Male pickup or how to make a girl fall in love with you in 10 ways that work flawlessly

Do you believe in love at first sight? Scientists have been trying to confirm or dispute this theory for many years. Some of them claim that it only takes a few seconds for a chemical reaction to occur in the brain, which is how love is explained.

Others completely refute such conclusions. This is justified by the fact that strong feelings cannot be so spontaneous, and for their occurrence additional components must be taken into account, in addition to visual assessment.

As for me, I am more inclined to the second version. In the first seconds, maximum sympathy may arise. There can be no talk of any falling in love, much less love.

Based on my experience, I can say with certainty that making a girl fall in love with you is an entire art. This process takes a long time. Fortunately for many men, you can actually learn how to make a girl fall in love with you.

Thousands of master classes on this topic are held every day around the world. Of course, not free. Moreover, most of the scenarios for such events are taken from the Internet.

Often, these “pickup trainers” are lonely and deeply unhappy people who only dream about the female body.

My advice is based on personal experience, as I have found myself in different situations related to falling in love. Somewhere I loved, somewhere I loved, mutual feelings and their absence - at any moment you can find yourself in the same position.

The main thing is not to panic, otherwise you can make such a mess that you will have to start the relationship from scratch and with a new woman.

So, first you need to decide why you need knowledge about how to make a girl fall in love with you.

The Basics of a Man's Pickup Truck

When it comes to seducing women, experience is not the most important thing.
The first thing you should think about before approaching the person you like is appearance. A girl may not pay attention to the high cost of clothes, but she will appreciate cleanliness and tidiness first of all. The basic rules of a male pickup, for those who do not know how to make a girl fall in love with you, can be presented as follows:

A gaze and nothing more

All women love attention. If a girl notices that a young man is watching her, she will probably turn around to do the same. The main thing in all this is not to lose eye contact. The girl should understand that they are interested in her not in order to come up and ask for directions, but for a specific romantic purpose. If the girl looked away first, then the man can celebrate a small victory.

“A smile will make the world brighter”

Nobody likes gloomy, withdrawn people; women try to avoid such individuals. If a man is having a bad day and can’t squeeze out anything other than a wry smile, the acquaintance is obviously doomed to failure. Having noticed a girl he likes in the crowd, a man should smile at her. If she smiles back, you can approach and try to get acquainted.

"Night, street, lantern, pharmacy"

Psychologists say that you can meet people anywhere, be it a chic cafe or a bus stop. The main condition is the right time. If a girl returns home alone late in the evening, then making acquaintance with her will not be the best idea: most likely, she will get scared and try to get rid of a random fellow traveler.

When meeting people, it is best to keep your distance. A distance of 1 meter must be maintained between a girl and a man. Otherwise, a new acquaintance may consider the attention shown to her too intrusive.

Pleasant conversations and compliments

After practicing staring and smiling and approaching the girl, the man should strike up a pleasant conversation. It’s better to start it with a banal compliment. You can praise a beautiful hairstyle, manicure, dress, say that the man was admired by her gait, smile, laughter.

The conversation should be simple, you should not move on to academic topics and be interested in a new friend’s degree of mastery of Gauss’s theorem. It’s better to talk about the weather, the surrounding architecture, the latest films and theaters, and the taste characteristics of the baked goods served in the nearest cafe.


You shouldn’t immediately attack the girl and demand that she give you her phone number. This option is suitable for ending an unexpected date. If the man has made the right impression, the girl will easily agree to give him her number. If not, you can try to find out her profile from social networks and try to continue communication on the Internet.

Women love confident men, so if a young man mumbles and doesn’t know what to say at the first contact, his chances of continuing are minimal. If you want to attract the attention of the girl you like, you can buy a ball or a rose, go up to her and simply give it to her. An accepted gift will be the first step towards further acquaintance.

How to make a girl fall in love with you?

Many guys spend a lot of time thinking about how to make a girl fall in love with them. However, they do not understand that the main problem is not how to do it, but why. If you seriously like a girl and a man plans to build a strong, long-term relationship with her, then it will be easier to make her fall in love with him than the one with whom you plan to spend several weeks or even days. Most often, women sense men's intentions and act accordingly.

By correspondence

It's easy to get acquainted by correspondence, but making a girl fall in love with you is not easy.
To begin with, you should “overwhelm” her with beautiful compliments, electronic gifts, and possibly poems. If she makes contact, you can praise her photos and ask about the places where they were taken. The main thing in this matter is perseverance and a clear manifestation of interest in the female person.

