Top 19 tips on how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work and in everyday life

In this article we will talk about how to deal with energy vampirism. Energy vampires can be found anywhere, but everyone can avoid their negative influence.

We are used to associating vampirism with folklore - legends that are so good to be told in the form of a fairy tale somewhere around a fire! But did you know that vampires exist in reality? However, do not rush to sharpen the aspen stake or chew garlic vigorously - in this case we are talking about energy vampirism.

Don't praise him or give positive approval to his actions

Narcissistic vampires are highly dependent on approval.

This type is very eager for words of praise and compliments addressed to him.

If you don’t tell them to him absolutely, then he can no longer assert himself at your expense.

He stops seeing you as a source of energy.

Any positive feedback from you is food and replenishment for the vampire with your energy. To protect against energy vampirism, do not let him brag and increase his importance in front of you.

These parasites, narcissists, love to feel superior to someone and feel cool.

At work, if he starts showing off to you, question his desire to assert himself .

For example, you can ask him the following questions: “ Is this a reason to brag? What's so special here? "

Radical solution - change jobs

Many people perceive endless conflicts with colleagues and superiors as a manifestation of their vampiric influence. Fortunately, this is not always the case. It may not be so much about people, but about the negative atmosphere in the team, your reluctance to work in this area. Perhaps it's worth trying something new? If you are thinking about changing jobs, you need to set all your priorities, among which must be:

  • balanced reasons for leaving (all the pros and cons);
  • prospects for a new job;
  • human factor (you must clearly understand in which team and with which people you will be working).

If it seems to you that you are surrounded by energy vampires at work, and you have to interact with them every day, do not rush to despair. There is a huge number of counteractions to them, and the main thing is to change your attitude towards them. You will never be able to change energy vampires, but you are definitely within your power to change your attitude towards them.

Let the parasite know that you are not going to take responsibility for his life.

His problems are not your problems

To stop worrying about how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work, stop taking responsibility for his troubles and failures.

Don't take the energy vampire's mistakes seriously.

This is his life and his mistakes. You're not going to suffer with him.

These are his and only his problems . And let him figure them out himself.

Otherwise, by taking on the role of a gratuitous helper, you yourself take on the role of a victim of energy depletion.

Protection from an energy vampire in the family, relative

If an energy vampire lives in your home, do not shy away from him . You need to deal with the problem in such a way that your loved one does not get harmed:

  • First of all, establish contact with a relative. Maybe suspicious behavior is just a consequence of some problems.
  • Explain to your loved one that he is causing discomfort to others. Point him on the right path by suggesting that he draw energy from some hobbies or walks in nature.

IMPORTANT: It is quite possible that by helping a person find harmony, you will achieve greater results than from isolation.

  • If a child is an energy vampire , wean him off hysterics by ignoring - in this case, you need to show as much indifference as possible. If the child understands that no one is going to run headlong in response to his stamping of feet and screams, he will calm down on his own after a while.

A child can also be an energy vampire, throwing tantrums

Stop communicating with him altogether, move away from him as much as possible

If this is some distant acquaintance of yours, then everything is simple. You can easily stop seeing him and let him know that you don't need him .

To protect yourself from an energy vampire at work, you will need to limit your communication with him as much as possible.

The most you should say to him if you work in the same company or office is a formal “Hello” and “Goodbye!”

If he himself makes contact with you, then tell him: “ I’m busy right now, I don’t have time, you’re bothering me .”

All this must be said without negativity and without the slightest hint of aggression.

Protection from an energy vampire - husband

First of all, use the test described above to check which type you are. If you turn out to be a stable person, then vampirism will probably not cause harm. Who knows: perhaps your union is just strong due to the exchange of energies.

If you are weak, you will have to select methods of defense:

  • Devote some time to needlework, embroidering circles wherever convenient. You can decorate tablecloths, linens, towels, and napkins with them. The so-called “rings of fire” may well be small.
  • If your spouse needs an impressive amount of energy, invite him to draw it from what will bring pleasure. Play sports together, meet friends, go to beautiful places. Having a shared hobby would be ideal .

IMPORTANT: This approach is much more effective than ignoring your husband.

  • Switch to a whisper. In this case, the opponent will immediately stop straining his vocal cords.

Your husband may well become an energy vampire

Lead an active lifestyle and play sports - this increases the energy level in the body

Your body should experience at least some physical activity.

Benefits of sports

  • Inner strength will be felt.
  • You begin to feel cheerful.
  • Lightness appears in the body.
  • All this increases your energy level.

