How to get rid of irritability and nervousness: psychological help

Nervousness is a state of strong excitability of the nervous system, leading to sharp and acute reactions to minor stimuli. Often this condition occurs along with irritability, anxiety, and restlessness. Nervousness manifests itself in various symptoms: headaches, insomnia, a tendency to depression, increased suspiciousness, lability of pulse and blood pressure, decreased performance. Depending on the cause, symptoms are combined to form symptom complexes.

Increased nervousness is perceived as imbalance, lack of restraint, therefore such people are often mistakenly perceived as ill-mannered, dissolute individuals. Therefore, it would be advisable to undergo an examination, determine the cause and begin treatment for irritability and nervousness.

General information

The state of irritability is well known to everyone and almost every person has encountered it: experienced it themselves or observed its manifestations in their environment or society.
Irritability is often associated and used with the terms short temper and nervousness. In the specialized literature, the concept of “increased irritability” is interpreted as a negative emotional state, which is characterized by increased excitability, instability of the individual’s psyche with a tendency to disproportionate reactions to ordinary stimuli, easily turning into embitterment, anger, hostility towards others, aggression and accompanied by increased breathing / palpitations and muscle tension. Irritation, as a reaction, refers to non-equilibrium mental states. As a rule, irritation disappears after the irritant ceases to act. Nevertheless, it is known that in some people irritation towards something or someone can accumulate and develop into a personality trait. In classifications of character accentuations, irritability is one of the important indicators of excitable and astheno-neurotic types.

People's behavior in situations of irritation varies widely: some are capable of restraining them, others are capable of affective reactions and even aggressive actions. Clinically, nervousness and irritability manifest as attacks of anger and gloomy mood that are inappropriate to the situation, that is, this concept includes a behavioral component and a component related to mood.

Most often, nervousness and irritability in women and men occurs when someone/something does not correspond to the ideas, norms, plans and rules of the individual. That is, according to a number of authors, irritability is always a reaction to one or another obstacle/interference: everything that does not meet the individual’s expectations begins to irritate. The meaning of irritation, as an emotional reaction (state), is to generate a signal to the individual that something does not meet his expectations/is not going as expected/was intended.

For example, if a person intends to do/receive something, or expects a specific situation that “due to the fault” of various circumstances did not occur and the obstacles are events, people, circumstances that act as irritants, irritation appears. In a normal situation they do not act as an irritant, but in a specific situation they become a “victim”. Nervousness and irritability in men are most often caused by professional failures, while nervousness and irritability in women are more often caused by negative events and stress in their personal lives.

It should be understood that we are not talking about irritability in life as a temporary phenomenon. There are periods in the life of each of us when he becomes irritable (reports, exams, problems at work/family, premenstrual syndrome, etc.), but this is a temporary/situational phenomenon. Irritation, as an emotional reaction, is part of the basic set of human emotional manifestations. Acceptance of another person cannot be complete if he causes irritation. The reaction to “negativity” is largely determined by the character of a person, his inherent rules/norms of behavior, the individual’s ability to self-regulate, depending on upbringing, learned norms and values, and the development of self-regulation mechanisms.

In principle, irritation is a normal phenomenon if it is situational and is not accompanied by affect, anger and aggressive actions. But what about those for whom the state of irritability and nervousness has become a permanent condition? That is, we are talking about the fact that for many people, irritability becomes a character trait (personality trait), which plays a negative role, complicates interpersonal interaction and communication, contributes to the development of conflict situations, and destabilizes any type of activity. Such reactions indicate strong emotional stress, which the human psyche is not able to cope with. It is also known that in accentuated individuals of astheno-neurotic and excitable types, irritation towards someone/something can gradually accumulate and develop into a personality trait.

The range of factors that can cause a reaction of irritation and anger is extremely wide and is individual for each person. A special place in this list is occupied by other people who can irritate with their actions, behavior, and appearance that do not correspond to the “norms” of the individual.

Almost everything without exception can be annoying, for example, situations that we cannot control (crush on public transport, a long line, an upcoming call to the authorities, an unpleasant situation in the family, etc.), weather that does not meet expectations, rudeness, time constraints , violation of traffic rules by other drivers, the need to make a responsible decision, everyday trifles, and so on. However, often the true reasons that cause irritation are not always “on the surface” and are not realized, or the reaction to them is suppressed for a long time by a person, and then any trifle/reason can be the reason for an outburst of emotion.