To arouse interest, a man must find out about her favorite books, films and performers. It is important to show the girl how attentive, educated and ready to immediately respond to any of her messages.

If she doesn't like you

Men who have problems building relationships often wonder how to make a girl fall in love with you if she doesn’t like you? Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are literally unsettled by this state of affairs, but they should not despair.

It is necessary to understand what exactly the girl does not like about a particular person. This can be both external data (height, weight, eye color, hair color, nose shape, etc.) and character traits. It is unlikely that it will be possible to correct external data, but a man is quite capable of changing his own behavior and character.

Thus, a gloomy person may try to learn a few jokes, invite a girl to ride a carousel, or spend an evening at the cinema watching a comedy. If a girl doesn’t like her partner’s excessive stinginess, then you can try to look more generous than usual.

If she has a boyfriend

There is an opinion that a guy is not a husband yet, and therefore you shouldn’t even worry about how to make a girl fall in love with you if she has a boyfriend. In reality this is not the case. Most representatives of the fair sex are already quite faithful at this stage of the relationship. The main task is to show the girl your best qualities, to make her understand that the young man she has chosen is not a suitable candidate.

To do this, you should give the best gifts, show maximum attention, see you off from university (from work), and regularly invite you on dates. If she doesn’t really like the person she’s dating for a given period of time, then after some time she will pay attention to such obvious signs of favor on the part of the new admirer.

If she loves someone else

The question of how to make a girl fall in love with you if she loves someone else is the most painful one. In principle, it is useless to look for an answer to it, since in most cases it is impossible.

If a girl is truly in love, she perceives the men around her only as friends.

A new fan has practically no chance, but you can try: real feelings are worth fighting for.


Many men like to conquer a woman with furious pressure. They constantly talk about her beauty or call her on the phone around the clock. However, you shouldn't do this. You should also not pretend to be unavailable. Both the first and second options are a manifestation of immaturity.

Instead of acting as if a woman is some kind of object to be conquered, a man should be sincere with her, while remaining himself. You should try to gain her respect and try to better understand this person by showing interest in all areas of the young lady’s daily life.

A man must answer all a woman’s SMS and calls. If you do something for her, then only from the bottom of your heart. Such behavior will be appreciated.

Top 10 methods that work flawlessly

Summarizing everything that was said above about how to make a girl fall in love with you, let's look at 10 methods that work flawlessly:

  1. Jokes and humor. Women highly value men who can make them laugh. Such a man is easy to love, easy to fall in love with. It is necessary to joke more, and not be shy about the comical situations that a couple may find themselves in.
  2. Find out everything about what a girl loves. Men don’t like to go shopping with their girlfriends, but the life of most women is not limited to shopping. Many girls are involved in active sports, enjoy dancing, embroidering, reading books, and working at jobs that they love and that are interesting. A man must make sure that his interests coincide as closely as possible with the interests of the girl. To do this, it is not at all necessary to run to the gym or buy embroidered paintings; it is enough to find out more information about what a woman does and, if necessary, support her in new endeavors.
  3. Listen to a girl. If a man does not know how to listen and hear, it will be difficult for him to win the heart of a beautiful lady. Listen carefully to everything the girl talks about, even if you are not interested.
  4. Support. Despite the significant percentage of feminists present in society, most girls still count on a strong male shoulder. At the same time, support does not have to be material; simple sympathy is quite enough. So, if a girl had a fight with her parents, friends, bosses and is looking for consolation, you should not talk about the degree of her guilt, future problems, and the like. She must understand that the man will choose her side in any case.
  5. Trust. Without trust there is no love, therefore if a man cannot win over a woman in such a way that she trusts him, he will not be able to make her fall in love with him.
  6. Constantly praise your taste in clothes and cosmetics. Girls love attention, so a man should periodically praise the next fashionable bag or dress, talk about the beauty of makeup, etc.
  7. Sweets. If a woman cooks well, her chances of winning a man double. A man can also use this trick, but he does not need to cook for this. It is enough to give the chosen one her favorite sweets.
  8. Flowers. Women love flowers, the more the better.
  9. Memorable dates. When planning to make a girl fall in love with you, you should not forget about memorable dates - the first kiss, the first date, the beginning of a life together, etc.
  10. Pleasant surprises. Not all women like surprises, but everyone can appreciate a truly beautiful gesture. Naturally, having bought tickets for the next flight to Paris, provided the girl is extremely busy at work, or has an exam coming up tomorrow, the man will not win at all in her eyes. But an unexpected gift of earrings, a trip to the cinema, or a picnic will be greatly appreciated.

