What is the basis of personal self-improvement

Self-improvement is the conscious work of personal growth and development. The process of self-improvement consists in the formation of certain qualities, skills and personality traits for individual interests and purposes. Those. This process refers to the development of certain abilities that contribute to subjective success and the development of new social roles.

The main thing in the processes of self-improvement is to focus not on internal sensations, but on modern trends, the requirements of life and society. Self-improvement of a person can take place in various directions, for example, development in a moral, spiritual or professional direction.

Self-improvement where to start

The need for self-improvement, to realize one’s potential, serves as the main motivating factor for starting to work on oneself. By and large, this process occurs automatically as one grows older and develops a personality. First, in kindergarten, we are taught basic rules of behavior and basic knowledge and skills are laid. Then we improve them at school, university or vocational school. Having started work, we master new techniques and technologies related to our specialization. In addition, we are constantly in society, therefore we acquire skills in communicating with people, influencing them, manipulating, learning to resolve conflict situations, etc. That is, every day the process of development “automatically” occurs. The ability to self-improvement is determined by environmental conditions. Of course, if we assume that a person performs the same actions day after day, then the development process stops. But it is probably impossible to create such conditions; one way or another, we are faced with something new every day. Even the flow of information from outside is the engine of progress. But all this is uncontrolled, natural self-improvement. Is it possible to set a vector while working on yourself? Self-development and self-improvement where to start? First of all, it is important to determine your goals, that is, the result you want to achieve: become a professional in your field, learn to draw, speak in front of a large audience, etc. To achieve the goals, you can use various methods, techniques, methods.

Systems of self-development and self-improvement

When considering the issue of self-development and self-improvement, each person has to make a choice of the path along which to move towards the goal. And here you can use some independent developments, or you can use existing fairly effective systems:

  • Falun Dafa system;
  • Qigong system;
  • Franklin system.

Falun Dafa system

The self-improvement system comes from China. It consists of 5 sets of exercises, which are accompanied by instructions for spiritual self-development. The main principle of the teaching on which the self-improvement system is built is: “Truth, kindness and patience.”

The exercises are simple, and there are no restrictions when performing them that prevent you from performing them. They can be done at home or outdoors, independently or in a group. The use of the technique contributes to a number of positive changes in a person:

  • achieving peace of mind;
  • slowing down aging;
  • cure for certain diseases;
  • improving concentration and attention;
  • feeling of strength, etc.

The main thing is to perform the technique correctly, calmly and smoothly, easily, in harmony with the inner “I”.

Qigong system

Another ancient Eastern practice based on meditation. It is believed that in such a state a person is able to understand the essence of the processes occurring in the soul and body, and realize the path to self-development. Meditation allows you to feel how the positive changes taking place affect your life and health.

Franklin system

The essence of the system comes down to the fact that a person must live his life without mistakes and mistakes. Minimizing losses, according to Franklin, allows you to achieve greater results. To bring yourself to this level of self-development, you need to get rid of bad habits, determine a list of virtues and perform them within a set time frame.

Ways of self-improvement

The path to personal self-improvement goes through three main processes: • self-knowledge; • self-development; • self-realization. Each of them is a stage that smoothly passes into the next.

That is, as we see, it all starts with self-knowledge - studying yourself, your positive and negative qualities, strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it is important to analyze your abilities and talents, which may not be realized to any extent at the moment. The conclusions obtained will be required to form the process of self-development, develop a plan and algorithm for further actions in working on oneself. First of all, it is necessary to eradicate the shortcomings that prevent the development of positive qualities and new skills. To achieve your goals, you will need to create a specialized step-by-step algorithm of actions. At the third stage, self-realization becomes an essential factor in self-improvement. You finally realize your capabilities, which need to be put into practice and brought to life. But without going through the previous two stages, the process of realizing your potential is not possible.

The desire and awareness of the need for self-improvement

Self-improvement is knowing yourself, your own personality, developing your potential and bringing your plans to life. Every person strives to change for the better, proving to himself his ability to do better. Such awareness and the desire to improve oneself are inherent in nature. Motivation driven by social needs, readiness for change and awareness of the possibility of development is aspiration. This is not only an incentive to action, but also a certain combination of the concepts “I can” and “I want,” the merging of which can do everything that a person is capable of.

