simple as five rubles – “you’ll hurt yourself, but do it.”

Books by Prospero

Year: 1991.

Country: The Netherlands and France, Japan and Italy, Great Britain.

Roles: D. Gielgud and M. Clarke, M. Blanc and E. Josephson, et al.

The picture is for those who are already familiar with the works of director Greenaway.

An impressive movie that every self-respecting film fan needs to see.


This world is beautiful, but now it is telling us that it is time to leave. Humanity was born on Earth, but does not have to die here.

The most important film of the last 10 years. While some directors were delving into human problems, making films about escapism, and Cuarón, with his “Gravity,” admitted his fear of space, Christopher Nolan was filming a piercing parable about what probably everyone dreamed of in childhood: about space exploration, about the spirit of pioneering , and about the readiness to leave your Home to go towards the stars. The film is about how humanity can survive only by uniting.

Of course, not everyone will appreciate the film's ideas. Why do we need stars, because humanity is passionate about the pursuit of new gadgets, and virtuality is its vector. The paradox is that it is for them that this film was made, calling to raise their heads and look at the sky.

Romantic comedies

And finally, you can laugh. After all, laughter prolongs life. Comedies will bring you only positive emotions.

  • “Bridget Jones's Diary.”

The heroine of this film, Bridget Jones (Renée Zellweger), is 31 years old, and she is still single. She celebrates Christmas with her family, and her parents each time look for a new candidate for her husband. Bridget already loves, but unrequitedly. After meeting her fiancé again, she decides to change everything.

An ordinary girl, not at all of a model appearance. What's interesting is that she doesn't try to please everyone. Sets goals, goes towards them and does not try to seem better than he really is.

  • “My Greek wedding.”

And again a girl over 30 Tula (Nia Vardalos). She believes that her life has not been successful, because she is not married. After some time, she meets the American and falls in love. There is only one problem, she is Greek and her parents will only marry her to a Greek.

It has always been interesting how people of different nationalities get married and build relationships with relatives. And then there are the Greeks, an explosion of emotions is guaranteed.

  • “Everyone is crazy about Mary.”

No one has had ridiculous incidents happen to them in their youth, and the main character is no exception. Ted (Ben Stiller) is in love with long-legged blonde Mary (Cameron Diaz), but due to the constant incidents that happen to him, their romance never began. After 13 years, he decides to find his love. He hires detective Pat Healy (Matt Dillon), but even here everything does not go according to plan. Pat also falls in love with the beautiful Mary.

Men can sometimes be very cowardly, complexes and all that. Thirteen years, can you imagine? He needed thirteen years to decide to take the first step.

  • "Blonde in law".

Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) is a natural blonde, the first beauty of the university, her boyfriend Warner (Matthew Davis) is the best guy of the university. But it turned out that he considers El frivolous. They break up and Warner leaves to go to Harvard. After suffering a little, El goes after him to prove that he is wrong.

Women are ready to do anything for love. Watching the heroine, it becomes clear that blondes and beauties are often underestimated.

  • "Dirty Dancing"

Frances (Jennifer Gray), a young girl, comes on vacation with her parents and sister to a boarding house for wealthy families. By chance, she ends up at a party not for vacationers. And he falls in love with passionate and sexy dances, which were not typical for that time. Interest is stirred up by handsome Johnny (Patrick Swayze), a professional dancer. Baby, as Francis was affectionately called, is determined to learn!

Quite an old film, but that doesn't spoil it at all. Pure, kind, sympathetic Baby makes you touch and believe in love.

Fight club

Yeah, I see in the fight club the strongest and smartest people who have ever lived. With potential that is wasted. A whole generation of gas station workers, waiters - slaves in white collars. Advertising makes us buy cars and rags. We work hard at jobs we hate to buy crap we don't need. We are the stepsons of history. No purpose, no place. We did not experience a great war or a great depression. Our great war is spiritual. Our great depression is our existence. We were told on TV that one day we would become millionaires, movie stars and rock stars, but this is not going to happen to us. Gradually it dawns on us and it infuriates us, it infuriates us terribly.

