Healthy lifestyle! How to lead and where to start? That's the whole point.

When fatigue, apathy, weakness and inability to work productively overcome, a person begins to wonder where it all comes from and why, as before, he cannot work at full strength and not feel the loss of inner harmony?

Fatigue, frequent illness, bad mood and a tendency to depression are often the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. That's all, you ask?

That's right, we will answer! After all, the main components of human existence depend on lifestyle: health, mood, performance. If all this is at zero or close to this mark, there can be no talk of success. You won’t be able to become a happy, harmonious person by littering your everyday life with things that you can easily refuse.

Exercise and training

Exercise is a miracle drug that gives you more energy, prevents numerous diseases, and can also help increase your life expectancy. If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and diet play an important role. Many people are discouraged from exercising because they feel they don't have enough time - an hour at the gym can feel like too long. The good news is that short bursts of exercise throughout the day can be equally effective. Just 30 minutes a day is enough to have effects on various aspects of your life. Here are some of the main reasons for you to exercise regularly

  1. Control your weight
    – When you exercise, your muscles burn calories. If you use more calories than you consume, you will eventually lose weight.
  2. Helps prevent many diseases
    - training and exercise reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 35%, diabetes by 50%, colon cancer by 50% and osteoarthritis by 83%. To get these benefits make sure you exercise at least 3-4 times a week (150 minutes total per week)
  3. Makes you breathe better
    – Cardiovascular training helps tone your lungs.
  4. Better Sleep
    – Getting a good night's sleep has a noticeable impact on your overall mood and energy levels the next day.
  5. Makes you happier
    – Physical activity releases endorphins in your body, which are chemicals that make you feel good!

Do exercises in the morning

Walter Michel, the author of the famous “marshmallow” test in the book “Developing Willpower,” advises starting with morning exercises or a run, and not with a full workout.

Exercising and going to the gym are difficult. It’s a pity to waste free time - 1 hour there, 1 hour there, 2 hours there. I found three options for myself - a gym 5 minutes from home, an elliptical trainer and a distance course #Sekta.

To charge you only need a mat, tablet and internet access

I am motivated to exercise every morning by the list of completed tasks in my diary: after sports I feel more energetic. I accomplish more tasks on sports days than when I don't exercise.

I realized that exercise is important in the long term: I want to live longer

What helped me?

  • subscription to a distance course - #Sekta, Crazy drying, Yoga journal video courses. I chose Sect because access to new training remains for life
  • yoga mat, comfortable sportswear
Do it daily
  • breathing exercises or meditation - calms. I do breathing exercises according to Strelnikova (11 exercises in the public domain) or meditation according to the free audio course “Buddha in the City”
  • my favorite routine: if I don’t have time to exercise, I try to do the “Five Tibetan Pearls” - five exercises that stop the aging process
  • Ab plank - increase the time from 15 seconds to the maximum possible
Do it monthly
  • try new types of workouts: never went to yoga - sign up for a class, haven’t thought about going to Zumba - you know what to do
  • follow the rule - 1-2 workouts per week is better than nothing

How to exercise properly and lead a healthy lifestyle

As mentioned above, all forms of exercise have some sort of positive effect on your body, however below is a list of the most recommended ones

  1. Walking and running
    - you can do this anywhere and anytime, whether on a treadmill at the gym or in the park. Build up your stamina gradually rather than pushing yourself to exhaustion the first few times.
  2. Strength training - Lifting weights along with a diet high in protein and good carbohydrates will help tone you up - making you stronger and helping you burn fat.
  3. Swimming
    is intense and can burn between 400 and 700 calories per hour. World champion Michael Phelps will consume a whopping 12,000 calories per day (the average person consumes 2,500) because he needs energy for his long training hours. Swimming tones your muscles, improves flexibility and gives you a healthier heart.
  4. Calisthenics
    – The benefits of calisthenics are that it strengthens the entire body, makes your body more flexible and helps you build physical endurance.
  5. Yoga
    is an ancient form of exercise that is known to calm the mind and improve flexibility, breathing and posture. Anyone can start practicing yoga. If you're trying to lose weight, combine yoga with one of the other options listed above.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, start exercising and you will notice huge health benefits. However, no matter your level of experience, always use caution in any exercise you do to prevent serious injury.

Recognize Intrinsic Motivation

As the classic of Russian literature Leo Tolstoy said, “The greatest truths are the simplest.” Sleep 7-8 hours, lead an active lifestyle, do not overeat and do not spend 12 hours a day at work. But in practice, it is difficult to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle every day.

