How to understand whether a girl has come or not, what you need to pay attention to

The female orgasm is the holy grail of sexual experience. Women have sought him for centuries, worshiped him, prayed to him and tried every combination of rubbing, touching, hitting to see his magic.

But the true mysticism of the female orgasm—how it feels and everything it causes—eludes the men of this world, who cannot truly understand how it manifests itself. If even Mel Gibson himself could not determine what a woman wants, then how is an ordinary man supposed to figure out what a girl feels like during sex at the moment of orgasm?

If you ask a woman to tell you how she feels during orgasm, you will not be limited to a simple set of words such as “pleasant,” “cool,” or “great.”

Because there is more than one type of orgasm (for example, a clitoral orgasm may feel different than a G-spot orgasm or multiple orgasms) and every woman experiences orgasm differently, the difference in the sensation of hitting that high note is huge.

Types of orgasm in women

According to statistics, about 25% of women have never experienced orgasm and only 2% have anoorgasmia (the inability to achieve orgasm under any manipulation). For men, everything is simpler: there is an orgasm and after the first 3-5 minutes of active movements, you must try not to cum.

Ladies, on the contrary, need an ideal environment, including a lot of mental, emotional and physical factors, in order to achieve relaxation, and the slightest change in tempo, angle of penetration, a thought that slipped in the background, noise can disrupt the “mood.”

But women are able to experience several types of orgasm, differing in intensity and method of achievement:

  1. Clitoral. It is received by 30-40% of women on the planet of different ages. The clitoris is 7 times more sensitive than the head of the penis, and therefore needs delicate, skillful and gentle handling. While caressing the “button” of his beloved, a man should forget what he sees in porn films: friction at the speed of a grinding machine, strong blows to the perineum with the palm and other special effects of the videos are designed for a male audience, and actresses are paid considerable fees for this. The average woman from such manipulations will not only pretend to have an orgasm, she will rewrite the house, if only the execution would stop as soon as possible.

All girls discover their sexuality starting with caressing the clitoris and do it as gently as possible. If a man experimentally finds out the most sensitive points of a woman’s pleasure and the optimal rhythm, he will be able to bring her to the peak in the shortest period of time, the use of lubricants will add pleasure. If the partner follows the right path, the clitoris swells, comes out from under the hood, and becomes hard when discharged. This type of orgasm is bright, but short (5-7 seconds); the ladies themselves describe it as external, superficial.

  1. Vaginal. The founder of psychoanalysis, Freud, considered this type to be mature, inherent in women who accepted their own sexuality. Modern luminaries of science have refuted this fact, reducing it to the peculiarities of physiology. With this type of discharge, the clitoris is also involved, but the mechanism and method of its stimulation are different. Usually the most sensitive areas are the entrance to the vagina and its first third. According to women’s descriptions, vaginal orgasm is inferior in strength and brightness to clitoral orgasm, but affects the whole body, leaving a feeling of complete satisfaction, relaxation and lasts longer.
  2. Anal. Young ladies who have a sensitive back wall of the vagina are able to experience this; the penis during sex has a sufficient effect on it to obtain pleasure.
  3. Cevircal (uterine). X-ray surgeons, having conducted a series of experiments with women who had spinal injuries as a result of which the sensitivity of the external genitalia was lost, confirmed that the area of ​​the cervix and vagina around it, with certain stimulation, can cause orgiastic sensations.
  4. Myocompression . A rare type, achieved by strong tension and compression of the adductor thigh muscles. It is a consequence of maladaptive masturbation, which makes it difficult to achieve release with a partner.

Advice from psychologists

To decide what a guy should do, how to communicate with his beloved, what approach to choose, he needs to make sure whether she likes him. This requires patience and attentiveness.

Psychologists believe that the first signs appear in the girl’s appearance. If she is in love with you, then her eyes sparkle and she becomes more beautiful.

The energy of a woman in love attracts men. Even the most modest and unattractive girl blossoms and becomes attractive. Her worldview changes, she changes her clothing style and starts playing sports, even if she has never done it before.

