Safety rules in the metro: analysis of situations

In the largest megalopolises of Russia, the metro is the most convenient and popular form of public transport, which has formed entire underground cities underground. Daily subway trips have become a familiar ritual for most residents of these centers.

However, not every one of us thinks that the subway is a high-risk area and the life, health and well-being of themselves and the people around them depend only on the attentiveness and caution of passengers.

We will look at the dangers that the underground corridors of the metro pose, and also tell you what rules of conduct in the metro you should follow in order to protect yourself from possible risks and threats.

Hold the doors when entering and exiting the metro

We encounter the first potential danger already at the entrance:

  • The lobbies of most “historical” lobbies in the central part of Moscow and St. Petersburg are equipped with antique solid wood doors, each of which weighs more than 100 kg.
  • Modern stations have aluminum doors, which are lighter in weight. When there is a strong gust of wind, force or rhythmic swing, they fly away with force towards the passengers heading towards them.

The main threat to citizens entering the station is the uncontrolled movement of doors: due to a draft or careless actions of the passenger in front, the door can bounce on the person entering and injure his hands or head.

What to remember

  1. Look around, do not be distracted by your interlocutor or smartphone.
  2. Try to use free passages.
  3. Once inside, hold the door for other passengers (especially if a child or elderly person is walking behind).
  4. If there are strong gusts of wind at the entrance, open the door “outwards”, towards you: this way you will protect yourself and the people following you from a sudden blow.

General rules of conduct on the subway

There are a few simple rules for safety on the subway.

  • When entering and leaving the station, be careful of the glass doors that open in both directions. A gust of air or the negligence of a person walking in front of you can injure your hands and head. In turn, also hold the doors so as not to hit those walking behind them.
  • If you find unattended packages, bags, or suitcases, you must contact the train driver or any employee at the station.
  • Follow the rules of behavior on the escalator.
  • If a crush occurs, get rid of items of clothing that can get caught on passengers walking next to you (scarves, long belts, etc.), bend your arms at the elbows and press them to your chest. Keep your luggage in front of you and move at the speed of the flow of people. It is better to carry small children in your arms or hold them by the hand and lead them in front of you.

This is interesting: Providing first aid for insect bites: ticks, bees, wasps, hornets

At the station, move away from the edge of the platform

Open platforms are considered the most dangerous area of ​​the subway. During the morning and evening rush hours, there is a maximum risk of falling along the way: in a hurry, someone may push you, or a sleep-deprived passenger may trip and fall off the edge of the platform.

However, at other times the risk of falling is quite high: a person suddenly becomes dizzy, someone accidentally hits him or a mentally unstable passenger deliberately pushes him.

The main safety rule: never go beyond the first limit line on the platform. You may miss the opportunity to be the first to board the carriage, but you will be sure that you will not end up on the tracks.

A person who falls from a platform faces two dangers:

  1. contact rail with a voltage of 825 Volts (covered with an orange cover and located under the platform);
  2. train arriving at a speed of 60 km/h.

The algorithm for the actions of someone who has fallen from the platform depends on where the electric train is located at that moment.

If you fall and don't see the train

  1. Don't panic, it's important to remember that you will definitely get help.
  2. Avoid the edge of the platform and do not approach the orange conductor rail.
  3. If you know where the train is coming from, head to the beginning of the platform. If this is your first time at the station, ask the people on the platform for the right directions.
  4. Run to the black and white rail and stop behind it until the train arrives: the head of the train will stop at this sign, so you are out of danger here.
  5. When you see the head of an approaching train, give signs to the driver using the turned on smartphone screen, a flashlight, a bright rag, or simply wave your hands.

Do not try to get out on your own: a station employee will bring a special ladder to avoid contact with the contact rail.

