20+ best creative and developmental online courses for women

Psychological training for personal growth involves the development of internal potential, thanks to which full self-realization and building harmonious relationships with the outside world are possible. Such seminars allow you to learn self-control, listen to your feelings, and sensibly assess your potential.

Personal growth courses will help you love yourself for who you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses. After attending the trainings, you will give an objective assessment of your actions and thoughts. This will allow you to look deeper into your own consciousness, correctly evaluate your hidden reserve, get rid of eternal torment and find yourself in life.

If you are going through a difficult period in your life and want to become self-confident, then in this article you can choose a psychological center with educational programs that suit you.

Psychological (citywide)


  • m. Chistye Prudy, st. Myasnitskaya, 24/7, building 1
  • metro station Sukharevskaya, Malaya Sukharevskaya square, 2, building 2
  • m. Pervomaiskaya, st. Verkhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 47, bldg. eleven
  • m. Oktyabrskoye Pole, st. Marshala Biryuzova, 11, bldg. 11 A

Website: https://psy-association.com Phone: Cost: from 1500 rub. for 1 lesson

In everyone’s life there are “dark patches”, which can be overcome in different ways, sometimes easier, sometimes more difficult, and sometimes so difficult that this task seems almost impossible.

If you are going through a difficult period in your life, have problems that are difficult to deal with alone, if you feel the need to change something or just want to get closer to yourself, improve the quality of your life, this center will help you.

Here we are ready to be with you in difficult life situations, using professional knowledge and experience to help you cope with difficulties and feel the joy of life more fully.

Expert support will help you achieve the following goals:

  • increase self-esteem and self-confidence
  • cope with communication problems
  • get rid of depression, apathy
  • cope with loneliness
  • improve family relationships
  • get rid of psychosomatic diseases
  • cope with fears, phobias, panic attacks
  • get rid of painful feelings of guilt or shame, unmotivated aggression, and other problems in the emotional sphere
  • learn to build comfortable close relationships
  • solve problems in raising children
  • survive the loss of a loved one, betrayal, divorce
  • find the optimal solution in a difficult situation
  • free yourself from addictions: love, computer, nicotine, alcohol
  • get rid of pathological jealousy
  • come to terms with the difficult past and reduce its impact on the present
  • find your meaning in life
  • understand and accept yourself

Cardio training

Cardio exercise is a great option for those who want to lose weight and increase endurance. This could be: cycling, jumping rope, running, swimming, sports or Nordic walking. For indoor training, a rowing or elliptical machine is suitable.

Cardio training comes in different intensities:

  • Low and medium intensity - suitable for beginners, because... there is no heavy load on the heart and joints.
  • High intensity – suitable for people with an average level of physical fitness, increases metabolic rate during and after training.

When creating a cardio training program, you need to take into account some nuances. To exercise at home, you will need an exercise bike or treadmill. A suitable option is outdoor exercise, where the body is provided with a large amount of oxygen.

Be sure to have comfortable clothing and proper shoes to avoid heavy stress on the foot. You need to start your lesson with a warm-up. For those who are overweight and have health problems, walking or swimming is suitable.

To lose weight, it is recommended to combine cardio with strength training. Beginners should start with low to low intensity workouts and gradually increase the load. You need to drink about 1.5 liters of still water per day and follow a calorie deficit diet. Lesson time – 40 – 50 minutes, conducted at least 3 times a week.

Psychological Center for Personal Development of Yuri Bobovsky (throughout the city)


  • m. Tretyakovskaya, Klimentovsky lane, 6
  • m. Academicheskaya, st. Krzhizhanovskogo 14, bldg. 1
  • m. Kutuzovskaya, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 34
  • m. Oktyabrskaya, 1st Spasonivkovsky lane, 17

Website: https://psychogenes.ru Phone: Cost: to be confirmed by phone

Your problems have their roots and causes. Accordingly, they require exclusively professional knowledge to resolve them. Professional help from a psychologist in Moscow is at your service.

All information obtained during meetings, as well as before and after contact, remains solely between you. First of all, this will ensure your safety. In addition, this is required by the professional ethics of a psychologist. To receive psychological help, you are not required to provide your address or telephone number.

The training is a short intensive training course, which includes a theoretical part and practical testing of acquired skills.

Various trainings aimed at improving the quality of life are organized here. Depending on the goal pursued, you will receive appropriate support from qualified specialists.

Directions taken into account:

  • socio-psychological processes;
  • family relationships;
  • women's problems;
  • problems of children and adolescents, etc.

The psychological center provides you with a huge variety of different training programs that allow you to cover the maximum number of problems and situations that cause difficulties.