Tyler Durden on painful issues.

A cult film that almost everyone has seen. At one time, David Fincher's film failed at the box office and among critics, but nevertheless became a cult film, drawing the final line under the 20th century.

“Fight Club” operates on a variety of topics, but the key theme of the work is a critique of consumer culture (or, more succinctly, consumerism), and its influence on male psychology. Turning into a blanket of Nietzschean sentiments and revealing the meaninglessness of the lives of “consumers,” “Fight Club” calls for the downgrade of humanity to the animal level and the struggle for existence.

And this is not to mention the most powerful final twist, which after “Fight Club” was used by everyone and everything. We won’t reveal it, what if there is someone else who has not joined the masterpiece?

Sky over Berlin

Year of release: 1987.

Country: France and Germany.

Roles: B. Ganz and S. Dommartin, N. Cave and P. Falk, O. Zander and K. Bois, et al.

Angels hover over Berlin, which is divided by a post-war wall. They hear us, see us, look into the windows, invisibly console us and, smiling, listen to our thoughts...

And one day one of the angels decides to exchange his eternal life in heaven for a short earthly life and the love of a circus gymnast...

Exquisite cinema by Win Wenders, hypnotizing the viewer under the languid voice of Nick Cave.


This city is afraid of me. I saw his true face, the streets are an extension of the gutters, and the ditches are filled with blood. And when the drains are completely clogged, then all this scum will begin to drown... When the accumulated filth of lust and murder foams up to their waists, all the whores and politicians will look up and cry: “Save us!”, and I will whisper: “NO”

Rorschach. One of the most memorable monologues in history.

One of the most controversial films in the collection, which also carries an incredible amount of serious ideas.

People who have watched the film are usually divided into two types: some call it the best film in history, others did not understand anything. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle: “Watchmen” is a film adaptation of Alan Moore’s landmark comic book, filmed in the visionary way characteristic of director Zack Snyder. Neither before nor since has Snyder made such visually expressive films. It is also one of the most accurate adaptations, and it is largely due to this (and brutal cruelty) that “Watchmen” alienates so many: not every viewer is able to sit through three and a half hours of an incredibly stylish, but difficult to understand film.

The main theme of Watchmen is the barbaric nature of humanity. Dissecting the lives of retired or gone underground superheroes, the Vietnam War, the birth of God, and the Cold War, “Watchmen” shows how close we are to the abyss, and that the responsibility for the world is not evil fate, not deities, and not a matter of chance. . And we. People.

Pay It Forward (2000)


  • Haley Joel Osment
  • Kevin Spacey
  • Helen Hunt

Duration: 2 hours 3 minutes

This film belongs to the category of “films that change your outlook on life.” The plot of the film leads to reflections on good and evil, the opportunity to help the world and the people around us. An ordinary child, seventh grade student Trevor, has developed a scheme to make the world a better place . His idea is the growth of good thanks to the principle: in order to receive a service or help, you need to help three more people. Thus, the growth of good deeds grows progressively and spreads throughout the world. Did you manage to implement everything?

I don't care about the rating! I wanted to change the world...

© Pay someone else

Partly, the plans were realized: the wave of “pay someone else” spread around the world, the main character became famous, and reporters began to come to him. He helped his mother and the best teacher who encouraged him to think about finding happiness. Showed concern for a homeless person and protected a classmate.

The idea of ​​the film is very good; indeed, if we strive more to help other people, create a cycle of good, the world will become a better place . Maybe we can continue the chain of goodness, transform our relationships with loved ones and friends? The keys to the future are in our hands; we lay the foundation today with our thoughts and deeds.


Every lover is slightly abnormal. Love in general is crazy. This is a form of socially accepted madness.