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Hormones are seething and often change the lady’s mood: she is sometimes sad, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying. Some gentlemen notice that their chosen one has become absent-minded and clumsy. This also speaks of her indifference to her partner. She cannot think of anyone other than her lover.

Coquetry and flirting are also signs of a woman in love, says psychology. This also includes caring. It’s a woman’s maternal instinct that kicks in; she runs to see the guy if he’s sick.

The state of love in a caring woman manifests itself in different ways. There are also ladies who, in order to attract attention to themselves, will begin to behave arrogantly, be rude to a man, and even insult him.

If, on a date with a man, a lady puts one leg on the other or tucks them under her, this sign indicates that she is pleased to be in the company of this man. This is also evidenced by the toe of the shoe pointed at the guy.

When she sees a man of interest, the girl straightens her back, sticks out her chest, bares her shoulders, and puts out her arms so that they can be seen. The lady straightens her hair every time her lover looks at her. Her voice becomes seductive.

If a girl is in love with you, she tries to catch your eye more often. It may not be a coincidence that you meet at a party or walk the dog in the evening. This suggests that she wants to provoke communication and spend time together.

A woman in love will always find time to meet the guy she cares about. She will abandon her plans and affairs in favor of meeting with him. But if she doesn’t have time, she herself will suggest another time for a date.

If a girl is really in love, this can be seen by the way she behaves: she asks for help from a guy or offers it herself, makes an appointment. To spend more time with her lover, a woman comes up with a reason to do this. She can ask a man to help with something: hanging a shelf, repairing a computer, fixing a faucet, moving furniture in the apartment.

She will also offer her help, just to stay longer with her lover. For this purpose, a woman can become an English tutor for her chosen one, sew up a shirt or choose a bouquet for his mother. When a lady falls in love, she is sincerely interested in the life of her partner, looking for common hobbies with him.

She herself can offer to meet, only this will not be said directly, but in a veiled manner. For example, when he shares that he is going to go to his sister’s birthday party, but doesn’t know what to give her, the girl will offer to go shopping together. If he is planning to go watch a volleyball competition, and the lady in love also loves this game, she will offer to go together. But when her passion for the game is weak, she will still want to go to a competition with a guy just to meet him.

The behavior during communication with a partner also changes beyond recognition for a woman in love. When she's distracted by a phone call, she won't pick up. If an outsider intervenes in the conversation, the lady will react negatively, indicating that she is unhappy with being distracted from the conversation with her partner. This is a sign of sympathy for him.

As soon as women fall in love, the way they communicate with their lover begins to differ from the way they communicate with friends or family. If a girl is relaxed around her close people, then in the company of a man she can be shy and constrained. Conversely, if she is taciturn among friends, when communicating with a guy she likes, she can become emotional and talkative.

The look says a lot about a girl in love. If she looks intently, periodically averting her eyes to the side, but returning them to the guy, it means she likes him. Sometimes a lady will accidentally touch her partner. When meeting, she does not respond to phone calls, completely immersing herself in communication with him.

How long does it take for a woman to achieve orgasm?

The female mechanism of arousal is much longer than the male one: without a full, high-quality foreplay, it is impossible for most representatives of the fairer sex to achieve an orgasm. Male attraction occurs before the act of love, causing arousal that leads to an erection.

A couple of minutes of active action allows a man to experience release. In a lady, attraction is not always present before sexual intercourse, appearing as the partner’s correct and skillful caresses are performed. At the same time, it takes her some time to switch from one type of activity to another, to catch inspiration.

Time depends on temperament, women with a strong constitution are easily aroused and quickly achieve orgasm, those with a weak and normal libido are slower. Both options are variations of the norm. The duration is influenced by the lady’s physical condition (tired, phase of the menstrual cycle), emotional (offended, there was a conflict), external factors (fear of what children, parents, neighbors will hear).

The average time of foreplay, starting with kisses and caresses of erogenous zones, should be at least 15-20 minutes, and if a woman needs it, then more. Most partners cum most quickly from manual or oral caresses of the clitoris. When masturbating, some ladies are able to achieve orgasm in a couple of minutes, but with a partner the process requires a much longer period of time.

