10 Most Effective Martial Arts for Self Defense

Currently, there is a huge variety of all kinds of martial arts, schools are developing, adopting experience from each other, as a result of which new styles and directions appear. However, are all of them so effective for self-defense? It’s sad to see when people spend 20 years on martial arts and as a result, in a real situation on the street, they find themselves beaten up by those who have never practiced any martial arts. Unfortunately, such cases do occur and as a result it turns out that you simply lost your time. However, there are many martial arts that will adequately prepare you for self-defense when the opportunity arises. We have compiled a list of the 10 best martial arts for self-defense on the streets. So if you are going to learn a martial art, learn one of these 10.

Wing Chun

Wing Chun is a Chinese martial art that specializes in close combat and is popularized by master Ip Man. The system emphasizes fast, close-range attacks in a row and places a high emphasis on hand traps. Because it is a "southern style" Chinese martial art, Wing Chun places a heavy emphasis on punching and palm striking, as opposed to "northern style" Chinese martial arts, which emphasize kicking. In Wing Chun, striking is practiced on wooden dummies to improve one's skills and strengthen one's hands. The problem that will come into play with Wing Chun in street fighting is that the system places too much emphasis on linear movement. Moving linearly in a street fight can actually be a hindrance because your opponent will most likely be fighting linearly as well - thus making it a fight of attrition and leaving your opponent to work in puncher mode.

Martial Arts: 9 Best Systems for Self-Defense

It doesn’t matter at all what kind of self-defense tools you use, because your only and most important tool is your own body. Which is good, because some particularly cunning and powerful means of self-defense are really difficult to use and acquire. However, this does not mean that you should remain defenseless without your equipment. Especially if you learn to turn your body into a weapon using various martial arts .

Thanks to the Olympic Games, Hollywood, numerous games and films dedicated to hand-to-hand combat, such martial arts have long become part of human culture. But some varieties of these martial arts are much better suited for self-defense than others. Which, again, does not mean that they cannot be used as general strengthening exercises or a means of attack, especially if a specialist takes up the matter.

The content of the article

Martial Arts Best for Self Defense

Absolutely anyone can find themselves in a situation of necessary self-defense, in which they will have to act quickly and decisively. So I tried to compile a list of martial arts that are best suited for self-defense and self-defense. However, this is an excellent topic for discussion in the comments, because you probably have your own opinion on what martial arts will help you “defeat all enemies.”


The basic principles were developed in the 1920s and early 30s by Japanese martial artist Morihei Ushiba. In essence, it is a synthesis of the more ancient combat systems of Daito-ryu and Aiki-jujutsu. However, the basis of ideology, philosophy and practices was created under the serious influence of the teachings of the neo-Shinto religious leader Onisaburo Deguchi, who lived in Kyoto in the early 1900s. Aikido the international arena in 1951, when its founder went on a trip to France to teach his art to those who had previously studied Judo. Nowadays, this martial art is still very popular, although it does not focus on strikes, like most other means of self-defense. But this does not prevent its practical use.

Aikido is based on the concept of universal peace and reconciliation. So, in essence, this is the "most peaceful" combat system. As in Judo, the emphasis here is on grappling and throwing to both defend oneself and disable the attacker. Moreover, it is quite neat and painless, although painful techniques and minor injuries are still allowed. However, there are also shocks in the system. But, mainly, in those of its branches that are engaged in knife fighting and swords. But even here, their main task is to disarm, and not destroy, the enemy.


Boxing is one of the oldest forms of both sports and self-defense. The earliest mentions of it were found on ancient Sumerian tablets dating back to approximately three thousand BC. So it is not surprising that boxing has become one of the most popular types of hand-to-hand combat practiced in Europe. However, something resembling modern official rules did not appear until 1743, when boxing champion Jack Broughton realized that boxers should have at least some protection from the risk of dying in the ring. A very timely idea, I must say. From then to the present day, boxing still remains one of the most popular sports, recreational exercises and simply training to keep fit. And the examples of the well-known McGregor and Floyd Mayweather show that the popularity of boxing is not decreasing.

