Strategies for behavior in conflict - what methods exist

In everyday life, it is difficult to avoid conflict situations; they can appear at home or in the work team. Each person has his own character and temperament, some find it easier to make concessions, others will defend their point of view to the last. To avoid unpleasant situations and showdowns, you need to know how to behave with different people.

Two men at work


Rivalry is a type of behavior when a subject strives to satisfy his own interests, causing damage to the interests of the opposing subject. Following the presented strategy, a person is confident that only one participant can gain the upper hand in a conflict, and victory for one will always mean defeat for the other. A person who prefers competition will “push his line” in every way available to him. They will not take into account the opposite position.

Basic human actions with the “Competition” strategy

  • Tight control over your opponent's actions
  • Constant and deliberate pressure on an opponent by any means
  • The use of deception and tricks to create an advantage in one’s favor
  • Provoking your opponent to make mistakes and ill-considered steps
  • Reluctance to engage in constructive dialogue due to overconfidence

Pros and cons of the “Rivalry” strategy

Rigidly defending one's position can, of course, help the subject gain the upper hand in the event of a conflict. But such a strategy cannot be applied if the subsequent interaction of people involves long-term relationships, for example, joint work, friendship, love. After all, relationships can develop and generally have the right to exist only if the desires and interests of all people are taken into account, and the defeat of one will mean defeat for everyone. Therefore, if the person with whom you have a conflict is dear to you or the relationship with him is important to you for some reason, it is better not to use the strategy of competition to resolve the conflict.


Conflict situations with loved ones

Family and friends are the closest people, relationships with whom play an important role in our lives. Therefore, when disagreements arise, it is important to maintain good relationships with these people. Rivalry in such conflicts will be inappropriate. The most correct decision would be to compromise or start negotiations and satisfy the interests of all parties.

In some situations, it is better to remain silent, avoid a showdown (often the problem resolves itself), or choose an accommodation when the outcome of the conflict is extremely important for a loved one.

An environmental quarrel or how to resolve a conflict peacefully.


Adaptation as a way of behavior in a conflict is characterized by the fact that the subject is ready to put his needs, desires and interests into the background and make concessions to the opponent in order to prevent confrontation. This strategy is often chosen by people with low self-esteem, insecure and who believe that their position and opinion should not be taken into account.

Basic human actions with the “Adaptation” strategy

  • Constant agreement with the opponent’s demands to please him
  • Active demonstration of a passive position
  • No claim to victory and resistance
  • Flattery, pandering to the opponent

Pros and cons of the Accommodation strategy

In the event that the subject of the conflict is not particularly important, and the main thing is to maintain constructive interaction, allowing the person to gain the upper hand, thereby asserting himself, can be the most effective way to resolve the conflict. However, if the cause of the conflict is something significant, something that affects the feelings of all people involved in the conflict, then such a strategy will not bring the desired result. In this case, the result will be only negative emotions of the one who made concessions, and all trust, mutual understanding and respect between the participants may completely disappear.


Analysis of the situation

First, it is necessary to analyze what happened and understand what reasons could lead to such a development of events. In addition, you must understand the degree of danger that threatens you at the moment.

There is no need to think that what happened was provoked only by the need to prove the truth or by the circumstances that arose at that moment, since the problem could be much deeper. Your opponent could have harbored a grudge against you much earlier or stored his discontent for a long time, which led to quarreling between you. Having understood the causes of the conflict, you can move on to the next step.


The essence of this strategy is that a person tries to do everything possible to postpone conflict and important decisions until later. With this strategy, a person not only does not defend his own interests, but also does not pay attention to the interests of his opponent.

Basic human actions with the “Avoidance” strategy

  • Refusal to interact with an opponent
  • Demonstrative withdrawal tactics
  • Refusal to use force
  • Ignoring any information from the opponent, refusing to collect facts
  • Denial of the importance and seriousness of the conflict
  • Deliberate slowness in decision making
  • Fear of making a retaliatory move

Pros and cons of the Avoidance strategy

The “Avoidance” strategy can be useful in a situation where the essence of the conflict is not particularly important or when there are no plans to maintain relations with the opponent. But here again: if a relationship with a person is important to you, then avoiding responsibility and shifting problems onto someone else’s shoulders will not resolve the situation, otherwise it threatens not only to worsen the situation, but also to deteriorate the relationship and even its final break.



