How to learn to speak beautifully and clearly express your thoughts?

How to learn to express your thoughts clearly. What will help you learn to formulate thoughts

  • Reading will help you learn to formulate thoughts. The benefits of reading are obvious. Read good, varied literature. Read and re-read Russian classics - Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Turgenev, Bulgakov, Chekhov, Pasternak, etc. You need to read thoughtfully, analyzing what you read, so that it doesn’t work out as Alexander Sergeevich wrote: “I set up a shelf with a bunch of books, read and read, and that’s it.” uselessly".
  • A rich vocabulary, a good assistant in the ability to formulate your thoughts beautifully (read - “How to increase your vocabulary”), replenish it.
  • It’s one thing when, trying to express your thoughts, you are looking for the right word and your meager vocabulary does not allow you to find it, it’s another thing when you simply cannot quickly remember to find the right word. Pay attention to the development of memory and reaction.
  • Keeping a diary or blog will help you learn to express your thoughts. Write eloquently, vividly, about what is happening in your life, about what worries you, about your mood, your emotions.
  • Take part in discussions on various forums and speak out. Learn to debate and develop the ability to defend your point of view.
  • The 19th century English philosopher John Mill wrote: “Logic is the great persecutor of dark and confused thinking; it clears away the fog that hides our ignorance from us and makes us think we understand a subject when we do not. I am convinced that in modern education nothing is more useful for developing precise thinkers who remain true to the meaning of words and sentences and are constantly on guard against vague and ambiguous terms, like logic.” Study logic, it will teach you to look at what is happening more deeply and understand it, and this will be useful in the ability to express thoughts.
  • An important fact in the ability to formulate one’s thoughts is a person’s environment, his social circle. It is clear that those who cannot connect two words with each other will not teach you anything in this regard, and if such people are the majority in your environment, this will only aggravate the situation. Looking at how people around you correctly express their thoughts, take your cues.
  • It is always easier for a sociable person to find words to express his thoughts. If you do not consider yourself one of these, develop your communication skills.

He began to speak slurredly. Difficulty speaking (speech disorder, speech disorder, speech problems)

Difficulty in speech can be expressed either in a complete absence of speech or in a partial violation of the pronunciation of words and phrases. Speech impairment is expressed in the fact that a person:

  • speaks slowly and vaguely, unintelligibly;
  • has difficulty finding words and naming things;
  • speaks without hesitation and quickly, but is meaningless;
  • speaks hastily and incoherently;
  • excessively separates syllables and emphasizes each of them.

If it becomes difficult for a person to speak and understand someone else’s speech, most likely he is sick or has damage to the speech center of the brain. Gradual difficulty speaking can occur due to Alzheimer's disease and some other diseases of the nervous system. The causes of a sudden articulation disorder can be a stroke, alcohol or drug intoxication, head injury, or poisoning. If a person suddenly begins to speak slurred, he needs urgent medical attention.

Interesting story at the end

Oratory in Ancient Greece was valued more than anywhere else. It is from here that all ancient philosophical concepts originate
. The people there really knew how to speak and did it with great pleasure.

Demosthenes was born and raised here, who at the age of 7, after the death of his father, was left alone with a large fortune and huge shortcomings. He really wanted to learn the art of oratory, he studied with one of the best - Isei. But even a great teacher cannot cope with his shortcomings - stuttering, burr and constant involuntary twitching of his shoulder. He had to fight this on his own.

The first performances were disastrous. He trained alone, made speeches with a sharp spear pointed against his shoulder, and unlearned twitching at the level of a conditioned reflex. He corrected his burr and became one of the best speakers within a few years. A good example of how a person, not even from scratch, but from a deep disadvantage, became what he was remembered and is still remembered to this day.

How to learn to speak clearly. Tip 2.

Good command of your native language and clear speech are qualities that are necessary in many areas of life. Serious articulation problems requiring professional intervention occur in only a small percentage of people. In most cases, good and clear speech can be achieved independently.



Take a book or newspaper and choose a passage to read. Turn on the recorder and read the selected text aloud. Try to read it the way you usually speak in life. Listen to the recording and analyze your mistakes. It is possible that you will be very surprised. Perhaps you eat up sounds, take unnecessary pauses between words, or speak too quickly. Such features can only be noticeable from the outside.