It's no secret that the basis of boxing is striking. But the system itself is much more complex than a banal scuffle. For example, there are several subsystems that require certain behavior in the ring. There are, for example, classic long-range techniques (emphasis on jabs and maintaining distance), there is a style focused exclusively on fighting at very close distances, there are styles with an emphasis on brute strength and power, and there are styles that focus on speed. Experienced boxers, however, are able to change styles right in the middle of a fight, depending on the need. Although boxing lacks the versatility and flexibility of other martial arts for self-defense, it is still quite difficult to resist.

Jeet Kune Do

The author of this martial art of self-defense is the legendary Bruce Lee. It all officially began on July 9, 1969, but the roots of this fighting style go much deeper. We can say that the origins of Jeet Kune Do are Bruce Lee's teacher, Ip Man. At one time, he taught Bruce the techniques and principles of Wing Chung - one of the varieties of Kung Fu. And he tried very hard to “drive” these principles into the head of his student. In our time, there are still Jeet Kune Do teachers who studied personally with Bruce Lee. In addition, this type of martial arts has been practiced by some very famous personalities - Brandon Lee, Nicolas Cage and Kareem Abdul Jabbar.

to clearly formulate the main technical aspects of Jeet Kune Do. The fact is that this is not a specific style, but rather a “philosophy of combat.” Bruce Lee himself was not very fond of “Stands”, “Techniques” and “Discipline” - he was closer to the philosophy of situational adaptation for the purpose of survival. So we can say that the basic principle of this self-defense martial art is “use it while it is useful in real combat.” But if we greatly simplify it, we can say that the basics of the style are direct explosive blows that throw the opponent back; the ability to choose the right moment; maximum mobility in any situation. So many experts consider Jeet Kune Do to be one of the most versatile and adaptive fighting styles in general. There are both pros and cons to this, but all this only became apparent upon deeper study.


One of the most ancient martial arts practiced in Japan. Sometime around the 1400s AD, forms of Jiu-Jitsu , focused on use on the battlefield in situations where weapons were either ineffective or unavailable. This martial art is based on throws, grabs, painful holds and joint locking. So it is not surprising that in the 17th century it was actively used in battle against heavily armored opponents. And the modern popularity of Jiu-Jitsu is due to the special “Brazilian” style, developed at one time by the Garcia brothers. It was this style that became the basis for the first Mixed Martial Arts (USA). So if you sometimes watch fights in the octagon, then most often you will see styles based specifically on Jiu-Jitsu. Nowadays, there are two main varieties of this martial art - Japanese, where the emphasis is on self-defense, and Brazilian, more aggressive and focused on active confrontation.

Unlike other Japanese martial arts such as judo and aikido, which place an emphasis on dodging and throwing, Jiu-Jitsu places much more emphasis on close-range fighting. Yes, they still like to throw the enemy into the wall, but much more often they simply capture and immobilize the target so that they cannot do anything else. Since this system is designed for one-on-one combat, there are a lot of painful techniques, grabbing limbs and joints, as well as immobilizing the opponent as a whole. And yes, this allows you to successfully fight even those who practice striking-based fighting styles.


Translated from Japanese, Judo means “soft way.” Which is somewhat strange, considering the “hardness” of this fighting style. But this is only until you learn about the origins of this art of self-defense. Kano Jigoro, the founder of this art, was the grandson of a Shinto priest and was able to receive an academic education. And at the age of 14, he was specially sent to study with a Jiu-Jitsu master in order to protect himself from school bullies. But the constant moving and changing schools somewhat interfered with the “fundamental education”, so Kano decided to create his own martial art. Moreover, it should be more “peaceful” and more in line with the wishes of modern Japanese who have come under the influence of the West. Happened. His system was included in the list of Olympic disciplines in 1932, and since then its popularity has not diminished. Even some famous MMA fighters use it.

The name matches the essence. In Judo, the main emphasis is not on attacks, but on deflections and immobilization of the opponent. Plus the principle: “maximum effect, minimum movement” - that is, use the attacker’s impulse and movement against him. So combinations of throws, grabs, disarming and immobilization help to effectively deal with opponents. And the system itself was developed purely for practical purposes - to defend yourself, and not to kill the attacker. However, Judo is suitable for use even in the worst self-defense scenarios. So it doesn't sacrifice efficiency in favor of style and form.