Full body for girls

Fullbody – training for all muscle groups, i.e. The whole body is worked out in one training session. Fullbody training is ideal for those who have just started exercising or have not exercised for a long time. When done correctly, prepares the body for advanced levels of training. The complex is suitable for home and gym.

An approximate set of exercises:

  1. Squats with a barbell (dumbbells) with wide legs or a body bar;
  2. Bench press or chest row;
  3. Barbell deadlift;
  4. Bodyweight lunges;
  5. Wide grip barbell row;
  6. Raising dumbbells to the sides with both hands;
  7. Push-ups from the knees or from the floor.

15 repetitions are done in one approach, the number of approaches is 3 per exercise. Training time – 50 min.

Moscow Psychological Laboratory 12 (CAO)

Address: metro station Krasnye Vorota, st. Novaya Basmannaya, 23 b, s. 20 Website: https://mpl12.ru Phone: Cost: to be confirmed by phone

MPL12 is a living psychology for people, it is an opportunity to change the world inside and outside, it is your own path in practical psychology.

The main activity of the Moscow Psychological Laboratory is the provision of high-quality and highly professional psychological services.


  • Psychological consultation;
  • Diagnosis of personality traits;
  • Psychotherapeutic groups;
  • Trainings on current topics;
  • Transformation processes and intensive seminars;
  • Thematic and research evenings in psychology;
  • Live communication with like-minded people in an atmosphere of opportunity and discovery.

At your request, the coordinator will select a psychologist for you, or you can choose a psychologist yourself.

Training » (CAO)

Address: metro station Chistye Prudy, Potapovsky lane, 5, building 3 Website: https://academrl.ru Phone: , +7 (499) 495-45-34 Cost: to be confirmed by phone


Conducting trainings for women and men since 2010. They help people find a way out of difficult life situations, overcome problems and get to know themselves better. Courses and seminars are conducted by certified psychologists and coaches. Specialists work for results: if you do not feel any changes after completing the full course of training, you will return the money spent.

Types of trainings:

  • Personal training for women: the best coaches have developed psychological training for women. They help cope with depression, open doors to a wonderful new world, where you become more successful, sexier, and successfully establish contact with the opposite sex. You will understand that your life is in your hands. You can achieve anything you want. You will get rid of complexes and fears, overcome your phobias, and be filled with energy and strength to achieve your goals. You will understand how powerful your feminine beauty is.
  • Psychological trainings for men: men's trainings are aimed at unlocking inner potential. By working with a coach, you will increase your productivity and become more effective in a professional environment. You will have energy and motivation to implement your goals and plans. For men, social psychological training is developed in two main areas - business and relationships. You will learn useful skills and new tools that will allow you to move up the career ladder faster or give you the impetus to start your own business. The seminars will also help you build quality relationships not only at work, but also in the family.
  • Psychological trainings for men and women: seminars are aimed at personal growth and improving relationships in couples. At the meetings you will learn how to achieve success, think positively and make your personal and family life happier, more interesting and richer. Coaches will help you get rid of fears, complexes and pressures. You will have strong motivation to act. After completing psychological communication training, you will learn to build harmonious relationships with your partner and make useful connections.

Which is better: online or personal visit?

The optimal training model is distance courses for women. They are appropriate if the resident:

  • lives outside a metropolitan metropolitan area;
  • very busy, wants to study according to a convenient and free schedule;
  • prefers to study in the comfort of home;
  • cannot pay for “live” training, which he considers expensive;
  • spends a lot of time traveling, online courses are taken on the road.

There are positive aspects to a personal visit:

  • obtaining the necessary information from an experienced presenter within 3 hours;
  • supervised practice;
  • instant answers to questions asked.

Registration will allow you to become a participant in the online event, after which the promised lesson will be sent to your email address, as well as a link to the most popular webinar for women. Regular receipt of useful information from a specific author is guaranteed. The user does not risk anything and has the right to refuse the mailing list if the materials are not to their liking or are uninformative.

Advice. If desired, it would not hurt to create an additional mailbox. Don’t ignore special materials from course creators you like – they can be useful.

Psychological (CAO)

Address: metro station Mayakovskaya, Vorotnikovsky lane, 11, p. 2 Website: https://sergey-emanov.rf Phone: Cost: to be confirmed by phone

Personal growth courses “Copyright to your life” is a cycle of 21 modules (trainings), the main task of which is to solve emotional, personal, behavioral problems, as well as to encourage deeper self-awareness and understanding of reality.

This is 35 years of life and professional experience of psychotherapist Sergei Ivanovich Emanov. A program that has no analogues in Russia.

The course is designed in such a way as to work out false attitudes, “self-deceptions” and problem areas in the main areas of life.

