Effective methods of proving and persuading people: psychological techniques that will silence the teacher

Techniques and methods of psychological influence on people are the main part of practical psychology. Thanks to this, every day science discovers, studies, tests, generalizes and proposes the use of psychological methods of influencing people on each other in their lives. This can be the family, production, labor and public spheres. All people, when they communicate with each other, influence each other, intentionally or not, and use certain mechanisms in practice.

Definition of the concept

Suggestion is an influence aimed at changing a person’s behavioral characteristics, his mental and emotional state. Due to changes in behavior and psyche, the individual at whom the suggestion is directed freely perceives new information (attitude, instruction, order). The second name for suggestion is suggestion, and the person directing the suggestion is called a suggestor.

Influences of this kind are carried out verbally and non-verbally. During communication, individuals also use suggestion, constantly imposing emotions, desires, moods and opinions on each other.

The power of suggestion directly depends on the quality of the information received, the authority of the person directing the influence on someone, and the suggestibility of the individual. In addition, the influence on a person increases under the influence of external and internal factors: natural disasters, the emotional state of the individual, his suggestibility.

Suggestion, unlike persuasion, is not based on logical arguments, but on a person’s willingness to accept instructions and transmitted information on a subconscious level. It instills in the suggestible someone else’s ideas, sensations and feelings without the use of any evidence or logical explanations.

The essence of the problem and its duality

What makes us believe or not believe a story? That's right: narrative logic!

Logic has a direct influence on our mind. But in order to achieve maximum effect, you should not forget about the feelings that give credibility to what is said. That is, it is always worth remembering: you can prove something, but you cannot forcefully convince it.

Conviction in life is completely different from using methods to prove the Pythagorean theorem. There are not enough dry facts and formulas here

Let's look from the other side. If you influence feelings and do not take into account logical justifications, you will be able to convince, but not prove.

Bottom line: in order for what is being proven to be convincing, and what is convincing to be demonstrative, it is necessary to use both logical and non-logical methods of proof and persuasion.

Justification of a thesis, in which methods of non-logical influence are used together with logical methods, is called argumentation.

Who is most susceptible to suggestion?

Children and women, as well as teenagers, impressionable people are more susceptible to the influence of others than adult men with an established psyche. A person becomes suggestible under the influence of the following physical and mental factors:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • pain;
  • bodily relaxation;
  • drowsiness;
  • emotional excitement;
  • boredom;
  • low level of development of thinking;
  • incompetence in any area;
  • weakness of will;
  • anxiety;
  • shyness;
  • lack of time when making any decision.

A person can resist influence both intentionally and unintentionally. Intentional resistance helps to purposefully overcome suggestion. This consists of constant conscious analysis of the information received, comparing it with personal knowledge and beliefs. If the suggested program does not match the existing data, the person rejects it. Unintentional resistance lies in the pathological tendency of individuals to doubt.

Forms of suggestion

There are three main forms of influence on humans:

  • hypnosis;
  • suggestion when a person is completely relaxed, both mental and physical;
  • suggestion in everyday life, while the individual is awake.

This kind of influence is aimed at reducing a person’s vigilance, weakening his thought processes to accept information, while using the emotions of the suggested person. That is, during installation, new information is associated with facts, people, and situations already familiar to the person, which evoke purely positive emotions in him. This allows you to win over the individual and inspire confidence in him. It should be borne in mind that if negative emotions appear, the attitude will be completely rejected.

Using false arguments

It is also interesting that in rhetoric there are a number of quite convincing techniques that are completely rejected by logic. They are called arguments and are used in various disputes, discussions, and debates between the parties in courts.

  1. Argument to personality. This is the logical basis of the statement, but refers to additional methods of persuasion. It is used in argumentation (for example, in characterizing an offender).
  2. Argument to the public. The speaker tries to evoke certain feelings in the audience so as to change their attitude towards the issue on the agenda. This argument strengthens the existing argument. But it is best not to use it without (or as a replacement for) the main evidence.
  3. Argument to authority. Here, the main argument is the statement of famous personalities (scientists, politicians, philosophers). Like previous methods of persuading a person, this argument is recommended to be used as an additional, and not the main one.
  4. Argument for compassion. Often, in order to receive a positive assessment or contribute to a satisfactory resolution of an issue, a person tries to evoke sympathy or pity for himself or someone else.
  5. Argument to ignorance. The calculated use of arguments known to be unknown to the public.
  6. Argument to benefit. Here the expectation is that the arguments provided will be positively received by those listening only because they are beneficial. For example, during an election appeal, people automatically have a better attitude towards someone who promises an increase in wages without evidence, because the people are interested in this.
  7. Argument to strength. The use of threats against those who express their disagreement with the stated theses.

