Ideas for LD (personal diary) - how to easily and beautifully design a diary

Why is writing down your thoughts in a journal so useful and important? The article contains ready-made templates on how to keep a personal diary.

Keeping a personal diary is a very good skill. Most great people kept personal diaries. For a blogger, author of bright texts, writer, coach, this is a wonderful tool for work.

In this article I want to give some tips and templates on how to properly keep a personal diary.

For businessmen, the foundation of their activities is the “business map”. Without numbers that show business performance on a daily basis, it is impossible to understand whether there is a profit or a loss.

Without a personal diary, it is impossible to understand what kind of life a person lives. Sometimes it seems to me that everything is bad. A few hours pass and life seems wonderful. But what about the fact?

When you learn how to keep a personal diary and start doing it every day, you will be able to “count your life.” What you can count is what you can control.

Even emotions can be counted. Very simple. For example, you are now experiencing both interest and boredom. On the one hand, the topic is important and useful. On the other hand, there are already many more letters than in the usual Instagram post...

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How to increase interest to 10?

If you were paid 10 thousand dollars for reading to the end, would you be able to? And if it were 100 thousand dollars to learn this article by heart... Could you? Interest, emotions, depth and strength of attention - all these values ​​can be calculated and enhanced using a simple 10-point scale. Scaling is one of the main tools in the New Coaching Code.

Keeping a diary means deciding that your life is terribly exciting. — Frederic Beigbeder

In this article I want to share several tools on how to keep a personal diary. This is an opportunity to “calculate” everything and then manage it all. It is your life. And only you can describe it, redescribe it and then improve it.

Here's what it says about how to keep a personal diary on Wikipedia.


- a set of fragmentary records that are made for oneself, kept regularly and most often accompanied by a date. Such records (“notes”) organize individual experience and, as a written genre, accompany the formation of individuality in culture, the formation of the “I”—in parallel with them, the forms of memoirs and autobiography develop.

What is LD

LD is a personal diary, an intimate notebook where the most important things are described. For some, it is a habit developed over the years; for others - a daily routine: each step is described in detail; for others it is a friend: they share their innermost secrets with him. Everyone finds something of their own.

Taking notes systematically allows you to develop imagination and creative thinking.

It’s also an album of memories: sweet, funny, touching.

Execution cannot be pardoned.

You can’t reproach yourself for bad deeds or frighten yourself with punishments. Every person has the right to make mistakes. You need to allow yourself to allow them. How to keep a diary so as not to turn it into a guilty verdict? We need to remember once again the rule of impartiality and objectivity. If a situation has occurred in life in which a person did not behave the way he would have liked or the behavior caused regrets, you need to figure out what motivated him at that moment, why exactly he acted that way. If the situation has led to undesirable consequences, you must try to neutralize or mitigate them. This approach is more effective than self-criticism. There is also a place for praise. Achievements and happy moments will adorn your memoirs.

How to keep a personal diary?

As you wish. This depends entirely on its purpose and the needs of the owner. There is a need - they conduct it every day; there is an opportunity - they open it during breaks between tasks; there is no time - they contact him once a month or less often. Everything is determined by the function assigned to it. The main thing is that it contains something that is relevant specifically for its author: activities for the day, excerpts from a trip, a recipe for a favorite pie or literature that is required reading.

Print daily planner template

You can start learning how to plan with your daily schedule. Try making a to-do list broken down by hour for tomorrow: to do this, write down all your tasks for tomorrow, and then enter it for the appropriate hour with the necessary notes.

So, you will have a full-fledged daily diary in A4 size. It does not take up much space in your bag, and always helps you navigate meetings and other matters in just a couple of seconds.

This is what a daily planner template looks like:

A stylish and minimalistic template suitable for all planning beginners.

How to create a personal diary

The style and design of a personal notebook is deeply individual. The cover and interior content can tell a lot about the owner, his habits, and character.

Business and goal-oriented people prefer the laconic design of the diary. Notes from romantic and enthusiastic people are filled with colors and emotions. Creative individuals contribute brilliant thoughts and ideas, illustrating the text with pictures and sketches. If a passport is a civil document, then a diary is a document of the heart.