All information that is provided in classes is sorted into workbooks and structured into diagrams and tables.

They are not going to change your life, but provide tools so that you can competently solve existing problems.

The course is taught by a professional psychotherapist with a medical education.


Warm-up is an integral part of the workout, which includes a set of exercises that prepare the muscles for the main load.

Benefits of warming up:

  1. Warms up the muscles, therefore reducing the risk of injury;
  2. Increases endurance during exercise;
  3. Prepares the cardiovascular system for further stress;
  4. Saturates muscles with oxygen;
  5. Sets up for the training process;
  6. Speeds up metabolism.

The warm-up begins at a slow pace with gradual acceleration.

An approximate set of exercises for warming up:

  1. Rotation of the neck, arms, ankles;
  2. Turns and bends of the body to the left - to the right;
  3. Swing your legs;
  4. Squats;
  5. Running in place;
  6. Jumping rope.

City Center for Additional Vocational Education (CAO)

Address: metro station Belorusskaya, 3rd street Yamskogo Pole, 2, bldg. 13 Website: https://doprof.ru Phone: , Cost: from 12,000 rub. per course

Personal growth training is the most effective form of practical development of the most successful models of personality development and the best techniques for achieving success.

The programs in accordance with which the trainings are conducted are developed taking into account the latest achievements in the psychology of business growth and personal development. The training is based on a comprehensive disclosure of a specific topic and analysis of incorrect attitudes that block the use of new skills.

Various interesting methods and forms of group interaction, video clips of role-playing games are used, which allow you to look at yourself from the outside, and computer templates for the development of situations.

The result of training in personal growth training is the ability to accept one’s nature and oneself, set goals and successfully achieve them, manage one’s life and oneself, and acquire leadership qualities and skills necessary for an effective leader.

For those who want to earn permanent or additional income. Business training via the Internet.

Igor Krestinin . Annual program “Multiple sources of income” (including earnings from affiliate programs).

Yulia Pryakhina . Women's business.

Evgeny Khodchenkov . Online school Alliance of Free Entrepreneurs. Training in building your own Internet business from scratch, as well as developing an offline business on the Internet.

Timofeev Vitaly . A project of ready-made solutions - a quick start to making money via the Internet for beginners.

Alexander Fedyaeev . Turbo launch of a product business via the Internet in one day.

Alexey Dementyev . Training to improve business efficiency.

Maxim Temchenko . Millionaires Club.

Evgeny Vergus . Learning to make money on the Internet. Internet project "Webmaster's Advice".

Irina Freud . Learn how to make money from affiliate programs.

Psychological (CAO)

Address: metro station Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 7, building 11 Website: https://spcdom.ru Phone: , +7 (903) 974-39-34 Cost: from 1500 rub. for 1 lesson

The center conducts a variety of psychological trainings in Moscow, aimed at developing various personality skills and the formation of individual abilities.

Psychological trainings are a form of group work, during which you gain new knowledge and develop existing skills and practical skills, both on yourself and on others. The uniqueness of psychological trainings in which a professional psychologist-consultant works with you is that they are multidirectional, namely, they are divided into two areas:

  • Development of personal qualities;
  • Development of professional skills.

In the center you will find not only classes for adults, but also psychological training for children.

The process of completing all the trainings is very interesting. To obtain positive and expected results, it is necessary to decide in advance on the topic of the training or choose a facilitator who can keep the training within certain limits. Depending on the complexity of the topic, the duration of group work is determined - it can be 2, 3 hours or several days.

The duration of trainings for children is determined not only by the course program, but also by the individual characteristics of its participants. If we consider training aimed at developing personal qualities, then with the help of various tests and graphic techniques it is possible to determine who a person sees himself in society and who he seems to others.

Also in this direction, the relationships between the participants are clearly visible. If we consider training aimed at developing professional qualities, then it is in great demand in various organizations. For people working in the same team, such trainings are useful.

Authors of courses on training in trading and investing

Shevelev Alexander . Trading training for beginners.

Investment of Natalia and Yuri Pavlov. Earnings from bankruptcy auctions.

Natalya Zakheim . School "Personality and Capital". Investing in real estate and other highly profitable projects.

Authors of the Info-DVD agency . Learning to make money from trading.

Dmitry Cheremushkin . Professional trading training.

Selifanov Oleg . Bankruptcy Bidding Academy.

Maria Derigina . Investing in “profitable” sites.

Center for Psychological Support for Business and Family “5DA” (CAO)

Address: metro station Okhotny Ryad, Gazetny per., 9, building 7 Website: https://5da.ru Telephone: Cost: to be confirmed by phone

Personal growth trainings show the direction, the path and give impetus to personal development.