Compromise is a partial satisfaction of the interests of all subjects of conflict interaction.

Basic human actions with the “Compromise” strategy

  • Focus on equality of positions
  • Offering your own options in response to your opponent’s offer of options
  • Sometimes using cunning or flattery to gain favor from an opponent
  • Striving to find a mutually beneficial solution

Pros and cons of the “Compromise” strategy

Despite the fact that compromise implies satisfaction of the interests of all subjects of conflict interaction, which, in fact, is fair, it is important to keep in mind that in most situations this strategy should be considered only as an intermediate stage in resolving the situation, preceding the search for the most optimal solution, completely satisfactory to the conflicting parties.



By choosing a cooperation strategy, the subject of the conflict is determined to resolve the conflict in such a way that it is beneficial to all participants. Moreover, here the position of the opponent or opponents is not simply taken into account, but there is also a desire to ensure that their demands are satisfied as much as possible, as well as one’s own.

Basic human actions with the “Cooperation” strategy

  • Gathering information about the opponent, the subject of the conflict and the conflict itself
  • Calculating the resources of all participants in the interaction in order to develop alternative proposals
  • Open discussion of the conflict, the desire to objectify it
  • Consideration of opponent's proposals

Pros and cons of the Collaboration strategy

Cooperation is focused mainly on understanding the opposing position, paying attention to the opponent’s point of view, and finding a solution that suits everyone. Thanks to this approach, mutual respect, understanding and trust can be achieved, which best contributes to the development of long-term, strong and stable relationships. Cooperation is most effective when the subject of the conflict is important to all parties. However, it is important to note that in some situations it can be very difficult to find a solution that suits everyone, especially if the opponent is not cooperative. In this case, the “Cooperation” strategy can only complicate the conflict and delay its resolution indefinitely.

These are the five main strategies for dealing with conflict. As a rule, they are usually used in confrontations with other people. And this is quite justified, because... their effectiveness is undeniable. But, at the same time, other equally effective strategies, such as suppression and negotiations, can be used to resolve conflicts.

Options and models of personality behavior

There are three models of behavior in a conflict situation: constructive, destructive and conformist.

  • The constructive model has the goal of resolving a conflict situation and coming to a mutually beneficial solution. Its peculiarity is endurance, self-control and the desire to establish friendly relations,
  • a destructive model of personal behavior is characterized by a desire to escalate the conflict, distrust of the opponent, violation of ethical standards of communication,
  • conformist model of behavior is the passivity and tendency of the individual to make concessions to the opponent. At the same time, there is inconsistency in judgments and avoidance of pressing issues.

The most desirable is a constructive model of personality behavior. It is extremely rare that a destructive model is justified.

About personal behavior strategies in conflicts in this video:

Read about the types and functions of role conflicts here.


Suppression is used mainly if the subject of the conflict is not clear or if it has entered a destructive phase, i.e. has become a direct threat to the participants; and also when it is impossible to enter into an open conflict for any reason or when there is a risk of “falling face down in the mud”, losing authority, etc.

Basic human actions with the “Suppression” strategy

  • Targeted and consistent reduction in the number of opponents
  • Development and application of a system of norms and rules that can streamline relations between opponents
  • Creating and maintaining conditions that prevent or complicate conflict interaction between the parties

Pros and cons of the Suppression strategy

Effective suppression of conflict is possible if the essence of the conflict is not clear enough, because this will nullify the mutual attacks of opponents and protect them from senseless waste of their energy. Suppression can also be effective when continued conflict would cause serious harm to both sides. But when resorting to suppression, it is important to correctly calculate your strength, otherwise the situation may worsen and turn against you (if your opponent turns out to be stronger or has more resources). The issue of suppression should be approached by thinking through all the details.


Choosing the right strategy

Methods for resolving conflicts - what options exist, ways to prevent them

In a conflict situation, individual behavioral strategies produce different results. The choice of manner of action depends on the situation and the personal qualities of the person.