Krav Maga

As a martial art, Krav Maga is one of the most original in modern history, given its history, philosophy and adaptation to the real world. While many fighting styles have hundreds of years of use and are called “art” with a clear conscience, Krav Maga has been practiced since the 30s and 40s of our century. The discipline was specially designed to neutralize the attacker as quickly and effectively as possible. Its creator, the Hungarian Jew Eimrich “Imi” Lichtenfeld, specifically created his fighting style for survival in occupied Bratislava during the Second World War. It was useful, so when Imi immigrated to the newly created Israel, he was quickly called upon to train the local self-defense forces. Well, now Krav Maga is practiced all over the world, not only by civilians, but also by the military, the police, and many others.

The basic principle is to avoid conflict as long as possible. And when it is impossible, quickly and clearly “knock out” the attacker. Translated from Hebrew, Krav Maga means “contact combat.” And yes, this is quite harsh, since “The best defense is an attack” is taken literally here. Having absorbed the best bits from boxing, wrestling, Muay Thai, Aikido and adapting all this to a banal street fight, Krav Maga has become a system focused on fast and frequent strikes. Calibrated preventative strong blows and numerous “distractions” using all limbs and available means - all this is used to disarm and stun the attacker. So this system can be used even against several aggressors.

Muay Thai

The history of this martial art dates back to the 16th century, when there was an active struggle in Siam between the Burmese and Kombang families. And although initially it was used exclusively on the battlefield, very quickly the system moved into the category of competitive and general strengthening. Muay Thai is also known as the "Art of 8 Limbs". A unique combination of boxing and kickboxing techniques using elbows, knees and feet. At the beginning of the 19th century, the system began to be actively integrated into European fighting styles, so that soon even its own sports federation was created - IFMA, which later partially became part of MMA.

There are two main categories in Muay Thai “Mae mai” are the main techniques, and “lak mai” are the minor techniques. This includes jabs, hooks, straight punches, uppercuts, jump punches, knees, kicks, kicks and much more. All this is extremely effective for offensive combat, especially if it is done by a specialist, but it is difficult for beginners. Lots of fast movements and strikes, constant movement, high energy consumption. Yes, there are also defensive techniques, such as the “defensive wall,” but the emphasis is still on attack, and not on deflecting or avoiding blows. However, with all this, Muay Thai is the best fighting system for those who want to keep themselves in shape.


Sambo differs from most Western martial arts in one small detail - it was invented in the USSR. For the first time, something similar was used in the 20s of the last century as part of military training, in order to train soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. However, this martial art quickly evolved. There are now three main types:

  • Combat Sambo , specifically adapted for the battlefield and for self-defense.
  • Sports Sambo , adapted for competitions, similar to Judo or Jiu-Jitsu.
  • Freestyle Sambo , invented by the American Sambo Association and allowing you to participate even in MMA fights. In 1980, the USSR national team demonstrated demonstration performances in this martial art, but Sambo was still not officially included in the list of Olympic disciplines. So we can say that this art is still on the way to worldwide recognition.

Like oriental martial arts, Sambo is based on a combination of throws and low holds with limb locking and painful techniques. However, this method of self-defense is much more aggressive - after all, it was created for the battlefield. So here a lot depends on physical strength and endurance, as well as on the size of the enemy. However, with approximately equal data, Sambo gives a huge advantage in battle.

MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)

If you're looking for a little bit of everything, you can't go wrong with "fights without rules."
In fact, this is a very incorrect name, since MMA is a very dosed, rational and effective mixture of techniques, schools and disciplines. However, each fighter may have his own “shuddering mixture”. MMA is hardly a new system, as people have been combining different martial arts into more fluid forms for centuries. The modern concept, as we know it, has been around since the 1920s, when brothers Carlos and Hélio Gracie, practitioners of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, invited anyone to fight to prove that their fighting system was the best. Over time, this principle turned into official fights and began to spread throughout the world. This type of competition was first introduced to the United States in the early 1980s, but it wasn't until the mid-90s with the advent of the Ultimate Fighting Championship that it became the mainstream sport we know and love today.