By increasing your energy level in your body, you will no longer think about how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work.

You must remove this emotional indifference and flabbiness, get rid of apathy and devote time to developing yourself.

Why is it so important to lead an active lifestyle?

If you are a homebody or a social phobe, then it is not surprising that any contact with people is perceived very reactively and with a lot of energy.

Lead an active lifestyle, communicate more with people.

The more you communicate with people , the more pleasure you begin to get from it.

Social interactions and communications among the most sociable people always occur without tension or effort.

Masters of social interaction communicate with everyone freely and without any expenditure of energy.

The same should happen for you.

Otherwise, if you like to sit at home and not talk, then each person will be subjectively perceived by you as an energy sucker. In this case, none of the methods of protecting yourself from an energy vampire will help you.

On our blog you can read a new article about how to be lazy less and get rid of laziness once and for all .

How to protect yourself: ways to increase personal energy

Every day, various psychic attacks are carried out on us, openly or secretly. Following these recommendations will protect you from the effects of negative energy.

  1. Take a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings - the water will cleanse you of the negative information field. If you come into contact with people you find unpleasant during the day and want to remove all negativity from yourself, simply wash your hands with soap or splash cold water on your face, thanks to this you will at least to a small extent eliminate the negative message.
  2. After contact with vampires, you should drink a cup of herbal tea (the best herbs for this are yarrow, calamus, horsetail) and forgive the person who has offended you.
  3. Add red or black pepper to your diet, and when you drink coffee, put a little nutmeg in your cup - this will make it easier for you to repel negative energy messages from yourself.
  4. It is important to get full sleep: during a night's rest, your energy field is restored and the body's resistance increases.
  5. Wear silver jewelry - this metal has the ability to absorb negative energy flows and also purify thoughts. It is also effective to place the items you want to clean in the same water as the silver items. Silver ions will “revive” the water and give it restorative, antibacterial and protective properties.
  6. It happens that a person himself provokes energy exhaustion due to the fact that he attracts increased attention from others. To do this, it is enough to have a bright appearance, behave defiantly - and that’s it, you are already hooked. Therefore, you should not engage in such provocations; remember that modesty is often energetically beneficial.
  7. Stay optimistic! Positive people do not carry negative mental energy within themselves and do not attract it to themselves.
  8. Forgive those around you. Even if a person has experienced a little anger or aggression, his energy field will remain in a negative state for 2 days. The more negativity present in a person, the more harm he causes, first of all, to himself. In turn, a positive attitude, on the contrary, will attract good luck and give you a great mood.

Now you know how to protect yourself from a vampire, use this knowledge constantly to protect your health and life from negative influences from others. And to conclude the topic, we recommend that you watch expert advice on energy protection in the following video:

Don't sympathize or empathize with him, don't feed his whining

Vampires love to evoke compassion and empathy in their victims. This is his favorite way to suck energy out of people.

Let him know that you are not a vest to cry into! Don't sympathize with him or empathize!

And then you will close your question about how to resist an energy vampire.

I'm not saying to be a completely cold and callous person.

But some of your friends can annoy you so much with their complaints and whining that it’s better to simply not communicate with them.

Because first they ask, “How are you?”, and then they pick your brains.

My problem? No! Goodbye! Drain on your own brains !

Even if he is several years older than you.

No matter what age he is , this is not a reason to cut a person some slack and allow him to be an idiot.

With age, a person should, on the contrary, blossom.

Don’t let him speak monotonously and set the vector for the conversation, don’t let him dictate your style of communication

If you still cannot completely remove him from your social circle, we recommend the following.

As usual, the process of pumping out energy occurs if the vampire sets the vector for the conversation:

  1. When communicating with you, the vampire tunes you into his frequency through a long and tedious monologue.
  2. When communicating, he likes to listen only to himself. All your words fall on his ears.
  3. He loves when attention is paid only to his insignificant person.
  4. He can tell you for a long time about his boring things, and he doesn’t even care that you are not interested.
  5. If you don't shut up the vampire, you will feel like you are wasting your time and, at the same time, your energy.
  6. You will not have any points of contact with him, but he will have one with you - energy.
  7. He is trying to pull you into his reality and will try to bring you down to his low level. And then the pumping of energy begins.

Even on the phone, he calls you not to find out how you are doing or to chat, but to express himself.

How to resist him in such cases?

To protect yourself from an energy vampire, you must express to him your dissatisfaction and unwillingness to listen to him :

  • Or tell him directly: “Your words make my ears dry!”
  • Or more softly: “I’m tired! Can you be silent? I want to be in silence."