The name of the center is symbolic, these are 5 YES that will change your life:

  • "Yes!" - For yourself!
  • "Yes!" - To the family!
  • "Yes!" - Love!
  • "Yes!" - Success!
  • "Yes!" - Life!

Psychological trainings use the latest psychological technologies for teaching and integrating skills, which allows participants to better assimilate the material.

Instead of boring lectures at psychological trainings, you will find role-playing games and meditations, fascinating stories, and the opportunity to get to know yourself!

The mission of the psychological center is to help people find ways to solve their problems and tasks today, “here and now,” improve the quality of life and find harmony within themselves.

Academy of Successful Women (CAO)

Address: metro station Sukharevskaya, 1st Koptelsky lane, 18/2 Website: https://woman-in-success.ru Telephone: Cost: to be confirmed by phone

The Academy of Successful Women is truly the best training for women in Moscow, designed specifically for women who want to become stylish and feminine, as well as achieve success in business and personal life.

Today the following areas are open at the academy:

  • Style and etiquette lessons. Image is very important, no matter what field of activity you choose for yourself. The ability to behave beautifully, maintain a conversation, and know the basic rules of etiquette are mandatory requirements for a successful lady!
  • Harmony and beauty. Female charm is one of the most effective weapons and the ability to use it correctly will greatly help in difficult situations.
  • Finance and law. For women who want to know their rights and be able to manage money wisely.
  • Career and business. Secrets of success, rapid career advancement and effective management.
  • Successful relationships. A happy woman is a beloved woman! The ability to maintain harmonious relationships will help you avoid many mistakes that couples often make at different stages of their life together.

Each course is aimed at personal development, improving mastery of small tricks and creating a single holistic image of a successful woman.

"Trenkom" (CAO)

Address: metro station Kitay-gorod, Luchnikov lane, 7/4, building 6 Website: https://trencom.ru Phone: , +7 (916) 836-33-39 Cost: to be confirmed by phone

A personal growth and development training program aimed at people striving for success.

During the guest meeting, the trainer discusses one of the training topics. Come to the meeting to:

  • See how it really works
  • Get answers to your questions
  • Understand what you personally can get for yourself by becoming a participant in the training


  • Free training program for the acquired tools for those who have completed the training
  • Results during the training process
  • Modern effective practical skills
  • Individual work with each participant
  • 20% effort and 80% result

Authors of weight loss and rejuvenation courses

Elena Fedotova . Face fitness for facial rejuvenation with simple exercises.

Elena Shaparenko . Gaining health, youth, beauty and slimness using the effective technologies of Formula BodyHealth.

Ethel Adanye . Technology for instant non-surgical rejuvenation.

Galina Turetskaya . Vaccination against excess weight by working with the subconscious.

Inna Nefedovskaya . Facelift for the face and healing of the body in the Internet project “Lady Youth”.

Galina Grossman . School of effective weight loss “Lose Weight99 ru”. Author of unique weight loss techniques.

Ksenia Pustovaya . School of Dietetics of the Russian Federation. How to lose weight quickly.

Ksenia Chernaya . School of nutritionology "PRO-health".

Olga Levonyuk . Facial taping and vision rejuvenation techniques.


Address: metro station Krasnye Vorota, st. Myasnitskaya, 46, building 1 Website: https://empatia.ru Phone: , +7 (915) 189-55-77 Cost: from 2500 rub. per course

Empathy is a creative team of psychologists, psychotherapists and teachers. Since 2004, we have been helping children make adolescence a harmonious beginning to adulthood. Here they develop the skills that every person needs for a successful, happy and conscious life.

Adolescence is the age when a person’s personality acquires bright and obvious features. Often adolescence is a difficult period, both for the teenager himself and for his parents.

The goal of the project is comprehensive psychological support for adolescents and their parents.

Here they help teenagers and parents make adolescence a harmonious beginning of adult life. Together they create a space of respect and development, form useful skills for building harmonious relationships with others and learning about oneself.

Training on simulators

Training on machines is as effective as training with dumbbells and barbells. Before you start, you just need to understand how this or that simulator works.

Everyone is familiar with the treadmill and exercise bike, but let’s look at the rest in more detail:

  • Elliptical trainer – designed for training the legs and buttocks;
  • Rowing machine – trains the muscles of the abs, arms, legs and chest;

    Rowing machine

  • Deadlift - the simulator is ideal for girls who dream of beautiful biceps;
  • Climber is a “climber’s simulator” that helps strengthen the muscles of the abs, legs and arms. Belongs to the category of complex workouts.
  • Trainer - platform – trains the muscles of the legs and buttocks;


  • T – bar – develops arms, back and pectoral muscles;
  • Hyperextension bench – designed for performing hyperextension exercises, strengthens the back and buttocks, the exercise is indispensable for training with axial loads.
  • The “butterfly” exercise machine works the muscles of the chest and arms.

