Why are you unlucky in life? What is the reason for bad luck? How to get your luck back

When a person is unlucky in life, he begins to look not only for internal reasons for a given set of circumstances and external prerequisites, but also for ways out. Then, depending on the severity and frequency of repetition of situations, one turns to either logical analysis or even the use of magical rituals. Everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of bad luck. One may be annoyed by minor delays due to traffic jams, another may have been unlucky in his personal life for the tenth year.

Explanations for bad luck can come down to different theories, with quite a few people inclined to believe that everything is limited to chance. Both on the psychological and physical level, people themselves provoke coincidences, do not notice details or neglect warning signs. Next, we will look at why we are unlucky in life and how to deal with it; we will consider not only the main psychological reasons and the very impact of a person on the level of luck, but also practical ways to resist an unfavorable combination of circumstances.

Attitude towards yourself

Have you ever noticed that some people are always beautiful, collected, everything is in order and success accompanies them everywhere, while on others troubles fall like a cornucopia? Why is a person unlucky in life, while others get everything they want from it, and in the most unexpected way? Look closely at how you live in your world and what place you occupy in it. Do you often experience fear of failure and scold yourself for mistakes made in the past? In your eyes you become small, unable to overcome difficulties. As a result, any failure can throw you off balance. Love yourself and everything will be fine! There are no people with an impeccable past. You can start a new life and become whoever you want. Self-confidence will help you look at troubles with your head held high.

Reasons for failure and bad luck in life

It is energy factors that cause our bad luck. The world in which we live is permeated with energy flows, and our task is to live in harmony with the Universe. Incorrectly set priorities, wrong views, erroneous judgments, conflicts and contradictions with the outside world - all these are the causes of bad luck and misfortune. We send negativity to the Universe and receive it back.

Often a person does not pay attention to his mistakes, but when the time comes to pay for them, the universe presents too large bills. If a person does not want to learn and reassess his priorities, then his life will get worse and worse.

Negative events can penetrate human life from the outside. From the moment of birth, a person is exposed to various energetic influences, both positive and negative. Black magic, communication with otherworldly forces, damage, the evil eye, envy, bad incidents - all this is the embodiment of negativity. Even horror films with scenes of violence have a destructive effect on a person.

In order for your spiritual state to be prosperous, you need to strengthen your protective shell. This is done with the help of yoga, meditation, and reading mantras. Opening the chakras and spiritual practices strengthen the aura and allow you to get rid of blocks on the energetic level.

Magical ways to get what you want

What to do if you have no luck in life? Look for unconventional ways to solve problems. Change your thinking, learn new things. Fear arises from a lack of information and a limited number of ways to solve a problem. There are several mystical tools that help in solving life's difficulties:

  1. Visualizations.
  2. Treasure map.
  3. Talismans and amulets.
  4. Mantras.
  5. “Glass of water” technique.
  6. Manifestation of intentions.
  7. Rituals and ceremonies.
  8. Cleaning methods.
  9. Personal signs.
  10. Other techniques and methods.


Luck and luck - is it a chain of coincidences or a mystical pattern? Surely successful people have some special secret that makes fortune favor them? How to attract luck on your own? There is a very simple but effective method that all rich people use. The magic secret lies in the focus of attention and perception of life in general. Remember at least 10 situations when you were exceptionally lucky, write them down in detail on a piece of paper, remember what feelings you experienced at that moment, and relive them. Rest assured, you are the lucky one. And it was you who presented yourself with a unique opportunity. Indeed, in such a situation, many remain in the same place, content with little luck. You are the very happy person who wanted to change his life. This means that the opportunity will definitely present itself. The most important thing is don't expect immediate results. Learn to enjoy the simplest things in life that you often don’t notice, for example, feel the taste of tea or coffee in a mug, enjoy breakfast, try to change your attitude towards work.

Unlucky people avoid responsibility

When we say that someone just had bad luck, but we are stubbornly unlucky, we often simply do not want to take responsibility for certain decisions and actions.
It is much easier to convince yourself that your neighbor has whiter snow, more obedient children and a higher salary than to admit that he made a little more effort to achieve success. But you lacked something: perseverance, willpower, or just time.

Behind this position lies the habit of devaluing the process, of fixating on the final result, and not on the efforts expended, thanks to which this result was achieved. What many call chance and luck is actually a colossal work that requires patience, perseverance and strength.