Currently, it is believed that the tendency to irritability is a negative emotional state, against the background of which (in the presence of existing stability of irritability and anger) neurotic reactions and neuroses , and somatic pathologies can form that require more complex therapy. In the absence of timely and adequate help, it can be difficult to cope with the manifestations of nervousness on your own.

How to get rid of irritability

  1. You need to understand the reasons for constant irritability. This is probably due to a current internal conflict, accumulated problems, locked-in emotions, or fatigue. Evaluate your daily routine, nutrition, sleep. Is irritability caused by overwork? If yes, then change your lifestyle. Perhaps it’s not even a matter of fatigue, but one obsessive detail, for example, an uncomfortable chair. Remember when you first felt irritability, what discomfort could have caused it.
  2. If the reason lies deeper (dissatisfaction with yourself, life, work, complexes, anxiety, fear, stress), then honestly describe your desires and complaints (what does not suit you). Next to it, write down the causes and consequences (both the current state and the desired one).
  3. Engage in self-knowledge, make a plan to meet current needs. Study temperament and character. Stubbornness, rigidity, perfectionism, intransigence, conflict, low empathy, and selfishness are also causes of irritability.
  4. Set aside time every day for relaxation in the form of a favorite and useful activity. Write a list of 30 favorite things to do (more or less) and choose something from it every day.
  5. Develop self-control. Learn to understand when tension reaches its peak (the desire to scream and stomp, you feel muscle tension, your pulse quickens, your palms sweat, and so on). Make it a rule at such moments not to make decisions, not to talk, but to engage in self-regulation (auto-training, relaxation, breathing techniques). And only after you calm down, solve the issues rationally.
  6. Change your thinking to a positive one. Give up the phrases “another terrible day”, “nothing good will happen again”, “go there again”. Form and pronounce positive attitudes. Stop noticing only difficulties, problems and failures, start seeing opportunities and alternatives.
  7. Learn to express emotions in a socially acceptable way. At the very least, don’t hush up what worries you. Don't try to avoid conflict or please everyone. Learn to communicate and conduct productive conflicts. To do this, it is enough to tell your interlocutor about your feelings in a calm tone: “I am irritated by the commanding tone, please speak softer.” And then discuss disagreements.
  8. Take out your frustrations in sports, singing karaoke, screaming in the field, and the like.
  9. Reduce portions of coffee, sugar and alcohol, of course, if irritation is not caused by quitting them.
  10. Make friends with yourself, find yourself. Irritability is a protective reaction of the body. What is he trying to protect you from and encourage you to at least some kind of activity (in this case, destructive and aggressive)? Tell him thank you and start acting consciously.
  11. Observe yourself, keep a “diary of irritability”, where you will record its appearance, intensification and weakening. Remove from your life, if possible, all irritants (objects and subjects, after contact with which irritation intensifies). This is perhaps the most difficult stage. Especially when it turns out that you need to change jobs or break off relationships, look for the meaning of life. But it needs to be done. The path to happiness and harmony is not easy.
  12. If you cannot remove the irritant, then learn self-control and change your attitude towards the situation.

If the situation cannot be corrected on your own, then you should visit a psychotherapist. Typically, irritability is treated with cognitive behavioral therapy. Its goal is to help an individual identify the reasons for his behavior and learn to control these reactions, understand and study himself.

If it is impossible to change external circumstances, a person learns to recognize, accept and adequately respond to traumatic circumstances and difficult life situations. In some cases, sedatives or antidepressants are prescribed.


The entire set of causes of nervousness and irritability can be divided into physiological, psychological and irritability as a manifestation of various diseases.

Physiological reasons

They are based on an imbalance in self-regulation processes caused by increased excitability of the nervous system, a lack of macro/microelements in the body, changes in hormonal levels, the release of catecholamines , etc. The reasons for this group include:

