How to find something you like? Features of selection and recommendations

Every person sooner or later begins to ask questions: “What is my calling?” or “How to find something you like so that it brings maximum pleasure?” Some people already have a clear idea in which direction they should move from school. And for some, such a search continues almost their entire life.

There are people who, in despair, never find something they like, go with the flow, not enjoying their work. But it makes up a third of our lives. A person who regularly experiences stress at work and has no other positive activities in life risks seriously undermining his health and losing interest in everything around him.

Why do people do things they don't like?

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Other people's attitudes are taken as personal. In many families, children are taught from an early age about their future profession. If there are hereditary activities, then the child is usually inclined towards them. But you may not like the “imposed” work, so it is important to take into account personal desire.
  2. Physical data and abilities are not taken into account. Among the athletes, coaches select the best, but in ordinary life it is easy to make mistakes. Often difficult physical work with a fragile physique is a threat to health.
  3. The most difficult path is chosen. Many people act on the principle: do not look for easy ways. But then you can go astray from the happy path using your setup.
  4. Initial skills are not taken into account. It is much easier to choose an interesting business if you have been doing it since childhood. And mastering a prestigious profession will take more time.
  5. Fear of change. In this case, life may not be interesting. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the fear of change, otherwise doing what you love will only be a dream.

Is it worth changing your usual life?

Routine is addictive. Let's figure out why a person who is not in his place does not change it? Causes:

  • Stability. This is the limit of comfort. The narrower it is, the more stable the individual’s position in society, in the family. The most non-deformable geometric figure in this matter is a point. This is complete staticity, the absence of any actions or actions. But the narrower this circle, the fewer opportunities there are, including evading the blows of fate. We conclude: a stable position is an imaginary self-confidence, it is also shaky (you can be fired and other changes), but it limits you.
  • Fear of change. What if it gets worse? Indeed, not every attempt ends in success, but in most cases it largely depends on the mood, confidence, and motivation. Fear paralyzes, makes you inactive, amorphous. But if you go with the flow, you will never gain more strength to resist the movement of the river.
  • Family, friends, colleagues will not understand and will not support. Here a reasonable question arises - why do you need people around you and loved ones who value you only as a workhorse, but will not provide support when trying to become happier and will not tell you how to find what you like to do? Often this is a selfish friendship, based not on shared happiness, but on an attempt to feel more confident than a friend.
  • Material instability. Many changes require financial security. If you are confident in your undertaking, you can take out a loan to develop your business or save in advance for start-up capital for several months.

All these reasons are fictitious. Each of the problems can be easily solved if the necessary incentive is provided. If you dare to change your usual life, you will no longer fear for changes, lack of money and support from loved ones. You will feel that your comfort boundaries are becoming wider every day. This means that practically nothing can unsettle you.

Choosing a strategy

Everyone will find something to their liking if they wish to do so. First you need to choose 1 of 2 strategies:

  1. An activity you enjoy is your main job, from which you will receive not only profit, but also pleasure.
  2. This can be a hobby that will help you relax (take a break from your main job) and receive positive energy.

The second type is more common. Moreover, it is easier to implement it - it depends on the person, efforts, prioritization, desire to change something.

Finding your business

How to find something you like? It is necessary to make a list of things that bring positive emotions. It is advisable to transfer them to paper. These can be simple, everyday activities, for example, cooking, singing, playing with a child, writing stories or poems, sewing, creating cards, photographs. In this case, you need to focus on personal emotions, track the reaction that appears when writing each type of activity (delight, joy, tenderness). You should pay attention to what arouses strong feelings and interest.

To find something to do for your soul, you need to analyze professions. You can select your favorite activities from the list. It is necessary to determine whether they can be combined in one activity, and whether any steps will help to realize them.

It is important to separate personal expectations from the preferences of other people. A fair comparison is required. It is necessary to focus on personal desires, and not on others, otherwise the activity will not bring joy.

What it is

This is any activity that brings pleasure, a sense of self-realization and other positive qualities. The work may be commercial or charitable, social and creative. But today I will talk about what also brings material benefits.

It is wrong to think that employment in someone else’s company is always a bad stage in life. Not all people are proactive and born with a calling to lead. Of the majority of smart, worthy employees, at least 50% will not be able to occupy leadership positions, but they are ideally suited to their place, become indispensable, and develop creatively and professionally.

For others, sitting in an office is contraindicated; it holds back their potential, opportunities and ambitions. But most of these individuals do not know how to find themselves in business in order to simultaneously realize themselves and not work at a loss. Non-profit activities – charity, creativity, social assistance – can also become a favorite activity. Initially, they were not created to receive money and other material benefits. But with the right approach, you can put each of these principles on the rails of business.