Psychology of a girl in love

When a woman begins to feel in love, she becomes sentimental and romantic. All her thoughts are occupied by the man she likes. Her behavior changes, a desire appears to please her partner. Sometimes she can do rash things.

Girls in love love everything their partner does. They are often nervous and worried. They are interested in knowing the opinion of the chosen one, his interests and hobbies. If a lady falls in love, she wants to call and write to her lover more often, and do something nice for him.

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As soon as girls fall in love, they begin to dress better and take care of themselves. They are embarrassed when meeting their lover, blush and stammer. They become indifferent to what is happening around them. The main thing is your inner world. The gait and gaze undergo changes.

In a state of love, a woman wants to take care of her partner, iron his clothes, cook food. She mentally imagines him as her husband, thinks about the children, worries about how her lover feels, maybe he is tired or sick.

Falling in love among female representatives usually lasts for several years. They focus on creating a family more than men. But feelings may stop after a couple of dates. The duration of the state of love depends on several reasons.

It is important for a partner to love herself and know that she is loved too. She will forgive any mistake or conflict, will take care of her partner, children, and create comfort in the home. If a woman is faced with betrayal and deception, and feels indifference to herself, then she will wither away, the relationship will be under threat.

To maintain a relationship and prolong the feeling of being in love, there must be mutual understanding between people. Everyone has quarrels, but it is important to be able to put up, negotiate, and seek a compromise. Supporting each other and common goals can strengthen relationships.

Signs of a true orgasm: How to understand that a girl is about to cum

Nothing can kill a female orgasm like the questions: “Are you coming soon?”, “Well, are you already?”

However, a man often cannot understand whether he should continue to try or whether he can “let go of the reins,” signals of correct behavior will be:

  • Rapid breathing;
  • Increased heart rate (visible as a vein in the neck)
  • Increase in the size of the clitoris, labia;
  • Excessive release of lubricant.

Additional signs of the approaching “fireworks” will include stretching the toe of the foot (like a ballerina), squeezing the sheets and the partner’s body with your hands, protruding the stomach forward, making movements towards the partner.

How to determine

A man is practically unable to distinguish pleasure from high-quality imitation. The point here is not only about the acting abilities of the beloved. This is due to ignorance of the anatomical and psychophysiological characteristics of the body, which makes it difficult to understand its processes.

Below are 3 signs of sexual simulation:

  1. Voice. During pleasure, the diaphragm expands, as a result, the timbre of the voice increases. The moans become rough and short. A melodic sound is a sure sign of pretense.
  2. Breath. Orgasm is perceived by the body as an intense physical exercise. Once a woman becomes sexually aroused, her breathing resembles a long endurance marathon.
  3. Body movement. After the climax of satisfaction occurs, the body needs a few minutes to restart. A girl who has had an orgasm will not immediately run to the kitchen or bathroom. She will lie motionless on the bed for several minutes.

How can you tell that a girl has had an orgasm?

During the climax, a man can feel wave-like contractions of the vagina with his penis, see rhythmic contractions of the anal sphincter in the “dogistile” position, and use his fingers to detect rhythmic contractions of the anal sphincter in any other position.

Most women are characterized by redness of varying degrees of intensity on the skin of the cheeks, forehead, chest, and neck.

Picturesquely voluptuous cinematic expressions on the faces of ladies experiencing the peak of pleasure have little in common with reality.

In life, a partner who is approaching ceases to control her facial expressions, which can create even those grimaces. After orgasm, the girl becomes relaxed and in slight prostration.

What leads to the lack of a full orgasm

A leading sexologist from Switzerland has identified a disease called anorgasmia. This term refers to satisfaction without the onset of orgasm. In this case, a woman can become excited and experience pleasure from intimacy, but without the ability to achieve orgasm. This deviation is classified into two degrees of periodicity:

  1. Primary anorgasmia . Occurs due to lack of experience in achieving orgasm.
  2. Secondary anorgasmia. The girl had to experience an orgasm, but for a long time her sexual life was measured and without pleasure.