Even if the advice is written step by step, it is difficult to follow. The person does not fully understand why. This is a lack of intrinsic motivation.

Polina Borisenkova

Internal motivation is many times stronger than external motivation and helps to achieve results. To find it, the psychologist advises performing the “Cartesian coordinates” technique.

Consistently ask yourself questions:

What will I get if I don't? What will I lose if I don't?

What will I get if I do? What will I lose if I do?

There may be several answers to each of them. It will be easier to make a decision when it becomes clear where the most significant arguments - the reasons - lie. In each step, I will clearly show how the coordinates work and what helped form healthy habits.

We look for internal motivation in the answers to all questions. Analyze them together. If any of the points resonates with you most strongly, it will be internal motivation.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Your body is the only place you have to live, so take care of it and it will take care of you.

Get enough sleep

The best way to determine how many hours of sleep you need is to fall asleep naturally (i.e. when you're completely tired) and also wake up naturally (without an alarm).
This will indicate how many hours of sleep you need. Not getting enough sleep over a long period of time can have negative consequences on a number of aspects of your health. Here are some benefits of a healthy overnight:

  1. Memory
    – while you sleep, your brain improves memory.
  2. Increased productivity
    – Of course, sleep is needed to help heal the body and restore energy.
  3. Immune system
    – Lack of sleep has a negative impact on your immune system, making it more susceptible to infection. A 2009 study found that people who slept less than 7 hours a night were 3 times more likely to get a cold than those who slept 8+ hours a night.

If you're having trouble falling asleep, try these tips

  1. Try going to bed at the same time every night, even on weekends.
  2. Your bedroom should be quiet, cool and dark when you go to bed. Consider wearing earplugs and an eye mask to block out external distractions that are beyond your control.
  3. Avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol and heavy meals at night.
  4. If possible, stay away from bright TV screens, computers and phones for one hour before you go to bed. Instead, reading a book or taking a hot bath will help you relax.

Do not smoke

If you don't smoke yet, don't start. If you smoke, quit. Smoking is by far one of the most destructive things you can do to your health, with each cigarette cutting 10 minutes off your lifespan! If you want to properly lead a healthy lifestyle, bad habits are definitely not for him. Smoking:

  1. Causes irreparable damage to your lungs
    – Every cigarette you smoke causes damage to the tissue inside your lungs. Bronchitis, lung cancer, emphysema and other breathing problems increase dramatically.
  2. 50% of smokers die from smoking-related problems
    - including various types of cancer, heart attacks and strokes. On average, smokers tend to die 8 years earlier than those who don't.
  3. Smoking affects others
    – Secondhand smoke from cigarettes affects the people around you. This not only irritates their eyes, nose and throat, but also increases their chances of contracting the deadly disease.

Quitting smoking is difficult, but there are several ways to increase your chances

  1. Get rid of everything that associates you with smoking
    - this includes cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, ashtrays and lighters.
  2. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist
    – there are many products you can use to help you quit smoking, such as patches, lozenges and nasal sprays. These products provide a regular dose of nicotine, the main ingredient in cigarettes.
  3. Books and apps
    – try Allen Carr's book '
    The Easy Way to Quit Smoking'
    or Jason Weil's '
    Quit Smoking in 2 Hours
    ' app. After all, quitting a game is mostly a mental battle; convince yourself that you don't need cigarettes to function optimally.

Medical examination

Regular visits to your doctor will allow them to check your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels to make sure your system is working smoothly. It is easier to prevent and control various diseases than to treat them later.


Hygiene is important if you want to maintain good health and prevent illness. Some ways to be hygienic include

  1. Washing your body and brushing your teeth daily
    not only gets rid of bacteria on your body and mouth, but also leaves you feeling clean and fresh.
  2. Wash clothes and bedding regularly
    – Be sure to clean all fabrics you touch in warm water mixed with enzyme containing detergent
  3. Always wash your hands
    – this should be done regularly. There are millions of harmful bacteria present on your hands; Washing your hands helps prevent you from passing these bacteria on to others and preventing you from getting sick.

Maintain a healthy weight

Being underweight is no less harmful than being overweight. If you are overweight, consume fewer calories than you burn on a daily basis. This can be achieved by following a good diet and exercise and training program. On the other hand, if you are underweight, you need to consume more calories than you burn.

Safe sex

Always remember to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases by using a condom and limiting the number of sexual partners.

