25 Tips on how to become a successful person in life and achieve everything you want

If you are thinking about how to become a successful person in life, then this article is definitely for you.

In it I tried to collect the main components of success for any person. By following simple rules, you can achieve heights of success in any business you want.

Success is a controversial concept and it means something different for everyone. Someone wants to become the president of an oil company, someone is a famous artist, someone wants to travel freely without being tied to one place, and someone just wants to receive a certain amount of money consistently. every month, and he will consider himself a successful person.

You will probably agree that in all cases, success is when a person achieves what he strived for. But not everyone can achieve a goal - for this you need to have certain qualities.

What is success?

Everyone perceives success in their own way. For some, this is a dream job with active career advancement, for others it is the implementation of their own projects, for others it is a successful personal life. And everyone has their own ambitions: some dream of dizzying success and worldwide fame, while others would like to modestly and serenely sail on a yacht in the Mediterranean Sea.

If we discard the “resource” approach and do not measure happiness in monetary terms, a successful life lies in doing what you love and not limiting yourself in realizing your capabilities . Today we live in a world where everyone can achieve success in life, regardless of the condition of their parents and their initial social status. So what prevents most people from taking advantage of this opportunity?

Never listen to anyone

Lack of self-confidence often hinders success in life. An insecure person listens to other people's opinions. If his personal goals do not coincide with the criteria of the environment, he ceases to strive to achieve them.

When others do not approve of actions, expressing an opinion about the meaninglessness of actions and the impossibility of realizing one’s dreams, a person agrees with the arguments of those around him and continues to live his usual life and complain about fate.

Focusing on the opinions of others destroys a person as an individual. To get rid of addiction, you need to:

  1. Learn to take responsibility for your actions;
  2. Become confident, prove with action that you are able to cope with any situation;
  3. Be indifferent to the opinions of others, do not argue or prove your point of view;
  4. Don't be influenced by other people;
  5. Contact successful professionals who can give an objective independent assessment;
  6. Don't associate with people whose opinions interfere with your success.

Become the architect of your own life, only you know what is truly important to you. Don't listen to negative advice from others. People deny the success of others for two reasons: out of envy, or if they themselves have not achieved anything. Be firm and don't adapt to others. Be persistent and complete your tasks. Self-confidence will teach you not to be influenced by strangers and to take criticism and negative comments calmly.

Qualities of a successful person

A person who has managed to find his calling and achieve his goals, engage in interesting work and enjoy all areas of life can be called successful. Such people independently determine their goals and look for ways to achieve them. Many people think that the everyday life of successful people is interesting and carefree. But life often throws them difficulties and troubles, they just know how to quickly cope with tasks of any complexity.

Every person can achieve success in life by developing a number of qualities characteristic of successful people. These include:

  1. Self-confidence
    Any business should be started with confidence in a positive result. This gives you strength and helps you work towards achieving your goals, even when there is a long road ahead.
  2. Hard work
    As a rule, all successful people work hard, even becoming billionaires. It is important not only to achieve success, but also to maintain the achieved result with constant work and development.
  3. Persistence
    Successful people do not give up after several unsuccessful attempts and always try again and again. A great example is Thomas Edison, who failed 10,000 times before making the major scientific discovery of his life.
  4. Optimism
    It is difficult to get down to business if you are not confident in the possibility of achieving your goal. However, if you cast aside all doubts and gain confidence in your abilities, the likelihood of achieving success will increase many times over.
  5. Persistence . Successful people do not tend to lose emotional balance in difficult situations. For them, any failure or difficulty is just an obstacle that must be overcome with dignity.

The most successful people have all of these qualities, but you can achieve success in life if you have at least a few of them. Test yourself - how many of the listed qualities could you attribute to yourself? This will give you an understanding of what still needs to be worked on. Now let's move on to the main part of the article.

What thoughts hinder growth?

There is a factor that significantly slows down development - incorrect thinking. Having overcome it, you can safely reach a new level. The main “mantras” that slow down the path of a successful person:

  • "I can't do this." This false judgment has destroyed many talents. You should always try, no matter what doubts “eat” you. If something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t despair, collect information, analyze errors, learn and try again. From the second, third or fourth time you will definitely be able to achieve your goal.
  • “I’m tired of everything, I don’t need anything.” A complete absence of positive thoughts is a road to nowhere. Sincerely wishing and rushing forward is one of the main keys to overcoming yourself and achieving success.
  • "I must". Even if you have to limit yourself, make some sacrifices, then you do it of your own free will, for yourself, and not otherwise. Nobody can force you.
  • “No change, no progress.” It’s not true, life does not stand still, everything is in motion, you just have to open your eyes wider. You must try to change it according to your own desires.