  • Character and temperament. These are primarily accentuated persons of astheno-neurotic and excitable types with peculiarities of the functioning of the central nervous system. Cholerics, that is, people with an unstable and mobile type of nervous organization, are more prone to irritability.
  • Changes in hormonal levels. It is the most common cause of severe irritability in women and is caused by hormonal imbalances that occur during certain periods of life. Irritability and aggression in women are characteristic of premenstrual syndrome , pregnancy , and menopause . Nervousness and irritability in women often manifests themselves in the postpartum period. This also includes teenage irritability and aggressiveness caused by puberty.
  • Fatigue (physical/psychological). As fatigue accumulates, the ratio of excitation/inhibition processes in the central nervous system changes, and the body's reactivity increases. A person experiences difficulties with the correct assessment of incoming information and the adequacy of the response to it when communicating with other people, in solving everyday problems.
  • Deficiency of macro/microelements ( vitamins , zinc and magnesium, iodine) in the body, which causes mood changes, nervousness and irritability.
  • Lack (disturbance) of sleep. In the body, with chronic lack of sleep or inadequate sleep, the production of stress hormones ( cortisol / adrenaline ) increases, which contributes to increased aggressiveness and increased irritability.
  • Physical inactivity /excess physical activity. An imbalance in the processes of inhibition/excitation of the central nervous system (emotional imbalance) can occur with insufficient or excessively intense physical activity that does not correspond to the level of training.

Psychological causes of irritability

Increased irritability may be caused by:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome / stress . Long-term stress and chronic fatigue syndrome, especially accompanied by negative emotional experiences and conflicts, lead to neuropsychic exhaustion and disruption of the central nervous system adaptation mechanisms inherent in a person, which is manifested by negative symptoms and increased irritability, among other things.
  • Frustration . A mental state that occurs when there is a real/alleged impossibility of satisfying specific needs due to various reasons. As a result, dissatisfaction, disappointment, irritation.
  • Lack of self-expression/self-realization. The discrepancy between a person’s life in one area or another (material wealth, career growth) to the desired level causes dissatisfaction, depression and, as a result, irritability.
  • Improper upbringing in the family. In situations where a child adopts an aggressive and irritable type of communication between parents in the family, which gradually becomes consolidated and becomes a character trait.

Irritability as a manifestation of somatic diseases and mental disorders

The most common reasons include:

  • Hypersthenic neurasthenia . The initial stage is predominantly manifested by increased mental excitability and irritability. Almost everything irritates: any sounds, the slightest noise, crowded gatherings, conversations of others, rapid movement of people. Patients quickly become irritated, shout at interlocutors/relatives, employees, easily lose self-control, and are capable of insulting. In neuroses, increased irritability is one of the leading symptoms of the disease.
  • Psychopathy . Patients with an unstable, excitable and epileptoid type of disorder in the vast majority of situations react to stimuli extremely emotionally and impulsively: they become irritated, conflict, and angry.
  • Epilepsy . One of the leading symptoms is emotional disturbances ( dysphoria ), which is a combination of anxiety, anger, melancholy and extreme irritability.
  • Schizophrenia . Irritability is characteristic of the prodromal period and the period of remission. It is supported by suspicion of the environment, a decrease in the ability to logically understand what is happening, and a loss of self-identification.
  • Organic lesions of the central nervous system/traumatic brain injury (neurodegenerative, demyelinating pathologies, brain tumors, intoxication, etc.) which are characterized by dystrophic changes in nervous tissue and neuronal dysfunction. When areas of the brain responsible for behavior/emotions are involved in the pathological process, impulsivity and increased irritability develop.
  • Endocrine pathologies ( Cushing's disease , hyperthyroidism , diabetes mellitus ) which are characterized by disruption of the processes of humoral regulation of emotions. Hormone imbalance causes changes in the patient's mood.
  • Alcoholism / drug addiction . Increased irritability and anxiety are caused by intoxication of the body, withdrawal syndrome, as well as frustration caused by the need to take alcohol/drugs.
  • Chronic somatic severe diseases. Long-term illnesses accompanied by limitation of the patient’s activity and pain provoke emotional disorders: melancholy, depression, despondency, followed by periods of anger and irritability.

Irritability in women

Women more often than men suffer from irritability, which is due to psychophysiological characteristics (increased emotionality, natural regular changes in hormonal levels) and greater workload. Most women have to combine work, raising children and running a household.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause contribute. In this case, irritability is accompanied by:

  • tearfulness,
  • touchiness,
  • sleep disorders,
  • decadent mood
  • fears.

Hormonal problems are treated by an endocrinologist and gynecologist. If the reason is fatigue or dissatisfaction, then you need the help of a psychologist and a change in lifestyle.


Symptoms of irritability and nervousness can vary greatly. Major appearances include:

  • The habit of speaking in a raised voice (loud, fast speech, shrill voice breaking into a scream), active, sudden movements.
  • Bad mood, anxiety, tearfulness, unmotivated aggression, anger, panic, apathy.
  • General weakness, poor night sleep.
  • Decreased interest in communicating with people, work, hobbies.
  • Acquired tendency to perform various types of repetitive actions (tapping fingers, swinging legs).
  • Increased muscle tone, muscle blocks, increased heart rate, increased sweating , headaches .
  • Decreased libido .