Avoid unnecessary medications

Taking an antibiotic when it's not needed can mean that if you get a bacterial infection in the future, your body won't respond well to treatment on its own.

How to switch to a healthy lifestyle, where to start - tips for beginners

First of all, you must have a clear understanding of why you need a healthy lifestyle. In my environment, healthy lifestylers are people who are devoid of fanaticism and illusions regarding a healthy lifestyle. They are well aware that this is not a panacea, not a new philosophy, not a specific diet.

These are people who have taken responsibility for their health and quality of life.

Therefore, the first thing you need to start with is to understand for yourself that a healthy lifestyle can improve the quality of your life now and especially in the future, when your health, for natural reasons, begins to fail due to age. Moreover, no one will give any guarantees that you will not get sick with the same diseases that other non-zodiacs get sick with.

Secondly, you need to understand how your body works. That is, take and study the work of the body. You need to spend time on books (there are a lot of them now) about nutrition, movement, work-rest balance, and the effects of stress. We need to figure out exactly how lack of sleep affects the body. What happens in the body when you eat excess sugar. What happens when we go on a diet. What happens at the cellular level when you don't drink the right amount of fluid. What happens in the body if we move little.

I recommend reading not fanatical literature, such as “Vegetarianism will save the world”, “Sun eaters - the path to enlightenment” or “Mad Drying”, but literature more adapted to modern people.

The third step is to take responsibility for your health and realize that prevention is better than cure. It is better to immediately maintain your weight at a normal level than to wait until you need to lose an extra 10 kg and only then take full responsibility.

It’s better to initially instill in yourself the habit of going to sports than to wait until your back finally hurts from constantly sitting at the computer.

Adherents of a healthy lifestyle understand this, so they try not to wait for the best moment to start taking care of themselves, but integrate sports and nutrition into their regular lives right now.

What is vitamin D3?

Vitamin D is one of four fat-soluble vitamins (the others being vitamins A, E and K).
It is stored and dissolved in your fat tissue rather than in water, the advantage is that it can be stored in your body for a long time. Where vitamin D differs from other nutrients is technically not a vitamin but a hormone produced by cholesterol when your body is exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays.

Sixth steroid hormone

Vitamin D is often called a steroid hormone because it has powerful effects on other hormones. In research, you will often find it labeled as a secosteroid,
solely due to its effects on the endocrine system. It acts as a companion, channeling nutrients into the production of other important hormones. There are two forms of the nutrient:

  • Ergocalciferol
    - D2
  • Cholecalciferol
    - usually called D3

Vitamin D3 is much more bioavailable than ergocalciferol—in fact, taking a dose of D2 may actually lower your D3 levels.

Sunshine Vitamin

Unless you live in a hot, sunny climate, you likely won't have enough of this steroid hormone in your body to ensure good health.

In fact, modern statistics indicate that more than 40% of Russian citizens are deficient in vitamin D. And in women, this figure can reach two thirds.

You will find vitamin D in some foods, but not in large quantities

D2 can be found in foods such as mushrooms, fortified milk, and cod liver oil.
You'll find D3 in foods like fatty fish (salmon, sardines, etc.), egg yolks, and beef liver. The problem, however, is that while the sun gives you virtually all the stimulus you need to create D3, very few foods provide the recommended daily amount of the hormone. According to one of the largest nutritional reviews ever conducted, "very few foods naturally contain or are fortified with vitamin D"


For example, one large egg only provides you with 7% of your recommended amount, and even fatty fish may only provide 75% of what you need for optimal health.

Key moment:

Vitamin D3 is a more powerful version of the steroid hormone. The main source of this fat-soluble hormone is the sun, but you also get it from small amounts of food.


A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a model of human life, the main principle of which is caring for your body. A healthy lifestyle involves carrying out special measures aimed at improving health and giving up everything that has a detrimental effect on human health: bad habits, excessive physical and mental stress, poor nutrition, etc.

A healthy lifestyle is not just compliance with some specific rules and regulations, it is a whole system and philosophical direction. It is dominated by an integrated approach and a conscious attitude towards your body. To become a follower of a healthy lifestyle, you need to almost completely rebuild your life.

Why are such difficulties necessary, and what benefits does a healthy lifestyle give a person? In fact, life according to the principles of a healthy lifestyle is radically different from the life of the average person. How the life of a snail is different from the life of an eagle. The first crawls on the ground with its head bowed, and the second soars in the clouds.