Be confident. In the new article at the link, we talk in detail about how girls can develop self-confidence.

Recognize and protect yourself: signs of vampires

There are also general signs that help identify energy thieves. It is important to know them if you want to protect yourself from the energy pump.

It should be noted that most vampires are not aware of their harmful actions - they unconsciously take away the vitality of others. Energy vampirism is also often caused by severe stress, severe or chronic pathologies, and prolonged loneliness. Be that as it may, energy vampires can be diagnosed based on a number of characteristic signs:

  • after communicating with a vampire, you feel tired, drowsy and irritated, like a squeezed lemon;
  • vampires love arguments, squabbles, scandals: in this way they splash out their aggression on others, which noticeably improves their mood;
  • Also, energy thieves are characterized by incessant complaints about life, complaints about their fate - the vampire needs sympathy and takes up a lot of time. He turns a deaf ear to your advice and makes no effort to improve his life;
  • As a separate subtype of energy vampires, it is necessary to distinguish those who like to communicate and “mass entertainers” who need to be in the center of attention of others. Of course, not all people who fit this description are vampires, but it’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, especially if you react negatively to such individuals;
  • Vampires often lend money without being in a hurry to pay it back.

Don't believe a word he says, they love to lie

They are very deceitful and hypocritical people who do everything only for their own benefit. They are not congruent with people.

I learned to see and distinguish when a vampire thinks one thing and says another.

The vampire himself does not even suspect that the interlocutor feels and understands everything. He knows nothing about what congruence is in communicating with people.

They may even talk to you about some kind of warmth or brotherhood, which is not even there!

This naive affectation begins to anger you.

Anyone will not like it when a person is not himself and pretends to be someone he really is not.

Don't believe a single word he says, and then you will know everything about how to protect yourself from an energy vampire.

The vampire loves to throw around names.

And, most likely, he communicates with you for some benefit of his own .

Vampires are different

An energy vampire is a selfish creature. In any of the current situations, he will first of all think not about others, but about himself. He will do his best to drain the life force from the victim and will not stop until he is completely satiated.

To learn how to resist energy bloodsuckers, you need to understand what types of vampires there are. Only then will you understand how to deal with them.

Experts have created a simple classification of these bloodsuckers. Depending on their behavior, they are divided into solar and lunar.

What is the difference:

  • Sunny . This subtype is more dangerous and aggressive. Solar vampires feed on negative emotions and do not hesitate to use the most disgusting methods of pumping out energy. They like to touch on painful topics and often attack the defenseless. By unleashing conflicts that develop into quarrels and fights, energy suckers easily achieve their goal, because few people manage to resist such pressure.
  • Lunar . Moon vampires are more peaceful than solar vampires. But do not be deceived about them, because the goal of a vampire remains the same - to drain the energy of another person in order to make up for the lack of his own. They act more gently and prefer to draw out bright, pure emotions. Often falling on their ears, lunar bloodsuckers complain endlessly, ignoring all advice, because in fact they don’t need help - they just want to take away your energy.

Learn to say “No” and remove parasites from your life

Some people are not good at sending and telling people “No”.

Learn to do this, and the need for protection from energy vampirism will immediately disappear.

He will sit on your neck and suck energy until you tell him “ Get out!” "

Sometimes people make things difficult for themselves.

Your mercy and openness to people in the case of a vampire will be superfluous.

You shouldn't get attached to people who do nothing but take everything from you.

We have a new article on our website about how to eliminate worries about losing people, which describes methods for getting rid of attachment and love addiction.

How to protect against an energy vampire with salt

The teachings of Feng Shui suggest protection with salt as a mineral. The Slavs also left it on the dining table in an uncovered salt shaker - it was believed that the negative energy emanating from the guests was instantly extinguished.

You can perform the following ritual:

  • Stock up on a thick cast iron frying pan and, of course, salt. You will need to purchase a pack of coarse salt
  • Keep the pan on the fire until it is hot
  • pour half the pack onto it
  • Wait until the salt is calcined, that is, it begins to make crackling sounds.
  • Holding the frying pan in your right hand, walk around the perimeter of your home. Read the Lord's Prayer quietly

IMPORTANT: Take your time. Stay in each corner for a while.

For the ritual against energy vampirism, only coarse salt is suitable

Due to "childhood trauma" you can feel the vampire and his condition from a distance

There are people who, in childhood, experienced the psychological trauma of being abandoned by their parents .

These people are more sensitive because they constantly monitor other people even more than themselves.

Such people develop a trauma that is called “childhood abandonment trauma.”

