How to get rid of panic attacks on your own once and for all

The best way to overcome a panic attack is very simple. Find out how to get rid of panic attacks forever without pills and doctors.

How to cope with panic attacks and fears on your own forever? How to get rid of panic attacks? These or similar questions are asked by readers of the Find Yourself blog.

I offer you an effective technique to combat panic attacks. Just 5 simple steps will help you get rid of panic attacks forever without pills:

  1. We understand the diet against panic attacks.
  2. Active movements against panic attacks.
  3. We get rid of the main stressors.
  4. We get rid of the fear of new panic attacks.
  5. Finding the right attitude against panic attacks.

The panic that grips a person when he is in a crowd and shares a common fate is not as terrible as the fear experienced alone. Jack London

What is a panic attack

Panic attacks are uncontrollable panic attacks. This is a pronounced anxiety that is not limited to a specific situation or circumstances. Outbursts of intense fear often occur for no apparent reason. The condition is accompanied by numbness with various physiological abnormalities: lack of air, sweating, loss of voice, rapid heartbeat.

I had never thought about how common panic attacks (PA) are. It turns out that about 5% of the world's people are susceptible to this syndrome, and most often it manifests itself in young people from 20 to 30 years old! Women's PAs are a common occurrence; they occur less frequently in men.

What is the essence of this syndrome and why does it interfere with life? The fact is that PAs arise when you least expect them. Like in that song: “Love will unexpectedly appear when you least expect it...”

Imagine the situation: you are standing in a beautiful dress on stage as the host/host of a party. And then, hello, the PA begins: treacherous circles on a satin blue dress (or a beautiful burgundy shirt), the heart is pounding, there is not enough air, the voice disappears, there is noise in the ears... And you need to entertain the audience. It is clear that there is no time for entertainment anymore. This is how the career of a toastmaster will end... Cool? Don't think…

A panic attack causes a sharp release of the stress hormone - adrenaline. And the whole body begins to quickly prepare for a potentially dangerous situation, the “fight or flight” mechanism is launched. At the same time, breathing is faster, the heart works faster. What happens next?

And then hyperventilation of the lungs occurs in the body, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood decreases, which leads to numbness of the limbs, tingling in the fingers and sometimes on the scalp.

Under real stress, fighting or running, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon for the body. While running, we don’t even notice such changes in ourselves. But when our well-being changes out of the blue, this is completely useless. This is a failure in the body's system when the “emergency protection” is turned on for no reason.

Panic attacks are not a harmless disorder. Many people develop depression due to PA, which is difficult to cope with, but possible!

Friends, you can contact Sergei Litan, a psychologist and psychoanalyst. It will help if you want:

  1. Get out of depression.
  2. Bring back the joy in life.
  3. Get your inner state in order.
  4. Get rid of fears, phobias and panic attacks and much more.

In this article I tell you how I managed to get rid of internal fear and anxiety in just 1 month with the help of Sergei’s advice.

Use effective breathing techniques

This breathing technique is useful for those who do not know what to do if they have a panic attack.

When panic anxiety occurs, first take 4 short exhalations in a row and then one long, maximally deep breath of air. Repeat this procedure 50 times.

What are the benefits of this breathing technique?:

  1. After 50 times, breathing becomes smooth and easy.
  2. The focus from the logical part is replaced by your body.
  3. You feel your body, energy more and monitor it. Try to maintain this feeling.
  4. Negative thoughts begin to recede.

How to recognize a panic attack in yourself

Panic attacks can be compared to an unexpected unpleasant surprise. This is a manifestation of negative emotions + physiology is involved.

You can even find out for yourself whether you are susceptible to PA. I will list 13 symptoms, and if you have at least 4 of them, then congratulations - this article is for you:

  1. Fear of death (read how to get rid of it).
  2. Feeling short of breath.
  3. Fear of going crazy, losing control of your behavior.
  4. Accelerated heart rate.
  5. Feeling of unreality, alienation from oneself.
  6. Numbness, tingling in the limbs.
  7. Pain, discomfort in the chest.
  8. Nausea, upset stomach.
  9. Dizziness, malaise, instability of feelings.
  10. Chills or hot flashes.
  11. Feeling of suffocation.
  12. Trembling, local tremor.
  13. Increased sweating.

