Why does everything around me infuriate and irritate me? How to get rid of this condition?

Without realizing the reasons, we sometimes find ourselves at the mercy of our own anger, which is practically uncontrollable. “Everything pisses me off, absolutely everything,” we tell ourselves, but we don’t understand where this feeling came from, how to get rid of it and find peace again.

Many of us are surrounded by a feeling of hatred that we feel towards someone or something. Aggression and anger eat us from the inside. The problem of modern society is that increased irritability has already become the norm. Quite a lot has been said about this state, as a norm of life in an era of rapid development of technology and constant acceleration of the rhythm, much more than about the reasons for this state and ways to get out of it.

You don't get enough sunshine

If irritability occurs in late autumn or winter, when daylight hours become shorter, we may be talking about so-called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This is one of the types of depression, the development of which scientists associate Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) with a lack of sunlight.

Ultraviolet radiation affects the body's ability to produce hormones important for mood - serotonin and melatonin. In addition, a lack of sunshine disrupts the internal biological clock. A person constantly feels depressed, sleep-deprived, and chronic irritability is only a consequence of these problems.

What to do

One of the best options is to take a vacation and move somewhere to sunnier climes. Preferably with a loved one in an embrace. If this is not possible, try to be outdoors as often as possible during daylight hours, and use bright light close to natural indoors. Well, don’t plan labor feats at work during the “dark” period of the year: they require effort, and your nervous system is already exhausted.

Let’s clarify right away: the recommendations above apply only to mild cases of SAD. Seasonal affective disorder is still a full-fledged depression, and sometimes it can only be corrected by taking antidepressants and psychotherapy.

Therefore, if you suspect that a lack of sunlight is hiding behind your irritability and depression, consult a therapist or psychotherapist.

What to do if everything infuriates and irritates you

If you begin to notice attacks of uncontrollable rage, increased irritability and anxiety, then get ready to take certain measures. First, you need to accept what is happening, pause and outline a plan for further action.

To combat anger and nervousness, three main methods are recommended:

  • Expression. The most common method, which is characterized by verbal expression of one's own dissatisfaction. Is something really bothering you? Talk about it! Just remember that you should voice your thoughts extremely correctly, otherwise you risk greatly offending others. But first, talk through all the moments that worry you to yourself, try to look at the situation from the outside. Perhaps your claims are far-fetched and in the process of analyzing them you will come to the conclusion that it will be easier not to pay attention to them at all.

  • Suppression. One of the most popular methods for dealing with anger is distraction. The principle of the method is to suppress anger and redirect it to another form of activity. It is recommended to think about something pleasant and devote time to your hobby. Are you interested in cooking? Great! Turn on the music louder, take out your favorite saucepan and cook something new and incredibly tasty. The pleasure from the process itself and the final result will reliably distract you from the bursting negative emotions.
  • Calm. Many psychologists advise particularly irritable people to do yoga and meditation. Yoga helps to improve the functioning of the body’s internal reserves and learn to listen to internal sensations. With the help of meditation, you can learn to relax in a matter of minutes, which will allow you to quickly take control of your raging emotions.

Changing your way of thinking plays an important role in the fight against irritability and anger. A person who succumbs to attacks of rage cannot adequately perceive what is happening around him and is not capable of constructive conversations.

When in an excited state, the perception of the world is noticeably distorted, which leads to the fact that every little thing is perceived as a nightmare on a universal scale. Therefore, you should calm down, abstract yourself from your own emotions and admit that anger is not the best advisor.

You don't get enough sleep

Sleep is critical to mental health in general and mood in particular. If you don't get enough sleep for any reason, be it night work, insomnia or sleep apnea, daytime fatigue and irritability are the predictable consequences.

What to do

If you're having trouble falling asleep or suspect you're having trouble getting a good night's rest (for example, feeling sleepy all the time), talk to your doctor. Lack of sleep has many causes, including those that require medication. And only a doctor can select the necessary therapy.

However, you can try to normalize your sleep using home methods. General rules:

  • Go to bed at the same time every day.
  • Make sure the bedroom is dark and well ventilated.
  • Stop using gadgets (including TV) at least half an hour before going to bed.
  • Don't eat too much dinner.
  • Provide yourself with physical activity throughout the day.

Why are people prone to watery eyes?

