General cleaning. How to clear your mind of clutter.

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Negative thoughts can ruin anyone's life. Everyone has periods when obsessive fears creep into their heads. You need to be prepared for this state in order to immediately repel the blow and restore the joy of being. There are many ways to deal with negativity, but first of all it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition.

Bad thoughts are depressive fantasies that won’t leave your head. These could be real events that happened recently or unfounded, groundless fears that do not allow you to calm down and torment your soul. Negative thoughts have one distinctive feature - they are intrusive. A person tries in vain to stop thinking about bad things.

And this would not be so terrible if these negative thoughts did not affect our physical condition, did not affect our affairs, did not result in thoughtless words, and did not interfere with our productivity. But we have to pay for everything, including the negative thoughts in our heads.

And these thoughts are like a virus - they tend to multiply and multiply. And they do it pretty quickly. Before you even have time to blink an eye, the world, which was quite normal a minute ago, has turned into a dull and terrible place.

You need to clear your head of unnecessary, unnecessary and harmful thoughts to your health and well-being, but in no case should you fight them.

The more you blow on the fire, the hotter it flares up.

Negative thoughts not only have a detrimental effect on your mental state, they also affect your health. Nervous tension affects the general condition of the body. Over time, negative thinking turns a person into a nervous, irritable and depressed person. And this cannot happen without consequences. Sooner or later, this condition will turn into pathology, and coping with the problem will be much more difficult. Constant worries can provoke headaches, cause a hypertensive crisis or stomach ulcers.

If you don’t pull yourself together, you can provoke a serious illness, and we’re not just talking about depression. How does emotional waste accumulate in the human body? How can you clear your thoughts of everything unhealthy, toxic and unnecessary?

The physical world is a reflection of your inner one and vice versa!

All the junk that is around you is pulling you back . Whether you know it or not, whether you think about it or not! There is a huge amount of unnecessary things and information around us.

Any person, in essence, does not need everything that surrounds him. And the degree of your attachment to these things determines your conservatism, inertia of mind and, in general, your readiness for change and bringing fresh air into life!

The fact is that until you quit your old job, you won’t work in a new one. If you want to quickly buy new shoes, throw away your old ones. And so on.

And in this case, you need to take a BULLDOZER and take everything to hell! Necessarily! Mercilessly!

Once again, consider the idea that I want to convey:

Life change

Sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of bad thoughts that come through all channels of information perception. They seem to become part of a person’s soul. In this case, there is only one thing left - to change the old way of life. It's difficult, but effective. Until a person gets rid of the old, he will not receive the new.

Changing your lifestyle and hobbies can turn your thoughts in a completely different direction. In addition, it energizes and fills the mind with positive emotions. There is less time for negative ones, and less desire too. After all, when a person is happy, he does not want to waste time on negativity.

It is also recommended to start reading books. Especially those that are dedicated to personal growth. After all, such literature always influences life, and on all its aspects without exception.

Naturally, you need to play sports. Exercise is what promotes the production of endorphins, better known as the feel-good hormones.

Until you get rid of the old, you will not get the new.

This is an axiom.

This has been confirmed in my life many, many times!

Warning. Don’t think that everything I’ll tell you about next is somehow unrelated to real life and won’t affect it in any way! These are not small things at all!

Especially if you are engaged in elaboration - poking around in your head, destroying old beliefs, thoughts, resolving conflicts. Yes, you’re just somehow improving spiritually. You must understand that the real, manifest, physical world is very, very important. This is where we live! And you cannot separate the spiritual world from the physical and set priorities! And focusing ONLY on spirituality and intelligence is stupid!

Part 2 Throwing away clothes and things.

You will immediately understand how bad things are for you.

Immediately after reading or watching the video, open your closet with clothes. And dump ALL your things on the floor. All!

And do it right away! Now! Otherwise why are you reading this? Why are you wasting your time? Do at least something good in your life!

And we leave all the things that you are not ashamed to wear to work/birthday or just on the street. If you have even the slightest doubt or think that it would be useful in the garden/as a doormat/pajamas/to be worn at home - throw it away! Throw it away mercilessly!

I’ll tell you in advance - you will experience enormous resistance from within.

If you resist very strongly and really don’t want to throw away junk, then in life you are also clinging to your old beliefs, thoughts, and the old. Moreover, you need to throw it all away!

What it is?