Develop and train your articulatory apparatus. Perform breathing exercises, do exercises for the facial muscles. Such simple workouts help not only correct speech, but also increase skin tone and improve blood circulation.


For independent training, use tongue twisters. At first, pronounce them slowly, exaggerating each syllable. Then try to increase the tempo, controlling the clarity of each sound. Be prepared for the fact that at first your facial muscles, lips and tongue will ache. Also record all phonetic exercises on a voice recorder. Don't erase your notes to track progressive dynamics. If you have children, train with them. Playing tongue twisters can be turned into a healthy daily ritual.


Before an important public speech, write your speech on a separate sheet of paper. First, read aloud, placing emphasis at the same time. Then rehearse in front of a mirror, monitoring the intonation, clarity and expressiveness of your speech.


If you have no plans to perform, but clear speech is necessary in everyday life, practice free-format home workouts. Stand in front of a mirror and talk out loud about free topics for a few minutes. Tell us about yourself, your work or hobbies. This will prepare you for potential dialogues and speeches.


If you have serious problems pronouncing certain sounds, do not try to solve them yourself. It is better to seek the help of a professional speech therapist. It's not too late to do this at any age.

Helpful advice

Try to remain calm during monologues in public. Nervousness is often the cause of unclear speech. Breathe evenly, don’t be nervous, take meaningful pauses and be confident in your speaking abilities.


The most important sign of beautiful speech is clarity. This item includes many nuances. First of all, you need to pay attention not only to each word, but also to each sound in order to pronounce all the words correctly. At first, clear speech may even seem strange and unusual, but when you start speaking this way automatically, it will become much more pleasant to listen to you.

How to learn to speak loudly and clearly. How to master public speaking. Learning to speak loudly.

There is a category of people among us who cannot speak loudly and expressively enough. How many misunderstandings or awkward situations have been caused by a timid, quiet voice! Owners of such a voice feel insecure, sometimes they are ready to fall into the ground. And buy a ticket at the box office, and ask for change, and answer an exam, teach a lesson, and many other things you need to use your voice for. A phrase pronounced loudly and clearly will always look more confident than mumbling something quietly. Oratory is an art! We need to learn this, but first we’ll learn to speak loudly.


Difficulty level: Not easy

1 step

Do breathing exercises. First exercise. Learn to breathe on a count, when inhaling, count to 3, hold your breath - 1, exhale - 3, hold your breath - 2. Second exercise. Inhale intensely and deeply through your nose and mouth, and exhale slowly, pursing your lips. Third exercise. Slowly, evenly inhale the entire volume of your lungs through your nose; when it seems that you can’t fit in more air, try to inhale a little more, exhale intensely, pursing your lips into a tube.

Step 2

Let's practice speaking. Before you start speaking, take a long, deep breath, just like you did in breathing exercises. At the same time, the volume of the lungs is filled, and the sound is stronger. Start with vowel sounds or syllables (mi-ma-mo-mu). Choir members do similar exercises when chanting.

Step 3

Prepare several phrases that contain non-complex words. You can take poetic or song phrases. For example: “The boy wants to go to Tambov!..”. Say them while amplifying your voice. You can sing, don't be shy! By the way, many people like to sing in the bathroom. After all, there the voice is warmed up, and the acoustics make the voice stronger.

Step 4

And also keep in mind that in a conversation, when delivering your speech, speak with your diaphragm, and not with your throat or lungs. The diaphragm is the center of air regulation in our body. It is located directly under the lungs. So imagine that your sounds appear from your stomach. At the same time, the timbre of the voice will become lower and easier to understand. Having learned to regulate the strength of your voice, you will achieve a positive result!

Step 5

During these exercises, you need not only to develop breathing and ligaments, but also to overcome some psychological barrier. To check your results, record yourself during voice training sessions. Then compare what happened at the beginning of the lessons and what happened as a result. It should work!

