How to attract a hazel grouse with a decoy in the fall?

—> Hunting for hazel grouse is very exciting and interesting. The hazel grouse is a small representative of the gallinaceae order, the number of which is much more numerous than their relatives (grouse, partridges, black grouse). An adult weighs about 500 grams. Hazel grouse are forest birds, therefore, except in the forest, they are difficult to meet anywhere else. When entering the forest, you have probably heard more than once how suddenly and noisily this bird flies up, and its whistle with high chords creates a feeling of mystery and wildness in the forest.

Hazel grouse: lifestyle, habits, nutrition

As already noted at the beginning, hazel grouse belongs to the chicken family, the subfamily of grouse. This small bird got its name because of the variegated color of its feathers. It lives mainly in Europe and Asia. Thanks to such a sophisticated color, the hazel grouse blends perfectly with the nature around it, which makes it invisible to the hunter’s eyes.

Vegetation predominates in the diet; insects are also suitable for food. The bird leads a sedentary existence, not migrating anywhere when the weather changes.

Most often, hazel grouse live in dilapidated spruce forests, where birch and black alder grow. It can also be found in small copses if there are spruce undergrowth there. The bird settles in humid areas of the forest, located at the mouths of forest rivers and lakes, and swamps. If the forest you entered is clean, without old trees, spruces and swamps, then you will not find hazel grouse here.

The color of this member of the chicken family is very diverse and interesting. Considered as a whole, this bird has a predominantly brown tint on its wings, light shades of gray on its belly, and a gray back. All these shades are fragmented into bright spots (stripes) of black, orange, white and dark brown. There is a crest on the head, which rises if the bird is irritated. A scarlet eyebrow is visible above the eye socket. The only distinguishing feature between a female and a male is a small black spot on the male’s throat.

The wingspan and shape of the hazel grouse allows it to maneuver in flight between tree branches. The bird's wings are short but wide, which makes the hazel grouse's flight very noisy and fast, energetic and sharp. The sounds of wings flapping are somewhat reminiscent of the rumble of impending thunder. But when a bird simply maneuvers in the wind, its flight becomes absolutely silent. These alternations of noise and lightness sound very harmonious and interesting.

If a hazel grouse is startled from the ground, it will go to the nearest tree and hide there, carefully camouflaged. And if you initially missed its flight, then it will be almost impossible to simply find it with your eyes in the crown of a tree. At the slightest attempt to shorten the distance, the bird will suddenly take off and make a long flight that you will no longer be able to follow.

The food of hazel grouse is very varied. In summer it is the crown, shoots and seeds of trees and plants. The “Autumn Table” is replete with a variety of berries (rowanberries, lingonberries, blueberries). In winter, hazel grouse dilute their diet with black alder buds, birch and hazel catkins, and juniper berries.

As for mating pairs, hazel grouse are monogamous, and in the fall they choose one individual as a partner and nest together for the winter. In early April, the female builds a nest at the base of a tree or bush so that branches from the plant overhang, creating cover for the nest. One clutch usually contains about a dozen eggs. The color of hazel grouse eggs is pale yellowish with bright brown spots.

The chicks, having just emerged from the egg, immediately fly after their mother in search of food. The chicks' diet consists primarily of animal protein foods (ant eggs, spiders, beetles and other insects). The permanent flight feathers of hazel grouse chicks grow very quickly. Already a week after hatching, they can fly from branch to branch, and from the ground to the lower branches of the tree. With the onset of early autumn, the broods fly away and create their own pairs.

In the winter season, hazel grouse have chosen snowdrifts. They happily bury themselves in the snow - this is a kind of shelter from the frost. Birds leave their shelter only to get food.

As for the taste characteristics of poultry meat, it is dietary, white in color, tender, juicy and tasty. At the end of the 19th century, hazel grouse meat was very popular on the shelves of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Currently, the demand for this game has decreased, turning more into a sporting hobby. Hunting for hazel grouse is a great pleasure; you will hunt with pleasure, since this sport not only brings prey, but also plunges you into the world of the mysterious forest, lifting the veil of its secrets.