Complex training on simulators for all muscle groups:

  1. Crunches on a “Roman chair” (3 – 20);
  2. Upper block thrust (3-15);
  3. Platform (3 – 15);
  4. "Butterfly" (3-15);
  5. Elliptical trainer (15 min).


Address: metro station Belorusskaya, 5th street Yamskogo Pole, 5, building 1 Website: https://paracels.ru Telephone: Cost: from 1400 rub. for 1 lesson

The Institute of Modern Psychological Technologies has been operating in Moscow for more than 20 years. During this time, it managed to gain great popularity and became a center known not only in Moscow and Russia, but also in the CIS countries, Germany, Israel, the USA and other countries in Europe and Asia.

A wide range of psychological problems are solved here, including addictions, fears, and phobias.

The center conducts:

  • individual consulting on various issues;
  • family psychological counseling;
  • counseling minors (children and adolescents);
  • psychodiagnostics (determination of psychological profile) and personality psychotherapy;
  • career guidance for adolescents and adults;
  • the child’s psychological readiness for school (the results of which will answer the mother’s questions: should she send her child to school at 6 years old or should she wait, which school program is preferable);
  • identifying the underlying causes and consequences of children’s school failure;
  • difficulties of relationships and ways to overcome them (child-parent, marital);
  • psychodiagnostics of domestic staff (for compliance with the chosen profession, identification of aggression, psychological personality disorder).

Individual psychological counseling is a personal, confidential conversation between a person and a psychologist for the purpose of receiving psychological help.

Correct load distribution

A competent approach to sports will provide quick and long-term results. To do this, you need to know exactly how to distribute the load on your body.

Distribution of the load, regardless of whether it is strength training or cardio, includes the main components:

  1. Warm up before starting training;
  2. Correctly selected program;
  3. Rest between classes.

Any workout should begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down.

Warm-up duration is 5 – 7 minutes. The lesson should last approximately 60 minutes, 2 - 3 times a week. An important point is the regularity of training. Girls with low physical fitness should start with half-hour classes. Before starting training, you should consult your doctor.

Exercises with weights at the initial stage are done in three approaches, 12 to 15 times. If the goal is to lose weight, then gradually the weight of the dumbbells needs to be increased, otherwise the body will get used to the same loads and stop progressing. You also need to work on the number of repetitions and reach 17 – 20 times per approach.

If we are talking about gaining muscle mass, then 3 repetitions of 8 to 10 times are enough. The weight of the dumbbells is selected individually (holding the dumbbells in your hands, you should try to do 8 repetitions, if it turns out you need to take dumbbells that weigh a little more).

Rest between sets for about 1 minute, you also need to monitor your heart rate. If the CC frequency is below 140, then the load is insufficient, and if it is above 170, then it is too strong.

The technique of performing the exercises must be correct, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Therefore, it is better to perform exercises in front of a mirror. It usually takes a month to perfect the technique. Training should not be daily; muscles need time to recover and rest.

A fitness trainer will help you choose a training complex; he will select an individual workout and develop a nutrition program.

“Successful teenager” (CAO, Northern Administrative District)


  • m. Smolenskaya, st. Arbat, 36/2, p. 6
  • m. Mendeleevskaya, st. Novoslobodskaya, 31, p. 1

Website: https://successfulteenager.rf Phone: +7 (985) 123-52-25 Cost: from 8500 rub. per course

The leader-club “Successful Teenager” is a center for the modern development of a successful person of the future. The programs are aimed at developing the key skills of a successful person in the 21st century. It is no secret that a number of professions in demand today and tomorrow will disappear. We need new skills, a new format of thinking - systematic, critical, creative, logical, developed emotional intelligence.

This is the ability to set and achieve goals. This is the ability to critically evaluate circumstances and act creatively. Ability to see and solve problems systematically.

Previously, these qualities were formed spontaneously (some were given, others were not). Here, soft skills are developed in children specifically for a future successful and prosperous life.

The development of soft-skills will allow the child to understand himself and his interests, become flexible, adaptable to the changes that are in demand in the society of the future. This is not taught in universities.

Classes in the “Successful Teenager” leadership club will help your child become a successful person with an active life position.

By studying in the leader club, children become more confident, realize their value and significance, competently analyze their shortcomings and personal resources, learn how to resolve conflicts, learn to speak publicly in front of an audience and convincingly persuade, learn assertive behavior and be able to resist destructive influence, begin to take take responsibility for your future, become motivated for success and results!