The aspiration of the individual generates self-realization, perceived in positive terms, bringing pleasure to the department. It is important to find within yourself the desire to act, which provokes the embodiment of your potential. This is the main engine of an established personality, guiding in the right direction. Awareness of the need for human self-development gives a psychological impetus to moving forward.

The value and semantic base of a personality consists of several motivational factors, having realized which we understand the need for personality development:

  1. The desire for self-improvement makes a person better.
  2. Awareness of the spiritual world of the individual.
  3. Regulation of behavior in society, the process of self-education.
  4. The desire for art and creativity - poetry, music, painting.
  5. Building a stable life, starting a family.

That is, awareness of the process of self-improvement is the basis of human psychology and culture, giving rise to motivation to achieve a goal and the path to achieve it. The desire for self-improvement, as a fully conscious action, means the individual’s readiness to become better and more successful. At different periods of our lives, our understanding of life, as well as our desire for goals, differs. In childhood, a person strives to get a toy, in school years to understand the structure of the world and society. During our student years, our personality is formed, and when we reach adulthood, we strive to become better than others, filling our lives with comfort. It doesn’t matter which side of life you prefer - spiritual or material - it is important to develop yourself.

Ways of personal self-improvement

In the process of working on yourself, you can choose those methods of self-improvement that are more accessible and, most importantly, suitable for realizing your goals. One of the most effective for most tasks is reading as a way of self-improvement. The main share of all acquired knowledge comes from this source of information acquisition. Regardless of what is your priority in the near future, reading will allow you to gain knowledge that you can put into practice in the future.

There are other ways of self-development and self-improvement: • studying or improving already acquired knowledge of a foreign language (on your own, with a tutor, seminars, courses, webinars, etc.); • travel is a source of new knowledge, impressions, positive emotions; • self-education - accustom yourself to a correct and healthy lifestyle, to a rational and balanced diet, to a harmonious rhythm of wakefulness and rest; • eliminating bad habits and “parasite activities”, eradicating laziness and procrastination; • playing sports is a good way to throw out negative emotions and maintain health; sports are a possible source of self-improvement for every person; • visualization of your goals and dreams. Choose methods that are suitable for you, include them in an individual program of self-improvement and development.

You need to know what is stopping you from developing

Various factors contributing to this, such as television, tobacco, alcohol, drugs and so on, need not be explained. As a result, we have a sick, stupid and narrow-minded generation of people with a pronounced herd instinct and other people’s values, which are not really worth anything.

You can break out of this web only by stopping blindly going where they show you and doing only what they say. You need to think for yourself, choosing your own path that expresses a person’s individuality, and not the path to first place among the majority. And self-development is a key part of this path.

Self-improvement methods

Methods of personal self-improvement are: • various areas of self-development; • spiritual practices; • well-developed methods of influence, including hypnosis, self-hypnosis, etc.; • processes of self-analysis; • planning; • self-control; • self-education. Which methods to use is a choice for each individual. You can use already proven methods or develop your own, depending on the direction of improvement and your priorities. The main thing is not to make a mistake in selecting tools, so that the work process does not turn into a boring routine, delaying the results. You should not use meditation if you do not believe in it or do not know how to perform it correctly.

The best option is to combine several methods, such as planning and self-control, spiritual practices and self-education. It is possible that in order to achieve each specific goal, you will need to apply individual methods of self-improvement and develop specific strategies.

What prevents a person from changing his life?

It is always easier to find those to blame for your own failures and failures. When a person is accompanied by troubles everywhere, he attracts negativity to himself like a magnet, which means the root of the problem is in himself. The inability or unwillingness to recognize this truth often leads to degradation. He becomes nervous, dissatisfied, aggressive, and hot-tempered. Marriages break up, friends are lost, people are fired from their jobs. A person closes himself within four walls and withdraws into himself. He's depressed. Life went downhill. And it’s all to blame for his reluctance to look the problem in the eye and look for the cause of his problems in himself.

Fear of change

There is another reason why it is difficult to change your life. This is fear. Fear of the unknown. “I’m tired of work, the boss bothered me, and they pay me pennies. There is no more strength to live like this!” The way out of this situation is obvious - quit your job and find something more worthwhile. But these “pennies” are much more than pennies for a person. For him, this is stability, this is a guarantee that tomorrow will not be worse than today. And if a person leaves his job, he does not know what awaits him next, how quickly he will find a new source of income, and whether he will find it at all. This fear drives him and does not allow him to decide to take a serious step. And he continues to work, counting the days until his next paycheck and patiently listening to the boss’s complaints and accusations. But if he did decide and overcome his fear, he would soon find many alternative options, one better than the other. And this is a fact, because everything that is done is for the better.