Psychologists are inclined to believe that this is a neurotic disorder, most often arising from traumatic events. And it is not necessary to witness murders or unexpectedly lose loved ones. For some, the death of a pet may be decisive, as it will cause deep experiences that the psyche, for some reason, was not able to cope with at the moment. But don’t be afraid that you are now entitled to medication and hospital treatment.

There are various techniques thanks to which a person is able to independently cope with this complexity. As a last resort, you can enlist the support of loved ones, significant people for you, or consult a psychotherapist. The only thing is to be prepared to make efforts for healing and liberation.

Judge for yourself, obsession does not last a day or two, and if you decide to fight it, it means a long time has passed during which you decided to look for help. And the modern world is too overloaded with information and events that can distract you at any moment. And you won’t be cured just by completing a task; systematicity is needed here, at least in order to avoid falling into this exhausting state again in the future.

How to throw it away?

Stuff all this stuff into a bag or bags so that it is not visible.

Next - give it to the homeless, give it to your neighbors at their dacha, give it to someone who needs it ! This is very cool - since you seem to a good deed for someone

Or just throw it away. Take it to the trash.

It is very important!

Feeling like you are holding something in your head?

Do it one-two-three.

You count to yourself in your head - one-two-three and begin the action. Those. despite all thoughts and feelings.

An effective technique or, to each his own?

We throw everything away and urgently! It’s easy to say... Then I’ll make you happy. Our brains help us. It's been 20 years since scientists made a discovery! It turns out that the brain is designed in such a way that it makes sure not to “overload.” I was surprised when I found out! It turns out that 99% of the information that “stands on the threshold and knocks” will never penetrate the brain due to the fact that the filter is triggered. Our mind itself decides what it needs. It rechecks itself every 10 seconds and cleans itself!

This then begs the question, why does our mind hold onto anything? This is the information that is dear to us. And we deliberately leave it. This means that you can consciously cleanse us of it!

Here are some ways:

  1. I heard advice: write your thoughts on paper and burn it. I tried it. I began to think about everything even more, and then remember more. But I don’t argue that it will help someone. Therefore, I am not dissuading you, but suggesting it as an option.
  2. If you are overcome by memories of your bad deeds or stupidity. You need to accept the fact that you had such a negative experience that you once behaved unworthily. But if now you think about it with disgust, then you have already grown up. This means those actions were necessary for your further growth. If you remember with disgust, it means your brain has already rebuilt the neural network and you won’t do it again. Congratulations. Just thank the Universe, God for that stage of life and for who you are now.
  3. Get enough sleep. Scientists have proven that a person who does not get enough sleep does not notice the positive, but on the contrary accumulates the negative. Read more about the experiments and the effects of sleep deprivation
  4. But this technique of freeing my head from debris helped me. What did I do? Imagine you are talking to a person. And you don’t just talk, but look for a way to solve the situation. And the longer you talk, the more ideas and topics may arise. This is the “dialogue” our brain conducts when we think about a thought. And the more we think about it, look at it from different angles, the more difficult it will be to forget it. Stop the “dialogue.” As soon as a series of bad thoughts fills you, switch to something positive, find something more important and interesting.
  5. What else helps me personally? To avoid ideas getting stuck in my head for a long time, I try to think about the consequences as soon as they enter my brain. What will they give me, is there any benefit? You know, it helps, just like a grandmother whispers.
  6. Similarly, you can conduct an additional analysis of the day before going to bed. The day passed and brought a lot of new things. Is there anything else that needs to be thought about? And what doesn’t bring anything good with it?
  7. Meditation

These are 8 methods that I tried and found. 11 more ways to clear your head of clutter

We always receive a sea of ​​information, so in order not to drown in it, we need to know how to free ourselves from everything unnecessary. And believe me, you won't regret anything. If something important is accidentally “deleted”, don’t worry, it will always return to our lives.

Finally, a video I recommend to everyone: how alcohol affects our brain

My friends, of course, the topic is very interesting and voluminous. And when did we have others? Therefore, I ask you to join the discussion, tell us how you cope with everything that oppresses you. Subscribe to the news to always receive answers to current topics. I am glad to you and your friends who may also be interested in these topics. Thanks for all!

Do the same with the rest of the things in your environment.

Old tape recorders, players, postcards, phones, headphones, wires, chargers, shampoos, scissors, discs, cassettes, books, toys, notebooks, watches, jewelry...

Leave only what you like and really need in life.

