How to start acting strong, or Play big

Henry Ford said: “A man dies when he stops changing, and a funeral is just a formality.”

There are many people in the world who do not live, but exist. To change, you need to take action, but where can you get the strength and motivation? How to start breathing deeply and enjoying life if you are tired of your environment and constant failures? How to overcome doubts and start immediately?

Similar thoughts occur to everyone. To succeed, eradicate fear. An active life position and courage come to the fore in the fight against apathy and fear of disapproval of your actions by others. Recharge your batteries and move forward. Dreams will begin to come true as soon as you take action. There is no point in being afraid if you are aiming for success. Only active actions provoke changes for the better.

Set clear goals

The beginning of action in any of its manifestations is clear and competent planning. Without seeing the end of the path, it is impossible to see the road. Don't be lazy at the very beginning of your path to success.

  1. Be sure to set goals and write them down somewhere. On paper, in an organizer in your gadgets, anywhere. Visualize, draw a diagram, draw a wall, draw all possible ways of developing the situation, perhaps a new one will be found. This is how any business begins, start right now!
  2. Break big goals into smaller ones and constantly triple your review.
  3. Remember that goals must be clear and measurable in time (I want to find a new job in 3 months, I want to lose 5 kg in a month, etc.).


Another aspect that you need to develop in yourself is spontaneity. All your decisions are usually very thoughtful, you spend a huge amount of time thinking, you cannot get down to business if you have not planned it out from beginning to end. However, as you already understand, this will not allow you to go far in life, since there will always be those people who will not be as smart and educated as you, but at the same time will make decisions instantly, taking away all your chances. Therefore, it was already said above that you need to set deadlines for important decisions and make sure to make them when the time for reflection expires.

But it will be much better to practice it in more extreme conditions, and this is where spontaneity comes in handy. For this practice, it is better to choose not too important goals that will not affect your life. The point is to make spontaneous decisions as often as possible, which you won’t spend a second thinking about. Yes, the result will not always be positive, but this will help you develop the speed of decision-making, which is a very important parameter in any modern person and is often valued even higher than the quality of decisions made, which are pondered over for days and weeks.

Find motivation and take action

What is your true motivation? What moves you towards your goal? Without understanding this, you will not be able to go up. What do you want in the end? Wealth? But this is not so. All people want happiness and freedom, take as much as you can carry, everything is in your hands. Start doing something that brings you closer to your cherished goal, small steps, every day. Write them down, make a detailed plan and everything will work out. This is how all successful (namely successful and talented) people start, by searching for real motivation to achieve a goal. Wealth and fame are just tools on the true path.

Motivational books

Another point that you should pay attention to is specialized literature. Nowadays the genre of motivational books is very widespread, and many writers are trying to convey to people a variety of techniques in one or another field of activity. Naturally, there are also books that will allow you to learn to think less and act more.

Many people think that it is a waste of time and money, and this is true if you manage to achieve your goal without any problems. But if you are experiencing difficulties, such as, in this case, the inability to move from thinking to action, then the advice of an experienced specialist can be a decisive factor. You can gain knowledge that you can use for your own development, you will become familiar with techniques that will allow you to spend less time thinking and act faster and more efficiently.

What do people most often want to change?

Change job

The most common situation when it is worth taking action. We spend half our lives at work, dedicating a lot of strength and energy to it. Shouldn't this time be spent nobly and with pleasure? Imagine your dream job, and maybe your business. Draw your team, salary, social package and start searching, searching for yourself. If you want to change employer, feel free to send out your resume and go for interviews. If you want your own business, look for it, look for ideas in everything and everywhere and be bolder. Remember, time will pass, years will pass, but your plans will remain in your head or will be implemented by someone else. Go ahead, it's time to stop being lazy!

Create a family

My home is my castle. And the fortress is heated by the hearth and family. Now there are a lot of opinions on this matter, but I will express my own. A person needs a family and, if you don’t have one yet, then you should get one. Do you like someone? Do you want to start a family with this person? Do you think he will find out about your intentions if you don’t take action? No! Same thing. There is no need to sit idly by, come up and tell him openly about it. Take yourself out of your comfort zone, be bolder and your actions will be rewarded!

A strong family is a very serious achievement in life, it is your strength.

Global changes

Without trying something, you won’t know how it would turn out. To change your life globally, you can move to another city or radically change your field of activity. Do you feel like you are marking time? Only honestly. If you see yourself reflected in the previous sentence, change whatever you want. We have only one life and we won’t have another chance to live today, but we’re welcome to regret the lost time. Probably many will understand me. So try achieving your goal, you will like it. I’ll give you simple and good advice: “It’s time to stop lying on the couch, try all the ways.”

Efficiency in detail

You're ready to take action, that's great, but it pays to prepare thoroughly. Take advantage of everything that happens and look at ordinary things from a different angle.

An elementary walk or a trip to the supermarket will be an excellent way to find free space to rent if you plan to open a store. Maybe now, among passers-by, you will see the face of your future spouse if you have decided to end your single life.

