Conscious living - what is it? All levels of consciousness, how and why to raise them

Conscious living is the ability to get maximum pleasure from what is happening here and now. Where do we spend our life time? We are constantly running somewhere and yet remaining in place. Incredibly tired at the end of the day, a lot of things have been done, but there is no satisfaction. Do you know this feeling?

There is an endless dance of thoughts in your head and sometimes you forget for a moment where you were going and why. It’s all because we live unconsciously. Most people do not enjoy the present moment, but constantly think about the future or the past. How to learn to live consciously, enjoying every moment of your existence?

What is conscious life?

Being mindful is more than just physically staying awake, moving and living. And this is more than knowledge and development on a mental, spiritual level. Conscious living is a state of understanding and knowledge that embraces all parts of a person: spiritual, emotional, physical, mental. That is, to be conscious means to be fully, here and now, aware of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, yourself in this world and the world around you.

How to Develop Mindfulness: Mindfulness Exercises

To give the reader the opportunity to experiment, let's look at a few exercises that can be used daily. They are not directly related to the practices of spiritual teachings, but will nevertheless prepare you for them if you want to do them in the future.

  • Conscious movement.
  • Conscious attention when communicating with an interlocutor.
  • Concentration of attention directed at an object.
  • Listening to music to distinguish the sounds of different instruments.
  • Control over habits (gestures, facial expressions, filler words, etc.).
  • Mindful vision is focused attention to detail.

This list could be expanded, but with practice you will learn how to create exercises to develop awareness in real life. In the next section, we will move on to look in more detail at some of the techniques for developing mindfulness described above.

Our vibrations

Each of us is at a certain level of consciousness. It is equivalent to the vibrations that we emit. It has long been proven that all living things vibrate at a certain level and send their emotions into the world. Essentially, vibrations are our predominant emotions throughout the hour, the day, and our entire lives. It is believed that the world around us also vibrates and sends emotions in response. Everyone is familiar with “what goes around comes around” - it applies in this context, just not so literally. Scientists have proven that those emotions, thoughts (vibrations) that we send into the world return with double returns.

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Why raise your level of consciousness?

The level of our consciousness is like a glass through which we look at the world. It consists of all the emotions, thoughts and feelings that we have experienced, experience and carry with us in our heads, constantly scrolling through them.

Imagine that a person constantly broadcasts negative emotions: fear, dissatisfaction with life, hatred, anger at everyone and everything... Through such a glass he looks at the world and sees in it the same thing that he broadcasts. And if he raises his vibrations and begins to broadcast more positive feelings and emotions, his prism of consciousness (glass) will change, and the person will begin to notice everything positive in the world.

We work on anything and for anything, just not our feelings

Why, after the release of the film “In Love by My Own Will,” did viewers inundate director Sergei Mikaelyan with letters of gratitude? Why did they write that the picture helped them change their lives for the better?

It all started when Mikaelyan once came up with the idea of ​​sharing with the audience his method of dealing with difficulties. Several of the director’s creations suffered an unenviable fate: one picture was dubbed anti-Soviet and was not released on screen, another was also not shown due to sanctions from officials, and he was not even able to film the third. And then Mikaelyan, who got out of difficult situations by controlling his own feelings, decided to make a film about it, believing that perhaps it would also help some people.

His expectations were justified: the film became a “lifesaver” for many viewers when they began to follow the example of the main characters played by Oleg Yankovsky and Evgenia Glushenko. What is unusual about these heroes and why did many people want to be like them?

Igor Bragin, a former athlete and now a turner-sharpener, goes to work every day as if it were hard labor. Still a young and strong man, he is close to completely drinking himself to death. But one meeting unexpectedly changes everything.

“Mindfulness means that we commit ourselves fully to being present in each moment; inviting yourself to engage with this moment in full awareness, with the intention of embodying, as much as possible, an orientation of calm, mindfulness and equanimity right here and right now.”