Tear fluid is necessary for the eyes as a protective mechanism that moistens and nourishes the cornea. Increased lacrimation is a protective reaction of the body to external stimuli. Tears as a reflex can appear when coming into contact with strong odors, when yawning, or when foreign objects enter the mucous membrane. This reflex process is inherent in many representatives of the animal world.

Tearfulness associated with crying has a completely different nature. It has an exclusively emotional background and is peculiar only to humans. With the help of sobs, we express negative or positive emotions, releasing them from the inside out. If we omit the neurobiological details of the origin of this reaction, we can say that in this case, lacrimation is also a protection of the nervous system from overstrain due to the shock and stress experienced. Surely you have noticed that after prolonged and clearly expressed sadness in the form of tearing, you feel drawn to sleep. This is the same internal protection of the brain from excessive emotional arousal.

Shield from stressful situations

Crying relieves the body from stress. Psychologists say that the effect of such an outburst of negativity is enhanced if it is accompanied by a loud cry and active actions. After this, a feeling of calm and weakness always appears.

You eat too many sweets

Sugar is also an addictive drug. How Sugar Affects Your Mood. It stimulates the areas of the brain that are responsible for pleasure. With regular consumption of sweets, the brain gets used to the stimulation, its sensitivity decreases - and as a result, we need more and more sugar to get the same dose of joy.

To process a large amount of sweets, the body begins to release a lot of insulin into the blood - a hormone that causes cells to actively extract glucose from the blood. Because of this, blood sugar levels drop sharply. Since its rapid fall means a threat to life, the body immediately releases adrenaline. This stress hormone triggers the notorious “fight or flight” response - we described its consequences above.

What to do

Try to figure out if you are consuming too much sugar. “Too much” is, of course, a flexible concept, but there are still some officially established limits.

For example, the American Heart Association insists How Much Sugar Is Too Much:

  • men should consume no more than 9 teaspoons (36 g) of sugar per day;
  • women - no more than 6 teaspoons (24 g).

The American Dietary Guidelines are a little more humane: they limit the Dietary Guidelines 2015‑2020. Executive Summary maximum sugar intake is 10% of daily caloric intake. For a person consuming 2,000 kcal per day, the maximum allowable dose of sugar is 200 kcal, or 50 g.

Please note that a standard can of cola contains 10 teaspoons (about 40 g) of sugar. If you drink one such jar every day, you are already exceeding the maximum dose established by cardiologists.

Therefore, try to reduce the usual amount of sweets - perhaps this is what will help you overcome irritability.

You have a hormonal imbalance

Dozens of reasons can throw your hormonal balance out of balance. Here are the most common Irritability Causes:

  • premenstrual syndrome (PMS);
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • menopause;
  • hyperthyroidism - increased production of thyroid hormones;
  • diabetes.

What to do

If irritability hits you on the eve of your period and goes away after it ends, you don’t need to do anything special. Just note to yourself that this is exactly your reaction to PMS, and try to reduce physical and emotional stress these days.

But if the period of irritability drags on for weeks or even months, it is worth consulting with a therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination, ask you to take blood and urine tests and, if necessary, refer you to a more specialized specialist.

Why do you want to cry in church?

Impressionability is also characteristic of believers. Here are a few reasons why tears come to your eyes when visiting a shrine:

  • strong faith in the fact of the presence of God, his one-on-one communication with man;
  • Often people with difficult life situations turn to prayers, and even if everything is fine with you, the mirror effect works (the emotions of other worshipers are mirrored by the psyche);
  • The very atmosphere in the temple (heavy chants, the smell of incense, everyone around them worrying about their own) promotes associations with difficult moments in life and leads to watery eyes.

You are too tired physically

A lot of physical labor or training and little time for recovery - this is the right recipe. Are you getting too much exercise? fatigue and bad mood. When your body is overloaded, the stress hormone cortisol begins to be actively produced. Among other things, it causes irritability and anxiety.

What to do

Slow down. Rest at least 6 hours between workouts and be sure to give yourself a full day off (completely free from physical labor) at least once a week. If you feel that your irritability may be due to physical fatigue, take a longer break. For example, take a vacation.

You are trying to give up cigarettes, coffee or alcohol

When you try to say goodbye to a particular habit to which you have already developed an addiction, withdrawal syndrome occurs (also known as abstinence, or withdrawal). The brain became accustomed to the effects of psychoactive substances that came with nicotine, alcohol, coffee, and drugs. And it takes time for it to start working without regular outside help.

