How to tie a girl's hands behind her back? PHOTO - instructions

Bondage is quite popular in BDSM relationships. The Japanese even made a whole art out of it, called shibari. The instructions below describe the most popular and simplest types of hand tying behind the back.

The length of the required rope is at least 10 meters, thickness from 5 mm (thin ropes cut into the body). Remember to be careful and safe so as not to harm your partner. The rope should never be pulled tight enough to cut off circulation.

This type of binding limits the movement of not only the arms, but also the shoulder joint, which can cause discomfort.

Double rope tying

  • Fold the rope in half and find the middle. Place the rope around the back of your neck with the loose ends hanging over your shoulders. Don't forget that when you finish tying, the string passing through your armpits will put pressure on your body. Therefore, it is better for the rope to lie freely;
  • Place the rope under your armpit and begin to wrap it around your arm in a spiral, starting at the shoulder. If the rope is pulled too tight, it will cause discomfort later. The number of turns of the rope depends entirely on you and your aesthetic preferences. Usually three turns are made on the shoulder and two on the forearm;
  • As a result, both free ends of the rope will be wrapped around your wrists and pointing down. One end will be in the middle of the wrists, and the second will hang on the outside;
  • Take the rope that goes around your wrist closest to you and wrap it around your far wrist. Pass the rope up between your body and your hands. And the rope that goes around the wrist farthest from you needs to be wrapped around the wrist closest to you. This will change the direction of the ropes so that they can now be wound around the hands in the opposite direction;

  • Wrap double ropes around your wrists, then cross them and pull them between your wrists in the opposite direction;

  • Tying the wrists is completed with a simple or straight knot. From a functionality point of view, a direct node will be quite sufficient;
  • Pull the two ends of the rope up and under the loop on your neck, and then down between your wrists on opposite sides;

  • Wrap both free ends in a spiral around the central rope going up. Try to do this evenly and accurately;
  • Thread one of the double ropes through the loop at the top of the vertical rope so that the ends go in opposite directions so that you can tie a knot;
  • Finish by tying a straight knot;

  • The ends of the ropes can be trimmed for beauty;

How to tie up a girl at home. Tying with rope and other improvised means

Each of us has tied knots at least once in our lives, or at least knows exactly how to do it. But it turns out that this is real erotic pleasure, with the help of which you can give your partner unprecedented sensations. So what is shibari?

Many girls love a man to dominate not only in life, but also in bed, if you are one of them, the art of shibari is for you.

What is shibari?

The word "shibari" comes from Japan and literally means binding, intertwining with ropes.

Oddly enough, shibari in ancient times was used in the Japanese martial art of hojo-jutsu, which stated that with the help of ordinary ropes you can tie an enemy in such a way that at the slightest movement he would be haunted by wild and uncontrollable pain. Consequently, the enemy was completely motionless, and therefore neutralized.

How the erotic art of shibari has evolved since the beginning of the twentieth century. The first performances where this technique was used were shown by the Kabuki theater. Its repertoire included very obscene scenes of an intimate nature - love torture, bondage, the most explicit poses, and the like. Thus, such ideas gave impetus to the movement of sadomasochism, and even many famous artists painted paintings on this topic. Later, photographs depicting sexual punishment, motives and even torture gained popularity.

Shibari is very suitable for lovers of sharp and memorable sensations.

The man ties the girl so that her figure looks slimmer, more attractive and more erotic. Thus, the girl is completely dependent on the movements of her man - by moving the knots and weaves, he gives her new unusual sensations. Here it is important to correctly interpret the screams of your partner - when she screams and winces from pain, and when from pleasure. This is the most crucial moment in shibari, keeping him on the verge of combat torture. That is, in this position the man completely dominates, subjugating the girl.

Intertwining the whole body, the rope makes you feel completely new and gives unusual and very pleasant sensations.

But shibari are not simple knots. This is an entire art, so it is extremely important not to play too hard and not harm your partner. Shibari needs to be learned; ordinary bondage will not work here. This game is very dangerous - if you move carelessly or incorrectly, you can crush nerve endings, displace vertebrae, or severely compress lymph nodes.

One of the main rules in shibari is the prohibition of placing the rope on the neck and armpits. And this is not the only prohibition: that is, if you still decide to diversify your intimate life with the help of such art, to feel your partner and understand him, you need to take special master classes - amateurism and shibari are absolutely incompatible things.

But before that, be sure to answer yourself the questions - why do you want to do shibari? Is your partner okay? Are you ready to enjoy bondage? If the answers are positive, then feel free to start learning the basics and techniques of this ancient Japanese art.

Obtain the consent of the person you intend to contact.

It is illegal to tie someone up without permission. It is important to realize that the tied person will be uncomfortable for quite a long period of time. Never keep a person tied up for more than an hour and never leave him alone unattended.