Read aloud more

At first glance, such an exercise may seem banal and ineffective, but it is not so.
Reading aloud lets you control your pronunciation, volume, and pitch. The technique is one of the most effective for intelligibility and clarity of speech. Choose a good book or text. Watch your posture, don't slouch, straighten your shoulders and control your posture while reading. Each of these components is important. Control your voice tone, reading speed and volume. If you do this exercise regularly, you will be able to speak confidently, clearly and slowly.

How to learn to express your thoughts clearly and clearly. Important qualities for correct formulation of thoughts

People may not express their thoughts entirely correctly for a variety of reasons. This is usually due to the fact that the speaker has a limited vocabulary, which is not enough to pronounce the phrase correctly. A person may select synonyms that are not entirely clear in meaning or use words that do not suit the style of the narrative. Speech variety is a determining factor in learning how to correctly express your thoughts in conversation.

In its absence, choosing the right word may take the speaker some time. To avoid awkward long silences, you need to train your speech function. To do this, it is important to use the following techniques (they are often given in response to the question “how to learn to express your thoughts”):

  1. The quality of memorizing information should be trained. To clearly express your ideas, improve attention and memory, learn poetry effectively, memorize the longest sequences of numbers, learn the lyrics of your favorite songs.
  2. It is necessary to increase the volume of a person’s linguistic reserve. Reading fiction can help with this. When a person reads books, he learns to formulate thoughts correctly, which can then be spoken (this will help anyone who does not know how to learn to clearly speak phrases that can immediately arouse the interest of the interlocutor).
  3. Increasing concentration of attention on a specific thought. It is important to be able to concentrate on what needs to be said - this will help to reproduce the thought out loud without inaccuracies, accidentally spoken words, or erroneous expressions.

It is especially important for the speaker not to lose attention or weaken it, since otherwise he may make mistakes in his speech. To understand how to correctly express your thoughts, you need to eliminate the causes of the difficulties that have arisen.


Small but very important section. People who are interested in the question of how to develop a speech often lose their breath.
Without the skill, the conversation will be interrupted by breaks, it looks ridiculous. Train your diaphragm as follows. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through the small gap in your mouth. Repeat 15-20 times per workout.

How to learn to speak clearly and pronounce all words. Tongue twister - start speaking clearly.

The profession of a DJ requires a fairly high speed of not only thought processes, but also speech. Unfortunately, not everyone copes with this task, and as a result, sometimes you can hear THIS on the radio! In order for absolutely every word you say to be perceived, and correctly, you need to improve your speech technique every day. Not long ago I talked about lip exercises. But there is something else... These are tongue twisters! If time pressure does not allow you to devote a lot of time to this activity, say tongue twisters several times a day, they really help, and the result is visible in just a couple of weeks. Before you start practicing, remember a few rules:

  1. In patter, the main thing is not speed, but clarity. You must speak quickly but clearly. No mess or words stuck to each other.
  2. First, read the tongue twister to yourself, then slowly out loud, then increase the pace, while not forgetting to monitor the clarity of the words.
  3. If you are at home, you can read the tongue twister with chestnuts behind your cheeks, and then without them - you are guaranteed ease of sound production.
  4. Another technical technique: read the tongue twister out loud as follows: pronounce the consonants loudly, vowels in a whisper, it helps to get rid of speech constriction.

Now a list of the most effective tongue twisters that helped me out in the most emergency situations:

  • In the shallows we lazily caught burbot. In the shallows we lazily caught tench. For love, weren’t you, Mila, the one who begged me and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?
  • King is an eagle (repeat many times)
  • The heron wasted away, the heron was dry, the heron was dead (repeat many times)
  • The nervous constitutionalist was found assimilated and acclimatized in Constantinople
  • Buy a pile of peaks, buy a pile of peaks
  • You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly
  • The emotional Varvara felt the emotion of the insensitive Vavila
  • Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole a clarinet from Karl
  • The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style, I should repack the cap, but re-cap it
  • But I don’t feel sick (repeat many times)
  • The Elector compromised the Landsknecht

Yuliana Romanova


How to develop imagination in adults and children - recommendations

Diction refers to the clear pronunciation of words and all letters. If diction is good, then this has a favorable effect on the perception of a person by the people around him. To gain an understanding of how to competently conduct a dialogue and talk with people, you should study the issue of correct diction.