The main thing to remember for those who plan to follow the methods presented above is that women love to be wooed, surprised and indulged in most whims.

Why does the guy need this?

Every young man who wants to make a girl fall in love with him must initially determine why he needs it.
According to psychologists, the most common reasons include:

  • true desire to find your soul mate
  • desire to experience completely new feelings and emotions
  • the desire to “be like everyone else”
    (this is especially often observed in the period from 16 to 23 years), when most friends and acquaintances begin to acquire girlfriends, and in more rare cases, even families;
  • the desire to “be branded macho”
    is relevant if we are talking about the constant desire to make more and more new representatives of the fair sex fall in love with oneself and, so to speak, to boast about the victories received;
  • “love out of spite”
    - what is meant, so to speak, is that there is a need to make a girl in love fall in love (provided that she likes her best friend or, conversely, a person whom she wants to cause suffering).

Depending on some factors, we can talk about other reasons that the guy is guided by.
10 signs a girl is in love

Psychological techniques

Girls don’t like guys who are overly correct, so a man shouldn’t talk about being faithful to her alone on the first date, report back, talk about everything that happened to him that day.
A girl should feel like a woman, and not a mother lavishing praise for good behavior. If a man doesn’t know how to make a girl fall in love with him, the psychological techniques described below can become a real guide to action for him.

So, what you need to know about women:

  • girls love to be looked at and admired, so the main thing is eye contact;
  • a girl who is not deprived of the attention of men ignores the views of her next boyfriend (for her he is only one of many), the latter needs to act directly opposite to the others, not paying any attention to the object of passion;
  • if a girl is bored with flowers and gifts and she begins to take them for granted, it is necessary to abruptly stop courtship, she will become worried and in the future she will look for reasons for meetings;
  • a girl will never fall in love with someone who compares her to other women, so by doing this a man can lose his beloved forever.

When meeting and further meetings, you should carefully monitor her reaction to touch. If a girl does not immediately strive to move away from a man whose hand accidentally touched her shoulder or hair, then he is already halfway to her heart.

Touches, even accidental ones, are extremely important: they show the degree of readiness for further rapprochement. If this did not help and the man still has no idea how to make a girl fall in love with him, psychology will not help here; it is necessary to study the specific situation from the inside and understand the reason for the failure. Perhaps it is due to the fact that the girl is already in love, but is hiding it, or her reaction is related to the zodiac sign under which she was born.

How to understand that she is in love, but is hiding it?

Having achieved an understanding of how to make any girl fall in love with them, representatives of the stronger sex begin to have difficulty understanding why their chosen one prefers to hide her feelings. There are several reasons for this:

  • the girl has not understood herself, confuses friendship with love and vice versa;
  • she does not trust her chosen one, she is afraid of deception;
  • she is afraid of the judgment of others;
  • the woman does not know that her feelings are mutual and therefore hides them, fearing to look stupid.

Understanding that a girl is hiding her love is not easy, but you can still try. To begin with, it is worth observing her reaction to other representatives of the fairer sex who surround the man. As a rule, it is negative.

Many women give themselves away by unknowingly taking care of their lover - preparing their favorite dishes, gifts for dates that the man himself does not remember, selfless help in business. In any case, a man must take the first step himself and admit his feelings.

Friendship with the environment of your chosen one

How to conquer the woman you like? To do this, a man is advised to please those around her. Her parents must be among them. After all, these are most likely future relatives. Some men love to win women this way. After all, the opinion of mothers for girls, as a rule, is very significant.

A man should not forget about his chosen one’s girlfriends. If they are conquered by him, then the girl will certainly begin to develop a sense of ownership. And if her friends have already managed to appreciate the one who is caring for the young lady, then she, most likely, will not risk her own happiness.

In this case, a man should try not to cross the line between flirting and sympathy with other girls. Otherwise, all efforts to win the heart of your beloved will be nullified.

Is it possible to charm an ex-girlfriend again (and is it necessary)?

