How to get rid of resentment and stop being offended - 10 tips from a psychologist
Ivan Vdovin 1450 1 0 The most common emotion, of course, is resentment and roots
A narcissistic man is an egoist
Is a narcissistic, egoistic man a disease that you have to come to terms with?
A narcissistic, egoistic man can clearly demonstrate his character traits just during a family
How to control your emotions: rules and exercises
16 ways to control and manage your emotions
We have already discussed the management of emotions in some detail on the pages of our website (course “Emotional Intelligence”),
ignoring people
Neglect is one of the oldest types of emotional abuse. Psychologists' point of view
In most cases, ignoring people can be seen as a person's defense mechanism. And despite
The need for communication or characteristics of interpersonal interaction
The need for communication is the reason for one of the types of human activity, thanks to which each individual
night desert
Self-regulation - its types and functions, effective methods
Prevention of stress, How to cope with stress Irina Vasilyeva Properly applied methods of self-regulation will make you
Methods for increasing personal effectiveness + development and management
There is a definition of personal effectiveness, which implies a person’s ability to most quickly and efficiently
Features of family education. Pros and cons of different parenting styles
Each parent independently or on a subconscious level chooses a certain style of raising children. Style selection
female narcissism
Narcissism (pathological egocentrism) in women: manifestations and methods of defense
Self-love, respect, recognition of one's strengths and protection of boundaries are worthy and positive
NLP how to make a man fall in love with you - techniques and techniques in love
Knowledge of the psychology of human behavior and the ability to use it in practice works wonders. One of
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