Example: Do you appreciate paintings and love to write? Exhibit your creativity in your own art gallery along with other emerging artists. This is both practical and consistent with the morality of art.

To summarize, “my favorite thing in life” is an activity that brings pleasure and does not make me want to leave my workplace as soon as possible. No chronic fatigue or autumn depression, only pleasant fatigue and a state of euphoria from the quality and quantity of work done. Women who have not found such a place, have not been able to realize themselves, very often cling to marriage and the birth of children as an attempt to leave an unloved office.


How to find something you like? It is necessary to determine what is easy and good, and whether it brings pleasure. Not all such activities become work for a person. They usually require little effort to complete, which is very pleasing.

To find something you like, you should remember what you liked as a child. It could be some kind of games or hobbies. In childhood experiences you can find answers to various questions. It is useful to get into the habit of smiling at yourself in the mirror every morning and mentally saying: “I am worthy of what I love!”

You need to increase your self-confidence. If you don’t want to look for what you love, then this may be due to uncertainty and a feeling of inability to do anything. Usually these are unfounded thoughts, and sometimes a tendency towards laziness. In this case, turning to successful examples from life is effective. They can be among friends, in books, stories from the media. These examples usually inspire various endeavors.

How to find something to do if you are not interested in anything? You can ask for advice. Sometimes a person does not notice the key points and does not pay attention to what activity he succeeds in and what he does better than others. Often an outside perspective is more helpful. Relatives or friends can help you find something to do. Since they know your mood and behavior, they conduct performance assessments.

Reshaping: real stories from the lives of famous people

Do you know that:

  • The founder of Dell Corporation, Michael Dell, decided to connect his life with medicine. After graduating from school, he entered the University of Texas to study pharmacy. In his third year, Michael realizes his mistake, drops out of school, and creates a company that later became one of the largest technology corporations in the world.
  • Before creating Nike, Phil Knight worked as an assistant at a small newspaper and tried to write books. The idea of ​​reselling cheap Japanese-made sports shoes in the United States made Phil a billionaire.
  • The famous Harrison Ford worked as an ordinary carpenter. Only chance and a minor role in the low-budget youth comedy American Graffiti allowed Harrison to become the most popular Hollywood actor of the 80s and 90s of the last century.

To suffer for decades in a job you hate, or to radically change the ordinary and monotonous course of your life is the business of each of us.

The recipe for finding something you like is quite simple - you need to do something in which a person has an interest. Any hobby and interest can be turned into an activity that brings in a lot of money. By completely dedicating yourself to your favorite job, you can forever forget about spiritual emptiness, and, in addition to material income, receive physical and psychological satisfaction.

Useful tips

How to find something you like if you don’t know what you want? It is necessary to unload the consciousness. Interesting ideas come to a fresh mind, answers to important questions appear. It is also useful to be outdoors more often. Walking or walking in the park helps. The influx of oxygen activates mental activity and allows you to direct thoughts in the necessary direction. This is an opportunity to see how much interesting there is in life that is not noticed in everyday life.

It is important to be able to listen to your condition. If you feel “burnout” or deteriorating health, then you should think about changes. If you continue to engage in this activity, it can lead to serious problems, even leading to the hospital.

How to find something you like? You need to be prepared to take risks. This may mean leaving your job, learning the right skills, and starting new habits - all of this is difficult. But because of your dream, your favorite thing, this is still achieved.

It helps to communicate with people with similar interests. This can be either personal acquaintances or the exchange of information on the Internet. Like-minded people share their development, achievements, and talk about topics of interest.

How to find something you like and is profitable? Stimulating reminders that hang around the house are effective. They are placed on the refrigerator, used as screensavers on the computer and notes on the phone. Memos can motivate you to find something you love.

You should imagine that such an activity already exists. What will be the behavior, feelings, attitude towards other people? It is useful to imagine such pictures in your consciousness, since this is how desired situations are attracted into life and thoughts are stimulated to search for the desired activity.

It is necessary to make a list of your favorite books, films, songs. Do they have common characteristics? What traits of you are there in them? Often books, films, songs stimulate the performance of any activity.

If desired, everyone will find something to their liking. A first-grader or an older person can do this by trial. If you have doubts, but want to test the activity, then you should take it up. It will be immediately clear whether it is interesting or comfortable. The sooner a useful activity is found, the more interesting life will be, but it should be borne in mind that at any age you can gain new experience and start doing your favorite activity.