Childhood abandonment trauma is based on focusing your attention on thoughts about other people.

This focus develops such sensitivity in you.

True, we don’t need this sensitivity, since it doesn’t add happiness.

Such people can connect to the states of other people from a distance, feel the state of another person, even if he is not nearby.

Having such sensitivity to feel people at a distance , people with childhood trauma themselves create a need for protection and then they themselves begin to worry about how to get rid of energy vampirism.

These people unconsciously shift responsibility for their condition to other people.

You yourself can never even guess that this is really happening to you.

This is a very subtle point.

How to get rid of this sensitivity

To get rid of this ability and sensitivity , realize that:

  • You don't need to feel other people anymore
  • You don't need to know other people's thoughts and states
  • You don't want to know or be interested in it anymore.

And then the need for protection from the vampire at work and in other places will disappear.

What harm can people do when they consume our energy?

Since vampires are always fueled by vital forces drawn from other people, after talking with them, the donor person can observe a complete loss of any strength. He may also experience complete apathy towards everything, a dull headache and even signs of depression.

Donors' self-esteem almost immediately decreases, they may experience extreme despondency and minor pain in the heart. As a result of communicating with vampires, there is a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure.

If you continue to communicate with such people for a long time, then you can completely lose all ability to enjoy life, what is happening around you and achieve certain goals in life.

Don’t react to him impulsively and don’t give any emotional support to anything he says.

Whatever he tells you , you give him zero reactions.

This means that he has no value for you and it doesn’t matter what he says to you.

If he starts insulting you, you don’t need to shout back or aggressively prove something by spraying saliva. After all, this is what he is waiting for.

You don't need to give him any emotional responses , and then you will know everything about how to deal with energy vampires.

Otherwise, he will only begin to feel better.

You can simply return his own words in response.

More details about this are written in our article on how to respond to an insult with smart words.

How to get rid of excessive sensitivity to other people?

  1. You must get rid of excessive emotional reactions once and for all.

    and not show your emotions towards vampires in any way. This is how you will make it clear that they are completely indifferent and uninteresting to you, that they will no longer be able to use your energy.

  2. Always adopt a closed attitude when you are around such people.

    That is, take a position in which your arms and legs are crossed and your chest is slightly turned in the other direction. It will be very good if you do all this at the same time. If you make it a rule to take this position during dialogues with vampires, you will be able to close the circuit of your energy body and prevent your energy from leaking.

  3. You cannot be kind and open in front of vampires.

    By the way, vampires very often like to attend various meetings where people practice self-improvement, where they open up as much as possible, thereby showing the greatest openness to others, that is, giving them their energy.

  4. It is recommended that you engage in self-reflection in writing.

    To do this, on a piece of paper, write a list of those questions that directly relate to your problem and try to give comprehensive answers to them.

  5. Start working on yourself in order to completely get rid of feelings of guilt and resentment.

    concerning energy vampires. After all, many of them take away all the juices of life precisely because of this feeling of guilt, which they skillfully manipulate. It is necessary to understand that everything that happens to us in our lives does not happen by chance. This means that blaming yourself for something makes no sense, even if you accidentally offended the vampire in some way.

  6. Avoid imposing any requests dictated by the vampire in every possible way.

    If this is your boss, then stand in a pose with your arms and legs crossed and abstract yourself as much as possible from what is happening to you.

  7. Watch your speech and don’t share any of your weaknesses with vampires.

    , shortcomings, fears, doubts, anxieties and vulnerabilities. The less an energy vampire knows about you, the more difficult it will be for him to adapt to you in order to take your energy.

  8. There is a very good technique called “mirroring”.

    It lies in the fact that if some very arrogant person tries to forcefully establish any contact with you in order to subsequently force you to drain your strength, you can humorously resort to a parody of him.

  9. Very often our biggest enemy is our own thoughts.

    After all, we decide for ourselves how to relate to this or that problem and how to react to a variety of stimuli.

Therefore, you should be prepared to defend yourself in a timely manner from all sorts of attacks from vampires. You should also monitor your thoughts and not create incorrect mental images in your head that can destroy the correct circulation of our vital energy in the body.

Don't be open and good-natured with him

Spiritual circles of moral support are places of profit for energy suckers

Usually they strive for circles of people who are engaged in self-knowledge and personal self-improvement.

Vampires love to look for conscious people as victims.

Spiritual circles and healing meetings are their favorite places.

Why is this so?

Because, as a rule, spiritual people and those who have embarked on the path of self-knowledge are the most open people to others .