Attitude to the present moment

One of the authors, Eckhart Tolle, in his book “The Power of Now” interprets the obstacles received in life this way: life treats you the way you treat it at the present time. If you see obstacles everywhere, it will become one continuous barrier. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to get your luck back, try taking care of your world. Clean your apartment with love, get a pet, help a friend with her children, find ways to express gratitude to life. Then she will turn to you with her best side.

How to find a goal: 11 simple steps

So, what to do when there are no goals, no desires, no aspirations?

Feel responsible for your life

Sometimes the reason for lack of goals can be being stuck in childhood. A person is used to other people deciding everything for him, and no longer wants to shoulder the burden of responsibility. So he pulls someone else’s team all his life, while his own cart gathers dust in the barn.

This often happens with overprotective parents who try to surround the child with care from all sides. Then this child grows up with self-awareness that is not fully formed and avoids making independent decisions.

But this, of course, is not a reason to blame your parents for loving you excessively. Mentally thank your mom and dad for everything they have done for you, and transfer the protective role to your inner parent.

Realize that you have one life and only you can live it. No matter how many years you've already lived or how many more you have left, it's never too late to grow up. Stop looking at other people's opinions and waiting for approval from others. Take responsibility for your life and be prepared to bear it.

Think positively

When there is no faith in the best and pessimistic thoughts prevail, it is very difficult to focus on your desires. A person seems helpless and insignificant to himself, and the world around him seems evil and hostile. Train yourself to think only about good things and sweep bad thoughts aside.

The brain perceives reality through the prism of our attitude towards it. The same event can cause completely opposite feelings in different people. And it just seems that we are unable to influence consciousness. In fact, positive thinking is just a skill that can be successfully developed through regular training.

Start creating the habit of thinking positively.

About 10 years ago I was a hopeless pessimist. I had a habit of getting overwhelmed for any reason and looking for negativity everywhere. Even successful events caused a wave of unpleasant feelings in me.

After graduating from university, my parents gave me a large sum of money to brighten up the beginning of my independent life. But instead of properly thanking them and being happy, I began to worry about where to invest this money, how to store it so as not to lose it, etc. Having realized the absurdity of the situation, I was still able to change my way of thinking. And life began to sparkle with completely different colors!

Move more

In a state of even shallow apathy, all processes in the body slow down. Imagine a swinging pendulum that gradually fades. With each swing, the amplitude of movements becomes smaller until it stops completely. The same thing happens to you. The fewer actions and movements you perform, the less energy you have for new actions. The body goes into an energy-saving mode - something similar to hibernation.

To swing the pendulum again, you need to start moving actively. Run, swim, dance, ride a bike. If you have been leading a sedentary lifestyle for a long time and have difficulty getting up to the third floor, it will be difficult for you at first. Get ready to overcome psychological and physical resistance. But then you will get involved in the process and thank yourself.

Your mood and well-being will improve, and you will have a desire to live and create. The effect will be even if you follow only this advice, ignoring all the others. So put your feet up and head to the gym!

Connect with passionate people

In psychology there is such a thing as social contagion. This is perfectly illustrated by the saying “whoever you mess with, you’ll get rich from.” A person tends to adopt the ideas, views, thoughts of those people with whom he communicates. And if these people seem interesting and attractive to him, then infection occurs several times faster.

Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your surroundings. Interact with ambitious, goal-oriented, active people. Reach out to them, learn and adopt experience. Yes, you will look pale compared to them, but don’t let the social difference bother you. It's better to be the worst among the best than the best among the worst.

5. Take action

As you know, appetite comes with eating. This applies not only to food intake, but also to the work of our consciousness. There is no point in waiting for desires, goals and dreams to appear in your life by themselves. You need to start doing at least something even without motivation and inspiration, through “I don’t want to.”

If you don’t have any hobbies or interests, then we will act on the contrary. Choose activities that are least unpleasant for you. Perhaps you have some abandoned hobbies in which you have lost interest. Try to revive them and breathe new life.

You can use the social contagion effect I already mentioned. Take a closer look at the hobbies of your friends and family, ask them to tell you more about them. This is how I once became interested in cutting and sewing. A friend completed the course and showed off new clothes every week. I also decided to try, although all my life I thought that sewing was not for me.

Don't expect results right away. It will take time before you can get into a new activity and get carried away seriously. In the meantime, turn your willpower to maximum and start taking action.

read books

If you are not yet able to tear yourself away from the sofa, then at least start reading. Reading itself has a beneficial effect on the brain. And if this is also the right literature, then the effect will not take long to arrive.