And throw away your notes from the institute.

How can you throw them away when you have wasted so much time? Very simple. Understand that information becomes outdated in 3-4 years and most likely it is already outdated. And no one needs all this! Now there is an enormous amount of information on the Internet and in libraries.

You think it's valuable. There really is no value.

You will immediately understand how ready you are for change.

People say they want to change, but at the same time they cling to the old and wonder why nothing changes? You need to turn this switch in your head.

Click and that's it . You will now think in a new way.

And the point is not to throw things away. It's about starting to think differently . Stop clinging to the old. Let the energy flow through.

I recommend using IKEA boxes or shoe boxes for the remaining junk.

Collect all your junk there and clean out your entire surroundings . Put the boxes away. You will know where everything is, but it can be hidden further. So that around you there is always only what you really need!

Visual space should not be distracting! Minimalism ! Remove visual clutter!

The influence of negative thoughts

In a depressed state, a person refuses the future, while creating events that turn into reality. Thoughts about bad things make him suspicious and unsure of himself. Constant stress and fears prevent you from developing.

Negative thoughts have a negative impact not only on your mental state, but also on your health. Constant tension has a bad effect on the condition of the body as a whole. After a certain period, such thoughts turn a person into a depressed, nervous, irritable person. This does not happen without consequences. Because very soon such a condition can turn into a pathology, which will be very difficult to combat. Due to worries, headaches appear, a hypertensive crisis, and a stomach ulcer develop. Scientists have determined that obsessive thoughts lead to the formation of cancer cells. Therefore, experts strongly recommend that everyone not take the bad into their heads.

A person is considered abnormal if he or she is depressed for more than two weeks. Then life loses its meaning, gray days begin. Monotony and daily routine affect your mood.

Part 3 Information cleansing

Take your phone and delete all unnecessary contacts!

In reality, the number of contacts you constantly call is ten times smaller ! Remove dead souls!

Can you call any person on the list and ask why you are keeping him there? Right now?

If not, then you don't need it. That's for sure.

Or transfer all supposedly necessary contacts to a notepad . Delete.

When you remove people, thank them for being in your life)


  • Throwing away clothes
  • Throwing things away
  • Remove unnecessary people
  • Clean your computer (mailings, programs, files, desktop)
  • Throw away the TV!
  • Turn off social networks and other time substitutes!

Feeling like after a bath

It’s unpleasant for you, it’s hard for you.

But when you go out into the air, you feel incredible lightness! So much crap has gone now! And motivation appears to do something, to change. Energy and strength appear!

It's a feeling in the body! Not in the brain!

The stream is on! When you throw away 1 thing , you realize that you can create 10 new things that are several times better than this one!

You will begin to be amazed and annoyed by the people around you who live in trash.

You will change everything you touch for the better. All! You will want to improve everything! Creation!

Lose things as joyfully as possible! Then they will come just as quickly and joyfully! The same goes for money, people, emotions!!!

Ps I apologize for the blunt writing and directive style.

Pps Start taking action now, and don’t sit there thinking “oh yeah, cool, I need to do something”

FUCKET. 100 questions and answers from people: (click!)

1. No energy, no strength, no motivation, laziness? How to quickly want something in life? 2. Problems in your relationship with your girlfriend? What to do? 3. I don’t allow myself to rest, self-flagellation, procrastination. 4. How to get rid of laziness in 2 hours? 5. How to quickly (on average 1-3 hours) get rid of fear, phobia, guilt, shame, pity? 6. Psychosomatics. Are illnesses treated with a psychologist and how effective is it? 7. Slavery, matriarchy, feminism. Why “Men are not the same anymore”, why are men not courageous, henpecked and how to get rid of it?

Analysis of the situation

Thinking is a generalized and indirect way of reflecting reality in psychology. Therefore, when bad thoughts arise, you should think: are they really bad and unnecessary? Maybe there is a real problem underneath?

If yes, then we need to solve it. Running away from the problem is not an option - it will constantly remind you of itself. And the focus on bad thoughts will grow stronger every day. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure that the source of worries disappears.

Psychologists also recommend “living” your negative thought. If an unpleasant situation is constantly scrolling through your brain, then you need to find ways to solve it. Thinking is a cognitive activity in psychology. Therefore, it is recommended to think about each negative emotion separately.

Experiencing all negative scenarios helps restore a good mood and minimize fear of the future.

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