Hazel grouse hunting

The success of autumn hazel grouse hunting with a decoy depends on several factors: the behavior of the hunter during luring, the ability to use the decoy and the weather. The hazel grouse goes best in quiet, clear dawns. In cold and windy weather, hazel grouse do very poorly on decoys. The autumn hazel grouse hunt itself results in a dialogue with this forest hermit. Enjoying the solitude and silence of the forest while taking a break from the city noise and bustle. When moving through the forest, you need to choose a place to stop that is as open as possible, since the hazel grouse does not like to fly into clean places, and if it does fly up to a clean place, it mostly moves on foot on the ground. Hunting hazel grouse with decoy is not tiring, but the autumn forest with its colors complement it with vivid impressions.

Where to look for hazel grouse

The favorite habitats of hazel grouse are low spruce forests with an admixture of birch, aspen and alder. The bird loves clutter, ravines, and streams. He avoids tall pine forests and deciduous forests. The pair takes a liking to a square of approximately 400x400 meters, where the male tries not to let any of his fellow tribesmen in.

Hazel grouse character

He is contradictory. Caution borders on extreme gullibility, especially in places where the bird is not frightened. Having been well camouflaged, you can lure a hazel grouse so that it will literally run along your legs, and you can even grab it with your hand. The male is fearless and ready to fight for the female and his territory to the last drop of blood. The female also tries not to miss her beloved hubby, who is almost always ready to turn left upon hearing the flirtatious inviting voice of another friend. The female is often the first to appear on the decoy. And here the hunter must be very careful and shoot only after he is convinced that it is a male in front of him. And further. It often happens that in early autumn, the entire brood, which has not yet disintegrated, can come running to you in single file for a decoy. Lower the gun. It won’t be difficult to kill several birds with a couple of shots, but this is no longer hunting hazel grouse. Consider yourself lucky in this case to see this and unlucky in terms of hunting. You can, of course, scare away and catch birds perched on trees, but this can hardly be called targeted hunting with a decoy.

Weather for hazel grouse hunting

The hazel grouse loves quiet days: sunny or cloudy - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that there is no wind, rain or snow. In such conditions, you don’t have to go hunting. But the weather is good, but the hazel grouse does not sing, or responds reluctantly. So, expect bad weather. The bird is a good barometer and recognizes bad weather within two or three days.

Hazel grouse hunting time

Don't rush to get into the forest before dawn. By nature, the hazel grouse is a large dormouse. At a time when all the birds are already on their legs and wings, the hazel grouse is just waking up. He sits gloomily, ruffled in the thick of the trees, lazily looking around, as if the whole wide world is not pleasant to him, and is silent. You have to beckon for a long time and in a variety of ways before he decides to respond. Around 9 o'clock he begins to actively awaken.

Choosing a place and camouflage when hunting hazel grouse

Of course, when hunting you don’t want a situation where you can grab a hazel grouse with your hand. It is enough to stand behind a tree trunk or small tree to provide shelter. But you must stand absolutely still, holding the decoy constantly in your mouth, and only change it as necessary with a smooth movement of your hand. You need to stand so that you have a good panoramic view of the open forest with the least amount of spruce, in which the hazel grouse likes to hide.

How to shoot a hazel grouse

The barrels are usually loaded with the seventh and third numbers of shot. The latter has to be used when it is necessary to break through the natural screen behind which the bird has sat. Try not to let the hazel grouse come within 20 meters, as you will break it. Well, if this happens, stop beckoning and wait for it to fly away, but don’t scare it yourself.

How to attract a hazel grouse

Despite the seemingly simple melody, learning to attract a hazel grouse is not easy. It is not at all easy to bait well and without mistakes. But don’t be alarmed, everything comes with difficulty, and even a person who has no hearing can do it. You need to be able to reproduce three male voices: energetic, weak, chirping. And there are just as many varieties of female song: searching for a male and calling for a pair reunion; responding to the voice of the male when he is already in a pair; and playing along with the male when he begins to approach. It’s not enough to hear the hazel grouse sing. You must have a good teacher who will explain and teach you in detail how to whistle. He will also help in choosing decoys. Among the metal ones produced by our industry, you can pick up magnificent females, but you will have to make the males yourself from hare or capercaillie bones or ask craftsmen, experienced hunters.

You can beckon at the first or second pace. If the hazel grouse makes a voice, respond and wait for it to become active again, do not interrupt. If you were the first to start the game, then play it in this rhythm. Submit your vote again no earlier than 1.5-2 minutes. If the hazel grouse suddenly becomes silent, you should also wait. After 5-10 minutes, raise your voice again.

So, you're hunting and you've called a decoy. What can happen?

  • saw a hazel grouse;
  • heard feedback;
  • heard the approach;
  • heard stomping;
  • didn't hear anything.