After a serious quarrel that caused a breakup, some men are worried about the question of how to make a girl fall in love with them again, how to make an ex-girlfriend, wife, or girlfriend fall in love with themselves, whether it is worth doing this. The answer to the question depends on the situation that provoked the separation.

In most cases, there are no hopeless options, but it is unlikely that a girl will return to a guy who treated her cruelly, called her hurtful names and constantly cheated on her. If the quarrel was caused by an attack of jealousy, was of a domestic nature, or was provoked by the surrounding situation, then the relationship can be restored by repeating a number of points described above.

By entering into an already broken relationship, a man risks encountering previously existing and unresolved problems. Before seeking the favor of your ex, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.


How to win a woman's heart? To achieve your goal, you should not treat her as “your guy.” The attitude towards the lady should be completely different. First of all, a man trying to woo the lady he likes should not quarrel with her. You should also not say offensive words to her.

A woman will definitely appreciate a man if he holds the door for her or pulls up a chair, helping her sit down at the table. You should also not base all relationships on intimacy. A woman must understand that she is important to a man as a person.

How to behave with representatives of different zodiac signs?

The nature of the relationships being built largely depends on the zodiac sign. Thus, some representatives of the zodiac wheel are easy to fall in love with, while others do not succumb to temptation for a long period of time, surrendering to the mercy of the winner only after being convinced of the authenticity of his feelings.


An Aries woman will not tolerate a sluggish and not energetic man next to her, therefore, before deciding how to make an Aries girl fall in love with him, a guy must evaluate his intellectual and social skills. Aries like to joke, are not touchy, can provoke an argument, and prefer people who speak directly about their intentions.


The Taurus woman cannot stand talkers. Not knowing how to make a Taurus girl fall in love with him, a man must think about whether he is ready to silently give in to disputes that arise during the relationship. Taurus are extremely stubborn, they know exactly who they need, the choice of the chosen one is always done consciously, in most cases, based on careful calculation.


Geminis love witty interlocutors, so there won’t be any particular difficulties in making a Gemini girl fall in love with you. It’s a pleasure to spend time with representatives of this sign; they are ready to support any conversation.

How does a girl under the sign of Gemini love?


Cancers are cheerful, but extremely stubborn, so it can be difficult to make a Cancer girl fall in love with you. Sincerity can help in this difficult matter. A man should not hide the emotions that surround him, and then he will be able to win the heart of a Cancer woman.

a lion

Leos are headstrong and impatient, they prefer to dominate in relationships, so a man who is thinking about how to make a Leo girl fall in love with him will have quite a hard time. Success will depend on his ability to flatter and give compliments. Leo girls love to be put on a pedestal.


Virgos prefer a business approach in everything, including relationships. A man who decides to devote some time to how to make a Virgo girl fall in love with him will have to carefully monitor all the words spoken in her presence. Virgo remembers all the promises and will quote verbatim the conversation that took place 1 year ago.


Libras love to chat, and it doesn’t matter what, it’s important how. They are refined natures, therefore a man who plans to win her hearts and does not know how to make a Libra girl fall in love with him must learn the art of conducting a salon conversation and be competent in all topics that interest his chosen one.

How a girl born under the sign of Libra loves


Sagittarians love to teach, so in a conversation with them there is always an edifying and authoritative tone. A guy who doesn’t know how to make a Sagittarius girl fall in love with him should practice philosophical conversations. At the same time, there is no point in talking about feelings and romance; Sagittarians do not like this. Just like conversations about home, work, everyday problems.


Scorpio cares about emotions. A man should not think too long about how to make a Scorpio girl fall in love with him; he just needs to show his true feelings. This must be done carefully, since Scorpios are excellent manipulators.


Capricorns prefer to keep their distance from unfamiliar people, so a guy trying to figure out how to make a Capricorn girl fall in love with him must prepare for a long siege.

How does a girl born under the sign of Capricorn love?


One of the easiest zodiac signs to communicate and make new acquaintances. There shouldn’t be any difficulties with how to make an Aquarius girl fall in love with you. Representatives of this sign like well-educated men with a strong sense of humor. It is better to talk about abstract topics, preferably avoiding questions about career, life, home, money.


Quite an impressionable zodiac sign. A guy who doesn’t know how to make a Pisces girl fall in love with him should stock up on exclusively positive emotions and news. Pisces are touchy and easily upset. You should talk to them exclusively about cinema, art, literature, and pets.

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