Main types of worldview: how to determine your type and why is it important for a conscious person to know this?

Types of worldviews changed along with human evolution and the formation of moral, ethical and cultural values. Epochs replace one another, some views on the world remain unchanged and continue to influence human society, others disappear without a trace.

Modern thinking

The most famous Soviet philosopher Shchedrovitsky in his time said that the vast majority of representatives of humanity in the modern world absolutely do not need thinking, as such. A lot has already been decided for us, well-known analysts have thought about a lot, deciding issues of our nutrition, education, information, clothing and much more. This is the situation when we began to live in a certain constancy to which we get used.

Modern psychologists and philosophers define our thinking as the ability to solve and create logical problems, the ability to find a rational way out of difficult situations. Analyzing our current existence, many of us understand that in the modern world it is difficult for us to participate in processes of this kind.

We often try to convince ourselves that everything will pass, it’s not our fault, it’s not our fault, or we’re just uncomfortable doing something, to justify ourselves. Many of us find it easier to adhere to such positions. This is exactly what all of this follows from our worldview.

In the philosophical worldview, there is a statement that thoughts materialize, and indeed, not by the wave of a magic wand, but depending on how we think and about what. For example, one person thinks that something might not work out for him - this is already his worldview, while another is sure that he will definitely be able to do it.

We understand that we all have different attitudes towards our capabilities and transform them into reality, we have different aggregate ideas about any concepts, which are called the essential and the necessary.


To make things a little easier to understand, I would like to draw an analogy with vision glasses.

  • Most people buy glasses made to order, and despite the variety of models, some of which are unique, there is still something in common between them that allows us to understand what kind of item is in front of us. How to celebrate a completely unique design idea.
  • One brand's products will have at least one similar feature by which it can be easily identified.
  • To become the owner of glasses, you need to take into account a number of factors: financial situation, preferred clothing style, social environment in which a person is located, fashion trends of the season, preferences, etc.


We have our own, original views, opinions that are not subject to standards and a stereotyped view of life, saturated with labels and attitudes.

The picture on the right shows the main components of our thinking:

  • The worldview is determined by a person’s primary opinion about the world, so to speak, the level of comfortable or uncomfortable being in it, the level of sensory and emotional state, which is not subject to rigid and rational comprehension.
  • Worldview is a more holistic idea of ​​the world, of people and of oneself, determined by the level of reason and meaning, the formation of elementary connections with people and the world around us.
  • The set of concepts, starting with an abstract concept and ending with systems of interrelations of concepts existing in the psyche of the individual, is determined by a worldview - the only thing that is impossible without linguistic means. You can’t explain anything to yourself without saying an explanation to yourself.

The classification of worldview types also has divisions into components, which include cognitive, historical and geographical affiliations.

The emotional foundation (nervous system, character type, etc.), norms and practices are directly related to the components.

Let's consider our worldview and its types from a historical position. These types of worldviews have formed and taken their place throughout history.

The historical classification of worldview types consists of three main components. Let's try to find out what types of worldview science distinguishes.


With the development of society, types of worldviews also change, some lose relevance, others completely become obsolete, and others are the only guidelines for the majority of the population. So, let's look at what belief systems distinguish:

Mythological worldview

It is characterized by the identification of nature with a living, intelligent being, the belief that some events are associated with the actions of mythical creatures, visible and invisible, but living among people. There is no separation between the subjective and the objective. Why is knowledge and ideas about the world and the surrounding reality completely limited or incorrect?

Despite the above, in our modern world there is still a place for a mythical belief system, no matter how absurd it may sometimes seem. This is what allows you to maintain contact with your ancestors and pass on the acquired knowledge to future generations.

Well, for example, when a black cat crosses your path, what do you do? Most people are still grasping for a button, or waiting for someone else to go down this “unlucky” path.


This type is more developed than the previous one, at least he has a more meaningful approach that corresponds to moral and ethical standards. It has a huge impact on humans, in fact, being the most powerful and effective among other species. Based on belief in supernatural forces that fairly control the destinies of people.

Therefore, it has a huge influence on a person, controlling and managing him. A believer lives within certain strict limits; she must follow the rules, otherwise she will anger higher powers, and they will punish either her or her loved ones. But in case of obedience and correct actions, encouragement awaits her.

For example, a woman does not wear makeup, devotes all her attention to cleaning, children and prayer, does not experience joy and pleasure, but after death, unlike women who follow their own interests, she will go to the promised paradise.


It is also called ordinary, and all because it is formed from childhood, gradually, in everyday conditions. Initially, adults introduce the baby to such concepts as the sun, water, fire, animals, etc. Growing up, he begins to gradually understand the structure of the world, he develops certain expectations and ideas.

Parents share their experience, introduce traditions and forms of building relationships. Over time, gaining access to the media, literature and cinema, such a child consolidates the information received from adults and receives new ones, following his interests.

In this regard, he realizes what he is and what characteristics he is endowed with, developing, he searches for the meaning of his existence and the business that works best.