An ordinary day can turn into a happy accident. Act, looking to the future with a smile, and life will reciprocate you.

Foster responsibility

How to gather strength and start acting? Start with responsibility!

From childhood, parents teach children to be responsible for their actions. Understand that any action entails a number of consequences - good or bad, you choose. You can not only create, but also destroy.

If you decide to take action, remember responsibility. People with this position always achieve what they want. Put your soul into it and speak out your dreams. Direct your energy in the right direction and act, meet your expectations.

Give yourself completely to the cause.

Why you shouldn't save energy

There are several reasons that will convince you to generously manage the capabilities of the subconscious and act actively, without saving resources:

  1. Human energy is limitless and the rationality of its use depends on us.
  2. Act without thinking and don’t try to save energy - that’s when you lose it.
  3. The adaptive function of a person makes it possible to generate as much energy as is required to replenish costs. Every day we fill ourselves with knowledge, food and physical activity, as a result of which energy is generated that generates thoughts and plans into real actions.

Agree, nature has done everything for man to begin to act.

Only exists today

Live in the present moment too. “Yesterday” and “tomorrow” do not matter much if you are inactive today. Of course, you need to make plans for the future, but you should start implementing them immediately, otherwise the ship of life, steadily moving forward, will throw you overboard.

Did you know that every unfulfilled promise hangs like a burden on a person’s mind? Over time, this burden will become unbearable and will break you. Don’t put off important things until tomorrow, finish what you start and fight apathy.

While you are thinking about whether to act or not, someone has already begun to make your dreams come true.

Think less, do more

Get rid of negative thoughts that destroy you from within. Destructive thoughts introduce doubts and predict failures, making it difficult to start. Just act and fear will not take over your mind.

Think constructively and be enthusiastic. Imagine the effective outcome of your planned business and, without a shadow of a doubt, go into battle!

You need to start without unnecessary thoughts, do not let the negativity prevail.

Empiricism is everything

Empiricism is translated from Greek as “experience.” A special school of philosophy says that action is the only true method of perception.

For example, without practical actions, knowledge of space would be unrealistic. In theory, the essence is clear, but humanity received in-depth knowledge only with the return of the astronauts to Earth. Scientists began to act - humanity became stronger.

Playwright and novelist Bernard Shaw believed that practical activity is the only path leading to knowledge. This outstanding person received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925; there are two such people in the world.

Even if you don’t have a clear algorithm of actions, start small, and everything will go like clockwork.

Taking action now is the right decision!

Conqueror's Faith

People tend to predict falls. Practice shows that the chances of failure and success are equal. You can expect failure, but the idea will be brilliantly brought to life. We need to start acting positively. The power of thought does not predict failure.

Think about whether you should worry. It is much easier to program yourself for joy, happiness and success. Don’t waste your energy on negativity, act, go towards your goal boldly.

Take care of yourself

A great way to motivate yourself to do something is to start developing yourself. Every day, brick by brick, drop by drop. Don't like your appearance? Don't like your income? No friends or significant other? It's time to do something about it and stop relying on life. This blog has many motivational articles that may be helpful. For example, what is self-development? I also recommend studying what a comfort zone is.

Recording plans

When a person wants to take action, effective methods that have been tested by many people can be very useful to him. For example, keeping a diary is a popular method that will allow you to be much more effective. How? All you need to do is write down the plans that you have made for a certain day, and then try to carry them out.

When you put something on paper, it stops being an abstract thought in your head. It becomes an actual journal entry, and if it's a plan, then you have to follow it, otherwise it will remain a black spot on the paper. Accordingly, keeping notes allows you to significantly increase your efficiency in moving from thoughts to accomplishments. And this way you can quickly figure out how to start taking action. The methods, of course, don’t end there, and you can come up with many more ways that will allow you not to live with dreams in your head, but to realize these dreams in practice.


Good video, I recommend watching it, many examples and situations are discussed here.

The most important thing is to seize the moment and start achieving. We are hindered by fears, laziness and existing stereotypes - throw them away. We are all afraid of making mistakes, but any mistake is a life experience. As we gain experience, we become stronger. Don’t be afraid of action, be active and you will achieve everything you want. Don't forget to smile while doing this! Good luck, friends! And yes, it’s better to start right now. Action is your main credo from now on!

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Don't miss the moment

Successful people are those who know how to gather their courage and take advantage of the opportunities given to them.

Malcom Gladwell, Canadian journalist

When people look back on their lives in old age, they often think about what they could have changed. And they often despair at how many things they could have done, but didn’t. This wave of regret sometimes overwhelms you, because so much time was wasted.

An impressive pile of things accumulates that were not done out of sheer fear or waiting for a more opportune moment. Then the realization involuntarily comes of how stupid it was to hesitate and be afraid.

Think about it, is it worth waiting for old age to realize this simple truth and no longer be able to change anything, or can you right now take the word of all those people who have gone through this? If you are still waiting for a sign from above to start acting, then here it is: start!

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