How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and stop chewing “mental gum”

Obsessive thoughts (obsessions) are images or impulses that invade consciousness uncontrollably, against a person’s will. Attempts to get rid of these thoughts lead to outbreaks of anxiety and bring severe discomfort. A person experiences constant fears and bad thoughts. If you do not seek help in time, obsessions lead to psychological exhaustion, social withdrawal and depression.

Obsessive thoughts occur in many diseases: neuroses, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive neurosis) and even schizophrenia.

Features that distinguish obsessive thoughts syndrome:

  • a person cannot influence the appearance of such thoughts, thoughts arise against desire;
  • obsessive thoughts are not connected with a person’s usual thoughts - they are separate, alien images;
  • obsessive thoughts syndrome cannot be overcome by willpower;
  • the disorder is associated with intense anxiety and irritability;
  • clarity of consciousness and critical perception of one’s condition are usually preserved.

The disorder is extremely difficult to bear. Usually a person is aware of what obsessive thoughts mean, understands the irrationality of the images that arise in the head, but cannot fight them. Attempts to stop the appearance of thoughts and the coercive actions associated with them are unsuccessful and lead to even greater distress.

People who suffer from this disorder are not difficult to convince that their obsessive thoughts are unfounded. But this does not help get rid of the problem. Situations repeat themselves over and over again. A necessary step to getting rid of painful conditions is to seek help from a specialist before complications arise.

What are intrusive thoughts

Obsessive thoughts are the same repetitive thoughts that literally take over your consciousness. It is almost impossible to get rid of them. At the same time, a person is well aware of how illogical and irrational they are. But I am completely unable to free myself from disturbing and unnecessary thoughts.

Not all repetitive thoughts are obsessive. Obsessive thinking has the following characteristics:

  • constantly arising thoughts or images cause discomfort and anxiety;
  • the person tries to suppress them or ignore them;
  • a person understands that these are his own thoughts, generated by his consciousness, and not imposed from the outside.

Most people hide their obsessive thoughts because obsessions make them feel guilty and ashamed. I will list the most common obsessions.

  1. About dirt . The person is afraid of getting infected. He experiences obsessive fear and aversion to germs, viruses, dirt, sticky and chemical substances, etc.
  2. About aggression and violence . Such thoughts shock a person. He is afraid that he will lose control of himself and do something that he really does not want to do. For example, a young mother suddenly imagines throwing her newborn baby out of the window. Such ideas frighten her. She experiences a strong feeling of guilt, because she actually loves her baby and does not want to harm him.
  3. About danger . This group includes obsessive worries about an iron not being turned off, an unlocked door, etc.
  4. Blasphemous and blasphemous . Usually visited by overly religious and dogmatic people. Obsessive thoughts are associated with behavior that is completely unacceptable to them and contrary to their moral principles and faith.
  5. About sex . Occurs mainly in people who grew up in Puritan families or have had painful experiences. A person overwhelmed by such thoughts is afraid of them and rejects them in every possible way.
  6. About physical disabilities . People often become fixated on the shortcomings of their body. As a rule, they consider some feature of theirs to be a disadvantage, and all thoughts revolve only around this. For example, a girl is categorically dissatisfied with the shape of her nose. This doesn't give her any peace. It seems to her that those around her are just looking at her nose and making fun of it.

We figured out what obsessions are. Now let's find out why they arise.

Factors influencing their appearance

Intrusive phobias, ideas, memories and thoughts have no age. They can occur at any period of life and have varying intensity.

Overwork is one of the factors influencing the appearance of obsessive thoughts

The most common factors influencing their appearance are:

  1. Dramatic changes in life. These include: changing jobs, moving to another city or country, expulsion from the institute.
  2. The unstable position of a person in the financial, social or material spheres.
  3. Physical, intellectual or psycho-emotional fatigue.
  4. Insufficient rest or poor sleep.
  5. Dependence on someone or something. For example, an adult man of working age may depend financially on his parents, or a young girl on maternity leave on her husband.
  6. Complexes based on self-examination and comparison with other people.
  7. Negative experience that was not accepted and analyzed. After a serious illness, an individual may develop hypochondria - the fear of getting sick.

To minimize the formation of phobias and obsessive thoughts, you must first improve your lifestyle, balance rest and work, and also stop taking all negative situations “to heart”, trying to extract positive aspects from them. Only a positive attitude will help you not to go crazy during difficult periods.

Causes and factors of obsessive thoughts

In the modern world, a person is bombarded with a huge flow of information: the media, social networks, personal communication. And there is nothing strange in the fact that various thoughts appear in your head. But it is very important how a person treats them.