  • Periodically check that the person is breathing freely and is comfortable, especially if you are gagging or using other restraint equipment. Safety comes first.

Tie the person's hands behind his back.

Gently take the person's arms and place them behind their back. Palms should be facing each other. Take a rope and wrap it around your wrist several times. Tighten the rope by pulling it between your hands.

Gently tie the person's elbows together.

Tie the person's hands at the point just above the elbows, bringing them as close as possible but tight enough to prevent the rope from slipping. It's up to you how tightly to wrap the rope. You can also limit yourself to just your wrists.

  • At this stage, some people choose to additionally tie their arms to the waist, although this is not necessary for the basic method. If you want, you can wrap the rope around the waist/stomach like a belt and pull the arms down so the person can't move them up or down, then tie the ropes together with a knot.

Place the person on the floor.

Let him be comfortable and his breathing should not be difficult when you lay him on his stomach. Again, periodically check in to make sure the person you've connected is completely comfortable.

Tie the person's legs at the ankles.

Use the same method you used to tie your hands. Pass the rope between your ankles and wrap each one individually, then tie them tightly together.

  • For best results, remove the person's socks and shoes. If you do this you will have the distinct advantage that you will be able to tie the toes, the rope will be wrapped around bare skin rather than clothing so it won't slip and you will have an overall easier time tying the person up.

Use another rope to tie your ankles and wrists together behind your back.

To complete this process, first pass the rope through the ankle rope and the wrist rope, connecting them together. In this case, the ankles will need to be raised by bending the person's knees.

  • If you want, you can additionally link the person. Some people also prefer to tie their elbows to their feet, tying the rope around their toes (or around any other part of the body, depending on your preference). If you wish, you can experiment with different nodes and directions.

Single rope tying2

This variation uses a simple neck knot and an alternative version of hand tying.

  • To begin, tie a simple knot with a loop in the middle of the rope. The loop should not be large;
  • Place a knot at the base of your neck and bring the loose ends over your shoulders;
  • Pass the ends through your armpits. Don't forget that after you finish tying, the rope passing through your armpits can put quite a lot of pressure on your skin. To prevent discomfort, it is better to make the rope a little looser;
  • Wrap the ropes around your arms in a spiral, from top to bottom. To avoid discomfort, the rope should run freely. The number of turns is your choice. Most often, three turns are used on the shoulder and two on the forearm;

  • On the last turn, make another half turn around your wrists so that the ropes are pointing upward;

  • Take both loose ends and wrap them around your wrists;

  • Bring the ends of the rope under your wrist and up between your two hands, then down the side of your wrist closest to you. As a result, the rope will be wrapped around the wrists three times;

  • After you have wrapped the rope around your hands a second time, pass it between your hands and wrap it around the rope that binds your wrists. This way you will have a gripping unit;

  • Raise the rope up to the loop on the back of the neck, and then down to the tied wrists;

  • Wrap the rope between and under your wrists, thus creating a second gripping knot, and then begin to wrap it around the rope going up;
  • The gripper method takes up more space than other options. If this does not suit you, then you can remove the second node. Instead of wrapping the rope around your wrists as you lower the rope down, wrap it around the wrist closest to you, down and under both hands, and then up between your wrists;

  • Continue wrapping the rope so that it runs straight;
  • At the very top, pass one rope through the loop and bring the second back. This will allow you to tie the knot;

  • Tie a knot; the loose ends can be trimmed or tucked in for aesthetic appeal;

shibari breast binding

Many upper body harnesses are based on or are variations of the one below.

  1. Shibari chest binding begins by creating several sliding loops under the chest.
  2. Make another turn with the running end, but this time above the chest.
  3. Thread the end of the rope through the resulting loop.
  4. Carry the rope over your shoulder forward.
  5. Pass it under the wrap that goes under your chest and bring it back over your other shoulder.
  6. When creating a shibari bandage, secure the end of the rope with a bayonet at the initial attachment point. At this stage, the base winding can be considered complete.
  7. For variety, bring the rope under your armpit and wrap it around a loop that goes from your chest to your shoulder. Place the running end behind your back.
  8. Secure the rope with a half bayonet and move it forward under the other armpit.
  9. Repeat the previous decorative element symmetrically.

Tying with multiple spiral turns on hands3

A rather attractive and unusual type of tying, creating an unusual geometric pattern.