The influence of the menstrual cycle on training

The quality of the training process is affected by the menstrual cycle. In the first two weeks after menstruation, the body is on a strength rise; these days you need to train with greater intensity. In the next two weeks, a period of decline and energy saving begins. This is a time of light exercise and low-calorie nutrition.

Many girls experience various ailments on the first day of the menstrual cycle, so training on this day should be postponed.

If you have gynecological diseases, you should not train, but it is better to coordinate the training loads with your doctor. During menstruation, the body is in a state of dehydration; during these days it is important to drink plenty of drinking water and eat foods rich in vitamins.

Training (Central Administrative District, Southern Administrative District)


  • m. Chistye Prudy, Potapovsky lane, 5, building 4
  • m. Chertanovskaya, microdistrict. Severnoe Chertanovo, 1 A (TC “Aventura”)

Website: https://tren-kot.ru Phone: Cost: from 6055 rub. per course

It is not uncommon for a child or teenager to have difficulty adapting to a group environment. Moscow is a city where a child especially needs to develop such a quality as confidence.

It is important to develop it from childhood. Here are common mistakes parents make:

  • Create boundaries and imposed responsibilities
  • They set goals too high
  • They demand a lot from the child

As a result, the teenager shows aggression and feels insecure. Or there may be a different situation. The child is terribly unsure of himself, this prevents him from living and communicating fully, and only a professional psychologist can help him raise his self-esteem.

Professional psychologists conduct seminars in which parents and their children can take part. For children and teenagers, classes are conducted in a playful way, individually or in groups. For each person, a special training program is developed for personal growth, development of confidence and achievement of the set goal.

The children's course is no exception. Self-confidence training is especially important for a modern teenager. Without confidence, you cannot achieve great success in life, and adolescence is one of the most important stages in personality development.

Training complex for beginners

For girls starting to play sports, it is necessary to create a training program on their own. A mandatory point is to gradually increase the load. The training program should consist of exercises for all muscle groups. Much attention should be paid to performing the exercises correctly. This will make the result come faster.

Each workout begins with a warm-up (6-10 minutes is enough) with a transition to a basic strength complex. The duration of the lesson in the first stages is 30 - 40 minutes, with each training the time should increase.

For one exercise with weights, 3–4 approaches and 12–15 repetitions are done. Rest between approaches is 40 - 60 seconds, during which time the muscles will have time to rest and breathing will recover. The total number of workouts per week is 3 – 4.

For effective fat burning, cardio training is added, which alternates with strength training.


Address: metro station Krestyanskaya Zastava, st. Vorontsovskaya, 35 B, building. 2 Website: https://igrox.ru Phone: , +7 (916) 925-24-52 Cost: to be confirmed by phone

It is one of the leading companies in the field of education and communication training in public speaking, communication skills, interpersonal relationships, sales techniques and leadership!

Personal growth is a concept in psychology that means qualitative changes in the personal potential initially inherent in a person.

What happens at these now popular personal growth trainings? If this is a properly organized professional event, then its result should be the discovery of rich life prospects and ways to realize everything that seemed impossible before. This is a high-quality study of previous experience, a new look at your temperament and character, and the study of the mechanisms of effective interaction and communication with other people.

Personal growth trainings:

  • Oratory
  • Leadership and psychology of influence
  • Natural voice power
  • Mind Games: The Power of the Subconscious in Action
  • Success Laboratory

Specialized trainings:

  • Preparing for interviews and stress interviews
  • Networking - creating useful connections
  • Managerial "Special Forces"
  • Debate

Track your progress

Tracking progress during training occurs by measuring with a centimeter tape. This should be done once every two weeks and the results recorded in the training diary. There you can also count the calorie content of your daily diet; thanks to the records, it will be easier to adjust your workouts and menu.

It is better to avoid constant weighing on scales; this will not provide reliable information. As you know, muscle is heavier than fat, so at the beginning of training, the weight may increase slightly.

A good indicator of progress is to increase the number of repetitions, approaches and weight load. Every two months, girls need to change the composition of the training program to improve progress and stop training every six months for two to three weeks to rest the body.

Change yourself and your body and let sport bring only happiness and pleasure!

"Sinton" (VAO)

Address: metro station Partizanskaya, Okruzhnoy proezd, 15, bldg. 2, building of the Research Institute "GIPRORECHTRANS" Website: https://syntone.ru Phone: , +7 (926) 018-02-28 Cost: from 12900 rub. per course

Everything in life is good, and at the same time something goes wrong... Sound familiar?