You need to understand that a person is what surrounds him. The environment plays a significant role in shaping the personality of every person. The company in which he spends most of his time determines his set of qualities, worldview, system of life values, outlook on life and priorities. If in a company (colleagues, friends, family) it is common to drink, smoke, and swear, then it is unlikely that a person will be able to improve himself in an atmosphere where no one will understand or support him. There are two options: either a person leaves everything as it is, or starts life from scratch. Not everyone can break with their past life, abandon old “friends” in order to start living the way they want.

How to change yourself for the better when there are so many obstacles on the way? Everything is very simple - you only need a great desire and willpower.

Self-improvement strategies

Self-improvement strategies are divided into types: • standard; • copyright. Standard strategies include clearly defined norms, tasks, exercises, and techniques. The algorithm of actions is already predetermined and planned, which simplifies its application. This is due to the fact that the theoretical and practical parts have already been tested, errors and possible consequences have been identified. Take it and act! The author's methods are unique and cause a lot of disagreement among both specialists and users. But they are worked out for each person individually. The choice of strategy is determined by a number of factors: • the set objectives of the chosen direction of development (for example, for losing weight, a strategy of physical self-improvement is suitable, for career implementation - professional, for affirming philosophical beliefs - spiritual development); • the result of self-analysis, that is, identified positive and negative qualities, priorities, areas of self-improvement, etc. • studying the types of strategies to consider the possibility of adapting them to your needs; • opportunities for self-control and tracking the results of the work done. When choosing the right option, you can make adjustments according to your resources, needs and desires. Some people need training 5-6 times a week for several hours, while others need 2-3 sessions. Do not forget about self-education as the main form of self-improvement.

Why this site?

This project is my humble attempt to somehow fill the gap in modern culture and public life. This gap, in my opinion, was formed as a result of the fact that there is no generally accepted system in the world that contains a set of instructions, lessons, theoretical, practical and moral foundations that would most broadly satisfy the needs of the individual in self-development and in achieving harmony . This pedestal has long been occupied by religion and morality. I have nothing against either one, but I believe that these two most important social institutions do not cope well with the role of such a universal behavioral system.

Because religion and morality are too dogmatic, categorical, they say “what should be done”, but not “why it should be done”, they lack flexibility, they lag behind the development of mankind and are not based on the best achievements of modern science and society. I constantly see that people suffer and do not know what to do, where to go, because society and culture do not offer them any well-founded and sober decisions: the market for spiritual goods is replete with all sorts of movements and teachings, but little of this is what can suit every person. Because of this, we have an opening abyss of social extremes: we see many unhappy people, people dependent on their passions and desires, who at the same time believe that this is “normal” and cannot be done differently.

All this happens because, despite all the enormous value of education and training, no one tells the growing individual something like: “to be happy and balanced developed, you need to do this and that, because...” Unfortunately, there is no such thing. - a system of “spiritual, moral and mental hygiene” that would instill in people from an early age all the necessary important personal skills, teach them how to deal with boredom, how not to give in to emotions, how to control their desires and at the same time be content with what you have.

Such a system would be capable of nipping in the bud many of the causes of human suffering and misunderstanding, while it would be based on applied human experience, on science, and not on ancient myths and ideas. She would justify every point of her code, and not limit herself to just the imperatives “don’t do this, don’t do that, otherwise you will be punished.”

I am, of course, not so arrogant as to take upon myself the mission of spreading such a system to the whole world. Perhaps I am not able to change all of humanity, but I want to do this, at least with a small part of it. Such a system, even if it existed, would hardly be suitable for every person, for the reason that some do not need it: someone is looking for the easiest solutions and relies on teachings that will immediately give answers to all questions and They will tell you what the meaning of life is. So my idea that with such a universal system in place there will immediately be world peace is perhaps just a form of dreamy idealism and not true.

Therefore, this site may not be for everyone. How do you know if it's right for you or not? Let's figure it out.