The more time a person devotes to self-development, the more often the need arises to analyze, theorize and categorize. What I mean is that, based on the material and spiritual components of the world, she tries to discover the truth, giving meaning to every nuance and event that happens in her life.


The main indicators of this type are: rationality, specificity, logic, realism, accuracy, objectivity and practicality. It is important for a modern person to rely on proven facts, and not speculation and fantasies.

The ability to move away from subjectivism and the ability to argue one’s point of view using logical conclusions and arguments are signs of a progressive individual who can influence the development of humanity.


These are ideals inherent in different eras. Values, aspirations, circumstances, needs, norms, desires, conditions, etc. It is time that leaves the main imprint on the formation of personality, the conditions in which it is born.

For example, in the Middle Ages it was not at all relevant to fight for freedom of thought and the right to self-expression, because everyone who differed from the masses was instantly accused of heresy and executed. The inquisitors dealt especially harshly with those who wanted to gain accurate knowledge by studying science, which, on the contrary, was valued in Antiquity.


It is characteristic of people who perceive the surrounding reality as a miracle, and try to give meaning to even small things, discovering in them beauty and splendor hidden for most eyes. They know how to truly admire simple things that an ordinary person would not pay attention to.

Thanks to people with a creative bent and perception, we are surrounded by unique creations that can bring aesthetic pleasure.


Built on the principles of humanity. Adherents of humanism believe that each person, in addition to being perfect, also has the ability for self-development and internal changes for the better. The life given to us is the highest value, and no one in the world has the right to interrupt it.

Myth is a form of social consciousness

Mythology as a historical type of worldview is the most global, basic and earliest. Often, when the mythological type of worldview is touched upon, many treat it with disdain.

Allegedly, ancient people lived a long time ago, briefly and poorly, understood little, used myths and believed in fables. We are much smarter now, it’s even indecent to believe in different myths.

On the other hand, man appeared on earth more than forty thousand years ago, and philosophy - a little more than two thousand years. This means that a person survived without philosophy for a huge period of time, given his terrible, in most cases, circumstances. Mythology as a historical type of worldview ensured human survival and the ability to transmit knowledge, no matter how naive it may seem.

A characteristic feature of mythology as a historical type of worldview is syncretism, meaning that all elements from all possible areas of experience, knowledge and human life were combined into a single whole. Simply put, such a historical type of worldview as mythology united art, literature, the same philosophy, even geography, biology and other sciences together.

A person who is in the grip of mythology is one of the unfree people, since he is dependent on all the events of the environment and his fellow tribesmen. He is not perceived as a separate person.

Mythology, as a historical type of worldview, even then tried to explain the world around us, albeit with fairy tales, legends and myths, but all in order to stop being afraid of it, and this means understanding it. Mythology is one of the types of worldview that plays a leading role in the modern world.

Our consciousness is structured in such a way that we try to complete the world around us to a holistic view, even without complete information, that is, we think it out. This is a common root with the type of worldview of the primitive system.

Worldview, its structure and historical types

Worldview is a set of general and personal views, attitudes of people towards the world and interaction with it. The types of human worldview can be of different properties for the same person. The structure of a worldview consists of individual elements and connections between them. Structure levels:

  • everyday or ordinary - present in every person, helps to see the world in an emotionally charged way;
  • rational-theoretical - intellectual, narrowly focused level of worldview, characteristic of certain specialties, scientific fields with their theories and concepts.

Elements of worldview:

  • ideals;
  • beliefs;
  • stereotypes;
  • values ​​prevailing in society;
  • knowledge.

The so-called triad of established types of worldviews since ancient times deserves attention, without understanding which it is impossible to fully understand how a person’s worldview is formed and what it is based on. Historical types of worldview and their features:

  1. Mythological is the oldest type of worldview, associated with the forces of nature and reverence for them, veneration in the form of a host of gods.
  2. Religious - people already have a source of knowledge, the Holy Scripture with its dogmas, prescriptions, monotheism is being formed and along with this spirituality.
  3. Philosophical – reliance on intelligence, free-thinking and the constant search for truth, substantiation of views on the world, supporting them with logical arguments, argumentation, the work of the mind.

Religion and us

Historians are convinced that the defining feature of a religious worldview is the prevention of social tension in a class society.

With the emergence of social and material inequality, it became necessary to create a system in order to prevent social riots, coups, and any mass disturbances. This is connected with the imposition of a religious worldview, which has taken over the baton of primacy from mythology.

The religious worldview is more progressive than the mythological one, since a person with it is more free. In Christianity, for example, the concept of free will is clearly expressed. This is confirmed by the fact that the religious worldview preaches the theory that God controls our lives, but we ourselves are responsible for our destiny.

The religious worldview understands the figure of the deity somewhat differently. In mythology, Gods are corporeal beings with all their sins, and in any religion God appears as a supernatural, perfect and non-corporeal being.

The main features of the religious worldview are the division into the otherworldly and the real world, the fact that the Gods are considered as the highest moral beings, whom the religious worldview calls to be equal to, and a certain freedom of human choice.