Available methods and techniques are used in the design of the diary. Modern types of needlework can add uniqueness to an ordinary album.

Advice. Designing the cover using scrapbooking or quilling techniques, which are easy to master with the help of available master classes, will make the diary an exclusive and unique item, worthy of an extension of the author.


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Draw more

Previously, the diary was used more for notes, but now visual memory gives us its fruits. Even if you are not an artist, then still try to sketch what you see, because it is precisely such drawings that will warm your heart later.

Contents of a personal diary

Modern technologies offer a huge selection of programs and applications for record keeping. Notes on your calendar or reminders on your phone are all practical and effective. However, only paper media can convey real emotions.

Turning over the pages of the diary, after a while, it becomes possible to re-experience the feelings and experiences that are reflected in the words. Everything that is significant and important can be written in a secret book - this is private territory, there is no place for outsiders.

Notebook: an alternative to a diary

The principle of how to make a beautiful notebook with your own hands using the technique for implementing a selected project may differ slightly from making a notebook. Such a convenient notebook created according to your own idea will be an excellent and effective replacement for purchased notebooks or diaries, suitable for games or daily notes.

Thanks to the exciting creative process, you can create an original finished product with a non-standard and individual design.

During creation, you should choose the right idea depending on your own preferences and wishes, materials and necessary tools, and study the technology for making a practical craft.

Ideas for a personal diary

Keeping such records and notes is done in a free form that does not require compliance with standards.

  1. Drawing up a schedule and plans helps you properly organize your day and teaches you to be focused and organized.
  2. Don’t forget important little things, buy what you need, prepare in advance - this can be done with the help of checklists and checklists.
  3. Quotes and statements of famous personalities, written out as a motivator, will support you on the path to achieving your cherished goals or raise your emotional spirit throughout the day.
  4. Photo galleries and pictures of memorable places for LD will revive pleasant moments.
  5. Anger and anger worksheet. It helps to throw out negative energy that is detrimental to your comfortable well-being.
  6. Small reviews of films or books will make up the top entertainment for a free evening.
  7. Dreams and aspirations, drawn up on the spread in the form of drawings and notes, will become a powerful incentive to achieve them.
  8. Tables and graphs for creating menus with detailed calorie calculations will help you in your desire to look good or lose weight for the beach season.

The design of an LD should not be reduced to a specific scheme. The primary thing here is the manifestation of a creative approach and the desire to include in it what you want to leave in your head for a long time.

Advice. The safety of spiritual thoughts and secrets that you don’t want to share can be ensured by installing a lock on the binding. Even a child can do this. In addition, notepads with built-in locks are sold in office supply departments.


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Tracker = tracking. A very useful thing that you can devote one or even several spreads to in your diary. There are a lot of them: sleep tracker, habit tracker, goal tracker, mood tracker, etc. In general, choose what you like!

A sleep tracker is a great idea, especially for those who want to change their sleep schedule to a more adequate one. Now we’ll tell you about one of the ways to do it. We write numbers horizontally from 21:00 to 13:00, this is time. Vertical - from 1 to 31, these are days. Every day you paint as much as you slept.

For example, on the first day you went to bed at 23:00 and woke up at 6:00. Then you paint over this entire gap between 23 and 6 horizontally.

Be sure to note how you felt that day. You can come up with some signs for yourself, or you can get by with the words “good/normal/bad”, etc. This way you can track how many hours your body needs in general to rest, when it’s best for you to go to bed and what time it’s better to get up.

The habit tracker is also very convenient. Helps instill good habits. Let's create a habit tracker table for the month. Write numbers from 1 to 31 horizontally, these are days. The habits you want to have will go vertically.

This could be anything: “exercise”, “make the bed”, “moisturize your face before bed”, “2 liters of water a day”, “study Spanish” and so on.

Now the most interesting thing: every day you need to note what from the list you completed today and what you didn’t. You can paint over each cell, you can put crosses or checkmarks, in general, whatever is more convenient for you. In a month you should have a colorful sign and, ideally, a few good habits included.