Self-improvement techniques

Having decided on the methods and strategy for self-improvement, all that remains is to select the appropriate techniques: • mnemonics – aimed at developing memory and accompanying thought processes;

• visualization of the past – to eliminate blocks, fears, mistakes that interfere with the implementation of assigned tasks; • neurolinguistic programming (NLP) - independently agree with yourself to carry out some activities, even if not very pleasant ones, in order to overcome some negative qualities, for example, laziness;

• neurobics – the use of special exercises for the brain;

• art therapy – drawing with the aim of reflecting and destroying negativity, in some cases, mental healing;

• coaching – achieving set goals under the guidance of a “coach”;

• Hellinger constellations – a method for solving problems that arise in various areas of life;

• Socionics – the study of personality types and the relationships between them.

Again, a certain technique is suitable for everyone, which will help speed up the process and completion of tasks to unlock your own potential.

Where to start?

I started publishing a personal development plan. This is a system of sequential “steps” that you will go through as you move towards happiness and success. The plan is being developed in order to provide you with a consistent system of self-development, combining a set of materials related in meaning and logic, as well as exciting practical exercises. It will be like a game: you go through the first level (“step”), follow all the recommendations and move on to the next one. You start with the simplest and end with the most difficult.

Nothing prevents you from reading the articles on my website in an order convenient for you, but if you don’t know where to start, what to do after you’ve already started, how to test yourself, then I advise you to follow the plan. In addition, in addition to theory and practice, there are conclusions about the materials covered, a brief summary, this will help consolidate knowledge or help you if you are too lazy to read articles and want to understand what I’m writing about before reading them entirely.

As for the methods themselves, these self-development lessons do not imply any training! . I will not ask you to simulate some artificial situations, indoor exercises in order to develop your qualities, to train your abilities. I believe that life already offers us a lot of challenges every day that you have to cope with.

So there is no need to study in a “classroom” when you can train in the field. You will not need to engage in special training, but only lead a socially active life and react to what is happening there, and then analyze, draw conclusions and plan the further route of your development. This will be your training.

Self-improvement tasks

We found out what is necessary for self-improvement: • defining goals in accordance with priorities; • choosing a strategy in accordance with the direction of self-improvement; • applying suitable methods and techniques to work on yourself. All this together should be aimed at completing tasks that contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of skills: • read every day, a certain period of time or a planned amount of text; • visit museums, galleries, theaters, exhibitions; • take part in thematic discussions in groups, forums, seminars, etc.; • analyze the past every day, draw conclusions and let go of accumulated negativity; • watch your speech, try to construct sentences correctly, do not use filler words; • refrain from making critical statements about others; • try to always think positively; • get rid of the old, update your wardrobe, make repairs or simply rearrange; • master new technologies, not only in the IT field, but also in everyday life; • move more, play sports; • expand your horizons. Even by changing the trajectory of your journey home today, you have laid the foundation for a new neural connection in the brain, remember this.

Self-development program: sections on the site

The program of this blog includes the following sections; here it is briefly indicated what questions you will receive answers to there.

  • Will: how to manage your emotions, fears, not follow the lead of momentary desires, resolutely go towards your goals, achieving them, achieve financial independence, happiness for yourself and your loved ones, despite external circumstances? How to develop courage, determination, concentration.
  • Reason: how to develop intelligence, a critical mind, the ability to reason sensibly, give a sober assessment of what is happening, plan, analyze. How to achieve a broad outlook and developed erudition.
  • Health: How to achieve good physical and mental health, energy, well-being, good mood. How to get rid of panic attacks, depression and bad habits.
  • Jobs: How to pass an interview, how to find a job you like, when it’s time to change jobs, etc.
  • Meditation: how to meditate correctly, what is the effect of meditation, what meditation techniques are there, which one to choose, etc.
  • Myths: Myth Busting
  • Where to begin. Basics: Where to start self-development

My main ideas are outlined in the article 10 principles of self-development

Help for the project:

Individual program of self-improvement and development

How the process of working on oneself should ultimately occur is fully reflected in the self-improvement program. It includes the following stages of self-improvement: 1. The first stage of self-improvement is the definition of the ideal self, that is, the definition of what you are striving for, what you want to achieve. 2. The second stage is the “I-today” analysis. This process involves an objective assessment of the real self, with all its positive and negative aspects. 3. The third stage is determining directions for self-improvement. 4. Based on the previous three points, plan a step-by-step algorithm of actions, taking into account your resources and capabilities. 5. Move from theory to practice - start implementing all the actions today! 6. Get rid of a toxic environment, look for those who will support your endeavors. 7. Record results, analyze successes and failures. Don’t try to imitate someone or completely repeat someone’s success, strategy, methodology, become an example for those who are just embarking on the path of self-improvement.

