13 signs of a mature personality: have you matured yet?

Psychological maturity is understood as such a state of psyche and worldview when a person allows himself to be considered a realized individual. Throughout our lives, a person develops self-confidence, strives for serious relationships and becomes emotionally mature.

Maturity allows you to reveal all a person’s abilities and talents, to flourish spiritually and materially. However, here you should not start from any specific point, since this state of human achievement is subject to constant improvement and work on oneself. Next, we will analyze the main signs of a mature personality.

Becoming an Emotionally Mature Person

Human development is associated with a significant period of childhood when play and role-playing behavior is interpreted. At this time, the child begins to become aware of himself. The role that a person of this age will play is set by mask images.

Most often these are the closest people - mom and dad, where the child is looking for a living sample. Children's actions copy the example of adults. The entire surrounding world is personified by the baby’s actions, giving them a mask. This helps to better understand the phenomena occurring.

The lack of logical justification, imagination and behavior of the baby is the key to creative development. Further, an adult will relate to the world and love it at the level of personification and diversity of forces that operate in the world around him.

Inner theater begins with this mask, which contributes to survival, meaning and, most importantly, personal development. Thanks to this, a person learns to sense his personality.

Throughout life, a person passes through various social roles. Some are learned naturally, others through effort. The action and existence of an individual is determined by culture.

His persona (what you appear to others) is determined by the images that those around you create and implement. A persona is a mask imposed by society or a social group. The visual beauty of a person hides a person who is afraid to show himself or his abilities.

The increasing complexity of social life has led to profound changes and increased multiplicity of such masks. To become an emotionally mature person, you need to identify areas of your life with emotional difficulties. Monitor situations that you are handling somehow incorrectly at a deep level of your personality.

What is “emotional maturity”

A healthy person knows how to manage his thoughts, emotions and sensations. She easily interprets her emotional state, knows how to restrain negative impulses and correctly gets out of stressful situations. All of these skills demonstrate the presence of emotional maturity. In other words, the individual’s psyche is prepared for life. This means that a person is able to communicate with others, function fully in different areas of his life and improve his life skills.

Many equate the level of intelligence and emotional maturity, but this is a deep misconception. Acquired academic knowledge or innate abilities for successful education are necessary for successful career growth and socialization in society. That is, the acquired knowledge finds its applied application. Emotional maturity is the internal state of an individual, the result of nurturing one’s reactions and feelings, the ability to build healthy and harmonious relationships with others, properly managing one’s emotions.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage your emotions - this is a very important life skill. By purchasing it, a person is able to soberly assess his capabilities and correctly overcome difficulties. In addition, communication with people and adaptation in society is easy and painless. It is not for nothing that John Mayer and Peter Salovey called the ability to manage emotions emotional intelligence, possessing which a person is able to recognize people’s reactions and respond correctly to them.

When a person is unable to maintain a negative reaction in an everyday situation, he is usually called an “immature person” because he is not able to correct the negative emotion and respond as the situation requires. Moreover, any person can determine the immaturity of a person; this process occurs intuitively; sometimes the person himself does not understand how he managed to recognize an emotionally immature person the first time. Intelligence of this quality is inherent from birth, but its development depends on various factors. Do not forget that any situation that can turn consciousness upside down can affect the emotional background of a person.

In addition to global reasons in the form of upbringing and the influence of society, there are personal motives not to develop the emotional-volitional sphere in oneself. This is an unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s life, eternal attempts to shift serious decisions onto others, so that in case of failure there is someone to blame. Such a reason can appear at any time in life, including in adulthood. The origin of this phenomenon is difficult to explain; most likely, its appearance is a series of unsuccessful attempts to achieve results in a particular matter. A person comes to the conclusion that it is not possible to get what he wants and waits for outside help.

Developing Emotional Maturity

The level of emotional maturity directly depends on the methods of upbringing in childhood, the presence of a developed emotional-volitional sphere, a broad outlook and the desire to improve oneself. If a child is immersed in authoritarian conditions of upbringing, most likely he will grow up to be a weak-willed and vulnerable person. His emotions will be dominated by tearfulness, sadness and mild depression. It will be difficult for such a person to make decisions and implement them. As an adult, it will be more difficult to adjust your emotional intelligence. Sometimes this may require the intervention of a professional psychologist.

To develop the emotional-volitional sphere, it is necessary to complete every task started. This is a very important factor that will lead to a good result, that is, to the development of willpower. You need to be able to work with your negativity, learn to react calmly and correctly, even when it seems that this is impossible. If irritation has accumulated and is ready to spill out on others, you need to arrange an evening to get rid of the negativity: a walk in the fresh air, physical activity, or a hot, relaxing bath. When the negative has the opportunity to escape, the emotional background will always be normal.

Everyone has a personality

He understands that he is an individual with his own characteristics, and that he is different from other people. This greatly helps to cope with difficulties in family life. Many young men and women believe that spouses are two “halves.” But husband and wife are two completely different people. They have different backgrounds, different habits. Awareness of one's difference allows one to understand that a person will experience many things absolutely individually.

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How to become an emotionally mature person


By noticing triggers, you can recognize moments when you are in a defensive position. We need to find out the reasons for such fears. Most often, the answers lie in childhood: parents, school environment or friends. Some people are afraid to dig that deep. But this definitely brings us closer to becoming an emotionally mature person.

Accept reality

An emotionally mature person does not blame circumstances or fate for all his troubles, which can last a lifetime. Stop being disappointed in people and being surprised by their “wrong behavior.”

A mature act would be to change your attitude towards people and their actions, since every person hides something good in himself. Surround yourself with positive people who give you energy rather than take it away.


Any reaction to a particular situation is only your own reaction, for which you are personally responsible. A mature person adequately approaches the impossibility of solving certain problems. It is necessary to work out a negative attitude towards problems.


The topic of identity is very important in the development of emotional maturity, because here a person determines what he wants from life, what kind of family life he wants, friends, neighbors, attitude towards people and people towards you (this is about personal boundaries).


Integrity acts as a definition of what is good for you and what is evil, which is categorically contrary to your principles. Integrity means obtaining information on the most complex corners of the personality. To become an emotionally mature person, decide for yourself clearly how you will react to a given situation.


Self-discipline keeps emotions in check so they don't get out of control. Discipline allows you to be reliable to yourself and to other people. To learn discipline, you can start planning and completing small goals throughout the week. It is worth gradually increasing the complexity and scale of goals. The “muscle” of willpower in an emotionally mature person is accustomed to constant training.

You can become emotionally mature by considering only yourself as the main person in your life and at the same time caring for others, maintaining a balance of compassion, kindness and personal boundaries. A great way to overcome stress is to help others, not to save the world, but to pay attention to loved ones and others. The main quality of personal development is the ability to cope with emotions, discipline and patience.

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