Imagine falling in love with Siri (or worse, S-Voice). Imagine Siri falling in love with you. Rave? Now think about whether you loved someone by correspondence. Also nonsense? Is not a fact.

Love is an extremely unreasonable and extremely interesting thing. For love, it is not the object that is important, it is the process that is important. And the role of the object can be anyone or anything endowed with human traits.

"Her" is about an introvert who falls in love with a new, experimental operating system. Exploring feelings, "She" examines the nature of love and poses the question: what distinguishes one type of being from another? What unites? Are there enough commonalities to sustain a relationship?

The film has many interpretations, and this is just one of them, but whatever it is, “Her” leaves a lot of food for thought.

About money:

Do you want to understand finance? Read books on financial literacy. Well, these films will show how money influences people.

No. 1. “The Wolf of Wall Street” (2013)

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie

Duration: 3 hours

Jordan Belfort founded one of the largest brokerage firms in 1987. But ten years later he was convicted of money laundering. After that, he dealt with alcohol and drug addiction, wrote two books, and now lectures on achieving success. This is a short biography of the man about whom The Wolf of Wall Street was filmed.

The Wolf of Wall Street is an autobiography adapted for a modern viewer. There is a lot of sex and drugs, but Belfort himself said that the film does not show half of his immoral life.

“There is no vice in wealth. I have been a poor man and I have been a rich man. And every damn time I choose to be rich."

If you want to benefit from the film, consider it from the perspective of how money and power change a person.

No. 2. “Short Game” (2015)

Starring: Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt

Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes

This film does not have what The Wolf of Wall Street is appreciated for. Here you need to use your head and know at least the basic concepts of economics, as well as understand a little about the stock exchange.

“A house that has not been paid for at least partially is just a room rented with borrowed funds.”

No. 3. “Financial Monster” (2016)

Starring: George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jack O'Connell

Duration: 1 hour 38 minutes

“We can turn bad investing into good investing through sheer force of will.”

The film tells the story of popular TV host Lee Gates, whose on-air financial advice made him a true Wall Street guru.

One of the viewers of the TV show took Gates' advice and lost all his fortune, so he wants revenge. During the next broadcast, he takes the TV presenter hostage and thereby increases the ratings of the program.

People froze in front of their screens, waiting for an answer to the question: “How much is a human life worth?”


— Are you familiar with the expression “Seize the day”? I don’t know, it seems to me that it’s quite the opposite. That is, the moment catches us. - Yes. Yes, it's a constant. The moment... the moment is always now, don’t you agree?

At the current pace, it is very false to turn around and look back. And it’s even more difficult to look at the past years from the outside.

“Boyhood” is a plotless movie, a set of scenes spread across a timeline. And yet, it is one of the most highly acclaimed films in history. Why? The key feature of Boyhood lies in its creation. This film was shot with the same cast over the course of 12 years, aiming to show the changes in the life of an ordinary family. And just as life itself does not have a clearly defined plot, for a film about life the plot will be redundant.

Everything you see on the screen, you have already seen many times in real life. But events that take place over a long period of time leave a much smaller impression than a kaleidoscope of bright scenes on the screen.

The simple, but incredibly difficult to implement idea of ​​“Adolescence” will make many look at their lives differently, expanding the boundaries of perception, and opening their eyes to the nuances that we often miss in life.

The Ultimate Gift (2006)


  • Drew Fuller (Andrew "Drew" Fuller)
  • Bill Cobbs (Wilbert "Bill" Cobbs)
  • Abigail Breslin
  • Brian Dennehy
  • James Garner

Duration: 1 hour 58 minutes

Development films include this wonderful and educational film. The story of the film is a description of the life of a rich man, Howard Stevenson, who helped the whole family live, but after death everything changes. The great-nephew does not receive the inheritance, there are special conditions, he must first pass twelve tests, receive special gifts before revealing the further secret of the inheritance.