Irritability in men

In men, irritability is more often due to social reasons: workload, fatigue, conflicts, difficulties in the family. If this is combined with an internal feeling of dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and a feeling of the meaninglessness of life, then the situation gets worse.

Male irritability often results in outbursts of anger and becomes destructive. However, men can hold back their irritation longer, endure, and remain silent. Where a woman immediately starts screaming, a man will remain silent. But that is precisely why their irritability looks more destructive.

Tests and diagnostics

The diagnosis of “Irritability and anger” is made by psychotherapists and psychiatrists. To obtain and analyze information about the patient’s emotional state, the following are used:

  • A conversation with the patient and his relatives, during which the period of onset of outbursts of irritability is clarified, how they manifest themselves, what provokes them, how they affect the patient’s life and attitude towards them. Relatives may also report the patient’s increased conflict (she has become nervous and irritable, or her husband has become irritable and angry), difficulties in communicating with him, and behavioral characteristics.
  • Observation. During communication, the doctor notes the presence of external signs of irritability: harshness of speech, movements, change in voice timbre, fussiness/restlessness.
  • Psychodiagnostic questionnaires. For this purpose, an irritability test is used to assess emotional and personal characteristics. These are specially developed questionnaires: Bass-Darki, Cattell, FPI (contains 12 scales, including scales of irritability, openness and balance). The answers received allow us to assess the level of emotional stability, tendency to affect, resistance to stress, attitude to the social environment, and also determine the level of self-criticism.
  • Projective tests. Used if the patient denies the presence of increased irritability. He is offered projective tests that allow him to identify unconscious/hidden characteristics of character/personality (Ronzweig's frustration test, Wagner's hand test, etc.).

Irritability in children

The causes of children's irritability are not much different from the manifestations of that in adults: psychophysiological characteristics, the influence of upbringing, fatigue, fears, anxieties, self-doubt. In addition, irritability can be a form of protest against excessive parental care or, conversely, authoritarian upbringing.

Irritability manifests itself more emotionally than in adults. Although the specifics of the manifestations depend on the age of the child. For example, young children cry, bite, and scratch more often. Preschool children are stubborn. Younger schoolchildren violate discipline. Teenagers show aggression, slam doors, and withdraw into themselves. In addition to age, reactions depend on the character, temperament (cholerics and melancholics are more prone to irritability) and other innate characteristics of the child.


Preventive measures to maintain psycho-emotional stability include:

  • Normalization of lifestyle (avoid nervous overload/stressful situations). Get a full night's sleep, allocate time for rest and leisure, and take daily walks in the fresh air. A balanced diet without excess coffee and tea.
  • Regular exercise, sports, hardening procedures (douches, contrast showers, baths).
  • Regular intake of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Don't be categorical

Categorical nature, maximalism, perfectionism - all these qualities enhance manifestations of anger. People who are too demanding of themselves and others are much more likely to experience disappointment and collapse of hope. Calm and phlegmatic people react to this with frustration, while more impulsive people may experience outbursts of aggression.

Start looking at things more simply and stop judging. Our world is not ideal, but that does not stop it from being beautiful. Forgive people for their weaknesses and imperfections, take off the mantle of judge and just enjoy life.

Get rid of the excellent student complex. You should not strive for excellent results in everything. Sometimes it is enough to do something with a C grade in order to leave time and energy for more important things.

List of sources

  • Maralov V. G., Sitarov V. A. Irritability towards people: Typology and mechanisms // Integration of education. 2021. T.22. No. 3. pp. 493-507.
  • Levitsky A. G., Matveev D. A., Potsipun A., Shabaev A. V. Search for relationships between irritability, balance and level of health. Scientific notes of the University named after. P.F. Lesgafta. — 2015.— No. 3 (121).
  • Smirnov, V.M. Neurophysiology and higher nervous activity of children and adolescents. aid for students defectol. fak. higher ped. textbook institutions / V.M. Smirnov. - M.: Publishing House, 2000. - 400 p.
  • Vorobyova O.V. Stress and adaptation disorders // RMJ. 2009. T. 17, No. 11. pp. 789-793.
  • Ellen Leibenluft. Irritability in children: what we know and what we need to know. World Psychiatry. 2017; 01: 100-101.