Food for thought

I respect and appreciate your independence as an individual. I not only respect, but strive to expand the boundaries of this independence and freedom. Therefore, I am not going to feed you false hope so that you leave inspired, with sparkling eyes, but without any useful results for your development. On the contrary, I want to develop awareness in you, a sober understanding of your desires and goals, and provide you with the ability to control your fears, instead of parasitizing on them.

The information I provide through this self-development and self-improvement is aimed at gradual personality changes. It refers to working with causes rather than with their consequences. I need you to manage your fears, not turn away from them, seeking salvation in some soothing philosophy.

I don't want you to get rid of some bad habits and then replace them with others. My self-development lessons will help you eliminate the very cause of harmful addictions. I expect you to change inside, and not just outside, in the pursuit of harmony and order. And such changes do not happen quickly.

Self Improvement Plan

When creating step-by-step instructions, take into account a number of important nuances: 1. Planning work on self-improvement must necessarily take place in accordance with the chosen areas of development. 2. The algorithm of actions should reflect both short-term and long-term goals, the former will become an incentive for the latter. 3. When drawing up a plan, take into account the deadlines and mark the results of self-improvement. 4. Develop a project based on your capabilities and resources. For example, if you cannot afford to go to the gym and work out individually with a trainer, this can be done at home by choosing a suitable video on the Internet or using applications that outline training programs. 5. Calculate your strength; the degree of activity is not always the same. 6. Follow all the points of the plan, trying not to miss planned activities. 7. Pay special attention to daily rituals aimed at developing self-discipline, self-control and self-education. 8. Include different techniques and methods of improvement in your plan.

Our whole life is a process of working on ourselves, our own development and improvement. We can let everything take its course, or we can set the right direction for our activities and achieve success in all significant areas of life, and therefore become happy, live in harmony with ourselves and with the world around us. There is no limit to self-improvement!

Teacher self-improvement

Constant self-improvement of a teacher is a conscious, purposeful process of increasing the level of professional competence and developing important qualities in accordance with external social requirements, conditions of professional activity and a personal development program.

The processes of self-improvement of teachers are carried out in interrelated forms. These forms include self-education and self-education, which should complement each other and influence the nature of the individual’s work on himself. However, at the same time, they are considered two relatively independent processes.

Self-education is the conscious work of a teacher to systematically develop positive and eliminate negative personality traits and character traits. It happens in three directions. The first direction is the adaptation of one’s individual and personal characteristics to the requirements of pedagogical professional activity. The second direction is the systematic improvement of competence in the profession. The third is the continuous formation of social, moral and other personality qualities.

Professional self-education consists of the purposeful cognitive activity of a teacher to master special and methodological knowledge, universal human experience, and professional skills necessary to improve the pedagogical process.

Acquiring knowledge through independent studies is self-education, i.e. self-study. Self-education is one of the main aspects on the path to self-determination and self-improvement of an individual, since only through entering into culture does she create such an ideal image of her “I”, which is a kind of guideline in her movement towards a better self.

The main areas of self-improvement for teachers include:

— systematic replenishment of professional knowledge;

— improvement of professional skills;

— broadening one’s horizons;

— moral improvement;

— physical improvement;

- Ability to effectively plan your workday.

Self-improvement goals

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The processes of self-education, self-education, and self-knowledge will be carried out more effectively if the set (conscious) goals of self-improvement are taken into account. It is of interest to consider this issue by Yu. M. Orlov. Let us give a brief description of the goals of self-improvement.

The desire for harmony in our character traits. Every person has many character traits. Some of them are better developed, others worse; It may also be that one trait is overdeveloped, while another is in an “infancy” state. Each character trait has its own antagonist: optimism - pessimism, sociability - isolation, confidence - uncertainty, pedantry - disorganization, determination - indecisiveness, etc. Excessive development of any trait can lead to character deformation and affect behavior. When analyzing the development of our traits, it is important to understand how harmonious it is and what traits need correction.

Achieving agreement with yourself. A comparative analysis of what you are now with what you should be in accordance with your “I-concept” does not always suit us. Possible mismatch causes negative emotions (shame, etc.). This often leads either to adaptation to the social environment, or to deep self-knowledge, or to suffering, which may result in dissatisfaction with life.

Agreement with yourself cannot arise without accepting yourself as you are. To do this, you need to develop tolerance for possible discrepancies, try to change your self-image with subsequent correction of certain provisions of the “I-concept”.