While many martial arts have multiple sub-styles that are used on a case-by-case basis, none are as comprehensive as MMA. This purely combative and confrontational fighting system encourages fighters and their teachers to use the best of every other martial art... When training professional level fighters, it becomes like playing chess - focusing their efforts on techniques that are exactly the opposite of what their opponents are using . For example, when going up against a boxer, a good MMA fighter will try to take the game to the ground...


Each combat system has its pros and cons. Moreover, in many situations, knowledge of martial arts not only does not save life, but also puts it at risk. In general, most famous self-defense masters say that the best “combat system” is sprinting with evasions.

Original article: Hand-To-Hand: 8 Best Martial Arts For Self Defense


Tae kwon do (TKD ) is a martial art that focuses on kicking. Although there are many disadvantages to sport TKD, a skilled practitioner will have the agility on their feet to quickly strike their opponent. But there are also disadvantages: the high air strikes seen in TKD can be extremely dangerous on the streets, especially if one faces a wrestler who can simply knock you down.

The sporting aspect of TKD made it a little less practical for street fighting. In TKD sports, punches are rarely (if ever) thrown and punches below the waist are not allowed. So she created an incentive system that relies too much on feints and fancy shots rather than practicality.

Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do (JKD) is a military fighting style that was created by the infamous Bruce Lee. Jeet Kune Do was created with realism in mind and was partly inspired by Bruce Lee's early childhood, in which he fought many times on the streets of Hong Kong. JKD emphasizes fighting without preconceived forms or patterns, which is so inevitable in most traditional martial arts. Rather, JKD has a set of guidelines to guide the practitioner. This martial art emphasizes a deft but sharp stance with a variety of side kicks. Bruce Lee also adopted many boxing techniques, including roll-up blocks and forearms. JKD emphasizes practical striking, low level strikes that are difficult to block, and efficient use of energy, making it a good martial art to learn how to defend yourself in a street fight.

Contact Karate (full contact)

Karate is the native martial art system of Japan. Although karate is a system of martial arts, there are many styles of karate. Some areas are more useful than others for street self-defense. Many karate schools are very shady and won't allow you to spar or teach you anything worthwhile to defend yourself. Stay away from these schools. Instead, if you want to learn karate, go to a school that emphasizes sparring. It is advisable to have full contact. Again, I cannot stress enough the importance of sparring, especially full contact and hard sparring. While you shouldn't spar all the time, you should experience what it's like to fight realistically. Many traditional martial arts schools are not gentle enough. Stay away from any school that doesn't allow you to spar frequently.

Reviews and comments

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Boxing is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. It is a martial art that focuses on manual sleight of hand. Boxing consists of four punches - the thrust, the cross, the hook and the uppercut. But from these four strikes you can develop many dangerous options. If you learn boxing, you will learn how to distribute your weight evenly, how to move your legs, how to move your head, how to avoid punches, and how to throw punches correctly. All this will give you a huge advantage in a street fight. Once you get really good at boxing, you can develop "knockout power" that can knock out your opponent with just one punch.

The only thing I don't like about boxing in a street fight is that you are also standing in your opponent's striking zone, thereby giving your opponent a "punch chance" that can take you out. Additionally, boxers often fight with large gloves, especially those who do not box competitively. Therefore, when fighting on the streets, you will find that your opponents' blows may be more dangerous simply because they are not wearing large gloves.

What types of martial arts should I consider?

In fact, there are a lot of different types of martial arts, and some areas have branches and you can simply get confused in the names. But here we need to focus more on the fact that it is simply impossible to find such sections in small villages. Therefore, you have to choose from the most popular options, which is quite fair, because few people want to go to the “Shaolin Quan” section, where more people want to line up in a regular boxing gym. So, let's move on to the most common types of martial arts and consider their pros and cons.


One of the most ancient types of martial arts, and most importantly, the most widespread sport, which means the presence of gyms almost anywhere. Its advantages include:

  • It perfectly develops strength, speed and endurance, uses almost all the muscles of the body, moreover, you can get into good physical shape within 5-6 months after starting classes;
  • Simple enough to understand and effective in emergency situations;
  • Strengthens character and allows you to throw out negativity during training.