Emergency help

If you urgently need to cope with irritability:

  1. Use counting to ten, the method of switching attention to pleasant memories, the technology of changing activities and distractions (walking, running, cleaning), scribble on paper and tear it, wave your hands.
  2. After this, write down on paper the possible consequences of irritation and its incorrect expression. Ask how it will harm you. You need it?
  3. Conduct auto-training. Say: “I understand that irritation is a bad emotion. I control my emotions. I understand and accept the world around me in its diversity. I live harmoniously and without irritation. I get joy from interacting with the world in a friendly manner.” It is better to carry out this auto-training daily.
  4. Do a breathing exercise. There are many breathing relaxation techniques. For example, you can use the following technique: take a lying position, inhale through your nose, rounding your stomach, exhale through your mouth, drawing in your stomach. Breathe slowly and deeply. Repeat no more than 10 times. Try a different exercise next time: inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, exhale sharply through your mouth and take 3 more breaths. Breathing exercises should be done carefully. It is better to consult your doctor first! For example, it is not recommended to use them if you have heart disease or have a cold.

Correcting irritability, like any other psychological problem, requires a personal approach. In general, we can only say that you need to look for the causes of fatigue and dissatisfaction, and then fight it. It is useful to check your health for hormonal imbalances. And of course, it is necessary to develop willpower and master self-regulation techniques.

Do auto training

At the beginning of the 20th century, the German scientist Johann Heinrich Schultz laid the foundations of autogenic training. Since then, this method has been actively used in many areas that require control over one’s own condition. It combines self-hypnosis and immersion in a trance. With its help, you can also curb your destructive emotions.

The simplicity of this technique makes it accessible to absolutely everyone. It is performed in several stages.

  1. Find a comfortable position and relax. Make sure that you are not distracted by extraneous stimuli.
  2. Mentally say the phrase: “My right hand is getting heavy” several times. Try to create a feeling of heaviness in your hand. You can imagine that you are holding an object, such as a dumbbell.
  3. When the sensation becomes clear, do the same with your left hand. Then with the legs, stomach, back, head.
  4. Once you feel heaviness throughout your body, you can move on to the next stage. Now you need to create a feeling of warmth. Mentally say: “My hand is warm.” You can imagine immersing your hand in hot water or exposing it to the scorching sun. And then proceed according to the scheme already familiar to you.
  5. Now you need to learn to control your breathing. Repeat to yourself 5-6 times: “My breathing is calm and even.” The exercise is considered mastered when you can voluntarily slow down your breathing rhythm.

To effectively manage your emotions, these exercises will be enough for you. Do them every day, and soon you will be able to achieve a high level of self-regulation. You will become subject to not only your emotions, but also some physiological reactions of the body.

Speak out

Share your problem with a loved one. Outline the situation, ask for advice. Sometimes an outside perspective allows you to look at a problem from a different angle.

Those who are closest to us suffer most from our anger and aggression: husband or wife, child, friends, colleagues. Naturally, this does not have the best effect on relationships. One day you may wake up in the morning and realize that everyone has turned their backs on you.

To prevent this from happening to you, ask for forgiveness for outbursts of anger in advance. Tell them that during moments of strong emotions you cannot control yourself and can do something stupid. At the same time, you work on yourself and learn to control yourself. After such a confession, your loved ones will begin to be more lenient towards your emotional outbursts. Don't abuse this attitude, but really work on yourself.

Avoid pointless arguments

In a dispute, it is much more often not truth that is born, but aggression. Especially when the subject of the dispute is not objective things, but views, judgments, conclusions and conclusions. In the first case, you can quickly resolve the dispute by resorting to Google. But one can argue endlessly about subjective points of view.

If you are an emotional, hot-tempered, impulsive person, arguments are strictly contraindicated for you. Learn to express your point of view without entering into open confrontation. The following phrases will help you.

  1. “I heard you. But, unfortunately, I cannot agree.”
  2. “I take a different point of view.”
  3. “I have no desire to argue with you. Let everyone remain to their own opinion.”
  4. “I respect your point of view, but it contradicts my principles.”

And you should refrain from the following phrases.

  1. "You're wrong".
  2. “Your arguments are baseless.”
  3. “You don’t understand anything about this.”
  4. “Don’t argue with me, I know better.”

Radical method

If you have tried all the methods described, but the hysteria and irritability have not gone away, perhaps frustration and deprivation are hindering you. These terms mean, respectively, “vain expectation, frustration of plans” and “deprivation, lack.” It doesn’t matter whether these are real problems that arose a long time ago and have accumulated throughout life, or persistent ideas of a traumatized consciousness - it is difficult to remove them with simple training.