Achieving harmony with the environment. The environment includes other people, the natural and material environment. The material and natural environment can be brought into agreement with oneself by changing them in the right direction and changing one’s attitude towards this environment.

It is more difficult to achieve harmony with the people around you. Agreement with them may be violated due to their behavior, individual actions, etc., which gives rise to emotional barriers and the manifestation of uncontrollable emotions. Self-improvement will consist of learning to control your emotions and, analyzing the situation, making logically thought-out decisions.

Eliminating bad habits. Habits are an integral part of our character traits. Bad habits often interfere with achieving life goals. Smoking, gluttony, laziness, jealousy, vanity, etc. not only block the path to achieving professional success and realizing life plans, but also interfere with communication with other people. To solve the problem, you need to know the mechanism of action of bad habits and be able to manage your needs.

Control your needs. Excessive satisfaction of individual needs leads to various behavioral anomalies. The desire for power, sexual promiscuity, etc. turn a person into a slave to this need, which becomes dominant; as a result, he cannot normally realize his other needs. Satisfying such exaggerated needs takes up a lot of energy - there is no longer any left for creative manifestations of the individual. Everyone needs to think about what need is so strongly developed that it suppresses his individuality and prevents him from living; how to reduce this need and, conversely, develop those that are necessary.

Development of abilities. To successfully perform professional activities, a person needs to develop certain general and specific abilities. Many general abilities can be useful in any profession (for example, the ability to think); some of them are transformed into private ones.

The development of abilities is also important from the standpoint of realizing human capabilities in creativity.

Mastering sanogenic thinking. To achieve the listed self-improvement goals, you need to change your thinking associated with deeper self-awareness. From this point of view, two types of thinking can be distinguished: pathogenic and sanogenic.

Pathogenic thinking -

This is everyday thinking in which involuntary imagination is transferred to negative images, which in turn contribute to negative emotional reactions. For example, if a person thinks about an offense, he begins to involuntarily develop a plan for revenge on the offenders. And this can lead to the appearance of such a trait as touchiness. A person with pathogenic thinking is characterized by retaining negative images and lacking the ability to consider himself, his condition, and his behavior from the outside. In this case, a person is observed to be involved in the situation even after it has passed. Yu. M. Orlov calls pathogenic thinking thinking that gives rise to disease. Therefore, it is necessary to think about how to weaken this thinking or get rid of it and master sanogenic thinking, which helps to improve the psyche, eliminate old grievances, complexes, etc.

Sanogenic thinking

(according to Yu. M. Orlov) is thinking that generates health. Its characteristic features are:

a) the dynamism of the connection of our “I” with the world of images that reflect life situations; the ability of the “I” to cope with these situations and be active when effective activity is required, to completely immerse myself in it, in creativity, in communication. In addition, our “I” can be separated from situations and images that are saturated with negative emotions;

b) reflection as thinking directed inward. It is carried out against the background of relaxation (relaxation), and this reduces the effect of a stressful situation;

c) knowledge of those mental states that are analyzed and controlled;

d) broadening one’s horizons and increasing the level of internal culture. Without this, it is impossible to understand and objectively predict your behavior, as well as the behavior of another person;

e) a high level of concentration, concentration of attention on the object of reflection.

Thus, mastering sanogenic thinking helps preserve and strengthen human health and directs his activity to creative activity.

Ascent to individuality. Let us remember that individuality is

this is a socially significant difference between a person and other people; the originality of the psyche and personality of the individual, its uniqueness. The similarity of people is caused by the fact that the process of socialization creates and maintains in each individual certain traits that are most adequate for a given culture. At the same time, with the development of personality, individuality matures in each person, which distinguishes him from other people. The process of self-improvement can be considered as a movement along the path of individualization. This process is associated with a bifurcation of a person: on the one hand, he needs to adhere to morality, the requirements of the norms of everyday life; on the other hand, he shows signs of individuality (love, kindness, etc.). It does not matter how they are implemented at a certain stage in the life of society.

Each person engaged in self-improvement must define his goals in such a way that in any case and under any circumstances, their achievement will contribute to success. These can only be the general goals that were formulated above. If we consider self-education as a conscious activity aimed at the maximum possible realization by a person of himself as an individual, then this definition of the concept in a broad sense covers both self-education and self-knowledge. The stage of professional training at a university is one of the most favorable for self-education. Next, the stages and methods of self-education will be considered.