If you fall and the train is approaching

  1. If you already see a train arriving at the station, running is unacceptable.
  2. Lie down in the recess between the rails, turning your head in the direction of the moving train, face down - this way your clothes will not get caught on the moving train.
  3. Try to minimize anything that can get caught on the bottom of the train: remove your bag or backpack, extend your arms along your body, press your legs to the surface, and if you have long hair, hold it with your palm.
  4. Pay attention to yourself without changing your position. Scream and call for help so that other passengers notice you.
  5. Don't panic when the train stops above you. Noise and sparks pose no danger to you. Do not try to get out from under the train on your own: wait for help from the subway employees or the driver.

Never hide under the platform: there is a contact rail there, touching which is deadly.

If someone else fell on the tracks

If you witness another person fall from the edge of the platform, do not attempt to pull them back onto the platform.

  1. Keep calm.
  2. Tell the fallen person which way to run (the train is not visible) or what to do (the lights of the arriving train are visible).
  3. Get the driver's attention: making a circular motion with your hand is a stop sign.
  4. Call for help: hail employees or press the SOS button on the emergency call panel.
  5. If the person cannot move independently, call a doctor.

A light in the end of a tunnel

They decided to gather the press at night in the subway due to the increasing number of cases of violation of the rules for using the subway. The reason for this, according to the metro management, is passengers’ ignorance of safety precautions. Most Muscovites probably still remember the incident at Chekhovskaya, which was heatedly discussed on social networks, the hero of which, Muscovite Alexei Aleshin, witnessed a girl fall on the tracks. The young man immediately jumped down after her, lifted her onto the platform and, a few seconds before the train arrived, climbed out himself. This is where the lyrics end. The metro says the guy did a noble deed, but grossly violated the rules and endangered not only himself, but also the one he saved.

In such situations, you need to act differently, says First Deputy Head of the Traffic Service Anatoly Anuriev. You should seek help from any subway employee: station duty officer, policeman. The second option is to transmit information about the person on the rails to the situation center operator or law enforcement agencies through an emergency call column. It's on every platform. According to Anuriev, it is better to immediately contact the operator, since he has a direct connection with the train dispatcher. And third: attract the driver’s attention by giving him a signal with a circular movement of the hand.

If you yourself fall on the rails and are not injured, metro employees strongly recommend getting up as quickly as possible and running to the beginning of the platform, that is, to the stop of the first train car. The guide will be a black and white strip installed on the path or attached to the wall. According to Anuriev, you must definitely cross this line and wait for a metro worker who will help you get up. If there is no time to walk, and at the end of the tunnel you can already see the light from the approaching train, it is better to lie down in a special tray between the rails. The main thing, Anuriev said, is to lie on your stomach with your head towards the train and not move. This is necessary so that strong winds do not lift up your clothes and accidentally catch on the lower parts of the train.

Safety notices may be posted at stations.

You should not try to climb onto the platform alone even if the train is not yet on the way. After all, at the “foot” of the platform there is a contact rail with a voltage of 825 V. It is yellow or brown. Getting close to him is life-threatening! In order for passengers to remember the rules, the metro management may place visual posters with safety instructions at stations.

Be careful wearing a dress and stiletto heels on the escalator

According to statistics, the escalator is the most dangerous place in the metro: due to inattention and human factor, more than half of all accidents in the subway occur when passengers are ascending or descending.

The main cause of injuries on an escalator is long pieces of clothing or shoelaces getting caught in the gap between the static and moving parts of the mechanism.

Chewed your clothes or shoes

  • Attract the attention of the person on duty: shout, wave your hands, use the flash of your phone.
  • If possible, remove the part of the wardrobe that was chewed.
  • Keep your balance.
  • Do not pull out clothing until the escalator stops.

Rules of behavior in the metro on an escalator:

  1. take care of clothing, avoid flapping scarves, hemlines, and belts;
  2. do not stand beyond the yellow limit line;
  3. If the shoes have heels, make sure that the stiletto heel does not get stuck in the grate of the step.

The escalator suddenly stopped

  • Don't run up the stairs, even if you're late.
  • Hold the handrails securely - the escalator may start moving without warning.
  • Wait for instructions from the subway employee.