Withdrawal symptoms include depressed mood, sleep problems, anxiety, and irritability.

What to do

Wait. When your body is rebuilt, that is, the dependence on the bad habit is overcome, you will regain peace of mind.

Let your emotions out

Severe irritation usually occurs because small annoyances accumulate. It's like lighting a match: a person or situation ignites internal tension, like dry grass, and repressed emotions come to the surface. The worst thing is that emotions come out at the most inopportune moment: when we are with loved ones or at an important event. And then there is a desire to drown out feelings so as not to offend others.

Delay turns into complete avoidance of emotions. Either the initial irritation subsides, or there are so many things on our schedule that the feelings fade into the background: “I’ll sort it out later.”

Sometimes emotions need to be given vent: scream into a pillow, hit a punching bag, break a plate. Afterwards, relief comes and the opportunity arises to think: where did these emotions come from, what can we do with them and what will they lead to.

You are beginning to have a mental disorder

Irritability is one of the first symptoms of:

  • anxiety disorder;
  • bipolar disorder;
  • schizophrenia;
  • depression.

What to do

Mental disorders have other symptoms as well. For example, mood swings, loss of interest in activities that previously fascinated you, deterioration of memory and concentration, suspicion, isolation, character changes. If you observe something like this, contact a psychotherapist as soon as possible.

Why does a pregnant woman want to cry?

Emotional instability is especially pronounced in the first trimester, when the body is being rebuilt. This period is also characterized by anxiety, fatigue, and mood swings associated with hormonal surges. Tearfulness for a pregnant woman is an effective way to get rid of accumulated negative emotions. However, if crying too often turns into hysterics, you should consult a doctor: the mental health of the expectant mother is no less important than her physical condition.

Are you taking medication?

Some drugs can affect your mood. Especially if you do not follow the dosage. For example, this applies to thyroxine, a medicine prescribed for insufficient production of thyroid hormones. Or prednisone Why am I so irritable? , used to combat allergies and asthma.

What to do

If you are taking any drug on a regular basis, look at the instructions, which list its side effects. If you find mood swings, anxiety, irritability among them, contact your doctor. He may be able to find an alternative medicine for you.

Causes of irritability

When you are overwhelmed with irritation, and some people or their actions begin to frankly infuriate you, then before taking any measures, you should find the cause of the increased nervousness. You cannot start to be sad or angry without a reason; there is a reason for any negative state. If you can find the source of the problem, then you can confidently assure that you are already halfway to solving it.

Psychologists include the following as the main causes of increased nervousness:

  • Character traits. If a person has an unstable character, is characterized by mild excitability and mood swings, then he himself is prone to increased nervousness and irritability. Such people are known for their emotional outbursts and are rarely inclined to control themselves. People around a nervous person feel discomfort.
  • Perfectionism. There is a certain category of people known for their desire for excellence. Perfectionists have their own idea of ​​the ideal world and their place in it. They try to fit their lives into a certain pattern of “perfection.” But if, suddenly, they are faced with a discrepancy with their vision of the ideal world, they begin to experience nervousness and irritability.
  • Unplanned situation. It is impossible to predict situations that may happen in life. Sometimes in life a problem can arise that can unbalance even the most persistent and strong person. The situation may develop in such a way that it will not be possible to influence it, even if you make every possible effort. As a result, the cause of irritability is precisely the inability to keep what happened under control.

You shouldn’t discount everyday hassles, which are the cause of chronic fatigue. An overstressed person cannot control his emotions; fatigue puts him in a depressed state, when any carelessly spoken word can cause an outbreak of rage.


Without taking measures to stabilize his condition, a person gets used to constant nervousness. He is enraged by his own failures, the people around him and the successes of his family and friends. He begins to perceive everyone and everything with hostility, believing that everything is stacked against him.

Your brain doesn't have enough nutrition

Lack of nutrients and oxygen affects higher nervous activity. Sometimes it also provokes irritability.

There can be many reasons why the brain does not receive enough nutrition. For example:

  • excessively strict diets;
  • dehydration;
  • cardiovascular problems, due to which blood supply deteriorates;
  • tumors.

What to do

First, adjust your diet and make sure you drink enough liquid. If irritability persists, see a therapist.

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