  • You clearly want more, but it’s not clear how to achieve it;
  • You are stuck in a routine, it seems that one day is exactly like the next;
  • There is no required level of mutual understanding with other people;
  • You feel that something in life is not going the way you want;
  • You sometimes feel that it is very difficult to work with other people;
  • Sometimes it is difficult for you to agree with others or your agreements are violated;
  • Everything seems good, but you clearly want more!

Do you find yourself in at least one point? But everything can be changed!

For 33 years now, the legendary training program, according to reviews of participants, of whom there are already more than 10,000, gives the effect of a “positive turn” in life.

Communication mastery is a powerful challenge where you can find out the real value of yourself and your qualities and reach a new level.

Come and see for yourself.

Advanced training program

The advanced level training program is suitable for girls who have already achieved a certain level of sports and regularly attend the gym.

Set of exercises (3 sets = 17 repetitions):

  1. Warm up.
  2. Pullover;
  3. Raising legs from a lying position;
  4. Single leg squats with a barbell;
  5. Standing dumbbell press;
  6. Sumo squats;
  7. Jumping rope (2 sets of 2 min.)
  8. Side plank.
  9. Hitch.


Address: m. Aviamotornaya, st. Energeticheskaya, 6 Website: https://keysevolution.ru Telephone: Cost: to be confirmed by phone

Personal growth trainings developed according to proprietary programs are very popular in Moscow. The dynamic rhythm of life of the capital's residents is a source of stress, presents complex situations and difficulties that require improvement of the personal side during trainings.

To successfully cope with such circumstances and fully realize your creative and psychological potential, come to:

  • exercises for personal training will help you understand the reasons for your failures in personal relationships, career and other areas;
  • active self-development will help you effectively cope with psychological contradictions, fears and pressures;
  • you will begin to feel life in new, bright, rich colors;
  • after just a few lessons you will feel your personal growth, you will be able to look wisely at current situations and find the right way out of them;
  • You will find your inner core and be able to protect yourself from negative psychological influences from the outside.

Convenient schedules, classes and a variety of programs will allow you to choose the best option for visiting.

A training program is often held here at the personal growth center for women, so that every representative of the fair sex becomes the master of her own life.

Courses on improving the health of the body and treating diseases using non-traditional methods

Nikolay Peychev . Academy of Healers. Treatment of many diseases, including those that are difficult to treat.

Sergey Doroshevsky . Wellness sessions.

Victoria Lea . Non-contact treatment of the spine and joints, as well as many other diseases.

Elena Bakhtina . Rejuvenation and healing of women according to the author’s methods at the Academy of Health.

Sergey Li . Exercises for the back and spine according to the author's Aiki-Qigong system.

Alik Mullakhmetov . Health School "Breathing System".

Alexander Voloskov . Healing through yoga and Vedic practices.

Grigory Kireev . Mindful meditations.

Sandra Korkhova . Kaula yoga.

Elena Muzychenko . Exercises for women's intimate health.

Fedor Simonov

. An effective method for complete natural vision restoration.

Olga Butakova . International Academy of Health.

Elena Levitskaya . All-Russian Academy of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic nutrition for weight loss, health promotion and longevity.

Alexey Mamatov . School of health and longevity. Restoring health and treating diseases using the body’s internal reserves.

Grigory Basov . Osteopathy.

Pavel Kruts . Psychosomatics.

Andrey Goloshchapov . Getting rid of fears and anxieties.

Alla Diaz . Restoration and preservation of female reproductive health using alternative medicine methods.

Tatiana Dudina . Yoga therapy in the online project “Yoga with Tatyana Dudina”.

Marva Ohanyan . Books and lectures on treatment using methods of ecological medicine.

Mikhail Sovetov . School of Health on natural nutrition.

Denis Terentyev . Health improvement and weight loss through a raw food diet.

Natasha Svedovaya . School of treatment using naturopathy.

Svetlana Samokhina . Biohacking reality.

Svetlana Aristova . Courses on healthy eating and baking healthy bread.

Valery Korshunov (Yo-Mazzai) . Baking delicious bread for health.

Alexander Koldaev . Methods for relieving pain in muscles, back and joints.

Yuri Savin . The “DAR-GORA” system for getting rid of muscle pain in the back, lower back and other parts of the body.


Address: metro station Perovo, Perova Polya passage 3rd, 8, building 1 Website: https://sviyash-center.ru Phone: Cost: from r. per course

CENTER FOR POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY “The Smart Way” by Alexander Sviyash for conscious self-transformation of the Personality is a training and psychological center that has been operating for 20 years in Moscow and various countries around the world.