If other passengers have problems

  • Pass information along the chain.
  • Once you see the Stop switch (red knob), turn it to stop the escalator mechanism.
  • If necessary, call an ambulance.

Car: entry/exit

  • When standing on the platform, move away from the doors in advance.
  • First they leave the carriage, then enter the carriage (the first line is for the person leaving the premises).

  • Hold the doors to the subway car for last-minute passengers.
  • Don't stop as soon as you enter the carriage. Go to a free space, do not interfere with others entering the carriage.
  • Do not walk in a crowd along the carriage to the other end unless absolutely necessary - it is a meager time saver.
  • Prepare to go out in advance.
  • Be prepared to be rocked against the movement of the train when starting and stopping. Hold onto the handrails, hold on to friends, or stand firmly along the train's path, not across it.
  • Remove bags/backpacks from your shoulders.
  • If possible, keep your distance from other people, do not get into their comfort zone.

  • Don’t talk on the phone in a subway car: the connection will be bad, you’ll yell into the phone, and everything may be interrupted. It is better to warn that you will call back, or write an SMS.
  • While sitting, do not stretch your legs too far if you do not want them to be crushed or dirty.
  • There are free seats in the carriage in the middle of the carriage, at the opposite door, at the docking points of the carriages.
  • If possible, remove bags and luggage under the seats and place them next to the seats near the area near the doors.
  • Do not get up immediately after leaving the carriage in the arch to see which way is your crossing/exit into the city. The crowd is following you. It's better to step aside first.

On the train, do not lean against the doors of the carriage

When the carriage is full, many passengers choose to temporarily stop in the area near the doors. From here it is closest to the exit and you can lean against something, protecting yourself from the pitching. However, you should not choose carriage doors for temporary support:

  • in the event of an accident or breakdown of the toggle switch, they automatically open, even if the train is moving through the tunnel;
  • at some stations the doors open from the other side;
  • When clothes or things are chewed, the doors open automatically.

If you fall onto a platform and are injured

  • Don't try to help yourself.
  • Attract the attention of staff or ask others to press the SOS button on the terminal.

If the doors opened while the train was moving

  • Move to a part away from the doorway.
  • Using an emergency communication device, inform the driver of the problem, as well as the car number.
  • Stay cool and keep other people, especially children, away from the door.

If the train stopped in a tunnel and the doors opened

  • Move a safe distance away from doorways.
  • Wait for the driver's instructions.
  • Don't panic, reassure those around you if possible.

Do not, under any circumstances, try to go into the tunnel: it can be deadly!

Rules of conduct on the subway. class hour (8th grade) on the topic

General rules for safe behavior in the metro

When entering and leaving the station, be careful of the glass doors opening in both directions. A gust of air or the negligence of a person walking in front of you can injure your hands and head. In turn, when entering or exiting the subway, hold the doors so as not to hit the person walking behind them.

Be extremely careful when entering an escalator. To avoid injury when the escalator suddenly stops, hold on to the moving handrail while on it.

On a subway platform, do not stand at the edge, especially if there are large crowds of people nearby. It’s safer if there’s no one at all behind you. Try to keep your side to the rails, not your face.

If you fall on the path, do not try to climb up on your own, as there is a high-voltage contact rail located under the edge of the platform. While there is no train, run to the stopping place of the first car, the landmark of which is a large mirror, thanks to which the driver controls the situation on the platform. And if the train is already close, immediately lie down in the hole between the rails.

Before the train departs, the driver controls the boarding of passengers in the rear view mirror. If an emergency occurs and the departure of the train needs to be delayed, give signals to the driver.

If a person falls on the rails in your presence, you should immediately send several people to report the emergency to the station duty officer. Someone needs to stand at the train's exit from the tunnel to signal the driver. If the person is conscious, help him orient himself by giving instructions on actions in a similar situation, which were given above.

If possible, sit in the central carriages of the train, which in case of an emergency are less damaged than the first and last ones.