Well, have you diagnosed yourself?

Pay attention to points 1, 3, 5. These symptoms relate to the cognitive sphere of a person. With frequent manifestations of PA, the personality is “lost” - sometimes obsessive thoughts arise that the body is here and the mind is somewhere, because of this there is a fear of losing this “traveling” mind. Thoughts become confused, a person ceases to control and manage his emotions.

The remaining 10 points indicate a change in the state of the body. It is difficult for you to live an ordinary life, since the autonomic nervous system is malfunctioning. By the way, people with vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) are more susceptible to panic attacks, since this is their weak point in the body.

Girl having a panic attack

What are the symptoms of PA that a person experiences?

  • feeling of doom;
  • feeling of danger;
  • feeling of loss of control;
  • fear of death;
  • heart rate increases;
  • you start to sweat;
  • shiver;
  • chills;
  • nausea;
  • spasms, convulsions;
  • headache or chest pain;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • you have difficulty swallowing drool;
  • dry mouth;
  • compression and lump in the throat;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • a feeling of unreality of what is happening;
  • a feeling of being separated from yourself;
  • difficulty breathing, the body's need for oxygen increases.

Consequences of panic attacks

After an attack of a panic attack, a person is already afraid to be in the place where it overtook him: in transport, the subway, the stage, etc. Naturally, he will avoid it in the future. Constraints and complexes appear. It’s difficult to get rid of them and become a confident person later. But this is only a small part of the trouble that a PA disorder that is not eliminated in time can entail.

Such an attack leaves a mark on the memory and psyche of the individual. The person, as if defending himself, begins to fear a repetition of such an attack. And this provokes its next occurrence. Some kind of vicious circle.

A panic attack lasts from 5 to 30 minutes. Sometimes this range extends to hours. In advanced cases, attacks occur several times a day. In the early stages - once every 1-2 months.

What are the consequences and dangers of PA:

  1. The person becomes very sensitive and develops frequent anxiety and even phobias. The number of terrible objects and phenomena for him increases.
  2. During an attack, when the autonomic nervous system begins to react with disruptions in the functioning of the heart and lungs, the person drinks various medications without controlling himself. And this can already be life-threatening.
  3. When a person has a seizure and he is driving some kind of transport, this can be dangerous for the lives of those around him. There have been cases when an airplane pilot was “visited” by a PA during a flight. Thank God they work together...
  4. Sharp fear aggravates other chronic diseases in humans. Often after such panic attacks, the intestines, heart and other organs begin to ache.
  5. PAs are also dangerous for pregnant women. Not only does the child experience all the outbreaks of stress hormones, but the woman’s coordination is also impaired, which sometimes leads to falls and mechanical damage.
  6. The most dangerous thing is severe anxiety, which is extremely difficult to cope with, and thoughts of suicide.

In addition, the consequences of PA can be disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle, increased blood pressure, and disruptions in the digestive and nervous systems.

Psychological consequences include social phobia, loss of communication skills, inappropriate behavior, conscious limitation of social contacts.


When panic sets in, you may notice pain, numbness, and general tension throughout the body.
By taking a few minutes to relax your body, you can begin to eliminate some of your physical discomforts. Relieving physical stress will also help relieve anxious thoughts. Move up the entire arm, tensing and relaxing each muscle group, moving from the forearm to the shoulder. Then switch to the left side. Do the same with your legs, starting with the right.

Continue focusing on individual muscle groups, including your back and shoulders, until you've worked all the way to the top of your head. Remember to relax your facial muscles, as they often experience a lot of tension. Try softening your forehead, relaxing your jaw and neck.

How to Deal with Panic Attacks: Steps

Of course, after such a description, I want to overcome panic attacks forever as soon as possible, to forget about them like a bad dream.

And here I want to please you: this really can be done, and most often without pills!


I'll start with the banal: recognize your problem. Yes. Admit to yourself that this very feeling is a panic attack.