G-spot in men: where it is and how to stimulate it correctly

The reasons for the lack of orgasm may be the following:

  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • disease;
  • stress;
  • menopause;
  • taking medications;
  • poor nutrition;
  • overeating at night.

Does age affect the quality of orgasm?

Some young ladies begin to fully ejaculate at the start of sexual activity, but most “discover” sexuality after childbirth or upon reaching a certain age.

By the age of 30, a woman becomes most active, the peak phase lasts until the onset of menopause. Life experience, knowledge of your own body, preferences help you stop being shy and modest.

Such a partner will tell her lover the easiest way to help her get the maximum amount of pleasant sensations.

How to check if a girl really loves you

You can find out if a girl loves you just by watching her.

It is impossible not to notice true love; all loving girls behave approximately the same, namely:

  • She remembers everything . A girl in love absorbs information about you like a sponge. Lunch schedule at work, favorite movie, the name of her childhood pet - she knows everything. If you want to check if a girl loves you, let her tell you what she knows about your life. If all the little things are preserved in her memory, then her love is genuine.
  • Always near . A loving woman tries to share all your interests, capturing your attention. So don't be surprised if you meet her at a match of your favorite team or in your gym. The girl wants to know about all areas of your life.
  • Always on your side . It is not in vain that they say that loving people are always together. Therefore, a girl in love will be on your side in any dispute, regardless of whether you are right or her own considerations in this regard.
  • Wants to introduce you to relatives . This event is exciting for a man; some try to delay this moment as much as possible. But if a woman mentioned her upcoming meeting with relatives and friends, then her confidence in you is unshakable. A woman who practices one-time affairs will never introduce a man to her family.

You definitely won’t be mistaken about a woman’s feelings for you. If your life is one of the main things for her, she asks about what you had for lunch today and has already introduced you to her grandmother, rest assured that her feelings are genuine.

How does a woman behave if her feelings are not real?

Insincerity of feelings on the part of a partner can be a real blow to feelings and one’s own self-esteem. And if a woman often feels a man’s infidelity and fake feelings, this can be a real surprise for a man.

Some little things in a girl’s behavior can indirectly and directly indicate the fakeness of her feelings; just watch her behavior:

  • You can check whether a girl loves you by paying attention to her relationships with members of the opposite sex. When her feelings are real, she will not once again make you jealous, flirt with other guys and show them signs of attention, because your feelings are much more important to her.
  • A loving woman is afraid of losing you. That is why she tries to create a trusting atmosphere in the relationship, your home is always cozy, and she tries to do everything for your comfort.
  • If a woman accepts all your shortcomings, she is not afraid of scattered socks, an evening in the company of your imperfect friends and character traits, then she has already decided that shortcomings are not an obstacle to your relationship and her feelings for you.
  • In a union in which harmony reigns and feelings are mutual, the girl always tries to support her partner. She is a real fighting friend, she will never leave you in trouble, you can talk to her about all problems, and with her help or advice she will really help, and not just create the appearance of support.

If you are lucky enough to meet just such a woman, be sure of the sincerity of her feelings and try to match her, so as not to give the slightest reason to doubt the authenticity of your feelings.

When determining whether a lady likes you or not, do not immerse yourself in your analysis entirely. Don’t forget that the main thing in a relationship is mutual sympathy and actions that make your union even stronger.

Do all women have a “G-spot”?

In the minds of the stronger sex, this is such a magic button that instantly turns on the female orgasm; you just need to find it and this is the most difficult thing. Most research on the G-spot casts doubt on its existence.

In practice, not a single pathologist or gynecologist has discovered special zones at the stated depth of the vagina. The presence of this mysterious erogenous zone is only actively “promoted” by advertising, offering any goods and services designed to give a woman unprecedented pleasure, ranging from surgical enlargement of the area of ​​nerve endings to special intimate toys.

And 15 years ago, using MRI, urologist H. O'Connell came to the conclusion that the ji is the articulation of the clitoral legs!

Differences between male and female libido

The book “Man is from Mars, Woman is from Venus” clearly shows how different the psychology of the sexes is. Female and male sexual desire also has its own significant characteristics.