If you fall on the path, do not try to climb up on your own, as there is a high-voltage contact rail located under the edge of the platform. While there is no train, run to the stopping place of the first car, the landmark of which is a large mirror, thanks to which the driver controls the situation on the platform. And if the train is already close, immediately lie down in the hole between the rails.

Before the train departs, the driver controls the boarding of passengers in the rear view mirror. If an emergency occurs and the departure of the train needs to be delayed, give signals to the driver.

If a person falls on the rails in your presence, you should immediately send several people to report the emergency to the station duty officer. Someone needs to stand at the train's exit from the tunnel to signal the driver. If the person is conscious, help him orient himself by giving instructions on actions in a similar situation, which were given above.

If possible, sit in the central carriages of the train, which in case of an emergency are less damaged than the first and last ones.

How to protect yourself in the event of a fire in a subway car

1. If you notice smoke in the carriage, immediately inform the driver about the situation using the intercom and strictly follow all his instructions. It is important to prevent panic among passengers. If the carriage is intensely filled with smoke, cover your airways with a cloth, if possible soaked in water, and squat down as the smoke accumulates at the top.

2. Don’t panic and stay in your place while the train is in the tunnel. Upon arrival at the station, let the elderly and children go ahead, help the wounded, if any, and, after making sure that the carriage is empty, get out yourself, maintaining composure and calm. Immediately report the fire to the station duty officer.

3. If a fire breaks out in the carriage while the train is moving, begin to extinguish it, using all possible means at hand. If possible, move to a fire-free part of the car and suppress the spread of fire by dousing it with available non-flammable liquids, such as juice, milk, water, and knocking it down with clothing.

4. If the train stops in a metro tunnel, do not try to leave it at all costs without the driver’s instructions. Do not touch the metal body of the train or the doors until the high voltage has been switched off. When permission is received to leave the carriage, open the doors, if possible, or break out the windows. Walk along the train towards the station in single file along the track between the rails, without approaching the live busbars located on the side of the rails to avoid electric shock.

5. In the tunnel, be extremely careful at intersections where you might run into an oncoming train. If the train you left begins to move in your direction, press yourself against the wall of the tunnel.

By remembering and following these simple rules of conduct on the subway, you will make not only your life safer, but also the lives of the people around you.

Human factors of theft and harassment

Being a crowded place with high traffic, the metro attracts various criminal elements.

According to statistics, there are 2 problems that subway passengers most often encounter:

  1. Theft;
  2. Harassment and sexual assault.

How to resist thieves

  • Do not put your smartphone, wallet, or purse in the back pockets of your clothes.
  • Close your bag, backpack, or other luggage with a zipper.
  • Hold things in front of you or press them tightly to the body: most often, robbers snatch the bag from the victim’s hands before closing the doors of the train.
  • If you notice a suspicious person, turn away sharply and change your location.
  • If you witness a theft, try to make a noise and attract the attention of the police

What to do if you were robbed

  1. Record the exact time of the theft and the carriage number.
  2. Write down the robber's identifying characteristics.
  3. Report the crime to station staff, the police, or through the terminal in the concourse area.

How to deal with harassment

Despite the large number of people who use the subway every day, subway passengers are not protected from violence. Main forms of manifestation:

  1. Harassment and loose hands in crowded trains. Criminals take advantage of the crowds and take active action. Risk group: girls, schoolchildren, young girls, women in skirts and dresses. If the victim does not resist, the attacker feels impunity and continues what he started.
  2. Open display of aggression in empty carriages. Most often this happens at night, when there are few passengers.

Actions in case of active harassment during rush hours:

  • Ask any person in the carriage for help.
  • Formulate your request clearly and loudly so that the attacker can hear you.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help: you don't need to describe the situation in all the details, just state the reason.

Tips on how to avoid being attacked by rapists late at night:

  • When you notice the first suspicious actions, immediately contact others.
  • If the car is empty, use the emergency connection and report the problem to the driver.
  • Get off at the nearest stop and immediately contact the subway staff or the police.

