10 psychological tricks for manipulating people

A person lives in society, constantly communicating and interacting with other people. A person’s social status and success are determined by the ability to communicate with other people, find an approach to them and negotiate. In the course of life, a person not only influences other people, but he himself is influenced by them, often against his own interests.

Psychological tricks

10. Ask for favors

© Dean Drobot

Trick: Ask someone to do a favor for you (known as the Benjamin Franklin effect).

Legend has it that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to win the favor of a man who didn't like him. He asked the man to lend him a rare book, and when he received it, he thanked him very kindly.

As a result, the man who didn't really want to even talk to Franklin became friends with him. In the words of Franklin: “He who has once done you a good deed will be more disposed to do something good for you again than one to whom you yourself are indebted.”

Scientists decided to test this theory, and eventually found that those people whom the researcher asked for a personal favor were much more favorable towards the specialist compared to other groups of people.

Influence on human behavior

9. Aim Higher

© Michal Collection
The trick: always ask for more than you initially need, and then lower the bar.
This technique is sometimes called the “door-in-the-face approach.” You are approaching a person with a really too high request, which he will most likely refuse.

After that you come back with a request for a “lower rank”

namely, what you really need from this person.

This trick may seem counterintuitive to you, but the idea is that the person will feel bad after rejecting you. However, he will explain this to himself as the unreasonableness of the request.

Therefore, the next time you approach him with your real need, he will feel obligated to help you.

Scientists, after testing this principle in practice, came to the conclusion that it actually works, because a person who is first approached with a very “big” request, and then returns to him and asks for a small one, feels that he can help you he should.

Available methods of mind manipulation for beginners

To use psychological techniques to influence a person, it is not necessary to become a professional psychologist. In everyday communication, anyone can use the following methods:

  1. Suggestion. An authoritative person can use this method. By choosing the right phrases and constructing his speech, he inspires people with the necessary information. This method will only work if the manipulator is able to speak confidently. Slurred speech is subconsciously rejected by the listener and perceived as unreliable.
  2. Infection. A way of transmitting emotional mood to other people based on a chain reaction. In a dangerous situation, a person prone to panic infects other people with it. A provocateur in a crowd specifically increases the aggressiveness of people, increasing the overall level of aggression. Positive emotions can also be transmitted: if someone in a group starts laughing, his laughter will be picked up by others.
  3. Imitation. An effective method if the targets are children or poorly educated people. The need for a role model pushes them to copy the behavior and way of thinking of an authority figure.
  4. Belief. This technique is suitable for persuading a person with a high level of education. The manipulator must withstand a high level of discussion, present truthful arguments, allowing the interlocutor to come to the necessary conclusions himself.

Manipulative influence is possible only if the level of intelligence of the manipulator is higher than that of the interlocutors. Otherwise, a smarter interlocutor can intercept the conversation and control the manipulator itself.

The influence of a name on a person

8. Say names

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Trick: Use the person's name or title depending on the situation.
Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, believes that mentioning a person's name frequently in conversation is incredibly important.

He emphasizes that a person’s name in any language is the sweetest combination of sounds for him.

Carnegie says that a name is the main component of human identity, therefore, when we hear it, we once again receive confirmation of our importance.

This is why we feel more positive towards a person who confirms our importance in the world.

However, using a title or other form of address in a speech can also have a strong impact. The idea is that if you behave like a certain type of person, then you will become that person. This is somewhat like a prophecy.

To use this technique to influence other people, you can address them as you would like them to be. As a result, they will begin to think of themselves in this way.

It’s very simple, if you want to get closer to a certain person, then call him “friend” or “comrade” more often. Or, when referring to someone you would like to work for, you can call him “boss.” But keep in mind that sometimes this can backfire on you.

Management art and a new worldview

Business coach, sociotechnologist and author of best-selling books on the art of management Vladimir Tarasov provides coaching for those who want to become a master in the field of management.

A large-scale program of 40 online seminars on the art of management will begin at the end of January 2015.

For 10 months, a seminar will be held once a week in the form of an online broadcast around the world, where a business coach will tell interesting techniques, analyze individual cases of participants and help them create their own strong philosophy.

Coaching consists not only of useful practices and techniques that can be useful, but also of working with participants, with specific people and their problems.

Moreover, the program is suitable for both start-ups and experienced entrepreneurs.

You will find out how many mistakes you made in management, correct them and never repeat them.

If you are going to manage people, you simply need a solid philosophy, strength of character and knowledge of various psychological tricks. You will find all this in the program of Vladimir Tarasov. It's time to sign up.

Learn the art of management with coaching from Vladimir Tarasov

The influence of words on a person

7. Flatter

© AlexBrylov / Getty Images
The trick: flattery can get you where you need to go.
This may seem obvious at first glance, but there are some important caveats. To begin with, it is worth noting that if flattery is not sincere, then it will most likely do more harm than good.

However, scientists who have studied flattery and people's reactions to it have discovered several very important things.

Simply put, people always try to maintain cognitive balance by trying to organize their thoughts and feelings in a similar way.

Therefore, if you flatter a person whose self-esteem is high, and the flattery is sincere,

He will like you more because the flattery will match what he thinks about himself.