But there are some downsides here:

  • Injuries occur in any sport, but here they have their own specifics: damage to the bones and joints of the hands, brain, face, internal organs and other things. However, all this applies more to those who perform in the professional ring for many years. As consequences, various diseases may also appear due to irreversible changes in the brain;
  • Everything is limited to working with your hands and only in a standing position, which does not make boxing a universal martial art.

Be that as it may, this is a good option, both for those who want to build a career and for those who simply wanted to become a little better and stronger.


Mixed martial arts are currently very popular and even in small towns, gyms are starting to open where you can practice them. Among the advantages associated with mixfight are:

  • A large arsenal of techniques aimed at neutralizing an enemy using any fighting style;
  • One of the best options for improving physical fitness;
  • The opportunity to develop one of your strong fighting sides and complement it with other skills;
  • Strengthening self-confidence and an excellent basis for self-defense.

And the disadvantages include:

  • A large number of techniques and techniques imply increased difficulty in teaching beginners. In this matter, it is important to take your time and be persistent;
  • Painful, suffocating, a variety of blows - all this can lead to various injuries.

Be that as it may, this is a very good option, since it is difficult to find something more universal.


This type of martial arts is one of the most “respected”, since wrestlers have already managed to declare themselves as the strongest athletes, ready to compete with representatives of other styles. However, even here there are pros and cons. For example, the advantages include an excellent opportunity to improve strength and endurance, build muscle, lose weight, flexibility and much more. But from the minuses we highlight the following points:

  • Lack of training in striking skills;
  • Large load on the spine, neck and risk of injury;
  • A difficult training process that requires a long period of technique honing.

However, wrestling will provide an opportunity to learn how to defend yourself and cope with any opponent, neutralizing his strengths.


In this case, it would be most reasonable to consider combat sambo, since this martial art will provide an opportunity to learn many techniques, both standing and on the ground. This is a very good choice for someone who wants to be an all-rounder in battle, resilient, strong and ready for any surprise. But precisely because of the versatility of this martial arts, it also has disadvantages:

  • It is impossible to master a large number of techniques in a short period of time. But usually students consolidate basic knowledge after just a few lessons;
  • There are a lot of techniques in sambo that can lead to injuries.

Of course, injury is the main negative feature of martial arts, but here you need to understand that during training a person is also taught how to avoid getting injured, so there is no need to be afraid of anything.


This martial arts is aimed not only at working with the body, but also with the spirit. Thanks to a special technique, a person gets the opportunity to develop flexibility, the ability to neutralize an opponent without having enormous physical strength and get a toned body. Among other advantages, we highlight:

  • Self-defense training;
  • The opportunity to study from an early age, moreover, for a person of any gender;
  • A good base for footwork in a fight;
  • Upgrading character, self-control and self-confidence.

Among the minuses, one can note a weak emphasis on the striking technique of the hands, which in an ordinary street fight would be an extremely useful thing. And there are big problems with the ground game, so taekwondo definitely shouldn’t be classified as a universal martial arts for all occasions.


Absolutely anyone can take up jiu-jitsu and this is a huge plus of this martial art. Physical strength, endurance and mass are not needed here, since the main direction in which “jitzers” work is painful and choking techniques.

But, despite such advantages, the main disadvantage of jiu-jitsu is the lack of technique for working in a standing position, as well as a rather long training period, because few people succeed in quickly understanding how to “correctly” perform all the movements, given the lack of experience. However, learning a few good techniques is always useful, and it’s a great option for developing body flexibility.


All that this type of martial arts can give is the ability to neutralize an opponent at close range by taking the fight to the ground and performing a painful or choking technique. Yes, judo will be a good base for someone who wants to become more self-confident and learn self-defense, but in such a section you will not be taught how to hit, which many may not like.

But this is an excellent option, both for the younger generation and for adults who want to make their body better and their spirit stronger. Nothing more to add.

Other martial arts

As for karate, kickboxing, Muay Thai and others, their pros and cons are about the same as others. It all depends on what exactly a person is pursuing, whether he wants to be able to hit or wrestle, submit an opponent or disable him with one blow. And to make it easier to make your choice, we’ll discuss what you should pay attention to before signing up for a specific section.