Take a look at our selection of books about goal setting and achieving goals. They will quickly bring you to your senses and make you move in the direction of a happy and fulfilling life. We also have an article reviewing the best biography books of famous businessmen who managed to achieve success from scratch. They will help you find motivation and inspiration for change.

Classic literature can also work wonders. The state in which you are now has been illuminated more than once by classics on the pages of their works. “Hero of Our Time” by Lermontov, “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin, “Oblomov” by Goncharov - these are just a few works from the many worthy options that come to my mind.

Connect with reality

When a person lives aimlessly for a long time, immersed in a routine, he loses touch with reality. Everything around seems gray and dull, nothing makes you happy. I really want to escape from this swamp! Someone goes into the world of illusions and begins to create reality in their head. Fantasizes, dreams, builds castles in the air. This is the most harmless option.

Someone gets the missing endorphins with the help of chemical stimulants: nicotine, alcohol, drugs. They help to embellish the harsh reality a little, but only for a short time and at the cost of their health.

You need to try to give up all this. Until you accept reality as it is, you cannot do anything about it. Dissatisfaction with life can be a great motivator if you focus your energy on positive changes rather than pointless struggle and denial.

Help others

Consciousness is given to man to govern himself in the interests of the species. Nature and society need people who benefit others and contribute to the common good. Therefore, any work for the benefit of other people is generously rewarded by our brain. We receive a charge of energy and motivation for new things, goals and plans.

First of all, pay attention to your family. How long have you been helping your parents? Have you made your children’s dreams (if any) come true? Do this, and you will immediately have both goals and the strength to fulfill them.

I recently read a wonderful story about a young guy traveling with his 90-year-old grandmother. A couple of years ago he was on the verge of suicide due to problems in his personal life. But his grandmother was able to keep him from taking the fatal step, and in gratitude, he decided to fulfill her cherished dream. Together they have already traveled half the world, and not a trace remains of the former depression.


Being in one place for a long time and not receiving new stimuli, our brain loses flexibility. We begin to think in stereotyped, stereotypical ways, like machines. Traveling can help bring newness to life.

As soon as possible, buy a ticket and hit the road. The further the better. The corners of the earth that are least similar to your native land can turn your view of the world upside down. Amazing discoveries, unexpected insights, and interesting acquaintances await you. The main thing is to be open to the world. And he will welcome you with open arms.

If you can't travel far, don't despair. Our native lands are also rich in interesting places, but not everyone knows about them. For example, over the past six months I have visited an astronomical observatory, an ostrich farm, walked along an abandoned bridge, and spent the night in a 19th-century castle. And all this is within 100 km from my home. Google interesting places near you and go there with your friends.

Look into the future

A simple and interesting practice will help you find your goals. Take 20 minutes and imagine how you want to see yourself in 10 years. Analyze every area of ​​life: relationships with people, level of well-being, appearance, social status.

Now ask yourself a question: will you become what you dream of if you don’t change anything in your life today? Something tells me the answer will be no.

Will you have good health and good physical shape if you don't start exercising? No. Will you climb the career ladder if you don't stop kicking the air at work? No. Will you be able to start a family if you don’t learn to please the opposite sex and build strong relationships? No.

Make a list of the things you need to do and change about yourself to become your ideal self in the future. This will be a ready list of goals for the next 10 years. Or at least a draft, which you will then modify taking into account your capabilities and preferences.

Contact a specialist

If none of the above helps, I recommend contacting a psychotherapist. Together you will sort out all the cockroaches in your head and find a way out of this situation. You are by no means alone in your problem. So many people are going through something similar right now. An experienced specialist will help you cope with the crisis, understand why it arose, and prevent relapses.

Why is there no money?

Every person wondered about the material order. Why are you unlucky in life, how does it happen that you have to work from morning to night, and the money only becomes less. This is because many of us grew up with negative beliefs related to money. Here are some of them:

  1. Money is earned only through hard physical labor, working from morning to evening. If a person lives differently, he is simply doomed to a life of hunger.
  2. You can't make money doing what you love. This belief is familiar to many who wanted to connect their lives with the creative profession of an actor, musician or artist. After all, all the places have already been taken, everything has been bought, and it’s impossible to get through without cronyism.
  3. Your family has worked very hard all its life, and no one has seen a lot of money, which means that this is not available to you either.
  4. All rich people are bad, arrogant and arrogant.
  5. Those who earned their money must have acquired it in some illegal way, for example, by stealing or getting involved in some kind of financial fraud.
  6. Only lucky people can find money on the street, and you are not one of them; your friends regret it all day long and ask why such a good person has no luck in life.