No matter how many analysts claim that an ever smaller number of humanity is susceptible to this type of worldview, that the religious worldview has to gradually retreat from its leading position in modern times, nevertheless, the number of believers is steadily growing.

Definition of concepts

Worldview is a system of views, assessments, principles, norms, ideals and guidelines that are formed on the basis of knowledge and experience, and then determine a person’s behavior and his attitude to reality.

Worldview includes:

  • belief system;
  • perception (identification) of one’s own “I”;
  • life position (the principle of knowing the world and how to apply this knowledge, i.e. behavior).

A worldview is a set of attitudes and beliefs that extend to a certain category (politics, religion, morality, ideas about family life, professional activity, etc.).

What can be the role of worldview in a person’s life?

  • It is the basis of personal integrity, which presupposes the presence of a clear system of values ​​and ideals.
  • Structures the surrounding space, making it familiar, more understandable and safe.
  • Suggests certain ways to achieve goals.
  • Its absence makes life chaotic and the psyche unbalanced, full of contradictory attitudes, which leads to insoluble internal conflicts.

There is a state when the old worldview is destroyed (for example, disappointment in religious principles sets in), and a new one has not yet been formed in its place. This stage is called an ideological crisis. At this moment, it is extremely important to return the personality to integrity as soon as possible, otherwise healthy forms of worldview will be replaced by various delusions and surrogates: alcohol and drugs, sectarianism, and so on. The concept of “mentality” is also associated with worldview, which means a certain mindset, a set of mental properties and behavioral characteristics. It reflects the character of an entire group of people (for example, a nation), representing the inner world of an individual, passed through the prism of historical experience.

Three functions of worldview

Worldview is an integral part of human life as it guides a person.

Based on his worldview, a person makes decisions and acts .

  1. Cognitive function (or epistemological). Worldview is not only formed from our knowledge, but also gives us knowledge.
  2. Value-orientation function (axiological). This function is responsible for the formation of life values ​​in a person.
  3. Practical function. Worldview influences a person's actions.

Worldview is the basis for a person’s way of thinking, his actions and actions.


Since a worldview is a complex formation, it has several levels, at least two of them: these are types of worldviews of a theoretical and practical order. The first are the result of an abstract understanding of the most general principles of the existence of the world, which is usually formed in the course of training, philosophical and scientific knowledge, the second are spontaneously formed ideas about the order of things in the world, they are determined by individual experience. The components of the structure of worldviews are knowledge, interests, aspirations, principles, ideals, stereotypes, norms, beliefs.

Worldview, its types and forms are the result of a person’s understanding of the surrounding reality. The main structural elements are worldview and worldview as the implementation of two basic ways of mastering reality.

Worldview is the result of cognition through the senses, perception and emotions. Worldview is the result of a logical, rational understanding of the facts of the objective and subjective worlds.

Factors influencing the formation of worldview

Already in childhood, when a person consciously separates himself from the rest of the world, knows how to speak and think, his own worldview begins to form. Various factors influence what it will be like in adulthood:

  • A person’s environment from the first days of his life. The child adopts family traditions and the way relatives communicate with each other, considering them the norm. These are the first steps in the formation of a worldview. Communication in kindergarten, school with peers, and then student, adult life gives new experiences and goals.
  • The area where a person was born. The country in which a new member of society was born, its history, the customs of the people inhabiting this territory - the structure of the worldview unites all this into a single whole, into the future achievements of a person.
  • Religion. There are quite a lot of world religions, and they significantly influence a person’s perception of what is happening around him. Each faith enriches a person’s spiritual life and protects against wrong and dangerous actions. The canons of some recognized religious organizations are aimed at uniting people and supporting loved ones and those in need.

“Feeding” the worldview with fresh emotions and history contributes to the rapid formation of a person’s individuality. Depending on the factors affecting a person’s daily life and the emotions experienced by society and himself, the vision of the world can be either optimistic or pessimistic.

What kind of worldview does a person have: exponential-personal representation

According to this concept, the way of thinking is formed as an individual grows. When he moves from a passive, dependent state to teenage reflection, crisis. Then and further he feels the full weight of social and cultural influence. Thus, the foundation of worldview is made up of many ideological types: faith is intertwined with myth, philosophy, everyday way of thinking and science in various proportions.


Often the worldview is formed through a dogmatic way of perception. It presupposes uncritical but conscious adherence to externally established rules, norms, and laws.


Another “style” of adherence to certain ideas or dogmas is a subconscious, unconscious desire for them. In this case (unlike dogma), reason is no longer included in analytical activity and reflection, therefore submission to certain principles and regulations occurs impulsively, reflexively.

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What about worldview types?

And finally, according to types, worldviews are divided into:

  • Dogmatism. Our worldview is built on already existing dogmas, that is, rules and theories. For example, in a religious worldview, we take dogmas from religion and follow them. They guide our decisions and actions.
  • Reasonable criticism. In this case, we understand that worldviews can change. We subject reality to reasonable doubt.
  • Skepticism. This is the type of our thinking when we doubt the very possibility of knowing the world or that we correctly understand. It is constant thinking and reflection.

Read more about Dogmas and Life Values.

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