1. Hunting hazel grouse with decoy - you saw a hazel grouse

It’s good if you saw a hazel grouse, but he didn’t see you. Don't move, don't change position and keep beckoning. If the hazel grouse notices you, you can safely leave. Remember the place, you can come back in an hour and start beckoning again.

2. Hunting hazel grouse with decoy - you heard the hazel grouse's response

This is where the fun begins - the fight. The hazel grouse accepted your challenge. What should not be allowed: falsehood in the voice. The hazel grouse has very good hearing, and he will immediately recognize a defect in his work. Inappropriate review. For example, you answered in the wrong voice and confused the call of a female with a male. Excitement. You start beckoning too often and this scares off the hazel grouse. We chose the wrong pace and tactics. We seized the initiative from the hazel grouse, which is absolutely impossible to do. They didn’t figure out who the opponent was, and they got everything mixed up. You should always start beckoning with the voice of a female calling for the creation of a pair. There are several options here.

The hazel grouse responded sharply and flew to the decoy. The situation is very clear. If you do everything right, the bird is yours. Well, if the male also chirps, this is a 100% guarantee of success, unless, of course, you miss.

It responds, but flies poorly. It could be a couple or a young timid male. The latter is easy to recognize by his quiet, hesitant voice. It is necessary to lure quietly with a female and under no circumstances with a male. If there is a couple, then you can continue to actively attract with the female, then switch to the male - the cockerel will fly to conquer the territory. This is where an angry husband might even attack you and ruin all your efforts. Therefore, you need to chirp in moderation—short and not long.

It responds, but does not fly. A mature married couple or hazel grouse is having a meal. Even the most seductive girlfriend will not tear him away from this activity. You have to make an approach, periodically beckoning, and shoot at the Uzerka. It's easier with a couple. It needs to be dispersed, and then, wait a little and, changing place, lure the male.

He responded and fell silent. You've messed something up and it's better to leave the bird for a while.

Many respond, a dozen or more hazel grouse, but no one flies. Congratulations. You are at a so-called bachelor party. Don't get excited because the chances of success are very low. You need to carefully get out of the pile and approach the last bird, shoot at the small bird.

3. Hunting hazel grouse with a decoy - you heard it approaching

The hazel grouse may not respond to the decoy, but may begin to conduct reconnaissance and actively fly up, creating a characteristic fluttering sound with its wings. It sits down noisily, and the more noise, the more aggressive the hazel grouse is in its intentions. An experienced hunter will determine by the landing and noise which tree the hazel grouse has sat on, and in a more sophisticated case, he will lure the hazel grouse to the tree of his choice.

4. Hunting hazel grouse with decoy - you heard stomping

In dry weather, if it is also frosty, the hazel grouse often runs along the ground, creating the noise of turning over leaves. It is not difficult to get such a bird.

5. Hunting hazel grouse with decoy - you heard nothing

You already know a number of reasons why a hazel grouse may remain silent. Add to this the appearance of a predator, and the picture becomes clear. But if you are firmly convinced that there is a bird, you need to do an intense chanting, beckoning the male and female with all their voices. This technique also helps: you need to shoot upward and immediately attract the female. The hazel grouse will respond immediately.

A few words about ethics and incidental situations. It is best to go alone when hunting with a decoy for hazel grouse, having warned your colleagues in advance about the direction and area you have chosen. Do not trespass into an area that is already being hunted. Do not settle down, do not help other hunters attract the hazel grouse. You can simply ruin the hazel grouse hunt and take the bird away from them if you lure more skillfully. A situation occurs when two hunters, not knowing about each other’s presence on the land, begin to call each other with hazel grouse, until one of them, first with annoyance, and then with a smile, notices the other.

Hunting at different times of the year

in autumn

The most convenient and successful game hunt in the autumn will be hunting hazel grouse with decoy. This is because in the autumn hazel grouse begin to actively create pairs, and therefore, especially the females, are not shy, but open and ready to communicate with a potential male. These decoys can be purchased in specialized stores or made yourself.

There is nothing complicated about making a decoy for hazel grouse. When purchasing a decoy for a male hazel grouse, it is advisable to make sure of the quality and reliability of the squeak extracted; it should be exactly like the voice of a female hazel grouse. And, conversely, to hunt a female, the squeak produced must correspond to the voice of the male.

