How to swim while hiking and maintain hygiene
How to wash in bodies of water The bodies of water that you will encounter in the mountains - rivers, streams and
table of visibility distances of objects and targets
Methods for determining the range to a target using available means
Determining distances to the target Military Encyclopedia - historical and archival military-patriotic portal main☆Soviet military encyclopedia☆military equipment☆military
How to prepare for earthquakes: rules of survival August 20, 2021, 08:45
How to prepare for earthquakes: rules of survival August 20, 2021, 08:45 At the Department of Emergency Situations
How to quickly assemble and fold a camping tent
How to choose a site for a campsite Ideal Tips for Choosing a Campsite /
tent shore UP2 mini
How not to freeze in a tent. Rules for sleeping warmly in a tent
Terms The article discusses the rules for organizing comfortable sleep in tents at low temperatures and
Where can I pitch a tent?
How to set up a tent? Tips for Newbies
Choosing the right place Some novice travelers believe that a tent can be set up absolutely anywhere.
Such a fire burns for a very long time and does not require constant adding of wood.
Nodya, her options and ways to build this fire
Nodya is a taiga long-burning, or rather smoldering, fire, which is most often used for
Moderate continental climate. Characteristics and Features
What is the temperate climate zone and where is it located? As you know, our planet is divided
Prohibition signs in the forest: an important part of the work to protect the flora and fauna of forest lands and implement safety precautions
Development of prohibition signs Prohibition signs in the forest: do not litter! Signs that are used in the forest
Rules of conduct during a volcanic eruption
Basic rules of behavior during a volcanic eruption. What do you need to know to survive?
Among the dangers that people have to reckon with are volcanoes; there are many of them on the planet.
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