Do not allow a suspicious person to follow you out of the lobby and onto the street. If this happens, call a taxi, do not walk home

Why does the train stop and stand in the tunnel?

A situation where a train suddenly stops in a tunnel is potentially dangerous.

Passengers who do not hold onto the handrails may lose their balance and fall, injuring themselves and others. This is especially true for students who, due to their short stature, do not always reach the top bars.

If the train stops while moving, do not be alarmed: in 90% of cases this is due to technical reasons and does not pose a serious danger.

Main reasons for stopping trains

  1. Breakdown of an electric train or metro technical equipment.
  2. The departure of one of the trains on the line was delayed.
  3. Unattended items were found.

General safety rules in the metro

When you enter the subway, get ready. This is a high-risk area. Although, at first glance, everything is as usual, as always. What dangers are we talking about?

But, in addition to the large overcrowding of people, technological surprises may also await us here.

1. The metro starts with an escalator. Remember that it can slow down or even collapse at any moment.

Hold on tight to the handrails. And in the event of an accident, you may even have to jump onto the next escalator.

2. Develop the habit of never waiting for a train at the edge of the platform. There is enough space on the platform for everyone.

Otherwise, you risk ending up under the wheels of a train or on the rails. Accidentally due to a crush or pushed on purpose, what difference does it make?

3. Approach the carriage only after the train has completely stopped and exited.


If the carriage is full, skip the train, and maybe the next one. Are you afraid of being late? But this is a better option than being forever late.

4. How long has there been no train? Crush in the subway? But there are other lines, ground transport finally.

Don't expose yourself to unnecessary danger. Trouble is always where you least expect it.

5. There's a man before your eyes

fell on the rails. Don't waste your time. Take the initiative.

Send someone with a message to the station duty officer. Someone must stand at the edge of the platform and signal to the driver.

6. Help the fallen person get out. Make sure that it does not touch the contact bar at the edge of the platform. If you can’t get out quickly, shout at him to run to the end of the station or lie down between the rails.

Rules of conduct on the subway during a terrorist attack

Terrorist attacks on the metro are one of the main global threats to the safety of subway passengers at the dawn of the 21st century.

The main rule to follow if you become a witness and victim of a terrorist attack is to remain calm.

If the explosion occurred on the platform:

  1. assess the situation and determine the epicenter of the explosion;
  2. move to the exit, choosing the opposite side from the epicenter;
  3. stay as far as possible from the edge of the platform: in a hurry you may be pushed onto the tracks;
  4. avoid crushing, if you get into a crowd, protect your chest with your arms bent at the elbows and avoid falling;
  5. If possible, provide first aid to the wounded.

If an explosion occurred in a moving electric train:

  1. do not leave the train without instructions from the driver - you risk touching a live electrical cable;
  2. assess the situation, determine where exactly the explosion occurred;
  3. wait for the rescuers to arrive.

Rules for safe behavior in the subway

Explosions and accidents in the subway

Lately, unfortunately, incidents have been quite common.
Many people do not feel safe
, and some avoid this type of transport altogether.
But the latest measure is perhaps too radical. In the subway, as in any place that requires increased caution and attention, you need to remember the rules of behavior and follow safety precautions. General rules for safe behavior in the metro
When entering and exiting the station, be careful with glass doors opening in both directions. A gust of air or the negligence of a person walking in front of you can injure your hands and head. In turn, when entering or exiting the subway, hold the doors so as not to hit the person walking behind them.

Be extremely careful when entering an escalator. To avoid injury when the escalator suddenly stops, hold on to the moving handrail while on it. When you are on an escalator with your child, remember that such a seemingly trifle as an untied shoe lace or an unturned trouser leg can be caught in the escalator mechanism and cause him, if not physical, then certainly psychological trauma. Hold your baby's hand and make sure that he does not put his fingers or various objects under the moving handrail and gets off the steps in a timely manner.