The grandson is faced with the choice of passing the test or being left without an inheritance . How will this exciting journey end, what will you learn after completing all the tasks? Grandfather prepared important lessons, and among the “gifts” are the most important values ​​of life, a new understanding of such categories: work, friends, money, family, learning, problems, laughter, giving, gratitude, a perfect day, love. Amazing lessons will help you look at the world differently and realize that money is only part of a full life. Apparently, a wise relative decided to give more than a treasure, but important and necessary knowledge and understanding of life.

You should know that even if you don’t have your own dream, you gave me the opportunity to fulfill my dream, and that also counts.

© Last gift

This film can be classified as “Films that change consciousness, worldview, life.” Together with Jason we go through tests, discover new facets of existence.

Highway 60

I also consider myself an artist, but my canvas is my whole life. Some artists can't stand the sight of their creations when they're finished, and I'm my biggest fan.

Another film in this collection that is built on a simple idea - the idea of ​​self-identification. Simple moral dogmas, which not everyone follows: do what you like, don’t rely on anyone, and go your own way. The film convincingly illustrates these ideas, while not shying away from dark humor and absurd situations.

“Route 60” sparkles with a million bright dialogues, many of which have already been taken away for quotes, and some have even been established as their life principles.


Year of release: 2014.

Country Russia.

Roles: P. Barshak and T. Tribuntsev, M. Kirsanova and D. Mukhamadeev, S. Rubashkin and others.

Sergei was completely confused about his personal life and himself. A beloved wife, a roof over your head, a job – it seems like everything is there! But there is no way to relax - constant tension simply haunts him.

Sergei decided to look for answers from a psychiatrist. And for some reason Dr. Bryusov considered an urgent divorce to be the only right way out, because with the naked eye, you know, you can see that his wife is dragging Sergei to the very bottom.

But his wife, the gentle and quiet Lenochka, is also looking for a way out of this strange situation, and Father Sergius strongly recommends that she take care of her marriage and have more children.

A remote dispute between a psychiatrist and a priest escalates into a real war, which will end in a very unexpected way for both.

15 best books developing speech and rhetoric

The Imitation Game

Sometimes it is the one who seems to be nothing of himself who does what no one could imagine.

“The Imitation Game” is a biographical film about Alan Turing - essentially the founder of the computer era, a man who, by deciphering the Enigma encryption machine, contributed to the defeat of Nazi Germany, a homosexual, and just a good person, however, persecuted and driven to suicide by based on sexual orientation.

In addition to the extremely captivating narrative, “The Imitation Game” makes you think about your attitude towards all different people. Apart from ordinary humanity, who knows if there might be a new Turing among them?

Rose's name

Year of release: 1986.

Country: Italy, France, Germany.

Roles: S. Connery and K. Slater, H. Kqualtinger and I. Yuaskin, F. Chaliapin Jr. and F. Prechtel, et al.

The film is based on one of the most famous novels by Umberto Eco. Despite a number of differences in the book and the film, the film clearly conveys the general atmosphere of the novel, which the director conveyed so accurately that it is simply impossible to forget the movie.

The action takes place in 1327, in an Italian monastery, where behind a series of mysterious tragic deaths of monks lies a terrible clue about the secret of an ancient manuscript...

Frost vs Nixon

The gravest sin and the biggest deception of television is that it simplifies everything, tramples down great complex ideas, huge periods of time; entire careers compressed into a key frame on the screen...

Again a biographical film, and again about a controversial figure.

Richard Nixon is the 37th President of the United States, considered the most odious president of America, and was involved in the enormous political scandal “Watergate”.

The film tells the story of the battle of wits that unfolded in the interviews of two brilliant polemicists: Richard Nixon and journalist David Frost, the film conveys the idea that even a seemingly villain can have his own truth, his own weaknesses, and that at heart he is the same person like everyone else - with his shortcomings, and that he acts in accordance with what he believes to be true.


Year of release: 1999.

Country: USA.

Roles: T. Cruz and F. B. Hall, D. Moore and P. Healy, F. S. Hoffman, et al.