The path to success: 7 main steps

Although the concept of success is individual for everyone, there are several universal factors that have already helped millions of people achieve success. The most convenient instructions are step-by-step, so we’ll break them down into 7 main steps:

Set goals

It is difficult to move towards the main goal in life if you do not decide where it is. A successful person always has clearly defined goals - for today, for a week, for a month, for the coming years and for life. Only by clearly articulating the conditions necessary to achieve the goal can you develop a plan that will allow you to achieve success in life.

Think not about problems, but about ways to solve them

Successful people do not tend to be discouraged; they consider failures as valuable experience. Every person faces problems and the difference is only in perception. People who are aware of responsibility for their own lives do not dwell on failures , but look for ways to quickly eliminate the consequences. Learn to act rationally in any situation - this will allow you not to waste time on unnecessary worries.

Do what you love

People who make money doing what they love are considered to be the happiest. What stops you from doing the same? Make a list of activities that bring you pleasure and think about how you can benefit from them. You may find an unexpected source of income. Drawing and creating animation, creating a website, recording videos with recipes for your favorite dishes - all this can bring money and pleasure at the same time.

Learn Positive Thinking

Negative emotions are the most dangerous thief of energy and time. This is why so much attention is paid to techniques that allow you to switch to positive thinking. Try keeping a “success journal” and writing down a few positive events each day. This powerful technique quickly corrects “negatives” by reminding them that many things happen in life, and good things happen every day. There is a detailed article on how to properly keep such a diary.

Live for today

Do you dream of opening a business, doing charity work, creating a cool Internet service, or writing a bestseller? It may take several years to realize such a dream, so many people plan to “start on Monday.” People delay because they are waiting for the right moment. Nothing prevents them from devoting at least a few hours a week . But weeks, months and years pass, and they do nothing. Just remember that the best time is now.

Don't dwell on failures

Unpleasant events happen to every person. But one perceives them as a reminder that the world is not ideal, and you need to be strong. Another decides that the world is unfair to him personally, and falls into depression. It is impossible to build a life in such a way that failures do not happen at all, but everyone can manage their own perception. Take such situations as useful experiences that make you stronger and wiser.

Improve yourself

To succeed in life, you need to constantly improve. Dreaming about well-being without making volitional efforts to improve yourself is tantamount to dreaming about losing weight without changing your lifestyle. All successful people work on themselves : they engage in self-education, sports, and look for ways to effectively manage their time. They do not engage in useless activities like computer games or carefree communication on social networks. Time is the most precious resource in life, and it is unacceptable to waste it on things that have no real value.

Let's act

Many people never achieve success through inaction, unwilling to change established habits and destroy their comfort zone.

It is worth understanding that no matter what plan a person makes, it cannot be achieved in practice if there is no desire to change. By putting off important things, an unsuccessful person does nothing to implement his plans. The person imagines that he still has a lot of time ahead, and he will definitely return to bringing the idea to life, but this does not happen.

The only way to improve the situation is to change your own habits. Start following the rule - if a goal appears, the initial steps to implement it must be taken in the first 4 days. It is during the 72 hours that enthusiasm persists and must be backed up by action. If the first steps towards the implementation of the plan have not been taken, there is a high probability that this will never happen.

To change yourself, start doing things that are unusual for you. It is impossible to change instantly; this requires long-term and systematic work. To make the task easier, follow the recommendations on how to learn how to act:

  1. Take the first step, don’t put off important things, otherwise your dreams will remain just dreams.
  2. Act according to your plan, concentrating on your immediate goals.
  3. Set a date for completing a task to train yourself to complete your plans on time.
  4. Set clear goals for yourself.
  5. No need to wait for inspiration, just do and love your work.
  6. Stick to the developed strategy and don’t step aside.
  7. Give yourself the inner attitude: “I can do anything!”

If something doesn’t work out right away, you don’t need to think about your worthlessness. Make it a rule to make as many attempts as necessary to achieve results. With persistence, success is guaranteed.