On a subway platform, do not stand at the edge, especially if there are large crowds of people nearby. It’s safer if there’s no one at all behind you. Try to keep your side to the rails, not your face.

When entering the carriage with a child, let him pass first, and you need to get out in the reverse order. Discuss in advance with your child the situation and your actions with him when the doors can close and separate you.

If your item falls on the rails, do not try to retrieve it yourself. Report the incident to the person on duty, who will remove it with special pliers.

If you fell on the way

, do not try to climb up on your own, as there is a high-voltage contact rail located under the edge of the platform. While there is no train, run to the stopping place of the first car, the landmark of which is a large mirror, thanks to which the driver controls the situation on the platform. And if the train is already close, immediately lie down in the hole between the rails.

Before the train departs, the driver controls the boarding of passengers in the rear view mirror. If an emergency occurs and the departure of the train needs to be delayed, give signals to the driver.

If a person falls on the rails in front of you, you should immediately send several people to report an emergency

station duty officer. Someone needs to stand at the train's exit from the tunnel to signal the driver. If the person is conscious, help him orient himself by giving instructions on actions in a similar situation, which were given above.

If possible, sit in the central carriages of the train, which in case of an emergency are less damaged than the first and last ones.

Safety rules in the subway in case of explosion threat

1. At metro stations and in carriages, pay attention to things left unattended: briefcases, bags, packages, cans, toys. They may contain explosive devices.

. If you notice any suspicious object, immediately report it to the train driver, metro station employee or any police officer. Do not touch the find with your hands under any circumstances, move away from it as far as possible and warn people nearby about the danger.

2. If there was an explosion on the metro

, the first thing to do is to pull yourself together and not panic, try to assess the situation and escape routes. Move to the exit, which is located on the opposite side from the epicenter of the explosion or fire. If you can help the victims, then take action to save them.

3. When moving towards the exit, try to stay away from the edge of the platform so that you are not inadvertently pushed onto the rails by other survivors. If there is a crowd at the exit, keep your distance from it, as falling in the crowd is extremely dangerous.

4. If the explosion occurred in the carriage

a moving train and the train has stopped in a subway tunnel, do not try to get out of the car in any way. Chaotic actions and panic are the main troubles in such a situation. The fact is that the tunnel contains many electrical cables and wires that can be damaged by an explosion. The best thing you can do to help yourself and those around you is to wait for rescuers to arrive.

How to protect yourself in the event of a fire in a subway car

1. If you notice smoke in the carriage, immediately inform the driver about the situation using the intercom and strictly follow all his instructions. It is important to prevent panic among passengers. If the carriage is intensely filled with smoke, cover your airways with a cloth, if possible soaked in water, and squat down as the smoke accumulates at the top.

2. Don’t panic and stay in your place while the train is in the tunnel. Upon arrival at the station, let the elderly and children go ahead, help the wounded, if any, and, after making sure that the carriage is empty, get out yourself, maintaining composure and calm. Immediately report the fire to the station duty officer.

a fire breaks out in the carriage
while the train is moving

, start extinguishing it, using all possible means at hand. If possible, move to a fire-free part of the car and suppress the spread of fire by dousing it with available non-flammable liquids, such as juice, milk, water, and knocking it down with clothing.

4. If the train stops in a subway tunnel

, do not try to leave it at any cost without the driver’s instructions. Do not touch the metal body of the train or the doors until the high voltage has been switched off. When permission is received to leave the carriage, open the doors, if possible, or break out the windows. Walk along the train towards the station in single file along the track between the rails, without approaching the live busbars located on the side of the rails to avoid electric shock.

5. In the tunnel, be extremely careful at intersections where you might run into an oncoming train. If the train you left begins to move in your direction, press yourself against the wall of the tunnel.

Remembering and following these simple rules of conduct on the subway

, you will make

not only your life safer

We also recommend that you read:

rules of personal safety on the street at night; rules for the use of gas and gas equipment; rules for using electrical appliances; rules for transporting children in a car; rules of safe behavior in a foreign country.

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