For the sake of this role, Tom Cruise even agreed to a more modest fee than usual. And I must say, he coped with the role simply brilliantly.

A brilliant and multifaceted film from Paul Thomas Anderson, which can easily be included in the list of films “at the top of cinematic art.”

Man from Earth

Time. It is impossible to see it, impossible to hear it, weigh it or measure it in the laboratory. This is the subjective feeling of transformation, what we are compared to what we were a moment ago, turning into what we will become in another moment. The Hopi Indians believe that time is a plain that lies before and behind us. And we move through it. Step by step. The clock measures time. No, they measure themselves. Watch readings can only be objectively compared with other watches.

The need to hear an interesting story is one of the basic human needs, absorbed into people with mother's milk since the times of warming up by the fire in Stone Age caves. In order for a film to be interesting, a multimillion-dollar budget, abundant special effects, and a star cast are not necessary. Just a good story is enough.

The Man from Earth is a micro-budget film that takes place almost entirely in one room, and which very few people have heard of. The film tells the story of how a moving professor suddenly shares with his colleagues the confession that he is 14,000 years old. At first, his colleagues, university professors, do not believe the narrator, and begin to ask him questions in order to bring the joker to light. But as new questions come in and the answers that follow them, the viewer himself begins to doubt: what is more incredible - a 14,000-year-old man, or such a clever liar, so capable of explaining the origin of all religions, being aware of all major historical events, and in at such a seemingly young age, with vast experience.

We'll leave the answer up to the viewer.

Women and career

Many men still think that a career is not that important for women. I present to you a selection that proves the opposite.

  • "The Devil Wears Prada".

One of the most stylish and fashionable films. Reveals all the intricacies of the life of a fashion magazine. The main character Andrea (Anne Hathaway) dreams of becoming a famous journalist, because she graduated from the university with honors. But he receives an invitation to an interview only from the editor-in-chief of a popular fashion magazine. Agreeing to the role of an assistant, the young girl had no idea what awaited her.

The film is a kind of school of life. After viewing it, you will learn how to build a personal life or advance your career.

  • “Frozen from Miami.”

Lucy Hill (Renee Zellweger) lives in hot Miami, quickly climbs the career ladder, and loves luxury. But a business trip to snowy Minnesota knocks her out of her usual life. Moreover, it is cold here not only on the street, but also in the hearts of people.

Immersion in the world of a small town, where all the residents are like a big friendly family. Makes you think about relationships between people.

  • “Mona Lisa Smile.”

1953 America, Katherine Anne Watson (Julia Roberts), a young graduate, receives a position teaching art history at Wellesley Women's College. Realizing that patriarchy rules here, he is trying to change the existing foundations. Has a strong influence on female students and together they fight for gender equality.

Breaking a system is always difficult, and sometimes completely impossible. The main question is: can a woman combine family, work and be happy at the same time?

  • “Fear and Trembling.”

Japanese girl Amelie (Sylvie Testu) at the age of 5 moved with her parents to Belgium. But her heart remained in her homeland. Having matured, she gets a job as a translator at a large Japanese company. Admiring her boss Fubuki (Tsuji, Kaori), the woman tries to be like her in everything. But he doesn’t understand the gulf that separates the mentality of East and West.

Sometimes we draw an image of a person or model a situation in our heads and accept it as the truth. How bitter it is to be disappointed and understand that everything is completely wrong. That life is actually much more complicated than we would like.

  • "Good morning".

Becky Fuller (Rachel McAdams) gives 100% to her job. She is a successful producer on a local television channel. Suddenly she is fired from her job, and her life goes downhill. Having settled into the show “Good Morning”, which is not popular, Becky invites the famous host Mike Pomeroy (Harrison Ford). But will this help improve the rating?

A person lives by work, devotes all his time to what he loves and gives his all. Purposeful people achieve success, no matter how difficult it is.

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