Who will help you break out of this circle and make sure that the black streak ends? You yourself. And no one else. The personality itself creates its own world, no matter how much one would like to believe in damage, love spells, slander and other mystical reasons why one is unlucky in one’s personal life, love and money. Your negative beliefs, formed over the years, have more influence than you might think. This is not so easy to believe. How often do you buy yourself expensive things? Do you find it easy to spend money or do you buy things with fear that you won’t have any more money and prepare to live the rest of the month in maximum savings mode? The “Cinderella” complex - endless saving for a rainy day, talking about how bad our government is, how prices are constantly rising and wages are not enough, a negative attitude towards rich people - all this programs the subconscious for poverty and destitution. Endless postponing, saving because “there won’t be any later” and “this is the last”, not only blocks the energy of money coming to you, but also deprives you of the pleasure of acquiring it. Who needs a big house if the kids didn't see the holidays for it, and you couldn't buy a decent pair of shoes yourself?

How to deal with it

Periodic troubles happen to everyone, the problem becomes serious when one-time cases become natural, and then generally turn into a way of life. At the moment when a person independently hangs the label of a loser around his neck, it is already very difficult to fight the emerging tendency, and the sufferer himself does not want to make any effort, because he is already accustomed to living as before. It is best to think about changing the strategy of your behavior already at the initial stages, when one-time failures begin to add up to a streak of bad luck.

Since the main reason for the transformation of events into negative ones is a person’s worldview, his assessment of not only current events, but also the world, then it is necessary to start by changing one’s point of view. A positive attitude cannot be taken from scratch and applied to your entire life in seconds - it is a kind of spiritual or psychological practice, a skill that has been developed over the years. A person who strives for good and tries to find positive aspects in any negative situation will attract good luck. The longer you practice this life credo, the more luck you will experience in life.

You can train a positive attitude together with a psychologist, usually using the Gestalt approach or behavioral therapy, but you can also independently look for your benefit in troubles. For example, if a date falls through, then instead of an evening of self-flagellation, you can see this as an opportunity to meet with friends or do additional freelancing, and perhaps devote time to yourself. Even the realization that you got rid of the wrong person so quickly can turn a disaster in your personal life into success. Broken things, torn tights, scratched cars should be considered as a reason for repair, improvement or radical renewal. Instead of crushing, you need to look for the advantages of your development or rebranding.

It's important to start structuring your life because failure can simply be a result of clutter and not knowing what to do in the first place. If you always have an action plan at hand, the tasks of which fit together and allow you to gradually achieve positive results, then your personal effectiveness will increase. Make time for rest so that your concentration and fresh ideas are not reduced due to simple fatigue. It is necessary to provide yourself with maximum physical comfort so as not to be distracted and not nervous about everyday problems.

Rituals that bring happiness can be a good option, and it doesn’t matter whether you use morning prayer, Simoron techniques or your own ideas from a sequence of actions - the main thing is to start performing this program. Its goal is not a magical effect on reality, but to reprogram the brain to perceive the world as friendly, caring and, as a result, bringing good luck.

Love magic

This is a favorite topic for various kinds of soothsayers and magicians. Hundreds of “specialists” are ready to answer the question “why you have no luck in your personal life and what to do about it.” The Internet is replete with all sorts of tricks, love spells and conspiracies. It is enough to have a photograph of the person you want to receive, buy everything necessary for the ritual and read the necessary words. And now - a miracle is in your pocket. Not so simple. Various types of magical actions will not give the desired result. You can certainly attract the right partner into your life. And for some time the relationship will be like a fairy tale. But your loved one will behave this way only because you forced him to, and not for real. Over time, he will become angrier, jealous and blackmail. When you tie someone down on an energy level, you disrupt the natural flow of things. A loved one cannot receive energy from the world, because he is attached, and begins to receive it only from the one who doomed him to love imprisonment. Aggression, which will intensify over time, arises in response to the fact that you have deprived a person of his own will.

Happiness is normal

Some people cannot say goodbye to bad luck simply because they are sure that being happy is unusual, restless and even somehow naive.

These people are dominated by the conviction that adult life is necessarily full of problems and disappointments, and those who for some reason look at it with optimism are superficial and immature people. But if a person realizes his luck and feels gratitude for it, then by this he already significantly increases his chances of luck.