As a rule, it is not clear by nature. It can be improved both in childhood and in adulthood. Actors, for example, need to have excellent diction, since career success will depend on it.

All actors must have good diction

10 exercises to develop diction:

  • With nuts and sweets in your mouth. The tongue should not come into contact with the object; only the teeth hold it. Pronounce consonants first, then syllables with vowels, then words.
  • Tongue Twisters. Focus on “problematic” sound combinations.
  • Articulation of sounds “sh-zh”, “k-g”.
  • Practicing the sound “ts”. For example, a heron is a saber.
  • First, slowly, then quickly pronounce combinations of letters: tlz, jr, vrzh, mkrtch, kpt, kft, ksht, kst, ktsch.
  • First, slowly, then quickly pronounce the words: stay awake, philosophize, postscript, cheer up, transplant, supersonic, disheveled.
  • Train the pronunciation of consonants in the combinations “k-k” (to Clara), “v-v” (top - up).
  • Work through sounds in the form of a sound game, for example, “hammering nails,” while pronouncing the lines: gbdu, gbdy, gbde.
  • Practice sounds in certain designs, for example, jasper in suede.
  • First, slowly, then quickly, but clearly pronounce the words, follow the “difficult” junctions of sounds: the one who took advantage, the reverberator, territorial integrity.

How to learn to speak clearly and beautifully.

1. The art of speaking culturally, brightly and convincingly Having developed the appropriate skills, you will learn to speak brightly, convincingly, culturally. To do this, it is important to exclude parasitic words from your vocabulary, read more fiction (aloud and with expression), communicate with smart interlocutors, and watch intellectual TV shows. However, let's consider these points separately. 2. Down with parasitic words, patois or local vocabulary. Such words seriously clog our speech, but not everyone understands this. Some people even deliberately insert various slang expressions into conversation, believing that they add color to the dialogue, but in reality this often sounds inappropriate and, at times, repulsive. Note that words like “like,” “like,” “well.” " “This is it,” “in short,” and the like often distract from the thread of the story. Sometimes we ourselves don’t notice how often we use such expressions. To get rid of these “parasites” you will have to constantly control yourself, which requires considerable self-discipline. Be that as it may, over time, everything will return to normal. 3. Learning to express your thoughts correctly To learn how to express your thoughts beautifully, it will not hurt to acquire the ability to listen carefully to those speakers whose speech you like. Also, don’t forget about such a useful skill as reading. Choose books that will help you tune your brain in the right direction. In addition, these can be a variety of textbooks, as well as scientific articles. Reading aloud can also be no less effective, because this is how you will learn to practice diction. Opt for classic works of art by famous writers - as a rule, they are distinguished by their richness of speech. 4. Developing beautiful speech Most of us speak quite normally in normal situations, however, when some kind of stressful situation arises, many lose confidence, as if “losing the gift of speech.” When you develop competent and beautiful speech, you will stop getting lost in any situations. How to do this? You probably know that there are people who are able to talk interestingly about any, even the most unremarkable, subject. An example is Anton Chekhov and his story “The Ashtray”. Alas, nature has not endowed everyone with the talents of a famous writer, but almost all of us can still learn to express thoughts beautifully. If your line of work involves writing texts, public speaking, and the like, then a rich vocabulary will form on its own over time. It is more difficult for people who do not work in the humanitarian field - they have to put in a little more effort. Listening to the radio, reading books, watching good films and documentaries can help. It is important to pay attention not only to what information is conveyed to you, but also to how exactly the phrases are constructed. Read a short story and try to retell it. Record your retelling on a voice recorder, listen to it and determine whether your speech sounds beautiful or whether there are some shortcomings. Such training out loud is very important, because it will gradually form melodic speech and enrich you with a stock of new interesting expressions. Such a game is also useful for the development of beautiful speech. Pay attention to some ordinary object - a notepad, a frying pan, a table, etc. For a minute or two, try to write a story about this subject in literary language, without obvious hesitations. 5. Learning to control your speech The ability to keep your speech under control will make any person stand out from the crowd. It is not surprising that people with such talent at one time turned out to be leaders of nations, whom thousands of people were ready to follow, listening to every word of their leader. Most likely, training will take you some time, but it’s worth it - this is the only way you will not only have full control of your own speech apparatus, but will intuitively learn to feel how best to address a particular person, what words are best to choose, and so on. You will also be able not to get lost even in the most unexpected situations, maintaining composure.