They know how to forgive and allow other people to approach them.

Spiritual people are less ready and inclined to defend themselves against strangers.

This plays into the hands of the vampires.

and merciful with him , and you will close your question on how to protect yourself from energy vampires.

It is much easier for this parasite to go unnoticed by surrounding himself with people who strive to be better and know how to take responsibility.

He makes other people feel sorry for the pain they caused him.

You should know all about how to find new friends who fit your personality boundaries and who you want to be like in some way.

Protection from the energy vampire - boss

  • Create a barrier between you and your boss. can be used as a table. If there is no furniture nearby, pick up a folder , holding it in front of you.
  • Try to use your imagination and imagine that you are inside a glass dome. All the nasty words just bounce off him. The more clearly you present such a defense, the better.
  • A good way to protect yourself from negativity is again humor . Imagine that you are dealing not with a formidable boss, but with a funny gnome or boy. Try to find funny moments in this person's behavior.

IMPORTANT: Try not to laugh out loud, because this is not just a colleague, but a person on whom your career depends. However, by smiling even mentally, you will protect yourself well.

  • Many bosses like to talk to subordinates, towering over them. If possible, try to correct this while being on the same level. Or, if your boss is sitting, talk to him while standing.

Many energy vampire bosses like to communicate with subordinates, towering over them

Conduct a self-reflection in writing on a piece of paper.

Take a pen and paper and start asking yourself questions. Analyze your problem.

For example, you might ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is what I feel real or am I reacting so strongly to his actions and exaggerating everything?
  • Did he start this, or did I create the situation myself in such a way that I allowed him to take my powers?
  • Who is to blame for allowing this parasite to approach them?
  • Would I like to continue communicating with such a person?
  • If not, then why am I still communicating?

And so on. Ask yourself as many questions as possible.

Such self-analysis is also effective for getting rid of worries and depression. And no psychologist is needed.

We have a detailed article on our website about how to treat depression at home.

Vampirism at home: how to escape from mother, father, husband, wife

Universal rules impose certain obligations on people. You can’t just leave a relative in trouble. But giving him powers is also prohibited (there are exceptions).

It is necessary to try to return a loved one who has become ill with vampirism to a normal state. For this:

  1. Talk frankly. Probably the parent, son, daughter, grandmother are just worried. Negative thoughts are reflected in behavior.
  2. Explain that his tactics hurt everyone. Shed light on the true situation. Tell us where it is safe to get energy. Go to the park together and demonstrate with an example the beneficial effect of nature on his energy state.
  3. It is better to ignore the younger generation. By giving in to a child's hysterics, you provoke further development of the disease.
  4. Get into the habit of going to church. Hang icons at home. Light candles regularly.

Hint: isolation will only hurt you. Without a donor, the vampire becomes weak. The weakest may die.

How to break ties with energy vampire parents

Age-related changes in the body often lead to a thinning of the aura and closing of communication channels with the cosmos. The direct consequence is the desire to feed on loved ones.

It is effective to practice the following:

  1. Separate accommodation. Independence in decisions.
  2. Calm manifestations of love, care, attention.
  3. No controversy. Listen to the elderly mother, nod, move the conversation to an unrelated topic.
  4. Visualize streams of light filling the surrounding space. Imagine the flame absorbing negativity.

Love is the most effective defense mechanism. Understand your mother, try to ease her suffering. But don’t give what your subconsciously demands. Don't react to outrageous speeches, don't get angry.

Getting rid of your vampire spouse

One of the most difficult philosophical questions. A loving wife endures to the last. Is it necessary? An aggressive man who drains strength deprives a woman of her happiness and her children’s good fortune. After all, their mother is immersed in suffering, which means she can pay less attention to raising her offspring.

If the husband is a sub-vampire, then we need to decide fundamentally whether such a marriage is necessary. The same goes for men. Is he able to make his wife happy who has lost contact with the universe?

To neutralize the negative impact of vampirism in the family, the following are used:

  1. Come up with a joint hobby that replenishes your energy. Suitable for sports, jogging, hiking. Dancing works great. Physical activity makes up for the lack of energy.
  2. Improve your sexual relationships. Love pushes out the plugs that interfere with the natural process of energy exchange.
  3. During scandals, whisper your answers. A quiet voice soothes.

Be sure to get some amulets. It's easy to make one with your own hands. In folk tradition there is an excellent remedy - rings of fire. Their hostesses embroidered them on sheets, tablecloths, napkins, bedspreads, and home clothes. Rings of reddish flames destroy negativity. But you will have to do the handicrafts yourself.

