Charisma, charm, charm
How to become an attractive, stylish and charming girl? The art of charm and charm
Charisma, charm, charm A charming person is a person who has magnetic power. He's like a magnet
Delayed life syndrome: what is it and how to get rid of it
What is delayed life syndrome? What is bad about delayed life syndrome: theory What is bad about the syndrome
Intuition in Science
Intuition: what it is, how it works and how to develop it
Intuition is a judgment that leads to the solution of a given problem through a subconscious analysis of the situation when
Pride and pride - what's the difference?
Pride and arrogance - what's the difference. How to get rid of pride
Pride makes a person think that he is better than others. We're not talking about heroic
How to finish what you start
5 tips on how to learn to bring any task you start to completion
How to bring what you started to the end “If you’ve done the job, go for a walk with confidence,” - many of us
10 books on nonverbal communication that will help you find out the true motives of your interlocutor (10 photos)
Posted by Nikiforidis October 27, 2021 08:04 Community : Psychology Tags: Alan Pease Joe Navarro
Person's character
Structure and features of the portrait of a social personality
Social character is a set of traits characteristic of a group of people, united by nationality, gender,
Personality in psychology. What is it, development, types according to Asmolov, Averin, Kovalev, Slotina
Personality in psychology. What is it, development, types according to Asmolov, Averin, Kovalev, Slotina
tags: Person, Ability, Activity, Orientation, Social, Psychological, System, General 8 Purpose: to consider the elements of personality structure
How is motivation different from stimulation: main differences
Motivating and stimulating employees: why it doesn’t always work
The relevance of the study of work motivation in modern economic conditions. Work motivation is a process of stimulation
The importance of personal values
Life values: what role they play and how to determine yours
When was the last time you thought about what values ​​are important to you? If
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