Principles of a successful personality

The foundation for achieving success is the internal qualities of the individual. Entire books have been written about these qualities, but if we highlight the main thing, then the following are the principles of a successful personality:

  1. Self-sufficiency
    . A successful person determines his own life priorities and goals himself, not paying attention to the opinions of others and not needing approval.
  2. The ability to forgive
    . Resentment is a destructive feeling that consumes emotional energy. If you are offended by a loved one, forgive me; if you are offended by a stranger, just forget about his existence. This will free you from the heavy moral burden that interferes with self-realization.
  3. The ability to conserve strength
    . Hard work is a good trait, but you don’t need to waste all your energy, otherwise what you love may become unpleasant.
  4. Lack of perfectionism
    . This tendency can be useful, but for most it prevents them from achieving success in life. Perfectionism forces you to spend an inordinate amount of time on every little detail, improving the quality of the result only slightly. Don't strive for perfection, just do it well.
  5. Ability to be distracted and switch
    . Life consists of several areas, and you need to give yourself completely to each. While working, do not think about everyday worries, and when spending time with loved ones, do not think about work.
  6. The ability to say “No!”
    . Most people do not know how to refuse when they are called to a meeting, asked for something, or offered an unprofitable deal. Successful people always act rationally; they cannot be persuaded to do something they don’t want to do.
  7. Goodwill
    . A successful person is friendly to others, encourages and rejoices when they have achieved significant achievements in life. He is polite, does not brag about his achievements, and knows how to listen to his interlocutor without interrupting. Pay attention to how your friends behave, and you will understand that the listed traits are characteristic of successful people. Losers, on the other hand, are usually negatively disposed towards others, envious and prone to gloating.

Setting goals

The main obstacle to achieving success is incorrectly set goals or lack of them. A purposeless existence determines dependence on external circumstances and complete inaction.

Continuing to go with the flow, a person constantly complains that nothing happens in his routine life.

In fact, what happens to a person depends only on himself. To change your usual circumstances, it is important to decide on a goal. Imagine your life in the future when you have achieved success and write down your main (long-term) goal.

Many people look back at the achievements of famous and successful people. It would seem that someone else's success should push us to new achievements. But often the opposite happens - a person gives up, considering his goals to be meager and worthless.

In fact, you don’t understand that you won’t be able to fly to the top in a short time. The path to success will be long and thorny. To assess your own capabilities realistically, a long-term goal must be realistic, understandable and have specific deadlines. The path to it needs to be divided into components, and progress towards the main result gradually, like along the steps of a ladder. Then, every time you succeed in achieving a short-term goal, your self-confidence will strengthen and ultimately your success will be constant.

Practical tips:

  1. To increase your own motivation, keep a diary of achievements and write down the tasks set and completed.
  2. State a main goal that seems important. The main thing is that it is not an abstract phrase (such as “become successful”), but tangible and understandable.
  3. Imagine what you need to do in the next week to move towards what you want and create an action plan.
  4. You need to set goals for yourself at least once a week.

Drawing up a plan and maintaining reports promotes self-organization and proper time management. A person will imagine the time frame for achieving success and will not be disappointed in case of unjustified hopes.

Health is the foundation of success

Physical and mental health are an important factor in helping you achieve success in life. Make sure your body is healthy and your mind is clear of unnecessary worries, and your business will go much better. In your pursuit of business success, don't forget to spend time maintaining and improving your health. First of all, take care of such factors as:

  1. Sleep and rest
    Always get enough sleep, sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  2. Proper nutrition. You should eat 3 times a day, consuming wholesome and healthy foods.
  3. Sports
    Physical activity should be present daily. This could be a jog or an hour-long walk around the evening city.
  4. Rejection of bad habits
    Smoking and alcohol occupy the first two positions in the list of factors that worsen health and shorten the lives of people around the world.

If you know that certain actions, habits or foods make you feel better, take advantage of it. The better you feel, the more productive you will be.

Pareto principle

The Pareto Principle, named after Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), states that 80% of all results come from 20% of our efforts . The remaining 20% ​​of the result requires as much as 80% of our effort.

In other words, we often spend a huge amount of our time and effort on things and deeds that don’t really produce any results.

This is illustrated in the following graph:

Vilfredo Pareto studied the division of land holdings in Italy and found that about 20% of the population owned 80% of all holdings.

This pattern was subsequently extended to other areas of life. It has also found its application in management and self-government.

In everyday life we ​​can see, for example, the following:

  • We generally only wear 20% of the clothes we have in our wardrobe.
  • At meetings, as a rule, about 80% of all decisions are made within 20% of the time.
  • In 20% of the time we complete 80% of the tasks.

Even if the percentage ratio according to the Pareto rule fluctuates in each specific case, the expressed pattern is still preserved to one degree or another.

If you want to plan your time most optimally, you should know that usually 20% of tasks are so important that completing them gives 80% of success!