Drive your ex away. Divorce and forget about the tyrant at home. There is no point in tolerating him any longer. Even for the sake of the children.

Don't feel guilty and let go of resentment for situations related to this leech

Guilt is a good way to drain energy for a vampire.

What had to happen happened.

It is entirely your responsibility for what happened. It was you who created such a situation and allowed the vampire to approach you.

But you don't need to blame yourself for this.

And even more so, you can’t feel guilty before him. After all, this is exactly what he is waiting for.

Don't make excuses to him for anything.

Read the link for signs of an energy vampire that help you recognize him among other people. The new article describes as many as 15 obvious signs of these parasites.

Learn to recognize energy suckers among the crowd, knowing their psychology and behavior.

Let go of resentment and guilt. Don't keep it to yourself.

When you let go of all your anxious thoughts, you will no longer worry about how to get rid of the energy vampire.

What happened, happened. And this can no longer be returned.

Plot to defeat the vampire

The mental excitement of a person eager to be nourished by the juices of life from you will be stopped by magic words. One inconvenience: you need to learn it, always keep it in your memory. Suitable for particularly difficult situations when refusal to communicate is impossible.

You need to read the spell constantly while the energy pump is nearby:

The angel spoke the words and brought them to me in his wings. A barrier from the black devil, from the twisted demon. Strong, strong, tempered by fire. Will is a castle, your speeches are the threshold. Amen.

Don't do what he asks, don't let him tell you what to do.

There is no need to fulfill his requests and do as he asks.

Let him do it himself.

If you work with him in the same company, and he is an employee like you, then you can always refuse any of his requests.

For example, tell him: “ I'm overwhelmed with my work. Do it yourself ".

If it is your boss or director who makes a request, then, of course, you need to look at the situation more soberly and don’t be stubborn.

But always remember that although you respect your status, you respect yourself first !

Your feelings

First of all, you should pay attention to yourself. From the point of view of your (not your personal, but acceptable to your family) worldview, are you behaving ideally? Are you faithful, do you love and care enough about your soulmate? This is important, because perhaps you personally make mistakes in relationships, not noticing what your spouse reacts negatively to, and you, as a result, are offended and constantly in decline.

Please note that such an analysis does not have any clear evaluation criteria, since everyone’s idea of ​​an “ideal family” is fundamentally different. If there is nothing shameful in your behavior, then we switch to it. Everything seems to be going well, even ideally, but suddenly out of the blue a quarrel can arise. This happens once a week, maybe more often, and after the scandal you feel empty and exhausted. But such feelings may also arise from his constant “whining,” complaints and insults, and sometimes even from his seemingly simple actions. This is a sure sign that your husband is an energy vampire. The signs by which this can be accurately determined are very clear and simple, so let’s now look at them.

Don't tell him about your weaknesses

If a person is an energy vampire, then in order to protect yourself from him, do not tell him about your flaws, fears and weaknesses.

And then he will have fewer opportunities to get close to you, because he will have nothing to put pressure on.

They love to put pressure on your weaknesses , fears and use it against you.

Don't give in and don't tell him about your weaknesses.

You should know everything about how to remove weaknesses and fears from your mind. You must overcome your fears.

How to behave effectively in a pre-conflict or conflict situation

© YakobchukOlena/Getty images

Let's become polite

Restrain yourself and don’t try to be rude yourself. Sometimes it turns out that people themselves do not realize that they are too actively imposing their rightness on others and begin tactlessly imposing it on other people. It turns out that, although unconsciously, they still provoke a negative reaction, and on the other hand, they act as a target for the vampire, thereby exposing all their vulnerabilities.

Becoming aware

There are many different moments in life and it is very important to determine your own goals.

Find out what communication with such people gives, why do you need it? And when you answer this question for yourself, you will understand exactly how to build your own line of behavior.


If the provocations of bloodsuckers do affect you, and you are hooked, then you need to relieve stress, because psychological health is no less important than physical health and it also needs to be protected.

To do this, you need to keep him in good shape, and resort to the services of psychologists who will help you work through any situation and help you find both the causes of problems and opportunities for solving them.

"Mirroring" trick

If he is very arrogant and often makes contact with you, you can respond by parodying him in a humorous manner .

For example, his gestures. Just don't show aggression.

If he whines, complain back to him intentionally too.

If he brags, parody him as a joke.

Use this trick on him and no longer worry about how to protect yourself from an energy vampire.

It's not for nothing that vampires in movies are afraid of mirrors..

He won't like it. And who tried to please him?