How is male libido different?

  • sexual desire can occur spontaneously;
  • to be ready to have sex, the “stronger sex” does not require foreplay;
  • sexual desire is purely physical, it is not based on psychological attachment and sensations.

Men, just like women, have a cyclical libido. There are periods of “full combat readiness” when they are ready to have sex “anytime and anywhere.” These periods are followed by a short decline in libido and sexual apathy, when the desire to have sex is replaced by concentration on business, problems and experiences. Let's now understand the features of the “weaker sex”.

The female libido is capricious and multifaceted

What makes a woman's libido different?

  • excitement cannot occur spontaneously, but can fade away spontaneously;
  • periods of peak libido are short and are always associated with a woman’s maximum fertility during the period of ovulation;
  • a girl always goes through the cycle of “desire - excitement - pleasure”. For strong arousal to occur, physical and mental stimulation is almost always needed;
  • female sexual desire is based not only on physical sensations, but also on mental attachment. Moreover, mental attachment to a partner provides 50% of the pleasure from sex.

A woman always wants sex from the man she loves. But a man does not always desire a woman to whom he feels an emotional attachment. Paradox, isn't it?

How often does a woman need sex?

How often does a girl want a man, and what does it depend on?

Alas, a woman experiences sexual desire much less often than a man. And, most often, this is due to the peculiarity of her cycle. The peak of fertility occurs during the period of ovulation - i.e. occurs about a week after the end of menstruation and also subsides a week before the start of a new cycle.

That is, a woman has only two weeks during which her libido plays with bright colors? Of course not. The situation described is a rule that is observed under ideal conditions. But there are always exceptions to the rules. Some people are ready to have sex several times a day, while others have enough intimacy a couple of times a week.

In general, there are many features that can make ladies both insatiable lionesses and absolutely passive sloths.

The main thing to understand is that a woman cannot want sex as suddenly as a man. She has a long way to go:

  • become interested in you;
  • want you;
  • feel excited;
  • enjoy.

And here it is important for her not to lose this excitement!

How to understand that you are not satisfying her in bed

Treasuring relationships, not wanting to offend a man, pursuing personal benefits, women are able to convince a partner of a complete idyll of sexual life, extolling his skills to the skies, however, there are indirect signs that say that a lady does not receive full satisfaction in bed.

She chooses only one pose

Most women are physically unable to achieve orgasm in absolutely any position, therefore, being in a state of acute arousal, feeling the potential readiness to cum, they take their favorite position, this is normal.

But if the entire sexual act occurs monotonously over and over again, this suggests that the mistress is not at all interested in the process.

She doesn't take the initiative

Only very young ladies are embarrassed to hint to their partner that they crave intimacy, for fear of appearing promiscuous and depraved. A woman who strives to enjoy physical contact will always find a way to provoke her partner to intimacy.

Passionate kisses, languid glances, hot hugs or more explicit actions - each chooses its own method. A total lack of initiative to have sex indicates a lack of stimulus, of orgasm.

She prefers blowjob to sex

Realizing that her partner is in the mood for bed pleasures, the lady begins oral sex, “getting carried away”, brings the man to ejaculation, or openly says that instead of full sex there will be a blowjob.

At first, the partner perceives this as a real gift of fate, but regular substitutions are a reason to think about it.

She doesn't undress completely

It is difficult to imagine a woman who wants an orgasm and is not ready to offer her whole body for caresses, because kissing the neck, nipples, tummy, buttocks, stroking them, and spanking them excite.

It turns out that by refusing to be completely naked, the partner is so sure of the uselessness of sex in terms of her orgasm that she doesn’t even consider it necessary to strain.

Another option is that the lady is embarrassed about some part of the body (breasts sagging after childbirth, a tummy with stretch marks).

She moans or squeals to stop sex faster

Nobody says that during sex a girl should lie quietly, afraid to sigh or make a sound; on the contrary, the appropriate words, phrases, moans, sighs can become a signal to a man that he is doing everything right, but monotonous groans, too violent squeals, screaming at one note - a signal of the performance of one actress, and not a skillful one.