What does this give?

When a person recognizes a problem, he begins to fight it. Understand that at the initial stage of the syndrome you will cope with it easier than when constant attacks of rapid heartbeat, chills and sweating begin.

Learn stress management

In simple words, develop steps for yourself to overcome uncontrollable anxiety. Or at least a simple algorithm of actions:

  • take a deep breath;
  • open the window for fresh air;
  • as a last resort, leave the room so as not to attract the attention of others.

Think about what will be more appropriate and most acceptable in your particular case.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Here I want to talk about sleep and food. It's no secret that proper sleep improves your emotional state, relieves stress at least temporarily, restores physical and mental balance, and lifts your mood. To recover, an adult needs to sleep 6–8 hours a day, depending on physical activity.

Food can also lift your spirits. Eat more vegetables, drink water, treat yourself to chocolate sometimes, and, of course, use meat and fish in moderation. By the way, sometimes a banal daily routine helps to cope with neurosis. You say: what does the mood for the PA have to do with it? Moreover, systematically low mood and PA are disorders of the emotional sphere and are interconnected.

Free yourself from stress for a while

As a rule, the occurrence of PA is provoked by a certain stressful situation. For example, a person has an accident and after that cannot drive a car due to panic attacks. To recuperate, he needs to ride in the passenger seat for some time. As soon as the attacks are over, you can try to drive a car.

The same applies to any other provoking situations.

Learn relaxation techniques

I will write about first aid during a panic attack below. It is important for you to understand that relaxation techniques are useful not only during PA, but also every day to restore emotional strength.

Relaxation technique

Stop being afraid of attacks

“Easy to say!” – you will answer. But think about it, nothing will change - whether you will be afraid of panic attacks or not. They either exist or they don’t. Panic attacks can actually only be controlled if you are mentally prepared for them. And you will receive this readiness only when fear goes away. You will see, as soon as you conquer your fear, self-confidence and a new life without PA will appear.


Emotional disorders are treated not so much with medication as with psychotherapy. Talk therapy can help you cope with anxious thoughts. It is anxious thoughts that give rise to frequent attacks of PA. Psychotherapy helps to ask the right questions during the occurrence of physiological manifestations of panic.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, you can put your psyche in order with the following questions:

  • What am I afraid of?
  • Why am I afraid of this?
  • What harm will this situation bring to me?
  • What will happen to me if my worst fears happen?
  • How long will I feel bad?
  • Is this little thing making me feel so bad?

This is just one of the techniques. You can use distraction methods: physical activity, more social contact, playing with children, and so on.

General recommendations

Maintaining the correct daily routine is an important point in the fight against nervous tension.

You need to create your daily routine in such a way that there is enough space for both work and rest. It is also important to alternate between work and rest.

Sound and healthy sleep is something you desperately need. Moreover, it should occur precisely at night and be at least 8 hours a day.

You will have to eliminate alcohol and other stimulating drinks : coffee, strong tea. They excite the nervous system and prevent you from relaxing. Instead, drink soothing herbal infusions based on mint, lemon balm, chamomile, and linden.

Review your diet . Leave only healthy food in it. More vegetables and fruits are beneficial.

Constantly repeat to yourself that sport is your assistant in the fight against relapses of panic attacks. This is an excellent method for relieving tension and releasing negative energy. It increases the level of endorphins in the blood and reduces the amount of stress hormones. In addition, sports will allow you to abstract from your problems. Believe me, a hundred jumping ropes will bring you out of the blues and save you from gloomy thoughts.

In addition, physical exercise improves blood circulation, eliminates muscle tension, and liberates the body. It gives self-confidence, activates thinking, teaches self-control, and, of course, tightens the figure, makes it slimmer, and the image more harmonious. You will receive enormous benefits from playing sports, improve your sense of self and self-perception, and free yourself from certain complexes.

How to quickly relieve a panic attack at home: 13 exercises

It takes a lot of effort to overcome such panic attacks. Many people get hooked on pills, but it doesn't lead to anything good. Only working on yourself can give positive results and you will soon forget about the attacks of PA.