None of these arguments are accepted by logic because the purpose of proof is to substantiate the truth.

So, during the discussion, the interlocutor can use the following manipulation techniques and methods of persuasion and suggestion:

  • substitution of theses in the process of evidence;
  • using thesis of arguments that do not prove anything or are partially true under certain conditions, or the use of deliberately false arguments;
  • evidence of the falsity of someone else’s thesis and the correctness of one’s own statement.


Suggestion and persuasion are similar and at the same time radically different concepts. The latter can be equated to a subtype of suggestion. This method of influence uses logical techniques combined with social and psychological pressure. That is, links to authoritative sources of information and the influence of a group of individuals are used here as a tool. In the latter case, persuasion works more effectively, since the group influence on a person is stronger than the influence of one individual on another.

Conviction is aimed directly at a person’s logic and reason. Therefore, when influencing, the level of personal development is taken into account. At a low level, persuasion may not work, since underdeveloped individuals usually completely or partially lack logical thinking.

Requirements for promotion

Please pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is necessary to encourage the child’s actions that set an example for others.
  2. With this method, age and personal characteristics must be taken into account.
  3. Encouragement is effective only from authority figures or microsociety.
  4. The method cannot be used on the same children.

In this principle, the main thing is that children or employees feel a sense of pride and satisfaction for good results in work or school.


Hypnosis and suggestion are practically inseparable concepts. Hypnosis is a state in which a person is between sleep and wakefulness. In other words, hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, trance. The hypnotist uses various techniques to put a person into a trance, influencing the psyche of the hypnotized person.

The hypnotist performs several actions simultaneously: induction into a trance; introducing one’s own attitudes into the subconscious, instilling certain tasks. A person is immersed in a hypnotic state through constant, monotonous actions of the hypnotist, aimed at irritating certain senses:

  • touch (touching, stroking);
  • hearing (muffled music, calm tone of voice);
  • vision (fixation of gaze on any attribute of the hypnotist).

Also, some hypnotists practice complete blocking of the senses - physical relaxation, closing the eyes during the session. A person can plunge into a hypnotic state only if his brain has a predisposition to transition into an inhibited state.

The hypnotist’s voice seems to take over a person’s subconscious, blocking the flow of other information.


This subtype of suggestion is a technique of self-government. A person constantly inspires himself with any thoughts, imposes emotions and a desire to act. The influence on one’s own self is actively used in pedagogy, education, and independent learning in various sciences. Self-hypnosis is a psychological suggestion that helps you overcome your own fears and achieve your goal.

The main forms of this impact are:

  • affirmations – text and speech suggestions;
  • visualization – images and pictures that create a mood and embody a specific goal;
  • meditation and self-hypnosis - suggestion of thoughts.

Self-hypnosis does not always give a positive attitude; often a person unconsciously inspires himself with a negative outcome of events and mentally lowers his self-esteem. This does not allow the individual to develop and improve normally. Therefore, self-hypnosis should always be positive and conscious. The effectiveness of the impact depends on a person’s susceptibility to attitudes, as well as their quality - incorrect and unrealistic attitudes are usually not perceived by the subconscious.

What are the main methods of persuasion and how effective are they?

Below are some highly effective persuasion techniques. In addition to them, the following are also used: rewards, punishments, positive or negative experiences, appeals to a person’s moral qualities.

Methods of persuasion include the following types:

  1. Instruction. When the person being persuaded has a positive attitude towards the person persuading (if he has authority), he instructs the listeners, convinces them to behave in a specific way that he needs. In the form of instructions, the director gives direct recommendations to his subordinates: “Do it this way, and we will achieve such and such results.”
  2. Commands and orders. These methods are resorted to very often if there is authority in front of the audience. The main thing is that orders are carried out. But to be successful, the person being persuaded should not criticize the assigned tasks. For example, when asked by parents or grandmother to collect toys, the baby will react differently if the mother is strict with him, and the grandmother is gentle.
  3. Advice. When there is trust, intimacy, understanding between people. Of course, you need to give advice correctly, and do it in such a way as not to offend your loved one.
  4. Hint. This type of influence is indirect, since the information is not communicated directly, but in the form of a half-joke or comparison. For the most part, the hint is not aimed at a person’s thinking, but is addressed to his emotional state. It is best used when a person is in a playful, high spirits.
  5. Indirect approval. This technique can be used when a person generally acts correctly. The main goal is not to let you deviate from the desired path. But why is approval indirect? If you tell a person everything directly and in plain text, it will look like flattery and can scare away. It is absolutely inappropriate to look a person straight in the eyes and say: “You did great! This way you will achieve what you want." It would be better to use a persuasive phrase. For example: “This approach usually produces excellent results.”
  6. Placebo. This effect has long been known to medicine. As a rule, the doctor gives the patient ordinary ascorbic acid instead of serious medicine and says that this is a new generation drug that will help with all ills. The patient believes in a good outcome of the treatment and is thus healed. You can also use this technique to convince your interlocutor that everything will work out. For example, give a child a talisman and tell him that as long as he keeps it, he will be able to achieve everything he dreams of. True, if he still makes an effort. And you will see that the child will certainly succeed.

All these techniques are known to everyone, there is nothing amazing about them, the main thing is to use them correctly, and then success is guaranteed. There are psychological methods of persuasion, the main goal of which is to influence a person’s consciousness and accept your point of view.

Methods and types of suggestion

Basically, suggestion is a verbal, verbal influence, enhanced by various auxiliary techniques. According to historical data, the word has always had a strong influence on people, it helped to cure dangerous diseases, and could stop and start a war.

In any of the methods, the impact first irritates one of the areas of the brain, simultaneously slowing down the work of the remaining part of it, and then, with the help of discharge, the suggested thought, word or idea is firmly fixed in the subconscious.

The mechanisms of suggestion are:

  • Direct. Here the main role is played by the speech of the person directing the suggestion.
  • Indirect. In addition to speech, other types of influence are used, stimuli that enhance the effect of suggestion

Psychological techniques

The method of persuasion, examples of which are presented in the article, is widely used by psychologists. Let's look at their main techniques:

  1. Fundamental. Direct speech to the interlocutor, who is openly introduced to the necessary information that serves as the basis for evidence of the truth.
  2. Contradictions. Identifying inconsistencies in the arguments of the persuaded and carefully checking personal arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counterattack.
  3. Drawing conclusions. Arguments are not revealed immediately, but gradually. Seeking agreement at every step.
  4. Pieces. The arguments of the person being persuaded are divided into strong, medium, and weak. The former are mostly not touched upon; the main target is the latter.
  5. Emphasis. Emphasizing certain points in the arguments given by the interlocutor (“you say it yourself”).
  6. Ignoring. It is used if the fact that the interlocutor cited cannot be refuted.
  7. Two-sided argumentation. To be convincing, they talk first about the advantages and then about the disadvantages of the proposed method of solving this issue.
  8. Boomerang method. The interlocutor is given back his own arguments, but directed in the other direction. Arguments for are turning into arguments against.

Suggestion by thoughts

Mental suggestion, the introduction of one’s own desires and ideas is an influence that results in a change in attitudes, beliefs and attitude towards something or someone. This also includes the emergence of new aspirations in life, which the individual had not previously thought about.

This method of influence is used in the absence of close contact with the suggested person, that is, at a distance. The suggestor imagines in detail that the object of suggestion is currently next to him, while feeling how his thoughts reach their destination - the subconscious of the suggested person. In order for mental suggestion to take place, a person needs to believe in his own strength, as well as imagine in detail what he wants to achieve from the suggested person, into what state he wants to put him.

Methods of persuasion: the influence of external factors on a person

Every day we are faced with conviction. For example, food manufacturers want us to buy their butter and cheese, and film studios want us to attend the premieres of their films in cinemas.

Since methods of persuasion are the main component of our lives, we often cannot always notice how we came under their influence and the influence of external factors. This science has been studied since ancient times, its ultimate goal was to force another person to calmly assimilate a certain argument and accept a new judgment of the elements of his worldview system.

Verbal or verbal suggestion

This kind of influence involves complete immersion of the suggested person into a relaxed state. This increases the strength of the verbal signals sent by the suggestor. The latter must be completely confident in his own capabilities, collected and focused on the implementation of his plans.