Signs of falling in love

There are many signs of falling in love. They can be divided into several groups: non-verbal and verbal. Nonverbal signs include gestures, gaze, and facial expressions. The second group contains emotions, conversation, and behavior. Gentlemen are interested in how to know that a lady is in love.

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Nonverbal signs are the body language and appearance of a woman. She may not say that she is in love, but it will be noticeable from her. First, her appearance changes: her eyes glow, jeans with T-shirts and sneakers are put away in the closet, they are replaced by dresses, skirts and high-heeled shoes. Her outfits become more spectacular. The hairstyle changes: the hair comes down and curls into ringlets. Makeup becomes brighter, perfumes become more refined.

The look of a woman in love is different in that it is mysterious and glows. When she looks at her lover, her pupils dilate. If a lady keeps her loving gaze on a guy, it means she likes him. But if she is being modest, she will only glance at him briefly. Sometimes an interesting feature is observed: the color of the eyes changes when they see the guy they like.

If a girl is in love, she begins to behave unusually and makes attempts to hide her sympathy. She gets excited, blushes or, conversely, turns pale when she meets a man she likes. Maybe even tremble. When a woman touches her cheeks, hair, lips, jewelry, it means she feels sympathy for the guy. She has the urge to accidentally touch him.

By the way she copies the man’s gestures, you can understand that the girl has fallen in love. His pose is repeated when he sits or stands, his gaze is directed in one direction, they touch the same parts of the body or objects.


Sometimes the behavior of a girl in love becomes strange. To attract attention, she:

  • speaks rudely;
  • insults a guy;
  • sarcastic;
  • ignores;
  • flirts;
  • asks for help;
  • often flashes before your eyes.

If a girl has fallen in love, she will often look at the guy's pages on social networks. Those who are not shy will ask their friends about him. Communication with the man she likes comes to the fore for a girl, and her friends fade into the background.

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Ladies in love experience mood swings and poor assimilation of information. Sometimes they are overly modest, or, conversely, they become more sociable. During a conversation, women listen carefully and do not interrupt their partner; they react to his jokes with laughter. Even if girls don’t understand something, they will take the time to study some issues in order to support a conversation on a certain topic in the future.

love addiction

Many people mistake love addiction for love. However, she is not this feeling. This is a subtype of codependency, such as from alcohol, drugs, games. She hurts. People are mistaken when they think that dependence is a property of love. This mental pain only brings suffering.

It is worth distinguishing codependency from attachment. To do this, you need to pay attention to the personal life of the lover. If she builds a career, communicates with friends, devotes time to her hobbies and at the same time meets the man she likes, then this means affection. If a girl immerses herself in the life of her lover, while forgetting about herself and her desires, then this is addiction. Such relationships are destructive. Falling in love among addicted girls includes the following signs:

  • dissolution in a partner;
  • close connection with him, lack of personal boundaries;
  • low self-esteem, self-deprecation;
  • caring for the partner, his thoughts, actions, as long as he feels good;
  • frequent quarrels, threats of separation, manipulation;
  • depression during the absence of a loved one, fear of being left without him;
  • rejection of friends.

Women who have low self-esteem and a critical attitude towards themselves can suffer from love addiction. It is difficult to call this feeling sincere love. Most likely, it can be described as a manic exaltation of the object of passion.

If you do not make attempts to change your thoughts, goals, behavior, then love addiction will turn into a mental disorder. This threatens the destruction of life, loss of social status and self-respect. A person stops taking care of himself.

Most often, such relationships end in separation. The man will get tired of the pathological attention to him, it begins to depress him. The partner will have to endure the process of breaking up and realize that she will have to organize a full-fledged personal life without her loved one.

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During this difficult period, you should decide on your desires, goals, and implement your plans. You need to learn to control the manifestation of your feelings, think less about the former object of your desire. It is better to get rid of objects that remind you of him, stop meetings and conversations with him, refuse calls and correspondence.