You should try the radical “Turbo-Suslik” technique, which has earned positive reviews. A technique that works with the subconscious helps to find a way out of prolonged negative states and suppresses negative emotions. To use it, you do not need special knowledge or in-depth study of the basics of psychotherapy. The TC technique is designed as a set of instructions, following which you will relieve the state of deprivation. By healing the entire body, it improves thinking and encourages constructive action.

If you don’t want to give up and are ready to really, and not in words, fight for your full and happy life, you may be interested in this article .

read books

I offer a selection of books that will help you better understand the nature of anger and reduce its manifestations:

  • “Anger Management” by Dan Dubravin;
  • “How to get rid of resentment and anger” Pavel Fedorenko, Ilya Kachay;
  • “Taming Anger” by Gary Chapman;
  • “Practice joy. How to manage anger” Thich Nhat Hanh;
  • “Tame your dragon. Anger in the family” Ekaterina Burmistrova;
  • “Healing from Anger” Dalai Lama XIV;
  • “Fear, anger, sadness and joy” Yulia Panfilova.

Add activity to your life

If anger is your frequent companion, you may be lacking in physical activity. Increased levels of adrenaline in the blood can cause strong emotional reactions. It is successfully neutralized by active muscle work.

The most universal advice is to go in for sports. There is nothing better neither for physical health nor for moral. Sports train endurance, self-control, willpower, and endurance.

To relieve tension during a temper tantrum, boxing and sprinting are good options. You can take out all your anger on a punching bag, and you will immediately feel better.

However, to learn how to channel the energy of anger into a peaceful direction, these sports are not suitable. Psychologists advise choosing non-aggressive activities with a small number of participants. Another useful component is breathing techniques. During attacks of anger, the breathing rhythm is disrupted. By learning to control your breathing process, you will significantly reduce the severity of your emotional reaction.

Oriental martial arts are perfect: aikido, judo, karate. In addition to sports, they also have a spiritual component. The key concept of their philosophy is acceptance. The point of the fight is not to attack the enemy, but to parry the blow beautifully and accurately.

Concomitant symptoms provide a chance for a correct diagnosis

Severe nervousness and aggression, as a symptom of VSD, do not always develop independently - it can be complicated by other phenomena:

  • fatigue;
  • frequent headaches;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • nausea, which often occurs after being in transport.

Severe nervousness and anxiety, as a symptom of panic attacks, manifests itself as follows:

  • inability to relax;
  • intense muscle tension;
  • sweating;
  • diarrhea;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • rapid breathing;
  • tremor;
  • numbness and tingling in the limbs and face;
  • irregular pulse.

Nervousness, as a sign of neurosis, has the following accompanying symptoms:

  • inability to find a solution in a difficult situation;
  • chest pain;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • increased heart rate;
  • fatigue;
  • fear of losing control;
  • insomnia;
  • irritation;
  • lack of concentration.

Along with these signs, a feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath, and a feeling of insecurity develops.

As a manifestation of anxiety states, “the nerves go crazy” with depression, when, against the background of a general depressed mood, inhibition of not only actions, but also thinking develops, as well as apathy, a desire to limit oneself from communication, and insomnia.

Schizophrenia is another root cause of excessive irritability; the patient experiences spontaneous mood swings, he is withdrawn, uncommunicative, and given the underlying disease, he is dangerous to others.

Physical activity for a good mood

photo from the site

Muscle work allows you to relieve tension, normalize your appearance, restoring the self-confidence necessary for peace and happiness. The type of sport is not particularly important, but the following disciplines have a calming effect:

  • Yoga. Concentration on performing asanas, especially in combination with meditative practices, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Pilates. Smooth, measured movements combined with breathing techniques help get rid of nervousness and irritability.
  • Stretching. By discovering new possibilities of your body, you brush aside everything unimportant and annoying as secondary factors.
  • Cycling. Long cycling is similar to meditation - monotonous muscle movements, street noise and landscapes flashing before your eyes are perfectly calming.
  • Swimming. The calming effect of water is well known, because it gives a feeling of lightness and cleansing, so necessary during stressful periods of life.
  • Contact sports. Boxing, imagining the face of an inadequate boss instead of a punching bag - what could be better for releasing accumulated aggression?

Systematicity is important when playing sports. A Saturday trip to the gym is better than nothing, but still try to pay attention to physical activity 3-4 times a week.

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