Suitable for:

  • When a person has authority, authority, or advantage over an opponent;
  • In the case of a built hierarchy of conflicting ones. For example, when one side of the dispute is the boss. Rivalry occurs when there is a younger and an older child in a family;
  • In critical situations, when a person has nothing to lose and has no other option but to compete.


In what situations is it reasonable to use:

  • The desire of one of the conflicting parties is superficial. A person will not suffer much if he does not get what he wants;
  • When a decision allows you to at least partially get what you want, at a time when competition can leave you with nothing. According to this principle, parents compromise with the child;
  • If all parties to the conflict have equal powers;
  • When there is not enough time to develop another strategy. May be a temporary solution until the next negotiations.


Which situations are suitable for:

  • When the goal is to establish calm, bring relationships back to normal;
  • In family quarrels, when a good attitude is more important than defending your opinion;
  • One of the conflicting parties is confident that he is right and understands that he will not suffer if he gives in;
  • One side does not have the opportunity to win the dispute. For example, a schoolchild or student cannot conflict with a teacher.


In what situations does it work:

  • When every point of view is important, but there is no way to find a compromise;
  • If both parties are committed to working together and are ready to listen to each other;
  • The parties to the conflict are relatives, friends, business partners who depend on each other.


The strategy is used when:

  • One side of the conflict considers the cause of the quarrel insignificant;
  • A person knows for sure that he cannot win an argument;
  • The person in conflict does not have enough authority to defend his position;
  • The person plans to stall for time to develop further tactics to gain victory;
  • The dispute involves uneducated people, manipulators who can offend;
  • One side understands that at the moment, disputes will worsen the situation.

Man swears


Negotiation is one of the most common conflict resolution strategies. With the help of negotiations, both micro-conflicts (in families, organizations) and macro-level conflicts are resolved, i.e. conflicts on a global and national scale.

Basic human actions with the “Negotiations” strategy

  • Focus on finding a mutually beneficial solution
  • Stopping any aggressive actions
  • Showing attention to your opponent's position
  • Carefully consider next steps
  • Using an intermediary

Pros and cons of the Negotiation strategy

The Negotiation strategy allows the warring parties to find a common language without incurring any losses. It is very effective because... neutralizes aggressive confrontation and smoothes out the situation, and also provides the parties with time to think about what is happening and search for new solutions. However, if negotiations suddenly drag on for some reason, this may be perceived by either party as avoiding the conflict or unwillingness to solve the problem, which may lead to even more aggressive offensive actions.

You should choose a strategy for behavior in a conflict as thoughtfully, consciously, and taking into account the specifics of the situation itself. A correctly chosen strategy will give maximum results, while an incorrectly chosen one, on the contrary, can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, once again carefully study this material and try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice even in small things, because by learning to resolve small conflicts, you will be able to effectively influence large ones. And remember that it is best to prevent the emergence of a conflict situation than to eliminate an already “raging flame.”

Peace to your home!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Mintzberg's 5 Ps Strategy for Business Strategy
  • Conflicts and strategies for dealing with them
  • Game theory: history and application
  • Negotiation Matrix
  • Eldred's Power Strategy
  • Resolving business conflicts
  • Thomas Questionnaire for Behavior in Conflict
  • Rules for tough negotiations
  • How to Deal with Conflicts of Interest
  • Porter's Five Forces in Business

Key words:1Communication


It happens that a conflict has occurred. And so, day after day, the person moves away, and the relationship fades away. And after a short period of time it is almost impossible to remember where it all began. We lose friends, loved ones, relationships... Or maybe we just need to learn the rules of behavior in conflict and not take it too far? What prevents us from hearing each other:

  • Orders and commands (they always cause negative feelings)
  • Warnings, threats (if you do this again...)
  • Morality, teachings (they cause boredom, and then aggression and guilt)
  • Tips and ready-made solutions. (If I were you... I didn’t listen, so...) Advice doesn’t work because it’s always “from above”, and that’s why they’re annoying.
  • Proofs, notations and conclusions (cause fight and revenge)
  • Criticism, reprimands, accusations. (All because of you... forever you...)
  • Evaluative praise. (You don’t need to say: “Well done!”, it would be more correct: I think you... I like that you....)
  • Name-calling and ridicule (even humorous!)
  • Guesses and interpretations (I see right through you... I told you so...)
  • Questioning and Investigation
  • Making jokes or avoiding a conversation.