Here they help people become strong, successful, creative individuals who create their own lives and are responsible for it. Each person creates his own destiny. Here they teach you how to do it correctly.

The Center is an educational organization that deals with what is not taught in schools and universities. It offers psychological consultations, personal growth training, psychological training, and personal consultations.

By undergoing training at the psychological center, you receive:

  • increasing personal effectiveness in all areas of life
  • free communication with others
  • choosing an active, creative life position
  • significant increase in self-esteem
  • reconsidering your attitude towards failures and problems
  • possession of those tools for building your life, which you can then use for many years of loving and harmonious relationships with loved ones

Power training

Weight training is indispensable for girls seeking a beautiful body. They are also important when losing weight, because strength training uses up body fat. Strength training: develops muscle definition, corrects the figure in the right places, improves coordination and increases endurance.

Principles of strength exercises:

  1. When performing, you should strive for “muscle failure,” i.e. with the next repetition it is difficult to overcome the resistance;
  2. Increase the load in order to avoid addiction. Once you get used to it, your body will stop progressing. But at the same time, carefully monitor the maximum point that everyone has.
  3. Be sure to give your body time to rest.
  4. Monitor the technique of doing the exercises. Do all exercises without sudden movements and jerks, control your breathing and properly fix your body at the beginning of the exercise.

A strength training program for girls should include exercises for: chest, biceps, quadriceps, triceps, back, shoulders, buttocks and abs. Before each workout, a warm-up is done. The number of repetitions and approaches and how to choose the right weight for dumbbells was described at the beginning of the article.

Institute of Psychodrama, Coaching and Role Training (SAO)

Address: m. Airport, st. Pilot Nesterova, 7 Website: https://ipcirt.ru Phone: , +7 (495) 612-14-57 Cost: to be confirmed by phone

People in this center are in love with psychodrama! Because this is a living, helping method. People who become acquainted with psychodrama never remain the same; their world changes. It doesn’t matter whether a person is a psychologist or not. Develops competent communication skills, the ability to understand oneself and others, feel more subtly, and take into account one’s state and motivation. The level of inclusion, creativity and spontaneity, the ability to interact with a group, and manage group dynamics increases.

The institute works to ensure that as many people as possible become friends with psychodrama and apply it in a variety of areas. Psychologists of various directions and specializations, coaches, teachers, managers and trainers include psychodrama in their practice. Psychodrama is easily integrated into other forms and methods of work. And as a result, it becomes richer, more voluminous and more diverse.

Specialists regularly participate in professional conferences and seminars, undergo personal therapy and receive supervision for their work. They combine teaching in the institute’s programs with individual appointments, conducting psychotherapeutic groups and trainings.

During any program, different types of clients, complex cases, possible problems and ways to solve them are examined. Training programs are carefully thought out and organized to ensure gradual and consistent mastery of tools and methods and to develop a comprehensive and systematic vision of human and group psychology.

Fat burning program

A fat burning program for girls should include: strength and aerobic training, proper nutrition. When creating a training program, you should know that subcutaneous fat is consumed after 30 minutes of intense exercise. Below is a training system designed for 4 workouts per week.

Day 1 – aerobic training:

  1. Joint warm-up.
  2. Walking on a treadmill followed by running – 20 minutes;
  3. Ellipsoid – 20 min. at an accelerated pace;
  4. Rowing machine – 10 min.;
  5. Jumping rope – 5 min.;
  6. Walk on a treadmill at a slow pace - 5 minutes.

Day 2 – aerobic training:

  1. Joint warm-up.
  2. Exercise bike – 20 min. at an average pace;
  3. Running on a treadmill – 15 min. at an average pace;

    Each training program for girls consists of a warm-up and cario training

  4. Ellipsoid – 10 min. at an accelerated pace;
  5. Rowing machine – 10 min.;
  6. Walk on a treadmill at a slow pace - 5 minutes.

Day 3 – strength training:

  1. Warm up.
  2. Classic squats with dumbbells – 3 to 15;
  3. Incline barbell press – 3 to 15;
  4. Lunges with dumbbells – 3 to 15;
  5. Standing barbell press – 3 to 15;
  6. Hyperextension – 3 to 15.
  7. Hitch.

Day 4 – strength training.

  1. Warm up.
  2. Bent-over dumbbell flyes – 3 to 15.
  3. Extension of arms with dumbbells from behind the head – 3 to 15;
  4. Deadlift with a dead grip - 3 to 15;
  5. Lifting with dumbbells on socks 2 to 30;
  6. Sumo squats.
  7. Hitch.

Each workout lasts 60 minutes. The training program can be carried out at home, excluding exercises with simulators.

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