Stages of self-education

At the first stage, the study of oneself and the compliance of one’s personality with the requirements imposed on it by society is carried out. As a result of self-analysis, you can evaluate: your abilities; depth and strength of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities; character traits; the ability of one’s own memory to assimilate new information; time of highest performance, optimal rhythm and tempo of activity, etc.

For this purpose, methods such as introspection, introspection and self-assessment are used.

Introspection. It is a person’s observation of various aspects of his life, allowing him to record their manifestations (experiences, thoughts, feelings, etc.). This method is necessary for a meaningful approach to self-education. It is of particular importance in mastering social experience.

Introspection. Adolescence, in which a person prepares for professional activity, is characterized by two main positions of the individual in interaction with the outside world: the “position of subjective realism” and the “position of maximalism of independence.” Most young people believe that they know their abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and temperament well; They have excellent control over their emotions, know how to plan work time, etc. However, as practice shows, many of them do not know how to work systematically, establish connections between the subject being studied and other subjects, generalize the information received, and apply the knowledge acquired at the university in their activities; Only a few are able to control their attention, quickly tune in to learning activities, switch from one type of activity to another, separate the main from the unimportant, and independently find the necessary information.

Unable to correctly analyze their qualities, abstract them from unity with their actions, and recognize them as improvement of their personality, young people become subjective in their self-esteem.

The teacher’s tasks at this stage are: awakening students’ interest in their own personality; developing their ideas about self-analysis and self-esteem; focusing students’ attention on the fact that they need to analyze not only the emotional and motivational aspect of their actions, but first of all their activities and their results.

Self-esteem. This is an assessment of yourself, your capabilities, qualities, your place among other people. Self-esteem is one of the regulators of human behavior; a person’s relationship with the world around him, his self-criticism, self-demandingness, and attitude towards his successes and failures depends on it. Self-esteem influences the effectiveness of a person’s activities and the further development of his personality. It also allows him to see the discrepancy between his aspirations and real possibilities.

Various tests can be used for self-assessment, e.g. a system of tasks that allows one to determine the level of development of a certain psychological quality (property) of an individual. A test designed to determine a single property is called homogeneous.

A set of homogeneous tests related by a common concept or definition of various personality traits is called
a heterogeneous

According to their intended purpose, the following types of tests can be distinguished: achievement tests, intelligence tests, creativity tests, criterion-oriented tests, personality tests.

Achievement Tests –

These are methods of psychological diagnostics that reveal the test subject’s level of mastery of specific knowledge, skills and abilities. There are action tests, written tests and oral tests.

Intelligence tests –

methods of psychological diagnostics designed to identify the mental potential of an individual. The success of the test subject is determined by the number of correctly completed tasks, which allows one to derive the IQ.

Creativity tests –

this is a set of methods for studying and assessing the creative abilities of an individual. Among intellectual abilities, the ability to express unusual ideas, deviate from traditional thinking patterns, and quickly solve problem situations stands out. This is creativity (creation, creation). Factors of creative achievements are studied in two directions: life experience and individual characteristics of a creative personality (personal factors); creative thinking and its products. The factors of creativity include speed, clarity and flexibility of thinking, and constructive solving of creative problems.

Criteria-Based Tests –

These are methods of psychological diagnostics that reveal the extent to which the subject has the knowledge, skills and abilities of mental actions that are necessary and sufficient to perform certain educational or professional tasks. By their essence, these tests are a feedback tool in organizing the learning process.

Personality tests –

These are methods of psychological diagnostics, with the help of which various aspects of an individual’s personality are assessed: attitudes, values, relationships, emotional, motivational and interpersonal properties, typical forms of behavior.

The following types of personality tests are distinguished: 1) rating scales and questionnaires; 2) situational or performance tests using perceptual, cognitive or evaluative tasks; 3) projective tests based on the psychological interpretation of the results of personality design.

The natural conclusion of the first stage may be a person’s self-actualization, i.e., the desire for the fullest possible identification and development of one’s personal capabilities.

At the second stage , a self-education program is developed, where its goal is determined, which is implemented by solving specific problems. The purpose of self-education follows from the requirements placed on the individual by society. The main goal is to form oneself as a comprehensively developed personality, a highly qualified specialist who has deeply studied theoretical disciplines, knows how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, and correctly build relationships within the team. In other words, at this stage it is important to roughly anticipate your development.