In business in particular, the Pareto principle is of great importance. It was found, for example,

2 out of 10 companies achieve 80% of total turnover. 20% of customers bring 80% of income.

A prerequisite for applying the Pareto principle is first of all the ability to evaluate your work in terms of productivity and productivity. In addition, a clear formulation of your goals is required.

The Pareto Rule typically requires many years of experience.

Therefore, the following ABC analysis principle will probably work better for you.

How to achieve financial success

An equally important component of success in the modern world is financial well-being. Take care to preserve and increase your capital, work on increasing the number of sources of income. The main habits associated with financial well-being can be summarized as follows:

  1. Keep records of income and expenses
    . You can use special software or simply write everything down in a table on paper.
  2. Get rid of loans and debts
    . Unpaid debts are fraught not only with interest charges, but also with moral pressure.
  3. Live within your means
    . If your income has increased, you don’t have to live “in grand style.” Spend your money wisely.
  4. Avoid unnecessary expenses
    . If you are not sure whether you need to make an expensive purchase, the answer is clear - no!
  5. Increase your income
    . Do something every day that will allow you to increase your income in the future.
  6. Look for additional sources of income
    . If you read interviews with successful celebrities, you will find that most of them achieved success by creating several alternative sources of income.
  7. Don't lend
    . You can break this rule only if difficult circumstances arise in the life of a loved one. But give the money without stipulating the terms and conditions of return at all, because he may not have such an opportunity for a very long time. Read an interesting article on the topic: is it worth lending?
  8. Change your habits
    . Many habits steal money unnoticed. For example, an afternoon cup of coffee may seem like a small expense, but by giving it up you can save a couple of thousand a month.
  9. Don't be jealous - take an example
    . Envying someone else's luck, you are only wasting time. Better think if you can do something similar.
  10. Move towards your goal systematically
    . Impatience is one of the main problems that prevent us from achieving success in life. Be patient and work without expecting immediate results.
  11. Always put it off
    . You've probably heard the advice many times to save 10% of your income. This is a common truth that cannot be ignored, even if the income is very small. The feeling that “something is accumulating somewhere” creates a powerful incentive to work.
  12. Increase financial literacy
    . Even if you are not an economist by education or profession, knowledge of the basics of economics will not be superfluous. Search and study literature on both personal and global finance.


One of the components on the path to success is motivation.

The psychophysiological process influences the subconscious, prompting it to action, manifestation of activity and firmness. Motivation can be defined as a goal that a person passionately desires to achieve.

The main types of motives that encourage action:

  1. External - independent of the main field of activity: the desire to receive an award, the approval of friends, superiors;
  2. Internal – related to the type of activity: the desire to earn a certain amount of money;
  3. Self-affirmation – the desire to become the best in one’s profession, sports, studies, business;
  4. Imitating a successful person is the desire to repeat someone else’s success;
  5. Thirst for power – career growth;
  6. Fear of losing something - for example, material reward, if you do a bad job.

Motivation can be considered as a powerful tool for inducing action. Therefore, you can try out the following methods of motivation:

  • imagine your future;
  • don’t wait for inspiration, start acting, and motivation will come to you in the process;
  • break the path to a large-scale result into intermediate goals;
  • do not be distracted by meaningless telephone conversations, communication on social networks, watching TV series;
  • communicate with successful people, whose energy will transfer to you and encourage you to new victories;
  • read biographies of successful people;
  • listen to music that energizes you;
  • Don't be overly self-critical;
  • record your accomplishments;
  • if the emotional fervor disappears, formulate and write down the reasons why you are doing this;
  • take breaks, rest;
  • watch motivational films;
  • do not stop learning, learn something new every day;
  • When problems arise, do not give in to emotions, think logically.

Practical part

Friends, as you already understand, one of the most important principles of success is the ability to set goals and achieve them. And the main thing is that this can be learned. If you want to learn how to set goals correctly and achieve them as quickly as possible, I recommend the “Goal Setting” course from Vikium.

This course will teach you:

  • Achieve your goals
  • Don't waste energy
  • Realize your plans
  • Reach new heights in development
  • Make your dreams come true

What does the course consist of:

  • 6 lessons
  • Practical exercises and recommendations
  • Video materials
  • Graphic diagrams and tasks

Remember, friends: the most valuable investment is an investment in yourself!