In order to be able to effectively resolve conflict situations, a person simply needs to know how to behave when they arise, i.e. be able to choose a manner of behavior that is most suitable for the characteristics of each specific situation. But many people always behave the same way during conflict interactions, having absolutely no idea that they can change the strategy of their behavior. It is about strategies for behavior in conflict that we will talk about today. But first, it is worth saying that one of the most prominent conflict experts, Kenneth Thomas, divided all types of behavior in conflict situations into two main areas - the desire of the subject of the conflict to defend his personal interests and the desire of the subject of the conflict to take into account the interests of other people. It is on the basis of these criteria that we can identify the main strategies of people’s behavior in conflict. There are five of them in total:

  • Rivalry
  • Device
  • Evasion
  • Compromise
  • Cooperation
  • Suppression
  • Negotiation

Basic strategies of behavior in conflict Rivalry Rivalry is a type of behavior when a subject strives to satisfy his own interests, causing damage to the interests of the opposing subject. Following the presented strategy, a person is confident that only one participant can gain the upper hand in a conflict, and victory for one will always mean defeat for the other. A person who prefers competition will “push his line” in every way available to him. They will not take into account the opposite position. Basic human actions with the “Competition” strategy

  • Tight control over your opponent's actions
  • Constant and deliberate pressure on an opponent by any means
  • The use of deception and tricks to create an advantage in one’s favor
  • Provoking your opponent to make mistakes and ill-considered steps
  • Reluctance to engage in constructive dialogue due to overconfidence

Pros and cons of the “Rivalry” strategy Rigidly defending one’s position, of course, can help the subject gain the upper hand in the event of a conflict. But such a strategy cannot be applied if the subsequent interaction of people involves long-term relationships, for example, joint work, friendship, love. After all, relationships can develop and generally have the right to exist only if the desires and interests of all people are taken into account, and the defeat of one will mean defeat for everyone. Therefore, if the person with whom you have a conflict is dear to you or the relationship with him is important to you for some reason, it is better not to use the strategy of competition to resolve the conflict. Adaptation Adaptation as a way of behavior in a conflict is characterized by the fact that the subject is ready to put his needs, desires and interests into the background and make concessions to the opponent in order to prevent confrontation. This strategy is often chosen by people with low self-esteem, insecure and who believe that their position and opinion should not be taken into account. Basic human actions with the “Adaptation” strategy

  • Constant agreement with the opponent’s demands to please him
  • Active demonstration of a passive position
  • No claim to victory and resistance
  • Flattery, pandering to the opponent

Pros and cons of the “Accommodation” strategy In the event that the subject of the conflict is not particularly important, and the main thing is to maintain constructive interaction, allowing the person to gain the upper hand, thereby asserting himself, can be the most effective way to resolve the conflict. However, if the cause of the conflict is something significant, something that affects the feelings of all people involved in the conflict, then such a strategy will not bring the desired result. In this case, the result will be only negative emotions of the one who made concessions, and all trust, mutual understanding and respect between the participants may completely disappear. Avoidance The essence of this strategy is that a person tries to do everything possible to postpone conflict and important decisions until later. With this strategy, a person not only does not defend his own interests, but also does not pay attention to the interests of his opponent. Basic human actions with the “Avoidance” strategy

  • Refusal to interact with an opponent
  • Demonstrative withdrawal tactics
  • Refusal to use force
  • Ignoring any information from the opponent, refusing to collect facts
  • Denial of the importance and seriousness of the conflict
  • Deliberate slowness in decision making
  • Fear of making a retaliatory move

Pros and cons of the “Avoidance” strategy The “Avoidance” strategy can be useful in a situation where the essence of the conflict is not particularly important or when there are no plans to maintain relations with the opponent. But here again: if a relationship with a person is important to you, then avoiding responsibility and shifting problems onto someone else’s shoulders will not resolve the situation, otherwise it threatens not only to worsen the situation, but also to deteriorate the relationship and even its final break. Compromise Compromise is a partial satisfaction of the interests of all subjects of conflict interaction. Basic human actions with the “Compromise” strategy