  • Follow the instructions for tying with a double rope until you need to wrap the rope going vertically upward;

  • In this type of tying, the loop around the neck should be looser, because the free ends of the rope will pass around it several times;

  • Pass the double rope up from the wrist knot to the neck loop. Place it under the rope and pull it down. It is best to wrap the rope, this is not necessary, but this way it will not slide around the loop around the neck;

  • Lower the rope down to one of the spiral turns on the opposite hand. Bring it under the coil and lift it up;
  • Bring each of the double ropes under the loop on the neck and down to another loop on the arm, this time at the top of the shoulder;

  • Pull the twin ends down towards your wrists and pass under them;
  • Start twisting the rope going vertically upward;

  • Tie a knot at the top. The loose ends can be hidden or trimmed;

A little about ropes for shibari and bondage

Evil to everyone. Continue and welcome to knitting school))

After 2 posts on bondage, a completely logical question about ropes arose. We'll see.

Reflections on ropes.

The first and main tool of a bondage artist is a rope. The second is fantasy, the third is hands. Let's talk about the first, because the second and third can be taught, but the rope is a given.

Fact times:

ropes can be made from synthetic materials and natural ones.

Fact two:

ropes can be braided or twisted.

Fact three:

A rope left to itself, once it is twisted or braided, can easily unwind or unravel.

Natural materials:

hemp, flax, wool, bast of some tree species, straw, cotton, even asbestos.

Synthetic materials:

nylon and polypropylene, etc. and so on.

The material from which the rope is made determines how much load the rope can withstand, how much it can stretch, and how well it holds knots.

Everything is clear with the load. It is highly undesirable for the bottom one, carefully tied to the wall, to suddenly fall on his face, unable to offer his fixed arms or legs. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the permissible load on the rope. When selling a rope, its breaking and stretching limits are always indicated. These are different types of strength. That is, the same rope can support a load under a static load, but if the same load is jerked, it will break. For us, tensile strength is more important, since the loads during bondage are static. But it’s still better to be safe than sorry and get ropes with high tensile and tensile strength. In addition, you must always keep in mind that a rope made of natural material can change its properties over time. If not properly cared for, it can simply rot and tear with a slight tug.

Synthetic ropes are more durable and less sensitive to storage conditions. But. They have a couple of not very pleasant features. First of all, they stretch. This means that when working with synthetic rope, it will be difficult for you to control the degree of its tension. Secondly, synthetics do not hold knots very well. Under load, knots on synthetics tend to slip and come undone.

Natural ropes, on the contrary, do not have these disadvantages. They don’t stretch and the knots hold well, but they require some care. They are especially afraid of rotting, and therefore they must be thoroughly dried after exposure to water and stored in dry places. I recommend drying thoroughly after each session and periodically putting it in the wash. Because your model’s sweat is a liquid no worse than others, and even organic.

According to the method of making ropes, they are divided into braided and twisted. The difference between them is noticeable to the naked eye. Twisted ropes are made by twisting several strands, while braided ropes are made by interlacing. Traditionally, bondage uses twisted ropes made from natural materials, but this is not a dogma.

It cannot be said unequivocally that some important qualities of the rope depend on the manufacturing method. But, according to observations, braided ropes are often less flexible than twisted ones.

Processing rope ends

Regardless of how the rope was made, it always strives to disassemble itself into its components in the same way. It unravels at the ends. You can, of course, simply tie knots at the ends, but this will not last long. It is more expedient and aesthetically pleasing to process. The easiest way in this regard is synthetics. It is enough to slightly melt the ends of a synthetic rope over a fire and they will no longer unravel. But it must be said that this method, although simple, still has a significant drawback: the melted synthetic becomes hard and with such a hard tip you can scratch your model. And not everyone likes this.

To avoid such sabotage, you can process the melted ends with a file, or you can do something completely different. If you decide to go with synthetics, then you can be consistent to the end and fix the ends not with fusible, but, for example, with tape. This is also a fairly simple method: just wrap the rope with tape in the place where you are going to cut it and cut right in the center of the wrap. As a result, you will have two ends secured with tape. This method is also convenient because, using tape of different colors, you can mark pieces of rope of different lengths. Later you will see that this is very convenient.

If you decide to give preference to natural materials, then adhesive tape will no longer work. And not at all for reasons of quality. The fact is that since we will be knitting shibari, and shibari is by definition aesthetic, we should take care of the unity of style in advance. So we will process natural ropes using the same natural methods. So far I know of only one good way to process the ends of natural rope. Sheathing.

If you've ever held a needle in your hands, the sheathing won't give you any trouble. Sew the rope through a couple of times, one and a half to two centimeters from the edge. This will be enough to secure the thread. Then wind the thread tightly, turn by turn, towards the end of the rope. A centimeter winding is quite enough. Sew the rope all the way through at the end of the wrap again, and then make two or three large stitches across the entire wrap. This will prevent it from unraveling. All.

This method is also convenient because, using multi-colored threads, you can mark your ropes.

Several times I heard that there are ways to braid the ends of ropes without resorting to additional means. But these methods are unknown to me. If anyone knows them, write in the comments, it will be interesting.

I've already mentioned color coding

. More details for @AyavrikZuy.

