Reading in nature
Psychology - directions, history, description, areas of application
Psychology is the scientific study of consciousness and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes
Woman's unreasonable anxiety
How to cope with anxiety and defeat anxiety once and for all - proven practical tips
Today we will talk about what anxiety is and how to cope with it. If
Who is an introvert and how to communicate with him: the pros and cons of this psychological personality type
7 habits that will turn any introvert into a master communicator
“How to become more sociable as an introvert,” I Googled in desperation. Damn if you are
Proactive and reactive approaches to life, or Who is to blame?
What does it mean to be proactive or reactive? You may have never thought about these two
'What is "mental chewing gum"
Rumination - how to stop chewing on useless thoughts
Rumination - in psychology, this means the process of so-called mental chewing gum. If you have rumination
relationship between soul and body
Healing the soul. How we program our own lives
From this article you will learn: What signs can you use to understand that your soul needs
Sometimes it is difficult for us to look the other person in the eye: this phenomenon has a scientific explanation
In everyday life, we often use the following phrases: “eyes dart”, “promising look”, “strangely shining
How to overcome fear of the unknown or agnosophobia
How to overcome the fear of the unknown, or agnosophobia?
How do you deal with situations of uncertainty? Only a few are open to new experiences. Most people
Primary and secondary socialization - what is it?
Socialization of an individual is a person’s mastery of basic social norms, values, culture, standards of relationship models in
Woman is calm, meditating, relaxing
How to enjoy life - step-by-step instructions from a healer
A person puts something of his own into the concept of “happiness”. Everyone decides for themselves how to react
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