  • Focus on equality of positions
  • Offering your own options in response to your opponent’s offer of options
  • Sometimes using cunning or flattery to gain favor from an opponent
  • Striving to find a mutually beneficial solution

Pros and cons of the “Compromise” strategy Despite the fact that compromise implies satisfying the interests of all subjects of conflict interaction, which, in fact, is fair, it is important to keep in mind that in most situations this strategy should be considered only as an intermediate stage in resolving the situation, preceding the search for the most optimal solution that completely suits the conflicting parties. Cooperation By choosing a cooperation strategy, the subject of the conflict is determined to resolve the conflict in such a way that it is beneficial to all participants. Moreover, here the position of the opponent or opponents is not simply taken into account, but there is also a desire to ensure that their demands are satisfied as much as possible, as well as one’s own. Basic human actions with the “Cooperation” strategy

  • Gathering information about the opponent, the subject of the conflict and the conflict itself
  • Calculating the resources of all participants in the interaction in order to develop alternative proposals
  • Open discussion of the conflict, the desire to objectify it
  • Consideration of opponent's proposals

Pros and cons of the “Cooperation” strategy Cooperation is focused mainly on understanding the opposing position, paying attention to the opponent’s point of view and finding a solution that suits everyone. Thanks to this approach, mutual respect, understanding and trust can be achieved, which best contributes to the development of long-term, strong and stable relationships. Cooperation is most effective when the subject of the conflict is important to all parties. However, it is important to note that in some situations it can be very difficult to find a solution that suits everyone, especially if the opponent is not cooperative. In this case, the “Cooperation” strategy can only complicate the conflict and delay its resolution indefinitely. These are the five main strategies for dealing with conflict. As a rule, they are usually used in confrontations with other people. And this is quite justified, because... their effectiveness is undeniable. But, at the same time, other equally effective strategies, such as suppression and negotiations, can be used to resolve conflicts.

Suppression Suppression is used mainly if the subject of the conflict is not clear or if it has entered a destructive phase, i.e. has become a direct threat to the participants; and also when it is impossible to enter into an open conflict for any reason or when there is a risk of “falling face down in the mud”, losing authority, etc. Basic human actions with the “Suppression” strategy

  • Targeted and consistent reduction in the number of opponents
  • Development and application of a system of norms and rules that can streamline relations between opponents
  • Creating and maintaining conditions that prevent or complicate conflict interaction between the parties

Pros and cons of the “Suppression” strategy Effective suppression of a conflict is possible if the essence of the conflict is not clear enough, because this will nullify the mutual attacks of opponents and protect them from senseless waste of their energy. Suppression can also be effective when continued conflict would cause serious harm to both sides. But when resorting to suppression, it is important to correctly calculate your strength, otherwise the situation may worsen and turn against you (if your opponent turns out to be stronger or has more resources). The issue of suppression should be approached by thinking through all the details. Negotiations Negotiation is one of the most common conflict resolution strategies. With the help of negotiations, both micro-conflicts (in families, organizations) and macro-level conflicts are resolved, i.e. conflicts on a global and national scale. Basic human actions with the “Negotiations” strategy

  • Focus on finding a mutually beneficial solution
  • Stopping any aggressive actions
  • Showing attention to your opponent's position
  • Carefully consider next steps
  • Using an intermediary

Pros and cons of the “Negotiations” strategy The “Negotiations” strategy allows the warring parties to find a common language without incurring any losses. It is very effective because... neutralizes aggressive confrontation and smoothes out the situation, and also provides the parties with time to think about what is happening and search for new solutions. However, if negotiations suddenly drag on for some reason, this may be perceived by either party as avoiding the conflict or unwillingness to solve the problem, which may lead to even more aggressive offensive actions. You should choose a strategy for behavior in a conflict as thoughtfully, consciously, and taking into account the specifics of the situation itself. A correctly chosen strategy will give maximum results, while an incorrectly chosen one, on the contrary, can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, once again carefully study this material and try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice even in small things, because by learning to resolve small conflicts, you will be able to effectively influence large ones. And remember that it is best to prevent the emergence of a conflict situation than to eliminate an already “raging flame.”

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