Clearly imagining what he can become as a result of self-education, the student outlines a sequence of actions in working on himself and creates a certain system. The system of self-education is understood as setting general and specific goals, organizing work on oneself, and using its various forms, methods and means. Systematicity in working on oneself is axiomatic: it is well known that without a system it is impossible to achieve a high level of scientific knowledge, to develop in oneself certain qualities necessary for establishing normal interpersonal relationships in a team.

When setting specific goals for self-education, you need to focus on the initial level of personality development and consistently achieve the expected result. The mistakes of those starting to engage in self-education are: 1) setting unrealistic, impossible goals, without taking into account their capabilities; 2) an attempt to solve several problems simultaneously; 3) ignoring the time factor necessary to consolidate and automate the skills being developed.

In order to help students develop a professional self-education program, they are offered the following form as an option (Table 3).

Another option for a self-education program is professional self-education for a future teacher. Three blocks of personality traits can be distinguished here.

I. General personality qualities:

1) citizenship, morality;

2) pedagogical morality, pedagogical beliefs.

II. Professional quality:

1) theoretical and methodological training in the specialty;

2) psychological and pedagogical preparedness for professional activities;

3) level of development of pedagogical skills and abilities.

III. Individual personality qualities:

1) features of the manifestation of cognitive processes, their pedagogical orientation;

2) emotional and moral responsiveness;

3) culture of temperament;

4) strong-willed qualities, etc.


Self-education program form (option)

No.Direction of professional self-educationProgram
Self-education tasksWays, means, methods of self-educationMarks of achieved results
1.Improving general qualities and personality traits
2.Improving professional qualities: a) self-education in the specialty; b) development of professional knowledge, skills, abilities
3.Development of individual traits: a) mental properties of the individual; b) culture of temperament
4.Health promotion

Naturally, there may be other options for developing a self-education program.

At the third stage, the developed self-education program is implemented. It provides for the formation in students of a conscious desire for self-education, the integrated use of self-education methods and the organization of practical classes to master them.

A teacher managing the process of self-education of students must:

— inform students about the features of professional pedagogical training, about typical difficulties that arise in the process of independent work on educational material, about the psychological characteristics of mental activity, and various types of human character;

— characterize the system of self-education as a pedagogical category and talk about its significance in the individual’s work on himself;

— conduct a course of conversations and lectures with students on the use of self-education methods and organize practical classes to master them;

— regulate the process of integrated application of these methods;

- create a natural environment in the classroom that promotes positive interaction between the teacher and the learning group.

Regulation of the process of mastering self-education methods and mastering them in practice can be carried out by the teacher directly during training sessions.

At first, the teacher, as a rule, is faced with a passive attitude of students towards information about the goals and methods of self-education, since they believe that it is not necessary to be able to manage themselves. The realization of the effectiveness of such activities comes later, when students are convinced of the importance of self-government. This occurs after achieving certain positive results.

At the third stage, the entire system of self-education methods is used.

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A special type of self-development

In the modern process of humanization of public life and society itself, one of the main roles is assigned to creativity. Despite the general picture of the educational system, in which there is practically no place left for creative disciplines, creativity itself continues to develop at the level of industry and the service sector, and a person has no choice but to resort to creative self-development.

The term “creative self-development” hides several concepts:

  1. The process of cognition, creative transformation, development and self-improvement.
  2. A special type of activity, the final result of which is a certain creative object.
  3. Development of the personality as a whole in the totality of its inherent qualities and needs.

In most cases when the term is used, the second concept is implied, so it is worth taking a closer look at it. To develop creatively, you need:

  • Tune in to creative thinking, that is, set yourself the goal of achieving a completely new result.
  • Create something, bring something new to activity.
  • Take courses to develop your own skills.
  • Observe the creative process of children, since children's creativity is free from unnecessary conventions and the perception of an adult.
  • Activate thinking through full use of all senses.
  • Come up with new uses and purposes for things.

But the most important thing that needs to be done on the path of self-development is to destroy the standards and boundaries in your own behavior model.

The emergence of a need for self-development

The driving force that pushes a person on the path of self-development is dissatisfaction with the existing situation and constantly emerging needs of the individual that require logical resolution. In addition, the most common factors that encourage an individual to self-development include:

  • Correctly organized by the family educational process of a child and adolescent.
  • Examples of people around you.
  • Assessment of society.
  • A person's desire to recognize himself as an individual.
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