Judo , the parent of Jiu-Jitsu, is also another great martial art system. Although the focus of sport judo has changed slightly and deviated from the core philosophy of judo, the martial art remains very dangerous. Some of their throws are quite hard and can be dangerous, especially on concrete in the streets. Unlike wrestling, judo throws and techniques require a lot of practice and technique to be executed properly. But a seasoned judoka (judo practitioner) will have excellent balance, hand coordination, a good sense of distance and will be able to execute deadly throws.

Judo and sambo

These two directions are often combined, although they have many different things. Judo is a wrestling-oriented sport where there are strict rules and judges. Sambo is a self-defense system that has a combat version, originally designed for use in street conditions. The disadvantages include the lack of striking equipment and means of countering it.


  • Judo and sambo harmoniously develop all muscle groups, so athletes are in good physical shape.
  • Regular classes give a positive emotional attitude towards self-defense, develop composure, and teach psychological stability in a fight.
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Kickboxing includes many martial arts and is more of a sport than a martial arts style. However, for the sake of this article, let's call it a martial art. And this is a martial art that is taught in many MMA schools. In kickboxing, you learn to fight with your hands and feet. And while kickboxers may have stylistic preferences regarding whether they want to primarily kick or punch in a fight, kickboxers are capable of both.

However, because a kickboxer spends their time learning how to kick, they do not develop the leg dexterity of karate or taekwondo, nor do they develop the upper body mobility and manual dexterity of boxers.

In a street fight, I would rather know kickboxing than just boxing. Kickboxing is a huge advantage in a street fight because it gives you skills that most people don't have. Getting into a fight with a boxer is quite a rare occurrence. It's even rarer to find someone who knows kickboxing. Kickboxing also allows you to stay out of reach while still being able to throw kicks.

Why martial arts are not effective for self-defense on the street

You've probably already read similar articles: “10 best martial arts”, “TOP 10 martial arts for self-defense”, “10 most powerful and dangerous martial arts” and so on. Almost always, such articles and videos talk about the advantages of martial arts for self-defense on the street and personal safety in everyday life.

I want to immediately refute this myth.

No combat sport can prepare you for a street fight or a real attack. For several reasons:

1. There are no prohibited equipment or rules on the street. No matter how popular a style or sport is, it is first and foremost a sport or even gymnastics. With its own rules. system of preparation for sports competitions. With prohibited equipment and safety precautions.

2. In the competitive practice of most types of martial arts, one-on-one fights with an opponent are used. On the street there is a high probability of running into a group of opponents. Some of which can hide in the crowd and attack from behind.

3. Most street fights use powerful psychological pressure, for which athletes are most often not prepared. Berserker behavior. For such behavior in the ring or on the mat, fighters who apply pressure are punished.

4. The unexpectedness and transience of the fight. The level of preparedness and weight category of opponents are most often very different. On the tatami they always try to avoid such differences in levels.

5. Using improvised objects. This is practically not taught in any martial arts school. And since they don’t teach you to attack. This means they don’t teach how to defend themselves.

That is why a street fight is contraindicated for a good fighter - an athlete. This is why so many self-confident Champions die on the street, or are injured for life.

This is not an unfounded statement. You can read the story of Ivan Kirp on Wikipedia. I know him.

His fighting career ended in a street fight. And there are many such stories. Wrestler Yuri Vlasko was killed on Lake Baikal with a knife in the neck. Murder of Dmitry Krivosheev near the IL Tokyo cafe in the center of Voronezh.

Athletes do not always win street fights. I already wrote about the statistics of knockouts in street fights in this article: “How to deliver a knockout blow - 3 components”

I’ll write a brief conclusion here: physical STRENGTH and TIMING decide more than technique. The striking technique is important in sports competitions, and is not so significant for self-defense and in a real fight.

What do they study in special forces?

Very often, coaches and adherents of sports disciplines say. that some type of martial arts is used for training in special forces.

For example, I see and hear information that Korean police practice taekwondo, and kyokushinkai is used in special forces around the world. But this is just self-promotion of styles.

Not that it's not true. Every more or less famous martial arts coach trained someone from the special forces. And sometimes organized groups. For example, I have in my bins the training of the Rosinkas team and the VSM Shield GBR, and a lot of thanks from the guys who fought in hot spots.