However, if you flatter someone whose self-esteem is suffering, there may be negative consequences. It is likely that he will treat you worse because it does not intersect with how he perceives himself.

Of course, this does not mean that a person with low self-esteem should be humiliated.

Nod your head

Trick: Nod your head a little during a conversation, especially if you want to ask your interlocutor for something. Scientists have found that when a person nods while listening to someone, they are more likely to agree with what is being said. They also found that if the person you are talking to nods, most of the time you will also nod. This is understandable because people often unconsciously imitate the behavior of another person, especially one with whom interaction will benefit them. So if you want to add weight to what you say, nod regularly while speaking. The person you're talking to will have a hard time not nodding and will start to feel positive about the information you're presenting without even realizing it.

Author: listverse.com Translation: infoniac.ru

Ways to influence people

6. Mirror other people's behavior

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The trick: Be a mirror image of the other person's behavior.
Mirroring behavior is also known as mimicry, and it is something that certain types of people have in their nature.

People with this skill are called chameleons because they try to blend in with their environment by copying others' behavior, mannerisms, and even speech. However, this skill can be used quite deliberately and is a great way to get liked.

Researchers studied mimicry and found that those who were copied had very favorable attitudes towards the person who copied them.

Experts also came to another, more interesting conclusion. They found that people who had role models had much more favorable attitudes toward people in general, even those who weren't involved in the study.

It is likely that the reason for this reaction lies in the following. Having someone who mirrors your behavior validates your worth. People feel more confident in themselves, thus they are happier and have good attitude towards other people.

Psychology of influencing people

5. Take advantage of fatigue

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Trick: ask for a favor when you see that the person is tired.
When a person is tired, he becomes more receptive to any information, be it a simple statement about something or a request. The reason is that when a person gets tired, it is not only on the physical level, his mental energy reserves are also depleted.

When you make a request to a tired person, most likely you will not get a definite answer right away, but will hear: “I will do it tomorrow,” because he will not want to make any decisions at the moment.

The next day, most likely, the person will actually comply with your request, because on a subconscious level, most people try to keep their word, so we make sure that what we say matches what we do.

Keep calm

Calmness and confidence - these qualities are especially valued in every person. Unperturbed individuals earn trust extremely easily. It seems to your interlocutors and just people nearby that you know everything in advance, which is why you don’t panic. For them, your calmness and equanimity is a sign that everything is going according to plan (in fact, this does not always coincide with reality). One way or another, people will be drawn to you in any case if you behave with restraint, measuredly and calmly, as if the whole situation is in your hands. This really has the desired effect.

Psychological influence on a person

4. Offer something that a person cannot refuse

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The trick: start the conversation with something that the other person can’t refuse, and you will achieve what you need.
This is the flip side of the door-in-the-face approach. Instead of starting the conversation with a request, you start with something small. As soon as a person agrees to help you in small ways, or simply agrees to something, you can use the “heavy artillery.”

Experts have tested this theory using marketing approaches. They started by asking people to show their support for protecting the rainforests and the environment, which is a very simple request.

Once support has been received, scientists have found that it is now much easier to persuade people to buy products that promote this support. However, you should not start with one request and immediately move on to another.

Psychologists have found that it is much more effective to take a break of 1-2 days.

Techniques for influencing people

3. Stay calm

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The trick: Don't correct someone when they're wrong.
In his famous book, Carnegie also emphasized that one should not tell people that they are wrong. This, as a rule, will lead to nothing, and you will simply fall out of favor with this person.

There is actually a way to show disagreement while still having a polite conversation, without telling anyone that they are wrong, but by striking the other person's ego to the core.

The method was invented by Ray Ransberger and Marshall Fritz. The idea is quite simple: instead of arguing, listen to what the person is saying and then try to understand how they feel and why.

You should then explain to the person the points you share with them and use that as a starting point to clarify your position. This will make him more sympathetic to you and he will be more likely to listen to what you have to say without losing face.

The influence of people on each other

2. Repeat the words of your interlocutor

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The trick: paraphrase what the person says and repeat what they said.
This is one of the most amazing ways to influence other people. This way you show your interlocutor that you really understand him, capture his feelings and your empathy is sincere.

That is, by paraphrasing the words of your interlocutor, you will achieve his favor very easily. This phenomenon is known as reflective listening.

Research has shown that when doctors use this technique, people open up more to them and their “collaboration” is more fruitful.

It's easy to use when chatting with friends too. If you listen to what they say and then paraphrase what they said, forming a question for confirmation, they will feel very comfortable with you.

You will have a stronger friendship and they will listen more actively to what you have to say because you have managed to show that you care about them.

Repeat the words of your interlocutor

This is also a very effective trick. Here we give the impression of not only interest, but also make it clear to the interlocutor that his words are not an empty phrase for us and have weight. It’s nice when you utter a successful phrase or describe the situation so succinctly that your opponent has no choice but to quote you. However, in reality this is again a psychological game. By repeating the words of the interlocutor, we not only make it easier for ourselves to carry on the conversation (there is no need to once again invent beautiful words and expressions), but also inspire pseudo-trust in him. Well said, colleague! And now it’s much more pleasant for the interlocutor to communicate with us.

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