Is honesty a character trait or a conscious choice of a person?

Honesty is the ability of an individual to express his true position (thoughts), to speak the truth under any circumstances. A person with honesty knows how to admit his guilt, is able to avoid lies and omissions in judgment when communicating with others. Honesty is a sign of a conscientious person who is able to control actions and words, be sincere, and not cross the line. A person with the quality of honesty avoids deception in any situation, without selfish motives to misinform the interlocutor. In contrast to a truthful person, an honest individual is capable of telling lies, but it is believed that at the same time he retains his property of being honest, since he himself believes in lies.

What is honesty?

Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is a character trait when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies and omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit that you are wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

Honesty problem

Honesty and decency are a stable inclination of an individual to fulfill important moral standards, the incorruptibility of an individual. Honest people are aware of the differences between right actions and wrong actions, between fiction and lies. People who have succeeded in the economic development of their life activities highly value honesty and decency and attach importance to them as factors of success in personal development.

Honesty and integrity are the basis of trust. One of its main manifestations is expressed in a respectful attitude towards individuals who are absent at the time of the conversation. A person who is capable of discussing and speaking poorly about the qualities of people behind their back does not deserve the trust of those present. A two-faced individual who is unable to follow the canons of decency and honesty will never achieve high trust. Even if he tries his best to adapt, fulfill his promises, be attentive to every little detail and strive for mutual understanding. Decency involves following the same principles of morality, of course, in every situation with every individual. It is possible that such behavior will initially cause misunderstanding and conflict. But later, when a person is able to prove the sincerity of his intentions, such behavior will develop into absolute trust in him.

The concept of honesty is narrower than decency. It is often said that integrity covers the quality of an individual's character - honesty, but is not limited to it. Honesty is the truth in words spoken and deeds done, when words correspond to actions. A decent person is able to adjust his actions to match his words.

Honesty and justice of an individual depend on even the slightest choice made every day. Therefore, only painstaking work aimed at self-development can bring a person closer to these especially valuable qualities of an individual. By bringing love into the environment, creating harmony, a person is able to quickly earn the trust of the people around him.

About types of honesty

There are two types of honesty - honesty with other people and honesty with yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely honest with yourself is very easy. However, it is not. Very often people fall into a network of illusions they themselves create and can remain in them for a long time. For example, there are cases when a person considers another person to be his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It’s just that the first one wanted to believe in this holy feeling, and the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important to never deceive yourself.

Now let's talk about honesty with others. What does this concept include? First of all, it is being true to your word. An honest person will always keep his promise and help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Cultivating Honesty

Honesty as a character trait is not innate, but acquired in the process of raising an individual. This property must be formed from the early years of personality development. The child’s entire environment should be aimed at raising him to be an honest individual with a mindset of fair living. It is in childhood that it is worth showing a little person how to be as sincere as possible, openly express an opinion, admit to committing actions, not be afraid of punishment and not be embarrassed to be exactly like that. A person must be taught to be responsible for his actions, and not be afraid to feel guilty and awkward. A child from the cradle is not able to show secrecy and cunning, or deceive. All his actions are the experience he has gained, thanks to the adults around him. Accordingly, truthfulness and honesty should be formed by the example of the actions of people in the environment of his life. An impetuous baby, ready to absorb like a sponge everything that an “immaculate” adult does, first of all, focuses on authoritative individuals: parents, grandparents, teachers or kindergarten teachers. Therefore, when choosing an educational institution, parents must adequately assess what their child can learn there. After all, it is directly in these institutions that the child first becomes acquainted with moral norms, responsibilities and rights, with examples of honest and truthful behavior.

Experts give some advice for successfully instilling honesty from childhood. First of all, it is trust in the child. If the baby feels the trust of adults, he will behave the same way towards them. In addition to trust, parents must honestly share events happening in life with their child. You shouldn’t lie even for the good, it will be difficult for the baby to understand. When raising a child, you need to show him that truth is what the world is built on, that it is useful for others. When communicating, there is no need to use the method of interrogating the child. At the same time, asking ambiguous questions that seem to push him to choose a lie rather than tell the truth, and subsequently receive punishment.

Explain to your child that he must be held accountable for bad actions committed.
And for honest confessions, the child should be rewarded: make his punishment conditional in order to show that a bad deed has bad consequences, at the same time, a sincere admission of guilt will show parents possible solutions and give the child the opportunity to correct his offense. Severe punishments, beyond the requirements and pressure on the baby indicate a misunderstanding between parent and child. As a result, the child begins to tell lies out of fear of being rejected. Therefore, the most important thing in instilling honesty in an individual is one’s own example and the love of parents. We are on Telegram! Subscribe and be the first to know about new publications!