Don't rush to conclusions

If you identify at least one of the above factors in your man, you may wonder if he is an energy vampire. But there is no need to groundlessly accuse a person of such a “sin” if he stumbles or breaks down once. Remember that the “bloodsuckers” commit their “atrocities” with enviable regularity, and after that complete devastation reigns in your soul. If your husband came home from work one day in a bad mood and talked about his boss or you quarreled over something, this does not mean that he decided to feed on your energy. No relationship is perfect, people are often in a bad mood, and the reason for this can be many external factors. Therefore, first of all - analysis, and only then we make a diagnosis.

Sometimes we ourselves suffer from our thoughts and misperceptions and react to it

Often a person himself creates thoughts about a person that interfere and create resistance to the correct flow of vital energy in his body.

Another person's action affects you and is perceived in a way that interferes with your access to your energy source and the normal flow of energy in the body.

Energy can no longer enter our body normally.

All these sensations and the feeling of depletion of energy are simply a reaction to the presence of a person next to you.

You have such a subjective reaction to this person next to you. This is how you react to him.

Another may not even see or pay attention to it.

Put up a wall

Learn to stop unnecessary communication in a timely manner.

If you are talking with a person and realize that you are spending too much energy on him, and it is not coming back, put up a wall: “I’m busy, I’m not ready to give you more time.”, “Don’t bother me for the next few days.”

This is natural because you are careful about your energy and what you spend. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and cut ties.

Don't try to be good to everyone, it will make you worse.

If you learn to clearly express what you like and what you don’t, and do this constantly and at the same time firmly hold your position, then after some time a retuning will occur among people from your inner circle.

They will get used to the rules regarding your boundaries.

For example, you don't want to listen to discussions about government, politicians, and other related topics. If relatives once again begin to complain about low salaries, while they don’t want to change anything in their lives, put up a wall: “I don’t talk about this topic.”

You are not trying to prove anything to them (this is useless), you are simply stopping such conversations: “On this topic, communicate with those who are interested in it.”

What to do if your boss is draining your energy

Such personalities are sometimes found among bosses. They are always unhappy. Even excellent work results are perceived by them as ordinary luck. Often they simply try to stealthily ruin a subordinate’s life, because no one wants to quarrel with the director.

If you notice that after a conversation with your boss you feel extremely uncomfortable, then this is a sure sign that you have met an energy vampire.

Observe how the boss talks to other employees. Otherwise, they either found a weapon against him, or he feels that the opponent is stronger. Psychologists have developed several good techniques that will help you resist a vampire.

Here are some proven methods:

  1. Distance yourself from your boss when talking. Don't let him get too close: that's how you let in negativity. It is advisable to place a barrier between you - for example, a chair or a folder for papers in your hands.
  2. Be taller. The vampire always chooses a position on top in order to feel superior and suppress the employee. Don't let him do this. If he stands, you stand too. If he is sitting, do not sit next to him.
  3. Intimate talk. If there are people who can understand a frank conversation. But not all. The tyrant boss can deprive you of your position. But sometimes there is no choice. Prepare in advance, remember specific examples of how the director put pressure on you. Ask him to express his point of view. Explain that you are ready to stand up for yourself.
  4. Remove negativity. Psychologists recommend imagining your boss in a ridiculous situation—in pajamas, slippers, or as an angry troll.
  5. Don't forget to "ventilate". Be sure to wash your face and take a shower after work. Take a walk in the fresh air. If your soul asks, then cry, this is how negative emotions come out.

Encourage yourself with what really makes you happy at work: the likelihood of a promotion, a high salary, the respect of colleagues and recognition of professionalism. The boss may well change over time.


Spell from the bosses of energy vampires

Place, O Lord, around me one iron wall, another of damask steel, and a third of copper, and a stone wall as high as the heavens. Block the walls around, O Lord, with earth, and draw, O Lord, a river of fire from all four sides: from east to west and from north to summer. And they commanded, Lord, to lock the walls and the stone wall to the holy Apostle Peter with holy golden keys and to bring them down to the Lord Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, on the throne under his holy incorruptible robe. And just as no one can see those vestments, no one could harm me (name). Protect from (boss’s name) the bear, she-bear, she-wolf, wolverine-wolverine. Snakes do not harm, do not touch. From now until forever. Amen.