How to properly attract hazel grouse in the autumn:

  1. For game hunting, choose a quiet, windless day, preferably without precipitation. If it rains while hunting hazel grouse, you will not be able to lure it with a squeak.
  2. Hunting for hazel grouse in the fall with decoy should begin in the morning, at 8-9 o’clock until noon. Then there is some lull between the couples. The next bird call should begin no earlier than 14:00 and before sunset.
  3. Slowly walk around the supposed bird feeding areas. After walking 70-80 meters from the “feeder”, give decoy signals and wait for the sounds of hazel grouse. DO NOT overuse decoy, because representatives of the chicken family are not entirely stupid, and may not fall for the frequent deceptive “screams” of your pika.
  4. Make a squeak according to the following pattern: 2 hazel grouse voices - 1 decoy squeak, and wait for the next cry of the bird.
  5. It is preferable to start hunting hazel grouse in the fall by calling a decoy that produces the voice of a female hazel grouse. Because during this period, predominantly male birds respond.
  6. When the hazel grouse responds to the call of the decoy, stand still, continuing to gradually lure it with the sounds of the decoy. Only after approaching 25-35 steps can you aim at the bird.
  7. Never shoot a bird at very close range. Point-blank hits will smear your prey across the foliage and grass.

in winter

If you decide to go hunting for hazel grouse with a decoy in winter, then it is better to do this before the end of November, because when the first frosts arrive, the bird will take refuge in the snowdrifts, and a regular decoy will no longer help you. Under the snow “blanket”, hazel grouse arrange shelters for themselves, where even in the coldest winter weather, the temperature in the shelter does not drop below -3-6 degrees Celsius. And in the cold, you will have to hunt game only when it deigns to go out to look for food.

On average, birds emerge from their shelters a couple of times a day, since the birch buds on which they feed are very nutritious.

In winter, there are 3 ways to hunt hazel grouse:

  • use special bird traps;
  • pull hazel grouse out of holes;
  • use a decoy when the bird comes out of hiding.

Bird “bunkers” are quite difficult to detect for a new hunter. They usually nest in them one at a time or in pairs. A distinctive feature of the fact that a hazel grouse is hiding nearby will be tracks in the snow and bird droppings.

Setting traps for hazel grouse is a very difficult and costly procedure. Having set the traps, you will have to constantly go around them, checking for the presence of caught hazel grouse. Therefore, hunting hazel grouse with decoy in winter is no less relevant than in autumn.

Ideal conditions for hunting

The best hunting for hazel grouse begins in the last ten days of September - the first week of October. All factors come together to create a beautiful picture:

  • Sunny warm fine days.
  • Abundance of natural food (berries, nuts and greens are still available).
  • High concentration of hazel grouse - statistics estimate that in the autumn there are five young birds per adult bird.
  • The birds are mostly active, looking for a mate.
  • The most important thing for a hunter is that the birds have not yet met him, and therefore are not frightened, they have no experience.

Until the moment when it starts to rain or snow falls, young hazel grouse will have time to: form a pair or become the prey of a hunter (the most preferable option for us). Those who managed to avoid such a sad fate become more experienced and therefore cautious.

If a pair has formed, then the pair begins to learn to hibernate. For example, he learns to eat exclusively birch buds. This food is characterized by the fact that it is excessively high in calories, and therefore is preferable for this period.

As for the last autumn and first winter months, during that period the snow that has already fallen in some places turns into snowdrifts, and the frosts only become stronger. Hazel grouse feed on birch trees and spend the rest of the time in the snow, in special holes. At this moment, they no longer respond to the decoy as willingly and actively as they did a month and a half ago. When everything around is covered with snow, the hazel grouse may fly in response to the decoy, or it may ignore this sound that was once attractive to it.

Hunter's equipment

Hunting hazel grouse will be successful if the hunter is well prepared for it. Equipment and a list of things needed for hunting are 70% of success.