One of the traditional ways to determine the length of rope that suits you is that the rope, folded in four, must correspond to the full span of the craftsman's arms. Usually it is 7.5 - 8 meters. A longer rope will require an unreasonably large amount of time to pull through when tying knots. We can assume that for the first time ten such ropes will be enough for you.

But eventually, if you don't give up, you'll end up with a LARGE pile of ropes of varying lengths. For example, two to three meter lengths are convenient for tying arms and legs. And also, if somewhere you don’t have enough length of rope, you can add it with such a three-meter piece. Five or six three-meter sections on the farm will be quite enough. Or let there be seven or eight of them, so that there will certainly be more than enough for everything you come up with.

Pieces eight to twelve meters long are used for binding the chest and hips. Or for combined harnesses. You will need three or four such segments. And sections from twelve to fifteen meters are intended for harnesses covering the entire body. You only need a couple of them.

So, in order to select the piece you need from a tangled pile, it’s a good idea to mark the ropes with a color depending on their length.

There is another way out. You can not mark anything, but simply store the ropes in such a way that nothing gets tangled. It is convenient to fold short pieces in two to four times and tie them with a knot in the middle.

Pull your arms towards the middle4

This method uses a double rope to pull the arms to the center rope. But single rope is also quite suitable. The method by which the wrists are tied does not matter. You can choose any one at your discretion.

  • Fold the rope in half, find the middle and place the rope on the back of your neck. Throw the loose ends over your shoulders so that they hang down;
  • Place the ropes in the armpits and start from top to bottom, wrapping the rope around your arms in a spiral. The number of turns depends on your preference. Usually 3 turns are done on the shoulder and 2 on the forearm. Do not forget that the rope must lie freely, otherwise it will cause discomfort later;
  • When you're done, the loose ends will hang down, one pair between your wrists and the other on the outside;
  • Take both double ropes and loop them around your wrists twice.

  • Then lift the rope up to the loop around your neck;
  • Place it under the loop around your neck and down between your wrists;
  • Wrap once around your wrists and begin to twist the free ends of the rope going up;

  • After a few turns, bring the rope to your right hand and wrap it around, starting from the inside;

  • Return to the center rope. Wrap again several times and this time bring the rope to your left hand;
  • Now, returning to the center rope, begin to carefully wrap it around the neck loop;
  • Pass one of the double ropes through the loop so that the rope changes direction;

  • Tie a straight knot;
  • Cut the ends or tuck them in;

Victoria Fomina


Doctor sexologist of the highest category, psychiatrist, psychotherapist. I have been working as a sexologist for more than 10 years. I help couples resolve problems in their sex life.

Before tying a girl’s hands behind her back with a rope, be sure to clarify whether she agrees to such experiments. Yes, many women are ready to do anything just to please their man and see the lustful twinkle in his eyes. But sex will be passionate and sensual only if both enjoy the process. BDSM practices are not a place for spontaneity and sudden innovations. Be sure to discuss every aspect of what will happen. The slightest wrong move or an unpleasant surprise for your partner can discourage you from practicing such sexual techniques for a long time. Trust each other!

Message from the Editor

Do you want to know what most dating sites deceive us about? Now we will tell you about one ineffective “trick” that a huge number of users believe in. We can say that these are “compatibility algorithms” - artificial intelligence that selects potential “halves” based on similar interests and hobbies. However, psychologists are confident that it is impossible to predict the success of a relationship between two people, especially based on interests and hobbies. Relationships are work based on mutual respect and patience. And partners who are practically different from each other can live happily together.

Basic elements of shibari

Hands tied in front

The rope folded in half is pulled into the stirrup loop. After this, the loop is put on the girl’s closed palms. The loop is tightened, then the ends are tied with a simple knot. In a similar way, you can tighten one hand, if necessary.

Legs tied to the knees

The stirrup loop is placed on the leg. After which the captive's legs are bent at the knees, and the rope is made several turns around the ankle. The rope is passed under the turn and begins to encircle the leg in the opposite direction. The final harness ends with a knot.

Hands tied behind back

A loop tied with a stirrup knot is threaded through the left hand. After which the rope goes over the left shoulder, encircles the chest and reaches the right wrist. The main thing here is to pull the rope harder to fix the position of the hand. Then it goes around the right hand and is led in the opposite direction, close to the previous turn. The rope comes to the left wrist and is similarly attached there. The operation is repeated several more times, then the rope is secured with a knot on the right hand.

Bound feet

The ankles are crossed, after which they are tied with the same “stirrup” knot. The rope wraps around the shin several times and is secured with a knot just below the knees. The remaining part of the rope is pulled between the legs and down to the first knot. Next, the rope goes between the thighs again, but in the opposite direction. After several turns, the rope is tied in a knot. The main thing is to constantly pull the rope so that your legs are pressed as tightly as possible to each other.

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