Sociologists from the University of California studied the phenomenon of gratitude and found that because of this feeling, various physiological, psychological and social changes occur in people's lives.

The scientists divided the subjects into three focus groups. Members of the first group kept diaries in which they recorded events and moments in their lives that made them feel grateful. Members of the second group noted what irritated them. And the participants in the third simply kept a diary of events, without judgment and impartiality.

Ten weeks later, the researchers reported dramatic changes in the well-being and mood of the participants in the first group. Subjects reported improved sleep, decreased pain and nervousness, increased levels of sociability and compassion, and decreased feelings of loneliness and aggression. What’s most interesting is that nothing similar was observed in the remaining two groups.

A way to attract love without love spells

How to attract a soulmate into your life if a person is catastrophically unlucky in love? Many people mistakenly believe that with the acquisition of a boyfriend or a beautiful girl they will find the very meaning of life that they have been looking for for so long. When this someone is there, at first everything goes just fine, but then everything disappears somewhere, gets lost - and the relationship deteriorates. Some immediately begin to look for the reason outside: rivals, envy, love spells and much more. Of course, they are discovered, some are abandoned, others are found, and everything repeats in a circle. Faces change, but problems remain. To receive something from the Universe, you need to give something. This is not about the destructive belief that you have to pay for everything. The Universe is abundant, and without your “payment” it has plenty of everything. The point is that if you want love, start feeling it right now, then you will tune in to the desired frequency of reality and a new feeling can enter life. Or maybe your relationship with your hopeless spouse will improve.

Change your approach

You can hear the phrase “I have no luck with girls” from many modern guys. We ask in response:

- And what are you doing? Do you meet people on the street, in clubs, in theaters? - No. —Are you inviting anyone on a date? - No. - Well, do you at least correspond with anyone on the Internet? - Also no. - So how can you be lucky when you do nothing?

This is, of course, an extreme example. Most people, even those who have been unlucky in everything for a long time, still make some effort, but often it comes down to endless repetition of one chosen pattern. This is called “an attempt for show”; it is used by those who subconsciously want to blame the responsibility for their problems on “bad luck”. That is, there was a formal attempt, maybe not just one, but 10, this gives the right to say “I tried, but I wasn’t lucky.” In fact, using the same obviously unworkable scheme is not an attempt, but an excuse.

Change approaches, look for different ways to achieve your goal. The more attempts and paths, the higher the likelihood that everything will work out.

Aromatherapy for well-being

What to do if you have no luck in life? Burn incense, of course! By choosing the right aroma, you can adjust your energy space to abundance. Several scents to bring good luck and fortune to your home:

  1. Nutmeg - This aroma brings prosperity.
  2. The orchid brings financial stability.
  3. Ginger incense will bring wealth.
  4. Verbena is burned for good luck in business.
  5. Cloves also bring prosperity.
  6. Patchouli attracts customers and brings prosperity. These sticks can be burned in the office.
  7. Cedar will also help to attract money.


It's a confusing word, isn't it? It looks, frankly, like some kind of magic spell from an ancient holy book. This definition is partly correct. Using this method, one doctor was able to cure many people from the disease without even having personal contact with them. How to return luck with its help? The Ho'oponopono method is based on the idea that each person is one with the Universe and other people. That is, everything that you can observe, hear, everything that happens around you is somehow related to your personality. Focus on the problem you want to solve and repeat the following 4 phrases:

  1. "I'm sorry".
  2. "I'm sorry".
  3. "I love you".
  4. "Thank you".

In this case, you should not turn to the person who created the unpleasant situation, but to the Universe or God, call it what you prefer. The decoding of the phrases looks like this: “I’m sorry that I created such a world. I'm sorry. I didn’t know where this would lead, I didn’t know that I was creating these circumstances, I love you and thank you for allowing me to correct the situation and create a happy life.”

Life is an adventure, not a test

Another difference between a lucky person and a loser is that the first one finds a reason for joy in everything, while the second one is set up for a tedious struggle.

A successful person views life as an adventure. Everything good that happens to him is an incentive and encouragement for further action. And difficulties are a challenge to his abilities.

An unlucky person lives with the mindset: life is hard, and even if you work hard, your efforts will not be appreciated. In order not to be disappointed again, he immediately prepares himself for the worst. At the same time, he convinces himself that he still believes in the best. This is self-deception, which takes away strength and desire to do anything.

