Once in a situation of conflict, a person chooses a model of behavior based on the circumstances and subjective state.
Hello, dear readers! They say that appearances are deceiving. I would add that the inner world
Who is the master of your life? The master of life is the one who is aware of his desires,
Strategic thinking is a mental process used by a person in the context of achieving success in a game
Jealousy is a completely normal feeling in a relationship. It excites, generates passion, encourages action.
Creative thinking and creativity are useful and indispensable skills of a modern person. However, it is difficult to find
What is a sense of life? Surely you have also asked yourself this question. Sooner or later he
Lately, I have started receiving questions related to fear of communication and openness.
Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning. How to overcome fear?
Are you familiar? A man comes to work. And ignoring the tasks assigned for the day, scrolls through the feed