– Jon Kabat-Zinn

A lonely librarian named Vera (played by Evgenia Glushenko) is initially perceived by him only as a source of money for a bottle of vodka. Not a single man pays attention to Vera, dressed very modestly, without any traces of makeup on her face, without a hint of beauty or grooming, and Bragin is no exception. But this gray mouse begins to tell him about amazing things.

She convinces him to fall in love... of his own free will. Fall in love with your disgusting job, with your unsettled, uninteresting life. It turns out that everything can be changed if you choose the right thoughts and repeat them until they become habitual. For example, instead of “I hate this job,” constantly tell yourself: “I love this job, it’s wonderful!”

Of course, Bragin takes Vera’s advice with hostility and says: “If only someone would listen to us... This is delirium tremens!” However, judging that things can’t get any worse than now, he agrees to accept the rules of the game. He doesn’t yet imagine what amazing events will begin to happen to him after meeting Vera.

The film deserves attention because it makes you think about a lot. Particular attention should be paid to the words of Vera: “We work on anything and for anything, just not on our feelings. They are like street children, they are left to their own devices. They offend you - you get offended, they insult you - you freak out, they make you laugh - you laugh. Where are you yourself?!”

This phrase is worthy of being written in large letters on canvas and hung in a prominent place in every home. So that every person, waking up in the morning, asks himself the question: “Where am I?” Here you will probably say that this is of no use, that everyone around you is serious, adult people.

Change the lens of perception

Thus, by increasing our level of awareness, we begin to live a happier and fuller life. We begin to see the world and ourselves in it more clearly, which makes it easier for us to make important decisions that are aimed at changing our lives for the better. We can already interact with the world without the anger, resentment and fear that are characteristic of people with low vibration levels. When we encounter failure, we no longer bury our heads in the sand, but trust the space of options, the world and ourselves. This means we are confidently stepping forward, which will undoubtedly lead to a more productive, happier and richer life in every sense.

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"Light at the end of the tunnel"

Is it possible that the entire civilization will quietly disappear into oblivion again, like a one-day butterfly and as has happened many times on this planet Earth?

Previous civilizations had options for survival. There are always options. All you need is the willpower to use them.

On the one hand, the Earth was a testing ground for certain aliens to extract minerals with the hands of the artificially created population of planet Earth and conduct medical and biological experiments on them.

But there is another aspect: some other Mind on Earth conducted a global experiment to identify the reasons for the sliding of an evolving civilization onto the path of global schizophrenia and complete degradation. Aliens and Freemasons are just the tools of this grand experiment.

Of course, I wouldn’t want to feel like experimental mice or rabbits.