It is important not to miss the opportunities that come in life. Svetlana Strazhina from the Arkhangelsk region does not often participate in sweepstakes, but when she was offered to purchase a Russian Lotto ticket at the checkout counter in a store, the woman did not refuse. And this decision brought good luck - Svetlana won a million rubles. She used the money to buy a new apartment.

Luck at work

Many people try hard at their workplace, but cannot achieve great heights, or even dream of going home quickly at the very beginning of the working day. Such relationships with work take away the joys of life and hurt the employee’s self-esteem. Things snowball, causing constant stress and unwillingness to work. Of course, there are periods of stagnation even in the best workplace. But in this case we are talking about constant emotional discomfort. The best psychologists and authors of books about the work of the subconscious, such as, for example, Vadim Zeland, explain that money is simply energy and comes in abundance to those who do what they love. Take a close look at your occupation. Is this what you were aiming for? If you find it difficult to answer, you can reformulate the question differently: would you do your job if you didn’t have to earn money? If the answer is no, you should think about changing your activity.

Reasons for lack of life goals

Before you start working on finding goals, you need to understand the reasons for their absence. Every person has a program to achieve what they want - evolution has taken care of this. The better this program works, the happier, more successful and higher than others in the social hierarchy the person is. Such a quality as determination is present in the basic personality settings.

Therefore, the absence of desires, aspirations, and dreams is not just bad, it is abnormal. This means that some kind of failure occurred and put the person out of action. You need to try to find the cause and eliminate it as quickly as possible. Usually, just recognizing the problem is enough for positive changes to begin. Therefore, try to honestly assess yourself and your condition.

General apathy

A state in which you don’t want anything, have no mood and no strength, is called apathy. This is the bottom of the energy pit, where a person sinks gradually, without noticing it. For example, today you decided to skip your workout at the gym and stayed at home to watch TV series. Previously, you worked out regularly and did not allow yourself any indulgences, but the devil beguiled you to succumb to laziness.

The series turned out to be interesting, the blanket was warm and cozy, and even a vague feeling of guilt could not disturb the reigning idyll. You conclude that nothing terrible actually happened. Just think, you missed class once. Only after a while you wanted to repeat this experience, then again and again.

Once you are led by laziness, it is very difficult to stop!

And suddenly bam! It’s as if you wake up from a dream and realize that lying on the couch at home is more pleasant than anything else in the world. In such a state, a person has only one desire, to be left alone.

I've been through this and I know what I'm talking about. It is incredibly difficult to pull yourself out of such a hole, so you need to try not to fall into it. And it's not difficult at all. You just need to not allow yourself to be lazy. I just ask you not to confuse rest with laziness. The first is your assistant in achieving your goals, and the second is your sworn enemy.

Fear of failure

Fear was created by evolution to protect man from the dangers of the world around him. But sometimes it can become the main obstacle on the way to the goal or, in especially severe cases, even prevent these goals from being born.

As soon as a person begins to think about his dream, heavy thoughts immediately appear. I won’t succeed, what others will think, they will laugh at me, it’s a lot of stress, etc. I have to return to my cramped shell and continue to sit there.

Sound familiar? Then I have only one recipe for you, but you are unlikely to like it. If fear makes you not do something, it can also make you do it. So I'll have to give you a good scare.



If you are unlucky and want to be happier than you are today, then now is the time. Don't wait for anyone or anything. Start playing sports, learning languages, going dancing and swimming. How would you behave if the perfect person came into your life? Maybe some of the above would become a pleasant habit. So, this person is you. Become interesting to yourself, more beautiful and attractive in your eyes, and people around you will notice it. Throw out the old trash from your house, do some general cleaning, get to know your neighbors - and changes will not take long to arrive. In order for something new to come in, you first need to make room for the old.

Keep a diary

A diary is needed to record successes. Every time you succeed or are lucky, write a line in your diary. In just a month you will have collected a whole evidence base that you are not a loser. As soon as doubts begin to overcome, it will be enough to flip through the diary for them to evaporate. You can only record victories, you can count defeats too, it doesn’t really matter. In the worst case, the score will be equal, and with due diligence it will inevitably change in your favor.

How to save your luck

If you hope to succeed in something very important, don't tell anyone about it. Don't display your achievements for everyone to see. Let the photo where you are happy with your loved one be seen only by the two of you, without prying eyes. This way there will be no dirt and strangers in your relationship.

We hope that this article will help you find happiness, and that luck and fortune will become constant companions on your path in any field. Smile at troubles, they will decide that you are crazy and will bypass you.

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