Types of memory in humans: a review of 3 main classifications
Depending on the functions and individual characteristics in psychology, different types of memory are distinguished in
Breathing exercises to calm the nervous system: 10 effective exercises
Currently, a large number of people complain of sleep disturbances, poor memory and poor
Personal risk factors for burnout: locus of control
Rotter's Locus of Control Definition What is Locus of Control? This is a personality trait in which
internal conflict
How to get rid of irritability and nervousness: psychological help
Nervousness is a state of strong excitability of the nervous system, leading to sudden and acute reactions.
Increasing concentration: practical tips
Most people are designed in such a way that they cannot do two or more different things at the same time.
How not to waste time and not be lazy? Working tips
In this article we will look at how not to waste time, and also figure out what
Relationship disharmony
Nervous tension: how to relieve the first symptoms and treatment of advanced stress
Nervous tension is a deviation that occurs as a consequence of all kinds of psycho-emotional overloads. In humans
Alderfer's theory: motivation and human needs
Alderfer's theory: motivation and human needs
A huge number of researchers around the world have been studying the motivation of human activity for decades.
What to do if you have nightmares? Causes of nightmares
Why do you have nightmares - the main causes and methods of elimination
A strong and healthy night's sleep helps the body to rest and gain strength, which it will definitely need in the morning.
How to improve your life. 10 ways that can instantly improve your quality of life
The desire to improve their lives has always been characteristic of people. This is completely natural for every healthy person.
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