So, you're having a panic attack, what should you do? Calming down during a panic attack is almost impossible, but very necessary. To do this, read the steps below:

  1. Drink up to 200 g of cold water. This will refresh your mind, reorganize the internal processes in the body to work normally, and not to a burst of energy.
  2. Activate your inner voice: speak out everything you do. For what? When you talk to yourself, encourage yourself, support yourself, then your brain tunes in to positivity. And the psyche seems to heal itself.
  3. Breathe deeply. A deep, slow breath saturates the blood with oxygen, restores heart rhythm, and slows down the flow of blood through the vessels. This is a natural recovery of the body without sedatives.
  4. Start singing. A song is an emotional action. It also has a beneficial effect on the body. Even children who stutter are advised to recite all phrases.
  5. Warm your hands until warm: either rub them together or massage them with a rubber massage ball. When PA occurs, blood does not flow to the extremities, heat helps restore blood flow, and you become distracted.
  6. But you should cool your face to restore breathing and sober thinking. If PA hits you in the car, open a window or turn on the air conditioner. If you are indoors, wash your face with cold water and refresh yourself.
  7. Relaxation of the body. I once heard that in the USA, soldiers are specially taught to relax their face and body in order to fall asleep in 30–50 seconds. With PA, it is also important to learn how to quickly relax at least your face - sit down, lie down. Imagine that you are in zero gravity, “turn off” all facial expressions. Another secret: when the face is relaxed, the jaws do not close. Pay attention to this.
  8. But when the body relaxes, the brain must increase its work. During a panic attack, the brain is blocked - it cannot think soberly. Therefore, it needs to be “loaded” with abstract information: solve problems, repeat learned foreign words if you are driving, look at the route map and make your own, solve a crossword puzzle, color by numbers.
  9. Switch to positive emotions. Remember last year’s trip abroad or to the forest, think about your plans for the next week. Finally decide to rearrange the furniture in the room. Positive emotions will be the beginning of changing your life for the better, taking action and getting rid of PA.
  10. If there is some animal (cat, dog) within a radius of 1 meter from you, do not hesitate to talk to it. Seriously! Say: “Don't bark!” or “Meow, meow, I don’t have anything edible!” This will also work as a distraction, and it’s more pleasant to talk with a living creature rather than with a concrete pillar.
  11. In case of a sudden panic attack, always stock up on menthol gum. The sharp taste will “attract” the receptors to itself, which reduces sweating, rapid heartbeat, and breathing spasms.
  12. Develop self-confidence. To the point where you say to yourself: “Speak, speak, I am in charge here, I control myself!”, “I control myself, my body, my thoughts.”
  13. Keep yourself busy, get carried away with something, look for a purpose in life, even when you don’t want anything. Any mental illness, hear – ANY, can be treated by controlling thoughts, actions and setting goals. Another question is that not all of them are curable. But you can improve the quality of life with emotional disorders with these tips!

The first method: getting rid of adrenaline

As already mentioned, an attack triggers its mechanism for the release of adrenaline hormones into the blood. Reducing the frequency of these surges, as well as the concentration of the hormone itself, will help facilitate treatment. This substance affects the physical stress of the body, making the muscles of the limbs tense for a long time, which is why a feeling of numbness and new attacks of fear appear. Therefore, you need to learn how to remove adrenaline from your muscles and blood. The options are as follows:

Home boxing

This method involves doing something similar to Thai boxing on your own; you don’t even have to go to any classes. It will be enough to learn a few punches from this martial arts and buy yourself a boxing bag or other object that will be convenient and not a pity to hit. You need to learn knee and elbow strikes, because they are better than others at using the muscles of the arms and legs, which you will use in a stressful situation. You force these muscles to work, sweating out all the adrenaline. Home boxing is also perfect for those whose attacks are accompanied by aggression and anger.

Water treatments

And we are talking specifically about swimming, if possible in the pool. Here, two of its advantages work for you at once: water has properties that relax the human psyche, and swimming will use the muscles of the limbs to remove the hormone. For the best effect, you should swim crawl, working your limbs often and quickly.