How to make a personal diary with your own hands?

To create it you will need very little: imagination, a few minutes and available materials. The basis can be an ordinary squared notebook or a small magazine.

The title page is a business card. It conveys the individuality of its owner. It is carefully designed using bright strokes and nuances. Sometimes an expression or quote from a famous person is posted here. These lines are able to express the mood with which the journal is filled out.

Further record keeping takes place in the format that is suitable right now. The simplest ideas for maintaining LD are easy ways to preserve emotions in the form of expressions and images. Everyone knows these techniques. Feelings captured on paper remain in memory forever.


The beauty of such diaries is that you can make not only lists of to-dos for each day and goals for the month. You have complete freedom. Organize your “what to watch” list as movie tickets, and “what to read” as a bookshelf.

Or make a “things I'm grateful for” list at the end of each week and write down the big and small things that made you happy during those days. A friend shared a chocolate bar, a stranger on the subway gave you a compliment - there really are a lot of reasons to be grateful.

Make lists of dishes and ingredients! Well, if you don’t know how or don’t like to cook, but still want to please your loved ones: make a list of gifts, arrange it in gift boxes, and then you definitely won’t forget about anyone.

In general, use your imagination! The beauty of these lists, trackers, designs, diaries in general is that you can develop your imagination and use it to the maximum. In a couple of years, it will be very pleasant to leaf through your creative work, remember and re-read everything that you compiled over the course of many weeks and months.

My personal diary

Everyone has their own reasons for turning to words.
For some it is a memory, for others it is a landmark on the path to success. It’s possible to relive the taste of a dish you like: cooks and food lovers can outline the cooking process step by step, supplementing it with a colorful description of taste sensations. Illustrations made with a regular pencil or marker will help you recreate such a masterpiece yourself.


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Many people, one way or another, are engaged in self-development. Some watch films, others read books, others go to seminars... Information received from these sources affects life and changes perceptions. Therefore, by making a mini-review of a movie or book you like, a person rethinks himself and becomes better.

Tourists or travelers bring souvenirs and magnets from their trip. Notes supported by “artifacts” can preserve memories of an exciting vacation. A plane ticket, a menu from a nearby restaurant, printouts of a phrase book for communicating with the local population - all this is suitable for re-experience unforgettable emotions.

By setting new goals, athletes write down daily “steps” towards achievement. It will be easier to celebrate successes and analyze failures if you keep regular reports on the results achieved.

For craftsmen and needlewomen, the development of new ideas for creativity is impossible without sketches and sketches with a detailed description of the process. A hand-made model of a new dress, a piece of furniture or a souvenir for a gift is exactly what can be described in detail and drawn in a personal diary.

Selecting materials for cover design

Notebooks for notes and recordings include not only internal filling with paper and sheets, but for their full use you will need to choose a good and durable cover.

In the process of designing the finished craft, advice from experts will help you on how to make a notebook cover with your own hands, for which you can use:

  • thick beer cardboard and craft paper;
  • plastic folders purchased in advance;
  • PVC film or other wear-resistant materials;
  • fabric and textiles for pasting cardboard.

The gluing technique presented in the video of making notebooks with your own hands will help you secure glued or stitched sheets as firmly and simply as possible.

To do this, it is necessary to apply a certain amount of glue to the cover itself and ensure that the filling is pressed tightly to the place of fixation; one should not forget about the need to design the endpapers.

Maiden kingdom

A notebook or notebook in pink tones, filled with bright colors, stickers and clippings from fashion magazines, with fragrant pages and photos of Hollywood stars - this could be a treasured book for girls. Here is the kingdom of girlish dreams and dreams. Secrets entrusted to the book are not revealed even to close people. They take care of her like the apple of her eye, never leaving her unattended for a moment.

Creating such a book is quite simple. The origami technique or simple appliqué techniques are taken as the basis for ideas for designing a notebook: light sketches and beautiful sketches can add romanticism and tenderness to an ordinary notebook, making it stand out with its uniqueness.