Is it easy to be honest?

Unfortunately, being honest in the modern world is very difficult, since deception, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, avoid answering, or lavish compliments. That is why man has an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light to this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also a duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose to be honest. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” And they will be completely right in living according to the Lord’s instructions. Others, non-believers, can also be no less honest, since they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty is achieved in different ways.

Examples of honesty in life

  1. Tell the truth when guilty. Many have had situations where, having made a mistake, they were afraid to admit it to another person. For example, you were given something to wear. After a while, it accidentally tore so much that it is no longer possible to sew it up. Only a strong-willed and honest person will talk about this unpleasant situation, and will not hide and run in order to avoid “punishment.”
  2. Examples of honesty in literature. The first work that comes to mind is the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin. In it, the main character receives a love letter from Tatyana. Onegin honestly answers her that he doesn’t love her and they can’t have anything. The fact is that he is not looking for family life. The act of Evgeny Onegin can be called honest and noble.

How to become honest: tips

Human psychology is a complex, multifaceted science. Work in this area does not stop for a second. There are also some practical tips to help you become honest:

• truth to yourself; • taboo on other people's lives; • behavior analysis.

Every element on this list is important. Only scrupulous adherence to these rules will help achieve the desired result.

Truth to yourself

We are used to lying. And often time for ourselves. We make promises to quit smoking, play sports, and give up toxic relationships. But then comes the most terrible word, “later.” As a result, everything is postponed and delayed indefinitely.

Taboo on someone else's life

Each of us periodically likes to listen to or tell gossip. This gives specific moral satisfaction. So, you need to give up such a negative habit.

Behavior Analysis

Everything is simple here. We should analyze those moments during which we lie most often. Then it is necessary to minimize the risks of similar situations occurring in the future.

How and in what way is honesty manifested?

  • Business. Real businessmen understand that their reputation will be over if they are caught in a lie.
  • Relationship. The strongest friendships or marriage bonds are based on mutual trust. There is no place for lies in such relationships.
  • Calm. A deceitful person is more often nervous about the upcoming lie. An honest person will have nothing to be nervous about. This means he will be calmer.
  • Self-realization. Only if a person is honest with himself can he achieve success.
  • Upbringing. As a rule, children raised on lies may have serious psychological problems in the future. Even if they are not there, an adult, without telling the truth to his child, then teaches him to deceive others.

Is honesty a character trait or a conscious choice of a person?

Good health to everyone)) post inspired by comments from Gennadij Moshchenko

I want to talk to you about honesty. I don't want to speak in my own words. Why ? Because she sometimes interferes with my life and I don’t want to admit it. It turns out that I'm being dishonest with myself. Okay, here's what I found on the internet

Every person dreams of a kind and honest friend, spouse, boss, co-worker. Is not it? Kindness and honesty are qualities that most people try to find in other people, forgetting that first of all they need to be like that themselves.

What is honesty? Let's talk about honesty. It is worth trying to define this rather difficult concept. Honesty is a character trait when a person always tells the truth and tries not to lie under any circumstances. He avoids lies and omissions. Honesty is the ability to always admit that you are wrong, it is the ability to never make excuses, to be sincere in any situation. An honest person has a conscience that never sleeps, which strictly controls all his actions and actions.

About the types of honesty There are two types of honesty - honesty with other people and honesty with yourself. At first glance, it seems that being completely honest with yourself is very easy. However, it is not. Very often people fall into a network of illusions they themselves create and can remain in them for a long time. For example, there are cases when a person considers another person to be his most sincere friend, trusts him in everything, helps him, and years later it turns out that friendship as such did not exist. It’s just that the first one wanted to believe in this holy feeling, and the other simply skillfully took advantage of its principles. Therefore, it is very important to never deceive yourself. Now let's talk about honesty with others. What does this concept include? First of all, it is being true to your word. An honest person will always keep his promise and help in difficult times. You can trust him like yourself. He always speaks to the point and would rather remain silent than flatter and sing praises.

Is it easy to be honest? Unfortunately, being honest in the modern world is very difficult, since deception, meanness and betrayal can be found at every step. In most cases, they love those people who can cheat, avoid answering, or lavish compliments. That is why man has an unbearably difficult mission to bring kindness and light to this world. Honesty is not only a quality of character, but also a duty of those people who consider themselves highly moral. There are several reasons why people choose to be honest. Those who believe in God will say that the seventh commandment says: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” And they will be completely right in living according to the Lord’s instructions. Others, non-believers, can also be no less honest, since they cannot live otherwise. Thus, we can conclude that honesty is achieved in different ways. Honesty of a person also lies in the eradication of lies. He will try with all his might to prevent the other from lying, and in any situation he will strive to ensure that justice prevails.