Full list with description

  1. Shame (1-20). People at this level have very low self-esteem, feel humiliated, unworthy, inferior. They have paranoid thoughts that develop into phobias, depression and panic attacks. Some become cruel, nervous, angry towards life, and show aggression towards others. If a person vibrates at this level for a long time, he can become a socially dangerous subject who commits illegal actions against people. People with such vibrations are deeply unhappy.
  2. Wine (30). People experience feelings of remorse and guilt for their thoughts, emotions, actions and any other manifestations. They also feel the obligatory need to bear punishment for their unworthy life. A striking example of the manipulation of the guilt of a huge number of people at once is politics and religion. Vibration 2 is the vibration of human destruction.
  3. Apathy (50). A constant state of despondency, sadness, sadness and helplessness. People look at life hopelessly and treat it as a difficult time. Their vibrations are also low.
  4. Grief (75). Feelings of loss, sadness, sadness and regret are prevalent here. People who have lost loved ones, relationships, jobs, money, and so on often vibrate at this level. Life's view of the world is a tragedy. People are despondent and revel in their grief, unable to shift their attention to anything else.
  5. Fear (100). Emotions at this level are constant anxiety. People see the world as frightening and dangerous, and regular vibrations at the level of fear lead to paranoia and obsession. Vibrations - fear of life, other people, losses, aging, illness, and so on.
  6. Desire (125). The main emotion is thirst, not in the literal sense. I want everything: money, feelings, clothes, love, cars, power, health, what others have, and so on. Marketing and advertising play perfectly on this feeling. Vibrating at this level, people fall into slavery, because desires are endless. The outlook on life is often one of disappointment, because it is simply impossible to have everything. Desire is a higher level, because it motivates action.
  7. Anger (150). The level emotion is hatred. Anger develops into hostility and resentment. Vivid examples: disputes in the family, on social networks, in stores, and so on. This emotion can be not only destructive, but also creative. For example, societies fighting for various rights.
  8. Pride (175). Here we are no longer talking about positive pride that develops into joy. This refers to pride, condemnation, contempt. Vibration at this level leads to arrogance, comparing oneself to others.
  9. Courage (200). Confirmation of merit is a key condition. This is the first level of vibrations where a person begins to use power to create rather than destroy himself. The starting point is when we begin to wake up from sleepwalking. A person feels courage and begins to see the world as exciting, interesting, and full of possibilities. He no longer feels like a victim like in previous levels. This is the path to growth and understanding that our happiness is in our hands.
  10. Neutrality (250). The main emotions here are safety and trust. People look at the world unbiasedly, calmly and see its true essence. They react equally neutrally to successes and failures. There are two sides of such vibrations: on the one hand, acceptance and positivity, and on the other, despondency and detachment.
  11. Readiness (310). High level of optimism. A person accepts his life and the events in it, but not just neutrally, but strives to do something good. The strength of vibration at this level is intention.
  12. Acceptance (350). This is the second point where a person not only wakes up, but he has already woken up and begins to live consciously. The main vibration is the desire for growth and perfection. At this level, people have no judgment about life and others, no comparison and doubt. Here the emotion of forgiveness manifests itself, and the outlook on life becomes harmonious.
  13. Search for meaning (400). The main emotions are rationality and understanding. This level is also called the level of the mind. When a person strives to learn, find out, get to the bottom of the truth. His views on life make sense and he processes a lot of information.
  14. Love (500). It's about love for everything in this world, outside of it and for yourself. The feeling of love without conditions or reasons. People vibrate at a level of reverence, integrity, and intuition awakens. According to statistics, only one in 250 people reaches this level.
  15. Joy (540). The main emotions are compassion and serenity. A person lives in a feeling of inner joy, which arises regardless of the external manifestations of the world. It is believed that deeply spiritual people vibrate at this level, who have dedicated their lives to caring for the world and all living things.
  16. World (600). The level emotion is happiness. The line between reality and the spiritual is blurred. People who vibrate at this level become geniuses in their field and spiritual teachers. It is believed that only 1 in 10 million people reach this level.
  17. Enlightenment (700-1000). Level is the pinnacle of the evolution of human consciousness. People like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna vibrated at this level... States of merging body, spirit and mind with the entire space of options, a sense of existence outside of time. Awareness of life, how I am what I am.

Who is Osho?

First of all, I would like to introduce you to Osho himself, if you are still not familiar with him.

He used different names throughout his spiritual career. He was best known throughout the world as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. But in the last year of his life he began to call himself Osho, which literally translates as “teacher” or “monk.”

Osho is an Indian religious leader, mystic and spiritual mentor. A man who preached absolute enlightenment and liberation through meditation.

Osho wrote many books about self-development and enlightenment. His most famous works:

  • "Love, freedom, loneliness";
  • “Awareness. The key to life is balance";
  • "The Blue Book of Meditations."

I recommend that you read these and his other books and listen to his advice. I will voice some of them in this article.

Today we'll talk about:

  • What does it mean to be mindful;
  • Why does any person need to be in a state of awareness;
  • How to achieve awareness and spiritual awakening in 7 steps;
  • How meditations affect a person and why use them;
  • How to manage your own reality while in a state of awareness.

Read on, all the most interesting things are yet to come!

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