If you could try a demo version of a healthy lifestyle before starting all the difficult activities, 100 out of 100 people would immediately implement it into their lives. But unfortunately, there is no such possibility. You'll have to take my word for it.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for self-development. It will raise the quality of your life an order of magnitude higher. Improvements will affect absolutely all areas of life. Your body will come into ideal shape, which means your image will improve. The image will be followed by progress in your personal life. A surge of energy will allow you to achieve success in work and study, and you will find strength for your favorite hobbies. One day you realize that you woke up as a completely different person. We became what we had long dreamed of.

How much vitamin D do you need?

There is quite a bit of controversy when it comes to getting the right amount of vitamin D. This is because the current recommended daily allowance set by bodies like the National Academies of Sciences is only 600 IU
per day.

Many people think that this is too little - especially when it comes to those who do not live in sunny climates all year round. The current figure is based on averages for a wide range of different people, but there has been a lot of variation in exactly how much vitamin D people need.

Most people need more than that.

If you look at more recent clinical studies, higher doses of D3 have been shown to improve health and performance.

A wide range of studies have shown that daily doses of 2000-5000 IU are optimal

- especially for those who are physically active.
“It is estimated that the body requires 3,000–5,000 IU of vitamin D per day to meet the needs of virtually every tissue and cell in the body.”
Key moment:

a daily dose of 2000-5000 IU of vitamin D3 seems to be most suitable for maintaining health and performance.

Spiritual world

A correct lifestyle also implies spiritual health, a happy inner content of a person. To take care of your inner world, you need to engage in introspection, reflect on your actions, and analyze previously experienced experiences.

  1. You need to work with your inner world, keep it clean.
  2. Avoid news that unbalances you and causes anxiety.
  3. Take care of peace of mind, the absence of negative thoughts and fuss.
  4. Do yoga. It balances and allows you to achieve harmony in your inner world and body.
  5. Don’t forget about positive emotions, in particular laughter. The more a person laughs, the healthier he is. You need to learn to live and enjoy your existence. According to experts, an individual who smiles often gets sick much less often and is more resilient. If a person is subject to constant stress, is in a bad mood for a long time, his health weakens, and his immunity decreases.

Symptoms of Low Vitamin D3 Levels

Combine the possible lack of sunlight and low bioavailability of dietary vitamins with the high daily requirement of vitamin D, and you can see why so many people are deficient in this nutrient.

But how did you know you had low D3 levels?

Muscle weakness and poor physical performance

One of the molecular mechanisms of vitamin D is protein synthesis.
This is because the hormone is converted into calciferol in the body and is then able to adapt specific genes responsible for regulating muscle mass. More vitamin D means greater potential for muscle mass. If you've experienced a sudden decline in athletic performance or your gym workouts seem tough, your vitamin D3 may be low.

Excessive muscle soreness

Failure to recover from exercise may indicate low D3 levels. Research has shown that 4,000 IU of the vitamin helped a group of athletes reduce delayed muscle soreness from exercise by 50%.

Low mood and depression

We all feel a little uneasy as the dark nights arrive and summer barbecues have to end for another year. But there is a real physiological explanation for why not getting enough sun can cause low mood, depression and seasonal affective disorder.
And it has to do with receptors.

This is because vitamin D receptors can affect a specialized part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This regulatory gland plays a huge role in controlling neurotransmitters that regulate aspects of mental health, including mood.

Decreased energy

Feeling sluggish and constantly tired can be a sure sign that your hormones are simply not where they should be. Vitamin D3 directly stimulates androgen production. And if you have low testosterone
, you could very well blame it on a D3 deficiency.

Numerous studies have shown that low vitamin D levels lead to decreased testosterone levels. And this, in turn, can lead to a number of problems, such as:

  • Lack of energy, vigor and stamina
  • Low libido and sex drive
  • Decreased muscle and bone mass
  • Decreased strength, strength and endurance
  • Increased belly fat

Bone pain

One of the main functions of D3 is to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body and, as such, promote a healthy skeleton.

When you don't get enough sunlight or vitamin-rich foods, you may experience discomfort and pain in your bones.
Lack of hormonal stimulation in bone tissue can lead to loss of minerals, resulting in soft, brittle bones that cannot support body weight as effectively. This can lead to deformities and postural problems if not corrected. Key moment:

Symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency include low mood, loss of muscle strength, poor recovery from exercise, and low testosterone levels.