Laws of the Universe Honesty is living according to the laws of the Universe. It is worth noting that they are all honest. For example, the boomerang law. He did a good deed - it will definitely return in the future, he committed an evil deed and, it seems, has already forgotten about it, but no, he will return, and at the most inopportune moment. Honestly, isn't it?

A little about straightforwardness However, it is worth distinguishing between honesty and excessive straightforwardness, or even rudeness. An honest person is always correct, although he speaks the truth. A straightforward person says everything he thinks about, without even realizing that his words are not always appropriate and can hurt his neighbor. When speaking the truth, be, first of all, correct.

Be honest and sincere, and then your conscience will always remain calm. Also, do not forget that you need to be sincere to yourself. Good luck to you in this difficult but very necessary task!

I won't ask you the question: are you even? just talk about honesty)

Question or no question) I googled quotes and aphorisms about honesty) choose any button)

and as always we poke - we don’t poke) we think - we don’t think) we speak - we don’t speak) we are kind and easy to communicate)

The meaning of the word "honest"

  • honest

    1. distinguished by the inability to lie, openness, directness (about a person) ◆ With another, burning and destructive passion, he sincerely and honestly continued to fight, feeling that it was not divided by Faith and, therefore, could not be resolved, as it is resolved with two mutually loving honest

    nature, into a quiet and calm flow, in a word, into happiness, in which, having been cleansed of animal fury, it turns into human love. I. A. Goncharov, “Cliff”, 1869

    2. characteristic of such a person; sincere, truthful (about a person, his character, thoughts, actions) ◆ - Okay, I don’t want to insist that you spoil your honest

    custom, but you can help me by remaining master of your promises that you made to Rhodopis and Sephora.
    N. S. Leskov, “Mountain”, 1888 (quote from NKRYA) ◆ And here’s to you for your honest
    deed, my kiss - not from my grandmother, but from a woman... I. A. Goncharov, “Cliff”, 1869 g. ◆ - But
    an honest
    heart does not hesitate,
    thought is alien to the temptation of concessions,
    an honest
    hand will not tire of working - the Russian worker believes that his brothers in Europe will not allow Russia to be strangled, will not allow everything that is dying, disappearing - and disappearing - to be resurrected!
    I. A. Bunin, “Cursed Days”, 1925 (quote from NKRYA) ◆ All the time you look into his eyes, no, not into his eyes, but into the bridge of his nose - so, at least, you yourself don’t feel awkward, and it seems to him that you have such a direct and honest
    look of a poor worker persecuted by fate. A. I. Kuprin, “From the Street”, 1904

    3. not capable of stealing or cheating ◆ While these are still students, this is honest

    and good people, this is our hope, this is the future of Russia, but as soon as students and female students go out on the road on their own, become adults, our hope and the future of Russia turns into smoke, and only doctors, dacha owners, unfed officials, and thieves remain on the filter engineers.
    S. N. Bulgakov, “Chekhov as a Thinker”, 1910 (quote from NKRY) ◆ - If you had an honest
    partner, it would still end the same. Your opponents have developed a whole system of signs with which they tell each other what cards they have - suit, value, and so on. Mine Reed, “Quarteronka” / translation by V. Kurella, E. Shishmareva, 1996

    4. not allowing deception, fraud; based on this method of acquiring something ◆ I am used to paying for every honest

    work! A. P. Chekhov, “The Night Before the Trial”, 1884–1885 (quote from NKR)

    5. conscientious, diligent; someone you can rely on ◆ I have to tell you something about being honest

    and sober workers on whom you can rely can be found only among the intelligentsia and the peasants, that is, among these two extremes - and nothing more. A.P. Chekhov, “Trouble”, 1888 (quote from NKRY)

    6. based on the rules of honor, decency ◆ Ulyanov hoped that he would be transferred to a good place for his honest

    service, but were not transferred.
    F. M. Reshetnikov, “Where is it better?”, 1868 (quote from NKR) ◆ I also believe in truth, in goodness, I’m an idealistic fool, but isn’t that crazy in our time? And how do they respond to my truth, to my honest
    attitude? A. P. Chekhov, “Three Years”, 1895