Important! This method should not be used by those who are afraid of water or are simply bad swimmers.

Bathhouse with brooms

A rather pleasant method of treating panic attacks is taking a real Russian bath, if possible. Hot steam can dilate blood vessels and relax muscles, and therefore relieve physical stress from the body. Also, blows with brooms will massage the muscles, helping the steam room remove toxins from the body through sweat. If it is not possible to visit a Russian bath, give preference to a hammam or an infrared sauna.

Sports massage

It is the physical stress of the whole body that experienced athletes very often experience, which is why a special massage, hard massage, was developed for them. Warming ointments are always specially used for this in order to relax the muscles as much as possible and release the remaining hormones. If you are sure that you can do without oils, then use aromatic oils to relax your psyche.

Exercise and yoga

Physical activity helps relieve muscle tension, but it must be chosen carefully. It is important that the exercises help stretch the muscles and ligaments, which is what yoga, Pilates and Nordic walking help best with. The latter will also help distract your head if you can walk in a park near a pond. Breathing practices will also not be superfluous, they will greatly help you keep yourself under control in particularly alarming situations.

Note! Never engage in overly vigorous exercise such as aerobics or running, as this will only strain your limbs more. It is especially important to forget about pumping muscles with the help of “iron” during treatment.

Drawing up a wellness program from at least two items on this list is the first step on the path to recovery. It is very important to keep your body in harmony with your head, and each of these methods helps with this.

Online courses to combat panic and fears

I have good news for you: the problem of panic attacks is solvable and can be solved with “small losses”. There are good courses and webinars that will help you learn to control yourself during PA and control your emotions. I have made a selection of the 5 coolest courses. I think they will significantly speed up the process of defeating panic attacks.

№1. Brain Detox – 10 Lessons on How to Reboot Your Brain. Helps clear the mind and consciousness, reduce stress and anxiety - this helps reduce the intensity and number of panic attacks.

The author of the lessons is Viktor Shiryaev, an expert in developmental psychology and integral philosophy.

You can:

  • better concentrate on your work;
  • learn to notice new things around you;
  • you will be able to control your attention;
  • stop negative thoughts;
  • prevent emotional stress in time.

Cost – 1,490 rubles.

№2. How to quickly cope with fear and anxiety - video lessons that last 1.5 hours. Cost – 800 rub. Often available at a discount.

What will you get as a result:

  • learn to talk to the problem and thereby eliminate it;
  • be able to turn negative into positive;
  • try to adjust your visual, audio and kinesthetic channels to get rid of PA;
  • you will be able to quickly eliminate panic attacks;
  • You will be able to eliminate psychological trauma in your life.

The author of the course is the online school of creative thinking “Planerka”. It develops communication skills and creative abilities of a person.

№3. Master class 15 ways to get rid of fear - audio lessons that describe practical techniques for getting rid of PA and fears. Cost – 949 rubles.

What will he give you:

  • practical techniques for relieving anxiety;
  • learn to deal with fear and anxiety;
  • you will feel peace and tranquility;
  • learn practical ways to stop being afraid of the unknown;
  • Find out what the causes of your fears and panic attacks lie.

The author is Alexander Zhurakovsky, an expert in working with fears, worries, phobias and panic attacks, a practicing psychologist.

№4. Video course First Aid Kit “Anti-Fear” – video lessons for overcoming sudden fear. The author of the course is Alexander Zhurakovsky.

What skills will you gain:

  • learn to cope with emotions using simple techniques;
  • learn methods to combat anxiety;
  • try out the techniques of breathing restorative exercises;
  • learn ways to get rid of fears;
  • learn not to dwell on phobias.

Cost – 292 rubles.

№5. Video course How to get rid of fear once and for all? will help you gradually forget about fear and panic attacks.

The author of the video course is Denis Shvetsov, a practicing psychologist, psychotherapist, and expert in the development of stress resistance and positive mood.