Changing profession after 30 years

The topic of career guidance is relevant not only for young people. For various reasons (changes in the labor market, relocation, personal circumstances), people at any age are thinking about changing jobs. One of the most popular is just over 30; it’s not for nothing that this period is considered a crisis.

What to choose if you decide to change profession at 30? It is not easy for people with a family and a decent work history to dare to take this step. We have already described cases when changing jobs is really necessary. If in doubt, analyze your life and trust the voice of your intuition.

If you decide to say goodbye to your old place, but fears are getting in the way, tell yourself the following:

  1. I am not already, but still only over 30. I am young, full of strength, and I will succeed.
  2. I know my needs and capabilities better than at 18.
  3. Psychologists consider this age suitable for life changes, since freshness of thinking is maintained and at the same time there is sobriety of judgment and considerable experience.
  4. All my skills remain with me. It will be great if they are useful to me in a new place, but if not, I can still return everything.

Changes are possible under the following scenarios:

  • Occupy a sought-after niche - master a new profession.
  • Develop acquired skills in a new direction - make a smooth transition to a new activity, based on what you do best.
  • Turn your passion into work - heed the call of your soul.

The first two points are chosen, as they say, by the mind, and the third – by the heart. What are the pros and cons of each?

  1. The advantages of the first option are obvious: if a profession is in demand, specialists are in great demand. This is especially true for new industries. Here the salary is usually higher. But there is a risk that development will not be as successful as we would like. But until you try, you won’t know, right?
  2. The second approach seems to be the most reasonable: you do not lose anything by developing in related activities, and the transition is smooth and painless. If you feel that sudden jumps are not for you, choose this path.
  3. The third scenario is suitable for enthusiastic people who are bored doing things they don’t like. The positive side: you will like the profession. Negative: it is not a fact that you will be able to make income from your hobby.

Types of hobbies

In general, hobbies are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Sport. It includes active activities - from skydiving to dancing. Each person is attracted to their own sports. This could be running, swimming, alpine skiing, yoga, fencing, horse riding, Nordic walking. Your favorite sport will definitely bring positive emotions.
  2. Creation. If you are attracted to quiet activities at home, then this type of hobby is perfect. Master classes are organized in almost every city. When visiting them, you can determine whether this type of creativity is suitable or not. You can take classes in painting, pottery, cutting and sewing, and knitting. Some people are attracted to beadwork, painting objects, and wool felting. Handcrafted items delight and bring joy.
  3. Interesting activities. If you are interested in practicing your skills and communicating with new people, then you can enroll in a photography school. These can also include courses in acting and public speaking, which can help you get rid of embarrassment and find new friends. Interesting activities include language and music courses.

These types of hobbies are great for any age. There would be a desire to do them. For many people, interesting activities have improved their well-being. But for this, a hobby must inspire, bring only positive emotions, and eliminate negativity.

Visit and selection

Even if you choose several classes, you should attend them. It is advisable to go to 1-2 different activities per week for a month. You should record all the sensations from the classes, impressions, cost of the hobby, and ease of visiting.

If you liked several options, then you should write down all their advantages and disadvantages, distribute the schedule so that you can manage everything. But you shouldn’t take on everything at once, because fatigue will set in and classes will be torture. If one hobby is sports, then it is better to choose a calm one. It is important to listen to your personal feelings and then you will be able to choose a suitable hobby. Sometimes a hobby can become your main job.

The benefits of having something you love

When a person has a favorite activity, he:

  • there is an idea, a goal, aspiration;
  • a charge of positive energy, enthusiasm, activity is felt;
  • there is pleasure from the result and the activity itself;
  • there is a desire to work, so the process will be fast, high-quality and effective;
  • the important need for self-realization is satisfied;
  • fatigue decreases, stress is overcome more easily;
  • cheerfulness and happiness appear;
  • the skills of an expert in your field appear;
  • there is a feeling of interest in life and faith in strength.

How to find your business in life?

How can you find true acceptance in life? The recipe is simple - make sure that your hobby begins to generate cash income. The main danger is a false choice of future occupation, when satisfaction is replaced by prestige and money:

  • Choice
    . Before choosing a perfectly prepared dish from the five presented, you need to try each of them. You need to do the same when choosing a new business, and among several, find one.
  • Psychology
    . A new activity should not cause discomfort in a person, and vigor and powerful energy in the body can be felt even at the end of the work week.
  • Character traits
    . Some people strive for teamwork and communication, others prefer a free schedule and individuality.

In search of your recognition, you can get yourself into more than one bump. But after this, a person receives an inexhaustible source of enthusiasm and becomes a real master of his life.

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