Spells from the devil and vampire

O you, great devil, king of all malice, pride and deceit! I conjure you with the distant terrible name of the one glorified Father and Son and the Holy Spirit in the trinity! I conjure you, all-evil enemy of the human race, ancient serpent, in the great and terrible name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all earthly and underworld powers worship with trepidation. Be afraid, damned overthrower, go away, be afraid, move away from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, devil, and forbid you by the saving incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ and his glorious birth from the Ever-Virgin! Fear this, enemy of truth. I conjure you, tempter of evil forces, by the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove who came down to us and with the voice of the stepfather from heaven: “You, art my beloved son.” Be afraid of this, shameless flatterer, go away and don’t come back to (name). I conjure you, destroyer of human souls, with four hundred days and four hundred nights of fasting! Be afraid of this, move away from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, devil, by God incarnate, who appeared on earth, and by man, who showed the way of salvation to the world, who drove away demons with a word and healed various ailments. Fear this, be afraid, distance yourself, run from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, hellish destructive serpent, to make the blind see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the lepers to be cleansed, the dead to rise again. Be afraid of this, be afraid, move away from the slave (name). I conjure you, devil, to show humility to us by the saints and apostles! Be afraid of this! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, tormentor, by turning bread into body and wine into blood! Fear this, founder of heresies. Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, the source of all sins and destruction, through the life-giving sacrifice of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fear this, run from the servant of God (name). I conjure you, vile envious person, with the Lord’s Prayer and drops of blood that have fallen to the ground. Fear this, get away from God's servant (name). I conjure you, devil, by the cross of God! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you with the commandments of God! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, devil, with the sun darkened and the earth trembling when the Savior died on the cross, and with power, when the stones crumbled, the coffins were opened, the bodies of the dead saints were resurrected. Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, libertine, by piercing the most pure rib of the Lord, flowing blood and water from it. Get out! Get away from the servant of God (name), perish! I conjure you, devil, by our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven! Get away from the servant of God (name), get away. I conjure you, devil, by the great god and savior Jesus Christ. Fear this prayer, predatory spirit, fear the fire, the beast and eternal torment. Get away from the servant of God (name), why are you delaying? God, strong in strength, mighty in strength, terrible in battle, wondrous in miracles, commands you—the devil, unworthy of mercy—to depart from the servant of God (name). Move away from the servant of God (name) into the desert, into waterless forests, where the beast does not run and from where there is no return. The power, dominion, kingdom and glory of Christ our God. Amen.

Types of energy vampirism

In order to recognize people who live off the energy of others and not fall for their “bait”, you need to know the forms of energy vampirism. They can be like this:

  • Vampirism "absentee"
    . When a “good” friend or acquaintance is not nearby, and when you look at, say, his gift, your soul suddenly becomes heavy, and not at all rosy thoughts arise. Another option is correspondence over the Internet. Communication is kind of gray, it only causes anxiety and does not bring any satisfaction. It is likely that such acquaintances are energy vampires; through their gifts and letters, even at a distance, they draw out the energy they need so much.
  • Collective
    . Man is a social being and is always among people in all life circumstances. Let's say this is a work team. And he may not always be “respectable.” If an atmosphere of hostility, envy, lies, and money-grubbing reigns in it, this can play a negative role on those of its members who have completely different moral principles. Such “collectivists” will suppress their opponents, wittingly or unwittingly feeding off their energy.
  • Family
    . One of the spouses may be a vampire in the family. Often older relatives, for example, a mother-in-law or father-in-law, are “bloodsuckers” and you can’t always please them. A quarrel always gives them pleasure, they get pleasure from it, and some of the spouses get a constant headache. In such cases, it often comes to divorce. It’s not for nothing that there are many jokes about “evil” mothers-in-law. But this is nothing more than a type of family energy vampirism, when the older one is fed by the energy of the younger one. We can also talk about childhood vampirism, when children literally drain blood with their whims - they take energy away from their parents.
  • Informational
    . Nowadays the media gives a lot of negativity. Messages about wars, terrorist attacks, robberies, murders, and other serious crimes fill the pages of newspapers and magazines, they are constantly talked about on TV, and films with criminal themes are shown. Now this is considered a rule of good manners. However, such “horror films” depress the psyche and take energy from people with a weak biofield and unstable psyche.
  • Erotic
    . If the marriage is “unequal”, when one loves to the point of self-sacrifice, and the other takes advantage of it, we can talk about sexual vampirism, when one of the spouses takes the energy of their partner. A variation is a situation where the husband is elderly and the wife is young (sometimes vice versa). He simply uses her energy and feels great. It is not for nothing that in ancient China, decrepit emperors, in order to prolong their years, slept with young concubines.

It is important to know! If after communicating with someone you feel weak and tired, there is a high probability that there was contact with an energy vampire.

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