If it is difficult to get rid of codependency, psychologists or some techniques will help. For example, you can describe all your experiences on paper with a pen, imagining that your partner hears it all. After the outburst of emotions, it becomes easier, the past is released, and the door to a new life opens.

There is another way to get rid of codependency. You will also need a pen and paper for this. We must try to find all the negative qualities and unpleasant actions and words of our ex-lover and write them down on a piece of paper. You can hang the list in a visible place, and when feelings come flooding in, re-read it.

Everything takes time. The feelings won’t go away right away; sometimes you can allow yourself to feel sad. But then you should pull yourself together and tune in to positive changes. Sometimes a partner notices them in a woman and he wants to renew the relationship. Here it is important to either abandon his idea or accept it, but remember that there is a personal life, your own goals, plans and hobbies.

Caresses last an hour, but she still doesn’t have an orgasm, what to do, doctors’ advice

Often men complain that it is not their selfishness and unwillingness to take care of the pleasure of their beloved. They say that no manipulations with a woman’s body bring positive results. Similar situations can arise from the partners’ basic ignorance of the mechanisms of female arousal.

Indeed, some ladies need a long time to enter a state of readiness for intimacy, and only then do they become susceptible to arousal, this is especially typical for young mothers and young girls. The psycho-emotional state is of great importance - after strong quarrels, protracted confrontations, not everyone is able to relax completely, surrendering to passion.

In addition, often a man really caresses a woman for a long time, but not at all as she needs it. Pace, strength, intensity - everything matters. The fact that bringing one lover into ecstasy can leave another indifferent and push away. It is best to ask the lady to tell her about her preferences, to show how she gives herself pleasant sensations.

If the partner is shy, then the man needs to turn on the researcher and systematically study the body of his beloved. If the partner acts correctly, accompanying symptoms appear (swelling of the clitoris, increased lubrication); if they do not exist or they decline, then some actions have brought down the mood.

Wanting to know whether a partner gets a full orgasm from contact is a man’s legitimate desire. If yes, then everything is fine, but if not, there is no need to attack the woman with accusatory cries, accusing her of lying. Perhaps she spared the young man’s pride in this way. With some effort you can always achieve what you want.

How to know that a friend wants to be with you

Women are sometimes more difficult to understand; it is difficult to determine whether she likes a young man. Some signs that a girl is in love will reveal her attitude towards a guy:

  • flirting;
  • sight;
  • touching;
  • interest;
  • jealousy.

If a lady jokes, flirts, and gives compliments, this indicates that she is not indifferent to the man. The look is radiant, interested, the touches are light and gentle. She is not indifferent and enjoys keeping up the conversation. When she sees another lady next to her beloved man, she experiences jealousy.

Changes in appearance

If a woman is in love, her image changes, she tries to look better - these are the main signs. The appearance of a girl in love changes due to internal changes: a sparkle appears in the eyes, a pleasant smile, facial features become softer. A woman in love often has her head in the clouds, her muscles relax, and her face becomes friendly.

A girl can change her clothing style and wear dresses more often, even if she previously preferred jeans. Suddenly you may have a desire to change your hairstyle or hair color, or do makeup. All this in order to win the attention of the object of sympathy.

In the presence of a man, the fair sex wants to look perfect, sometimes this goes beyond the bounds of reason. She can go overboard with cosmetics and jewelry, and wear high-heeled shoes where this is not appropriate.

Note! Often girls in love attract the attention of not only the object of their affection, but also other men. The lover radiates warmth, her movements become light, one gets the impression that she loves everything around her. It is this state that attracts the opposite sex; another man may like her.

Signs of indifference on the part of a woman

Sometimes it is very important to understand in time whether a girl likes you or not. Here's how to understand that she only needs you as a friend:

  1. She doesn't call just to talk. On her part, contact occurs only if help is needed.
  2. He constantly talks about relationships with ex-boyfriends, although everyone knows that this topic does not attract men.
  3. If the young people have already met, but the guy decided to break up, then it’s worth looking at the woman’s reaction. The lady in love will show sincere grief. If the message about the breakup is followed by indifference, it means she doesn’t love him.
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