Verbal or verbal suggestion has several subtypes:

  • Direct. Here simple settings are used, understandable both to the suggestor himself and to the suggestible. They are quickly spoken and implemented, while the suggestible person does not have the opportunity to refuse to accept the attitude. This method of suggestion was previously used to block pain during operations.
  • Indirect. With such influence, a person does not understand what the suggestor is trying to achieve from him, and he has a choice: accept the attitude or resist it.
  • Open verbal suggestion. Here, the suggestible person is offered several different settings, after accepting which he can begin to act. The success of suggestion depends on the person’s attitude to the information received.
  • Hidden verbal suggestion. This is the combination of an individual’s calm speech with certain hidden orders (commands, settings).

All phrases and individual words are pronounced insistently, but at the same time calmly and evenly, not too loudly. The voice must contain the strength and confidence of the suggestor. The power of suggestion with words increases several times if phrases are constantly repeated, since repetition helps to consolidate new information in the subconscious of the suggestible.

Description of the phenomenon

Suggestion of thoughts is understood as an external influence on the human brain, in which personal beliefs, views, attitudes and desires are replaced. The most significant influence of this nature is those close to you. This is due to the fact that relatives and friends are always open to each other, which is why they perceive information uncritically. It is for this reason that a kind of instillation of different thoughts and attitudes occurs between close people. The only exceptions can be people who have insufficiently developed communication skills, which makes them more closed, and their perception of information is very critical.

A striking example of suggestion is the relationship of a child with his parents. The baby easily accepts absolutely everything that adults say. There can be no question of any critical perception. Therefore, scientists note the importance of healthy relationships within the family for the development of the child’s psyche and intelligence.

Impact at a distance

Few people have the ability to suggest something from a distance. They are the ones who understand how independent thoughts and desires can be. Such people can easily exert the necessary influence; they can influence the subconscious of a person who is very far away. Distance is not a problem for them.

This mental method of one-way communication is explained simply: each person is a receiver who can catch thoughts intended for him, sent using energy impulses of a certain frequency. Most often, such messages are mistaken for their own ideas.

Suggestion is considered a type of hypnosis. When exposed at a distance, it becomes telepathic. Moreover, the latter has much greater power if we compare it with the first. The person being influenced is called a suggestor, and the hypnotist is called a suggestor. The process itself is called “suggestion”.

Nonverbal suggestion

The influence is carried out through visual contact with the suggestible person, changes in the intonation of the suggestor, various gestures, and fixation of a person’s gaze on a constantly moving object. Words are used here as an auxiliary tool.

Methods of suggestion with non-verbal influence:

  • Change in a person’s physical condition – catalepsy. During suggestion, the individual takes a certain pose, which is imposed on him by the suggestor.
  • Introducing pauses into spoken text. The suggestible person involuntarily fills the gaps between the information received with his own thoughts, decisions and attitudes.
  • Suggestion of levitation. Here, physical influence is completely absent; the suggestible person is immersed in a trance only thanks to his own imagination.

How to make suggestion more effective

Whatever the impact on a person, to achieve a positive result you must follow the following rules:

  1. The suggestible person must be in a relaxed state, while his logic and critical thinking must be completely turned off. This is possible with mild alcohol intoxication, as well as immersion in a trance.
  2. The suggestor needs to believe in what he is trying to inspire in a person, otherwise the influence will not be effective. Also, he should not doubt his own abilities during the session.
  3. To achieve the desired result, you need to constantly train and improve yourself.
  4. During the influence, the suggestor must fulfill all the promises given to the ward, otherwise the suggestion will not be effective.

How to protect yourself from exposure

Due to the fact that many scammers use suggestion as a way to make money, there is a need for self-protection from this influence.

Recommendations to help protect against suggestion:

  • When communicating with unfamiliar people, you need to remember your own goals, if necessary, shifting the conversation to a topic that interests you.
  • In dialogue, you need to constantly change the position you take, use gestures, periodically changing intonation and tempo, and timbre of your voice. It is also recommended to change the breathing rate.
  • At the slightest suspicion of suggestion and the inability to free yourself from it, you need to abruptly break off the dialogue and leave.
  • During a conversation, experts do not recommend looking into the eyes of a person trying to inspire something in you, or observing his manipulations, be it waving his arms or using any objects that attract attention. Here you should fix your gaze on a static object, or constantly move your gaze from one object to another.
  • If you understand that they are trying to instill in you other people’s ideas and desires, then you need to immerse yourself in memories, mentally draw a picture of some events.
  • Communication with one’s own “I,” listening to loud music, and reading any text aloud helps stop external influences.

Remember that suggestion can be either positive or negative. A positive message helps a person regain self-confidence, restore health and give up bad habits, while a negative suggestion destroys a person from the inside, setting him up for a negative outcome of events.

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