Mental or mental health

These words refer to the state of the human psyche. This is what determines how well he

  • able to cope with stress, an inevitable part of human existence;
  • knows how to maintain an optimistic attitude and find useful aspects in different situations;
  • gets along with people, establishes healthy family, friendly, and working relationships with them;
  • able to conduct active mental (intellectual) work;
  • maintains interest in what is happening around him;
  • can realize himself in a profession and engage in creativity.

To maintain and improve your mental health, psychotherapists recommend carefully monitoring what you read and watch. Don't overload yourself with work and communication. It is important to maintain balance: to build your life so that there is room in it for different aspects that help you realize your abilities and build healthy relationships with other people.


Be sure to set aside time to take care of yourself - visit spa salons, pamper yourself with beauty treatments, massages, and take relaxing baths. This is necessary not only to maintain external attractiveness, but also for spiritual harmony and peace of mind. By taking care of your appearance, a person is distracted from worries, relaxes and calms down. Be sure to keep your hair and hands clean, because external cleanliness entails internal cleanliness and puts your thoughts in order.

It is important! Make it a rule to go to the sauna - this is an effective and pleasant way to prevent various pathologies and provide a complete, relaxing rest.

Why can't you change your life?

For many, the desire to start a new life remains a dream - excuses are made, the start is postponed for a day, a week, a month. Why is this happening? Among the main reasons, psychologists identify a “sharp start.” For older people, a sudden change in lifestyle can lead to a stressful situation. A sudden change in life schedule - training, proper nutrition - will only cause a feeling of fatigue, uncertainty about the correctness of actions and one’s own success. As a result, a person gives up what he started and returns to his usual life.

It is important! To achieve success and truly change your life for the better, it is important to start with psychological preparation and finding motivation. The concept of a “healthy lifestyle” should become not a simple set of words, but a principle of existence.

Where to begin? Psychologists recommend using a technique such as visualization - imagine yourself renewed - beautiful, healthy, happy. This will be the first step into a new world.


Take a piece of paper and your hand, write down all the points of your own transformation - internal and external, allocate a certain time for each stage - this is stimulating.

The audiobook “Time Drive” by leading time management specialist Gleb Arkhangelsky will undoubtedly attract your attention if you have seriously decided to organize your time.

Approximate plan:

  • make a list of habits that you need to get rid of;
  • instead of every bad habit, come up with a new hobby or hobby;
  • write down a new daily routine, but change it gradually, be sure to set aside time for rest and sports.

It is important! The most important factor for success is the right emotional attitude. Believe that everything will work out and the goal will be achieved.

No. 3. Regular quality rest (sleep)

High-quality 8-10 hour sleep is the key to health and normal (full) functioning of the body.

Lack of sleep affects both a person's psychological and physical health.

With lack of sleep, well-being, mood and performance of the body worsen.

Bruises appear under the eyes, eyelids swell, and the skin becomes pale. Reaction and attentiveness are reduced, energy (strength) is low, a feeling of fatigue, loss of strength appears, irritability occurs, depression occurs, in general, all functions of the body suffer. Without sleep = no health.

Ideally, you should go to bed around 9-10 pm. And get up at dawn. Or until dawn. This is how our body (this is how we humans) is sharpened by evolution.

Get support

It is much easier to change when you are supported by friends and relatives. There is a much greater chance of “breaking the bank” when people from close circles do not support, but on the contrary, they persuade you to give up your diet, drink on a holiday, or skip a workout.

How to start a healthy lifestyle when there are such people nearby? First of all, you need to temporarily limit communication with them until the new regime becomes a habit. Learn to refuse culturally and politely and at the same time thank for your support. Read about the secrets of interpersonal relationships in this section.

It is important! Try to find a group of like-minded people and try to spend as much time as possible in their company. Here you will be offered moral support and advised on how to transform your life and yourself as easily and quickly as possible.

No. 4. Regular physical activity in the fresh air

The vast majority of people lead a sedentary lifestyle, working at a computer at home, in the office, etc., then take a taxi/minibus/car home and lie/sit again, thereby depriving themselves of movement (activity), walks, and fresh air. , sun, etc. which is not good at all.

Fresh air and sunlight improves breathing and metabolism, increases immunity, tone of numerous blood vessels, activates the heart and brain, normalizes blood pressure, calms the nerves and restores normal sleep, elevates mood, increases performance, and much more. a lot of everything. Don't deprive yourself of benefits...

I recommend that you spend at least 2-3 hours a day outdoors. The more = the better.

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