GBR VSM Shield with Grigory Vladimirovich Chuiko

But let's take a common sense look at who really needs martial arts techniques?

Obviously not military.

In war, the chances of a fist fight are almost zero. How much of a moron do you have to be to meet an enemy soldier, and neither of them would have a small arms, knife or sapper shovel?

Therefore, the military needs courses and trainers in shooting and weapon handling. And only hand-to-hand combat is used as general physical training. Such a martial art really exists and is even available to civilians. This is Krav Maga.

Everything else is off the shelf.

But will Israeli units share their equipment with other states? I don't think so. And those instructors who train civilians do not necessarily know enough to fully train special forces.

All trainers who position themselves as special forces trainers and teach civilians are potentially dangerous for their country. Except for Israel or another country where there is a continuous war.

This is why there are so many freaks in this topic around the world. They bring benefits to the state. Creating competition for truly knowledgeable specialists. More often than not, freaks know better how to captivate people with their system than real war specialists.

Rapid response teams

If we are talking about private offices, private security companies or even the police, then they really need the technique of fighting without weapons. Well, and possession of special means available: gas or traumatic weapons, rubber batons, tonfa.

And since knives and sharpening are often used in everyday life. blades. awl. hammers, rosettes, flutes, etc. I think they would benefit greatly from lessons in knife fighting and stick fighting.

The use of service firearms threatens a lengthy debriefing and may result in prison. That’s why shooting here is general physical training. GBR and police officers should really practice martial arts.

Vladimir Moskalenko, knife fight

I would suggest that these structures learn knife fighting, stick fighting, and submissions, especially standing submissions.

And here. Oddly enough, I see a huge empty niche. There is no martial art that can fill the niche of painful techniques in the standing position. More likely. because the checks are small and employers do not spend money on cannon fodder - their employees.

Japanese Jiu Jitsu could perhaps close this gap. But there will never be Japanese jiu jitsu in Russia. For the same reason that there will be no combat Krav Maga.

Some people think that combat sambo and BJJ rule. But combat sambo and especially Brazilian jiu jitsu are not suitable for the purposes of the GBR. Why? Read this article about combat sambo and draw your own conclusions: “What is combat sambo. combat section of the fight >>»

As for BJJ, although it is a great gymnastics for the body and mind, it is a combat sport, not a martial art. I wrote a little about the classification of styles here: “Martial art. how to choose - expert advice >>»

Why is it so important to train martial arts skills?

Yet martial arts training can save your life. Even if it's a combat sport. The most important thing is the right approach to training.

And if you are lucky with a coach, then you don’t have to think too much. The coach instills the skill of acting in an extreme situation. This is why it is so important to find a competent trainer. And be sure to explain to him that you need self-defense, not sport.

I already wrote how to find the right coach here: “How to find a coach>>” and in my book: “A step-by-step guide for learning mixed martial arts without a coach>>”

This is most likely expensive, since it is not included in the standard sports program. Expensive for you. But is your life worth less? You always have to pay for your actions and decisions. And not always with money. Sometimes health and even life.

Muay Thai

“The art of eight limbs” has been revived recently. This martial art teaches the effective use of punches, kicks, elbows and knees - thus consisting of 8 limbs. No matter what you think about style, there is no doubt that it is one of the most perfect astounding arts. An experienced Muay Thai fighter knows how to easily strike an opponent using any of the “eight limbs.”


If a judo fighter is dangerous, a jiu-jitsu fighter is lethal. Although the art of jiu-jitsu does not focus on the so-called grappling aspect, it is a very dangerous art where a precise strike or series of strikes can cause significant damage to an opponent. Jiu-Jitsu practitioners are very good at maintaining control in place and finishing off their opponents using special techniques. Someone who has trained in jiu-jitsu for at least a year can be confident that he will not lose a street fight to someone who is not proficient in martial arts. However, there is a caveat: Jiu-Jitsu practitioners are notorious for being unable to perform effective self-defense. All this is due to the large number of false instructors and ineffective schools, where this art is not conveyed in the proper form and too little time is devoted to real fights. So if you are looking to learn Jiu-Jitsu, make sure you choose the right school to avoid disappointment later.

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