For example, if suddenly the thought of suicide came to him and he got scared, then this is a normal reaction. A suicidal person does not experience fear or negative emotions when considering such thoughts. On the contrary, he thinks through ways to do it.

So at what point does a thought become obsessive? There are several reasons why obsessions occur.

  1. Traumatic situation . As a result of the emotional blow experienced, a person experiences incessant anxiety. He is tormented by annoying thoughts about failure. He is afraid of a repetition of a difficult situation and does not understand how to get out of it.
  2. The habit of conducting internal dialogue . Did you have an imaginary friend as a child that you liked to talk to? People who had similar conversations as children constantly engage in internal dialogue in adulthood. They discuss issues, think about problems. The stream of incessant reasoning and reflection does not allow the brain to fully rest.
  3. Repetition of one's own beliefs and attitudes . A person constantly thinks through answers, especially in difficult situations. He non-stop goes over his life principles and values ​​in his head, making sure that they are correct. But such endless repetition exhausts him. As a result, he becomes anxious, and these thoughts do not let him go.

How to get rid of it yourself

5 tips that don't involve medication or psychological therapy to deal with your annoying ideas on your own:

· Understand why they bother you on a deep level.

· Watch out for obsessions; accept them and let them in, then let them move on.

· Don't be afraid of thoughts - these are just fantasies. Don't let them become something more.

· Be less accepting of intrusive ideas and let go of your emotional reaction to them.

· Stop changing your behavior to accommodate your obsessions or compulsions. This won't help in the long run.

Symptoms of obsessiveness syndrome

Obsessions cause a person to feel anxious. The brain reacts to them as a real threat. This manifests itself in the occurrence of symptoms, both internal and external.

External (somatic) symptoms include:

  • instability of heart rhythm (tachycardia, bradycardia);
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • increased pallor of the skin or, conversely, excessive redness;
  • disturbances in intestinal function.

Internal (psychological) symptoms are manifested as follows:

  • a feeling of guilt, remorse, shame arises;
  • a person constantly has a conversation with his “I”, replays the same bad thoughts and unpleasant memories in his head;
  • phobias develop (fear of heights, death, social phobia, etc.);
  • aggression towards close people increases;
  • a desire arises to commit a bad act, but most often it is not realized.

I have not listed all the symptoms of obsessive thoughts syndrome. But this list is enough to understand how dangerous obsessions are and what harm they cause to a person.

Make pauses in conversation with an ill-wisher

You should also hesitate during a conversation with a person who annoys you in order to cool down a little and look at everything said differently. The less said, the less you will have to regret. After all, after some time, the anger will pass. Very often we do a lot of stupid things that we later regret. In this case, there is no need to rush. Finding someone to blame or blaming oneself in rare cases leads to constructive solutions. In such cases, you should resign yourself and look for a way out of this situation.

No matter what happened, you need to remember that anger is the biggest problem. In this case, you need to do some calming activity - meditation, walk, physical exercise.

The danger of obsessive thoughts

Obsessive thinking about any problem may well develop into a mental disorder. For example, in adults, the fear of getting into a dangerous situation turns into real paranoia.

Obsessions often arise as a result of mental or physical stress. A person experiences increased anxiety and chronic fatigue. Begins to suffer from insomnia. And all this provokes neurosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other anxiety states.

A person under the influence of obsessions experiences the following problems:

  • the digestive tract ceases to function normally, a stomach ulcer occurs;
  • various addictions develop (food, alcohol, drugs, etc.);
  • excess weight appears as a result of overeating or excess production of the hormone cortisol, which slows down metabolism during prolonged stress;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system occurs due to hormonal surges (menstrual irregularities, decreased potency, etc.);
  • immunity decreases, as a result of which a person becomes easily susceptible to viral and infectious diseases;
  • mental abnormalities appear due to prolonged depression (complexes, phobias, suicidal tendencies, etc.).

Now is the time to figure out how to get rid of the obsessive state.

Treatment of obsessions

To free your mind from unnecessary and unnecessary thoughts, the following methods are recommended:

  • psychotherapy;
  • medicines;
  • self-help.


In advanced cases, only an experienced psychotherapist can help get rid of obsessions. The most common method is cognitive psychotherapy. Its goal is to help a person realize his thoughts and responsibility for them.

Through such sessions, the patient learns to respond constructively to illogical thoughts and ideas that arise. Patients who are accustomed to performing certain rituals (for example, counting before going to bed) learn to perform important actions without these habitual rituals.