Equipment for autumn hunting:

  1. You have to travel long distances to achieve your goal, so that your feet don’t get tired, your shoes should be comfortable and fit.
  2. High rubber boots will help in overcoming wetlands.
  3. Outerwear should be appropriate for the season, and be light but warm, without hindering the hunter’s movements. Equipment should not be exposed to wind and should be waterproof. The main feature of hunter's equipment is its ability to camouflage to the environment. After all, if the bird does not notice you right away, then this is already 80% of the success of the hunt.
  4. A small-caliber gun is your faithful friend and assistant in hunting. If you take a large-caliber shot, then there will be nothing left of the bird representative, since the hazel grouse is not large in size, and the meat is tender. The gun should be light and simple, so that it can be quickly reloaded and can fire several pellets in a row.
  5. Decoy.
  6. A compass is a must, especially if you are going to unknown places.
  7. Knife.
  8. Flashlight.
  9. Watch.
  10. Be sure to take the essentials from your first aid kit with you. There are all sorts of cases.
  11. Binoculars.
  12. Thermos, mug, water, dry food.
  13. Matches, rags.
  14. Accordingly, a good large hiking backpack so that everything you need does not bother you unnecessarily.
  15. Just in case, it is advisable to take with you a weapons permit, hunting license, passport, and money.

These are all the things you really can’t do without when going hazel grouse.

Different tactics for hunting hazel grouse

With a gun

If you choose to hunt hazel grouse with pneumatics, then the success of your hunt increases significantly.

The most important advantage of an air gun is its almost silent operation, which is an excellent guarantee that the rest of the birds sitting nearby will not hear your shot and will not fly away.

The calibration accuracy of the shot is much higher than that of a shotgun, which makes the hit clear.

But no matter how wonderful the pneumatics are, the hunter himself must also aim well. After all, if you hit a bird not in the center of its body, then the bullet can simply slip through the wing or tail without causing any damage to the bird.

From the approach

A member of the chicken family is a very lazy bird, so if it is not scared, then you can easily approach it at about 20 steps and shoot almost point-blank. But, if a hazel grouse notices you, it will fly up so quickly that you may simply not notice into which thicket of branches it has fled.

But, if the bird is sitting on the ground, then everything is much simpler. Even she was scared and tried to fly away, but she would land at the first lower branch of the nearest tree. If you fail to hit the hazel grouse again, it will rise even higher on the same tree, and you will find it sitting closer to the trunk of the tree than on the middle or edge of the branch. Try to make the bird think that you don’t see it, and gradually move (in a circle) closer and closer.


As for hunting hazel grouse by driving and driving, it is more of a group hunt, in which two or more hunters take part.

If we talk about the method of hunting hazel grouse by driving, it happens according to the following scheme. Usually two hunters are enough. One hunter walks along the river, and the other meets him. The first hunter, seeing the hazel grouse, scares it, and the bird rushes along the river, towards the second hunter, who is just waiting for it, and a shot follows.

Hunting for hazel grouse by driving is already taking on a larger scale in terms of the number of hunters participating in it. The beaters go around the place where hazel grouse gather on the other side, while on the opposite side the hunters form a chain of themselves. The beaters begin to scare and drive the game towards the others - this is how this method of hunting occurs.

With a dog

Going after a hazel grouse with a dog is more difficult, since the bird, like any animal, has a well-developed seventh sense. He smells the dog long before its bark and immediately flies away. If you still decide to try taking a dog with you as an assistant, then choose a spaniel or a husky.

A properly trained dog will help track down prey and report the find to the owner without barking or growling, and even take him to a valuable place.

Secrets of hunting hazel grouse with decoy

Hazel grouse live in low forests, preferring low spruce trees interspersed with aspens, birches, and alders. Hazel grouse avoid tall pine or deciduous forests.

A pair of hazel grouse has its own area where they live and breed. Both parents take care of the brood.

ATTENTION! Spring hunting for hazel grouse is prohibited! One female will not be able to “raise” a brood.

Birds jealously protect their territory from their fellow tribesmen. The exception is this year's brood. Grown-up chicks abandoned by their parents are not expelled from the site for some time.

How to attract a male

Having found an area suitable for hazel grouse, the hunter should choose a place with a good view, but rather secluded so that the bird does not notice it. The hunter should hide, and, being motionless, beckon. That's why it's good to have a squeak that you can use without your hands. In this case, the decoy is pressed between the lips and the gun is placed on the hand.

It is necessary to start with the trill of the female without a pair of “ti-uu-ti”. In this case, the following may come to you:

  • “owner” of the site;
  • single male;
  • a grown brood, recently abandoned by the old one, who for the time being live on the plot of their parents;
  • a pair of hazel grouse living on this site to protect themselves from invasion;
  • another female (very rare).

If the tactic of luring with the female’s voice was unsuccessful, you can try to beckon the male “tee-u, ti, ti, ti” several times. The following may answer your call:

  • a pair of hazel grouse living on this site to protect themselves from invasion;
  • the female who was left without a mate;
  • “owner” of the site;
  • a young cockerel that has strayed from the brood.