Speaking practice

Many of our students complain that since school they have been cramming complex grammar rules and doing long written exercises in English, but have never learned to speak. To fix this situation, we created:

The idea to create the “Conversation Practice” course did not appear by chance. Before starting their studies at our school, potential students communicate with our managers, who clarify their preferences and wishes for the learning process. Many people say that they want to overcome the language barrier, but at the same time they do not want to study with boring textbooks, they want to learn English in a fun and interesting way, but “without homework and boring grammar”! Based on the wishes of students and the principles of teaching a foreign language, we created our course.

Svetlana Loginova, methodologist "Ingleks"

If you decide to take this course, you will be able to make new acquaintances and apply the secrets of success (talking about the weather and the latest news), maintaining a conversation on cultural topics (movies, TV series, books). You will learn to talk about everyday problems: if you spill coffee on yourself or get stuck in traffic, you will be able to explain it without any problems.

Together with your teacher, you will role-play typical telephone conversations and interviews with international companies, and prepare for tourist trips and business trips. Abroad, you can easily go shopping, order food in a restaurant, visit a doctor, etc.

The main bonus is no long written assignments. Just you, the teacher and the conversation! !

How to learn to speak confidently and convincingly. Speak beautifully and convincingly, how important this is.

Learning to speak beautifully in our time is really important. I am often approached with the following questions: how to influence a person with speech?; “What should I do: no one hears me, no one loves me?”; “Nobody listens to me, what should I do?”; “People don’t hear me and people in the company don’t notice me, how can I improve the situation?” In general, all these questions can be reduced to one topic: how to speak beautifully in order to interest!

Intrigue with a phrase

Almost every person wants to speak in such a way as to intrigue and captivate any audience and so that people listen attentively and even with delight; I want to intrigue listeners literally from the first words - with one phrase! And this is a normal desire. Good speaking skills will help you find a job and, most importantly, not lose it and be a valuable employee.

A young man who knows how to speak beautifully and convincingly will definitely attract the attention of a girl and will be able to negotiate with his superiors about a salary increase. And someone who cannot show off his intellect and the ability to conduct a dialogue is unlikely to be able to come to an agreement even with a girl, even with his superiors, or even with a neighbor.

What is needed for this? A similar topic has already been partially discussed in the article “How to become a good interlocutor,” because a speaker, a teacher, and indeed any storyteller, must become an interlocutor for listeners. Continuing the topic, we will now figure out what should NOT be allowed in a conversation so that the listeners do not lose interest in you and what, on the contrary, you need to do to arouse this interest in the listeners.

Speaking correctly and beautifully means developing speech.

INTONATION There is nothing surprising if they do not listen to a person muttering something, muttering under his breath and stuttering. Have you ever paid attention to HOW you speak? How do you tell it? Can your intonation be described as enthusiastic, selfless, romantic, expressive, surprising, mysterious, bewitching, frightening or alarming? Listen to the emotional force with which you tell others something. If you find it difficult to evaluate, there are several ways to do it: ask others, record it, listen to yourself and compare with others (interesting storytellers).

WORKOUT . To learn how to speak soulfully, emotionally and impressively, you need to practice. How to develop speech? One of the simple and effective training is to repeat the actor or announcer’s intonation. Repeat, “imitate”, record on a tape recorder, listen to yourself from the outside and repeat again, record, listen... . Achieve maximum similarity in your training.


Oddly enough, the pitch of your voice makes an impression on your listeners. If you speak in a choppy, high-pitched voice, the audience is 100% likely to think that you are nervous. Moderate timbre is considered the most convincing. Too low is considered dominant and tends to persuade and motivate. If you change the pitch of your voice on purpose, it will be perceived as unnatural, but control will not hurt. Practice to keep your tone soft and balanced.

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