To-do list

Things don't always go according to plan - don't be disappointed, you should stay inspired all day. Lack of motivation is faced daily by specialists in all fields: leading top managers, professional athletes. Often, following a developed scheme turns out to be difficult and boring. But motivation is the main driver of progress. It is worth understanding how and what kind of people support the desire to move forward and achieve success in life. You need to set yourself up wisely, convincing yourself that the result will bring benefits. Ask yourself: why do I need this and what will I get?

Find the correct answers: If I do this, I will go on vacation with my family, buy a car, buy an apartment, or become slim.

Individual performance curve

People, like all other living beings, have an “internal clock” called biorhythms.
Depending on the time of day, people are either active or relaxed. The productivity of an individual, as a result, is not always the same throughout the day, but changes at regular intervals.

Successful activities require a high degree of concentration and activity. So important tasks should be completed during the periods in which they are most suitable - in terms of activity and efficiency.

Therefore, it makes sense to know your performance curve and take it into account. To avoid a phase of low concentration while working, you should adjust your work schedule in accordance with your productivity curve.

There are 3 performance curves:

  • Curve
  • Curve
  • Curve.

5.1 Curve

It is suitable for most people.

Productivity is strongly felt in the morning and reaches its climax in the morning (8.00 to 11.00).

It decreases towards lunch and noon and increases again towards evening (18:00 - 20:00).

But the morning peak of productivity will no longer be achieved.

In order to use this performance curve, you must

  • Schedule important work and meetings during the time of your highest level of productivity - morning
  • Leave less important matters and routine work for the afternoon.

5.2 Curve

Do you fall asleep late, don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, have no appetite and are not particularly talkative?

Then you are probably a “evening person” whose performance curve is shifted back by 2 hours compared to the “average person”.

5.3 Curve

Are you often already tired by 21.00, but as soon as you wake up, you are already in a cheerful state and are immediately ready to act?

Then most likely you are a morning person.

Your productivity curve moves forward from the average person by approximately 1 hour.

In order to effectively use your performance curve, you must

  • start your working day early,
  • use the hour before your colleagues arrive to complete important work in silence,
  • Perform routine work in the afternoon.

The chart below should help you understand the different performance curves more clearly:

Individual performance should be observed and noted over a long period of time.

Then you can build your personal performance curve and make it the basis of your daily work.


Everyone dreams of becoming a successful, rich and respected person, but only a few complete the difficult path. The first failures force most aspiring entrepreneurs to give up their dreams and remain among the mercenaries working for a salary. The World Wide Web provides opportunities that did not exist literally 20 years ago: increased professionalism, exposure to interesting ideas. Seminars, specialized courses and video lessons allow you to understand the nuances of almost all known specialties and professions. It is enough to study the prepared material, outline a business plan and you can start your project.

What do you think needs to be done to achieve success? Write your opinion in the comments and mark the article :)

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Author of the article Victoria Pchelinova Freelancer, creative and business

The Bill Gates Story

Bill Gates is the developer of the immortal Windows operating system. Born in Seattle, Washington, USA, at the end of October 1955. His family included a mayor, a national bank vice president, and a successful lawyer. The basic personal qualities were passed on to Gates along with the genes of his ancestors. The childhood period of the genius is characterized by a lack of interest in games with peers, unsociability and increased shyness; he was not a leader among his friends.

Bill Gates studied at a privileged private school, where teachers immediately noted his innate logical thinking and high ability in the exact sciences, especially mathematics. As a fifteen-year-old teenager, Bill created a computer program that was designed to regulate traffic. The fee for it was 20 thousand dollars. His talent did not go unnoticed; two years later he received an order to develop software for dam energy distribution.

Biographers include interesting facts from the life of the creator of Microsoft:

  • selling a million copies of the first version of the Windows operating system within one month;
  • obtaining a diploma from one of the most prestigious universities in the world - Harvard;
  • love of swinging - Gates claims that this is one of his favorite activities;
  • the wedding of a computer genius took place on one of the rented islands in Hawaii;
  • he earned his first billion at the age of 31;
  • According to experts, Microsoft generates revenue of 6.5 thousand dollars every minute.

ABC analysis (principle)

This principle states that tasks should be organized in order of importance.
A – means very important and urgent (immediate action)

B – means important and not urgent (can be done later or delegated)

C – means urgent and unimportant (delegate or not do at all).

So it's a pretty simple method.

First of all, the tasks of group A as soon as possible.


Complete all Group A at a time when you will not be disturbed and when you are most effective.

B tasks are best delegated. If this is not possible, try to solve them effectively later.

the tasks of group C when you have free time. You can delegate them or not do them at all.

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