How to choose the right decoy

What and how to attract hazel grouse?

When choosing a decoy, the hunter follows his knowledge and intuition, so that in addition to the quality of the sound produced, the decoy is also convenient to use. For example, a metal decoy for winter is not entirely convenient due to the physical properties of metal in the cold.

The decoy can be bought in a specialized store, or made with your own hands. The material used to make semolina is varied: brass, plastic, tubular bone, metal.


  1. Brass (when the hunter himself makes an effort to extract the sound of a hazel grouse squeaking).
  2. Electronic (reproduction of the imitation cry of a hazel grouse occurs without the help of a hunter).

But it is a known fact that a hunter who uses a blow decoy gets more pleasure from hunting.

Making a decoy with your own hands is now also not uncommon. It can be made from the tubular bones of a chicken (rabbit), from a regular syringe, or from small tin plates.

Making a decoy with your own hands

From a syringe

To make a hazel grouse decoy from a syringe, we will need a medical syringe, a slate pencil, PVA glue, sandpaper, and a knife.

Stages of work:

  1. Take the cap from the syringe and cut off the tip (narrow nose). Use a cutter to make a small hole at a distance of one centimeter from the cut.
  2. From a pencil, make a blank for the cap about 1.5 cm. Then cut off the third part of this blank with a cutter. We insert the remaining part into the cap so that our pencil is located under the hole.
  3. Now we periodically whistle into it, achieving the desired sound. When the sound is found, glue the pencil blank to the cap. We cut off the unnecessary part of the cap.
  4. Now we insert the tip of the cap, which was cut off at the beginning, into the semolina blank and strengthen it with glue.

The decoy is ready!

From a pine branch

This whistle is made from a pine branch, which it is advisable to stock up in the spring.

  1. Take a branch 3-5 cm long, the diameter should not exceed 4-6 mm.
  2. Next, remove the bark.
  3. Use a utility knife to make a small resonating hole. Make the hole slowly, carefully, as it affects the purity of the sound waves.
  4. Make a cut along the branch to allow sound waves to pass through.
  5. In this form, we leave the semolina until the fall to dry.

From the femur of a hare (goose)

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Cut the front end of the pit vertically.
  2. On the other side, saw off the bone at a 45 degree angle.
  3. Next, cut a hole with a diameter of about 5 mm on top of the bone.
  4. Insert a piece of plasticine, clay or wax into the finished hole, and use a hot needle to make a funnel (gradually, constantly checking the quality and frequency of the squeak produced).

Now the whistle can be used for its intended purpose.

Types of decoys for hazel grouse

Before purchasing/making semolina, follow these simple rules:

  • It must have good sound.

  • It can be used “hands-free”, holding it only with your mouth. Why? When hunting, it often happens that a bird sits nearby, ten meters away, you don’t see it, but it sees you. We need to lure him again, and the decoy is in his hand. In addition, not every individual will wait until you transfer the decoy somewhere and take the gun at the ready. For this we need unafraid birds, which, as mentioned above, have grown considerably.

Today you can find the following varieties of decoys on sale.

  1. Metal . Good sound, however, domestic “hands-free” models do not work; moreover, in the cold they are very uncomfortable and quickly become clogged with condensation. Brass ones generally have the same disadvantages. There are adjustable models, but they quickly get knocked down and unwind easily. Therefore, experienced hunters recommend fixing the position of such decoys with electrical tape or tape.
  2. Plastic decoys . Available in both double and single. Excellent sound, not much condensation forms, the device itself is light, with a cord. You can whistle for several hours in a row. It is recommended to divide plastic double models No. 17 into separate ones, and in some way mark the one that is better.

  3. Decoy for hazel grouse Hubertus (Hubertus). Hubertus, made of nickel-plated brass, is very easy to use and reproduces the voice of a male hazel grouse quite well, however, like any other models, Hubertus has its own drawback. The Hubertus hazel grouse decoy is very capricious and often becomes clogged with condensation, the partition may fall out of it, etc. They are replaced under warranty, but after that, Hubertus often just throws it away.

  4. Homemade decoys for hazel grouse . They can be made from various materials (insulin syringes, various tubular bones, pieces of tin, etc.). The characteristics of such homemade products always depend on how well they are made. We will look at a guide on how to make a hazel grouse decoy from a syringe towards the end of the article.
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