    7. only full. not tainted by anything reprehensible, not defamed by anything ◆ The worst thing was that, while living this nasty life, I imagined that because I was not seduced by other women, that therefore I was living an honest

    family life, that I am a moral person and that I am not to blame for anything, and that if we have quarrels, then she, her character, is to blame.
    L. N. Tolstoy, “The Kreutzer Sonata”, 1890 ◆ The sisters live with the eldest, Avdotya, a librarian. An honest,
    hard-working family.
    B. L. Pasternak, “Doctor Zhivago”, 1945–1955 ◆ Do you think we are thieves... No, all this was bought with honest
    money! Valentina Oseeva, “Dinka says goodbye to childhood,” 1969 (quote from NKR)

    8. truthfully, reliably reflecting life and events ◆ When I read honest

    , bold books, it seems to me - the hot sun of truth is rising... the ice is melting, exposing the dirt inside itself, and the waves of the river will soon break it, crush it, take it somewhere... Maxim Gorky, “Summer Residents”, 1904 ◆ The simple
    words of this book fell on the human heart calmly and inevitably.
    Alexander Solzhenitsyn, “In the First Circle”, 1968 // “New World” (quote from NKRYA) ◆ This is the view of a young man, the same age as many fans of this sport, at the amazing and one-of-a-kind world of Formula 1, a view from the inside , an honest
    and frank story. Boris Muradov, “Interview: Jenson Button”, 2002 // “Formula” (quote from NKRYA)

    9. outdated church glory venerable, worthy of respect, worthy of attention; honest ◆ As infants and youths who do not understand the perfect meaning do not understand the benefits and pleasantness of sleep, and for this reason they go to bed with difficulty and with tears: so those, in the consideration of spiritual Christian wisdom, are infants before God, and have not tasted the solid heavenly teachings of food, who they don’t understand how honest

    The death of his saints is before the Lord, and for this reason they are extremely afraid of death. Archbishop Platon (Levshin), “Sermon on the Day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” 1763 (quote from NKR)

    10. outdated church glory church precious ◆ And so, in our true joy, not only we can sing with the Royal Psalmist: “thou hast placed it,” Lord, “on his head a crown of honorable

    “, but, with hope confirmed by experience, we can add the following Psalm verse: “I asked You for life, and You gave Him length of days forever and ever” (Ps. 20: 4-5). Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow and Kolomna, “Sermon on the day of the coronation of the Most Pious Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich (Said on the 22nd day of August, in the Assumption Cathedral; printed separately and in the collections of 1844 and 1848)”, 1836.

    Phraseologisms and stable combinations

    • fair game
    • good name

  • honest pioneer
  • honestly
  • How to distinguish an honest person from a deceiver?

    Relationships between people are an eternal topic. Many people ask how to distinguish between truth and lies. Everything is simple as always!


    You have a friend with whom you communicate. Spend time walking with your children, or meet in a cafe for a cup of tea. You don't understand whether your friend is honest or not.

    We give the answer, you can draw your own conclusion: You simply observe how a person acts with others .

    • Her phone rings. She doesn’t pick up the phone, shrugging it off and saying: “I don’t want to!”
      You are at a loss why doesn't the person answer the phone. After all, phones were created to communicate with everyone, right? If you don’t think it’s necessary to give your number to someone, no one will force you to do it. Why give a number to someone you don't like to talk to?

      Well, okay, you had a great time, had a heart-to-heart chat and went your separate ways.

      And then the moment comes when you call this person, but he doesn’t pick up the phone. After waiting a few minutes, you dial again in the hope of some kind of glitch with your mobile operator, but no miracle happens.

      So what, you ask? We answer - remember her reaction to the phone call when you were together in a cafe. Absolutely right, as they did with that incoming call , I assure you, they do the same with you. It doesn’t matter how many years you were friends, or were just acquaintances. For people who live by deception, this is par for the course. They do only what is beneficial to them and do not think at all about others .

    Consider Honesty and Deception

    Cheating occurs for reasons of not realizing where it can lead.

    Well, guess what, I lied a little?! After all, many people do this! And they live, and everything is fine. It just sometimes becomes incomprehensible that he seems to be such a good guy, and suddenly some unpleasant event happens. Well, okay, it doesn’t happen to anyone, this is life!

    Over time, deception becomes a habit. Unnoticeable, painless. Life shines with colors, sometimes with varying degrees of success, but you can live!

    And then the moment comes when all his friends and acquaintances turn away from a person. He is left completely alone. A once attractive young man (at least put it on the cover of a magazine) turns into an old man in his thirties. It's not a pleasant sight. Loss of trust in the eyes of all your close people and acquaintances, damaged relationships with any business partners, complete misunderstanding.

    This is an indicator of deception. Where does a lie lead? Everyone makes mistakes, there are no sinless people on this earth. After all, in order to correct himself and cleanse his soul, a person comes to earth. Some improve their lives, others worsen.

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