A person with obsessive disorder usually lives in a family or has his own environment. And since the environment has a very strong influence on us, ideally the psychologist should work with the patient’s family.

In most cases, it is problems in relationships with family or loved ones that provoke the emergence of obsessive thoughts. A specialist needs to identify the problem and help restore harmony in family relationships.

I suggest you watch a short video in which a practicing psychologist explains how a session goes when working with obsessions.


To reduce the manifestation of physiological symptoms associated with anxiety disorders, the doctor prescribes special medications - antidepressants. They help fight neurosis. But no pills for depression will relieve a person of obsessive thoughts.

You can effectively cope with obsession using complex treatment: psychotherapy and medications. Side effects of antidepressants include increased drowsiness, lethargy and inability to concentrate. Many patients do not like this very much and interfere with their normal work.


Some more recommendations for those struggling with negativity:

  1. You need to understand that thoughts are not reality. They must be perceived separately from reality.
  2. Remembering the past, very often we relive those events and emotions in which something could have been changed. But this is unrealistic. What is done is done.
  3. It is also worth meeting other people - this will help take your mind off unnecessary thoughts.
  4. You need to listen to positive music.
  5. Religious people should also turn to God using prayers. Because sincere appeal will become a defense in the fight against the negativity living in us.

Self-help methods

At the initial stage of development of an obsessive state, a person can cope with it independently. I want to offer some advice from psychologists that will help remove “mental gum” from your head.

Give up the fight

The very first and most important rule in the fight against obsessive thoughts is to stop fighting them. The more you try to get rid of them, the more attention you pay to obsessions. And this takes away your energy, strength, and depletes your body.

A rule that will help here can be figuratively expressed as follows: “To avoid thinking about blue elephants, think about an orange dog.” The point of this rule is to switch your attention. Do you feel overwhelmed by obsessive thoughts? Focus on solving pressing matters or remember pleasant moments from the past.

Postpone unpleasant thoughts for later

You accepted and realized your obsessive thoughts. So that they don’t constantly torment you, just put off thinking about them until later. Set aside 30 minutes a day, which you will completely devote to annoying thoughts, think about the situations that bother you.

This method will help get rid of excessive anxiety. Your consciousness will calm down, because you agreed with it that you will definitely think about the unpleasant, but later. As a result, you will be able to calmly deal with pressing matters, without being distracted by extraneous unnecessary thoughts. Just be honest with yourself and be sure to keep your promise to yourself.

Get creative

Creativity is a great way to cope with obsessive feelings. Express the feelings and thoughts that bother you on paper. You can draw them or sculpt them from plasticine. It doesn't matter how good your creativity is. The main task is to express the painful obsession as accurately as possible.

Now is the time to get rid of it. Tear your creation into small pieces, burn it, throw it in the trash, break it, trample it. In a word - destroy. After this you will feel relief and freedom from negativity.

Divert your attention

Interestingly, while observing various dynamic processes, the brain perceives everything else as less important or completely insignificant. That is why, when we look at fire or a stream of water, sticky and nasty ideas fade into the background. They leave us alone, and we feel a surge of strength, energy and inspiration. This method is great for relaxing the brain.

Look for secondary benefits

Sometimes obsessive thoughts arise against the background of unresolved problems from which a person is trying to hide. If you correctly identify the problem and solve it, you will get rid of obsession and neurosis. It could be a job you don’t like, a boring and outdated relationship, studying at an institute in the specialty your parents chose for you.

All these questions prevent you from achieving success. Read more about this in the article “How to become successful.”

Take it to the point of absurdity

Laughter is a great way to relieve accumulated stress and anxiety. Let's say you're tormented by obsessive thoughts that a man won't like you on the first date. Now imagine his frightened face, how he falls from his chair and tries to run away. At the same time, he stumbles and falls again. Fantasize until you laugh.

If you have such thoughts, I would also advise you to read the article “How to love yourself.”

This technique will not help overly serious people. They have already forgotten what it is to have fun. But life is easier and more interesting with humor. But I do not at all urge you to be frivolous and irresponsible.

Mentally destroy the obsession

I would like to suggest one interesting technique. Use it when you feel that obsessive thoughts are starting to take over you.

  1. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take deep breaths and exhales. Psychologists say that you need to inhale courage and exhale fear. Focus on your breathing and sensations. This will help you relax and calm down.
  2. When you are completely relaxed and free from tension, imagine the same image that is exhausting you. Give free rein to your imagination and destroy it by any means that come to mind.
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