Wicker bookmarks, bows and ribbons, envelopes with nice little things, a dried flower or a heart-shaped valentine - every detail here is special, unique, and memorable.

Growing up, girls keep such notes for a long time. Occasionally, over a cup of cocoa, turning over familiar pages, she remembers those times with tender sadness. The first test poems, written specifically for LD, can bring back for a moment youth, full of hopes and desires.

"Creativity is contagious"

Add pictures. Firstly, it is a great way to relieve stress. Yes, yes, this is true. When you are nervous, you always don’t know what to do with your hands, and if there is a pen and a piece of paper nearby, you will involuntarily take them and begin to draw some abstract patterns, flowers, faces and geometric shapes. There is a very interesting opinion from psychologists on this topic, we recommend you read it. This way you can find out what the drawings you make somewhere in the margins of a notebook or in a notebook say about your character, for example, during a boring lesson.

Secondly, with the help of small drawings you can diversify and embellish the space on simple white pieces of paper with text. The brighter and more colorful your drawing, the more beautiful the overall appearance of the spread.

And thirdly, if you accidentally stained a page with your favorite lipstick or your pen decided to leak at the most unnecessary moment, then make a small drawing on a clean piece of paper and glue it on that very spot. This way you will be able to hide the stain, and also beautifully diversify the page.

Special date

Just like decorating a treasured book for girls, decorating festive and special pages and spreads is done. Valentine's Day, summer holiday, vacation or an unplanned trip - special occasions can be captured in a special way. By attaching pleasant souvenirs, photos and pictures from memorable events, it is possible to convey the emotions and spirit of that period.

Gift lists, Christmas tree paraphernalia, a photo of a New Year's costume or a letter to Santa Claus are used as New Year's ideas for decorating LDs. These items, saved in the diary, will fill its contents with a festive mood and convey the atmosphere of celebration.

Decorating the finished product: secrets of the masters

The technique of how to make a death note with your own hands or a notebook for secrets depends on the subsequent design of the finished product.

For thematic decor, it is important to choose the right accessories and decorations; in this case, you can use the method of painting and appliqué, cutting out and pasting the notebook with fabric or paper.

To make the finished product unique, you can use different techniques to decorate the cover, glue in several multi-colored bookmarks or pockets for small items that separate the notebook with colored sheets.

Ideas for a personal diary: the best photo examples of LD design

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What is it for?

Why keep a personal diary:

  1. To maintain mental and mental health, a person must have the opportunity to speak out at least sometimes . This not only helps to reduce the intensity of passions that “tear” the brain due to some experiences, but at the same time allows you to look at the exciting event as if from the outside. Put into the spoken words “voiced”, circumstances seem to take on a real form, thereby simplifying the acceptance of the situation or the search for solutions in response to the assigned tasks.
  2. But not everyone can be entrusted with their own thoughts ; it is often safer to leave them to yourself, so that the ideas and reasoning expressed are not altered, ridiculed, or become public knowledge.
    The diary is a “girlfriend” who knows how to keep her mouth shut, “a vest”, “an attentive listener”, ready to accept all hidden fears, dreams, plans and emotions simply expressed in words without a shadow of condemnation or contempt. If you ensure that he is inaccessible to other people, he will forever remain a mute witness to the storms and calms that reigned in the soul of his owner.
  3. From a physiological point of view, spilling out emotions on paper helps stabilize blood pressure, normalize heart function and reduce muscle tightness, which is invisible to the eye but has a strong impact on overall well-being. That is, a personal diary is a kind of prevention of a number of psychosomatic diseases.
  4. The habit of systematically keeping records can be useful in organizational terms . Daily recording of not only your reactions to the events of the day, but also interesting thoughts and calculations can help with the performance of duties and contribute to rational planning of the day.
  5. For pen or pencil testing. Where you can behave at ease and naturally, it is easiest to show your hidden abilities. It is possible that many of the talented people first drew, wrote early prose, poetry and music purely on the pages of their diaries, before daring to move on to more open formats for presenting their ideas.
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