  • you will know what you gain if you get rid of fear;
  • get acquainted with the mistakes that cause fear;
  • consider the causes of fear and panic attacks;
  • learn the differences between the feeling of fear and the natural reaction to danger;
  • and most importantly, you will discover how to get rid of the feeling of fear forever.

Cost – 990 rub.

Determine what thought it all started with and find evidence of the absurdity of this thought

  1. Determine what your focus was before the panic attack began.
  2. Start looking for as much evidence as possible of the absurdity of this idea once you have identified the root of the evil.
  3. Now start distinguishing your true thoughts from false ones and develop positive thinking. This way, you will solve your questions on how to cure panic attacks.

Let's say, for example, I'm afraid of flying on an airplane.

Let's look at the example of the fear of flying on an airplane (1)

I find as many reasons as possible to dispel my fear of flying and support the idea that it is an enjoyable and safe experience.

Examples of evidence of the absurdity of panic during a flight:

  • Every year airplanes become safer.
  • Pilots are specially trained for all types of emergency situations and I am in good hands.
  • All we hear on the news about crashes is one of hundreds of millions of successful flights every month.

An example of the absurdity of PA during pregnancy in women (2)

  • No matter how much a girl worries and thinks about pregnancy, she will not change anything and will not in any way affect the course of events in the future.
  • A girl can become more confident and pull herself together. With her experiences, she only makes herself worse.
  • No one cares about harming a woman's child. She's completely safe. Only she herself is trying to harm herself with her unnecessary panics.
  • All these cases of bad births with sad endings are inspired by tales from television and drama series that women love to watch.

Books to overcome panic attacks

There is quite a lot of literature in psychiatry and psychology that talks about how to stop a panic attack and help get rid of this problem. I have selected for you a list of books that will cover the topic of panic attacks from start to finish. You will understand the causes of your problem and learn how to solve it.

  1. “How to get rid of panic attacks forever” Anatoly Miroshnichenko - here we are talking about long-term but effective treatment.
  2. “Happy life without panic attacks and fears” Pavel Fedorenko - here you will understand what triggered PA in you and how to solve the problem in a short time.
  3. “Panic attacks and how to get rid of them” Elena Skibo - author, psychotherapist, gives recommendations on how to get rid of PA on your own.
  4. “4 stages of getting rid of panic attacks. A short practical guide” Maxim Zryutin.
  5. “The Complete Encyclopedia of Health by Louise Hay” Louise Hay, a famous psychologist who has studied psychosomatics, describes the causes and ways of getting rid of PA. By the way, the reviews about this book are impressive - most are positive and grateful for the timely help with PA.
  6. “How to overcome panic attacks, VSD and neurosis” Andrey Kurpatov - tips on how to calm yourself during a panic attack, and getting rid of VSD using the body’s internal resources.
  7. “Stop alarm. A quick way to calm your nerves and relieve anxiety when there is panic around” Alexey Krasikov.
  8. “Emotional control. Return to a productive life” Konstantin Komissarov.
  9. “I'm not scared anymore. How to live without fear, panic and phobias” Yulia Kolesnichenko.
  10. “Live healthy” Alexey Vilkov.

Development mechanism

  1. Under the influence of stress, adrenaline is released.
  2. The hormone provokes vasoconstriction, increases breathing and heart rate.
  3. Vasospasm leads to increased blood pressure.
  4. Carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body faster, which provokes increased anxiety.
  5. Low CO2 levels cause dizziness and numbness in the limbs
  6. Vessels spasm only at the periphery: in the skin, fatty tissue and muscles. All the blood flows to the vital organs: the brain and heart. The remaining tissues suffer from hypoxia, which leads to the accumulation of lactic acid in them. It enters the systemic bloodstream and increases panic.

Do I need to contact specialists?

We've looked at how to deal with panic attacks on your own at the most inopportune times. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that not all problems can be solved with just one word. Sometimes you have to use pharmaceutical drugs and drink herbs. For example, after a difficult emotional day, Melissa helps me. Some people save themselves by taking a shower and so on.

For panic attacks, self-help is more likely to be effective. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen...

Therefore, I ask you: if you see that the written techniques do not work, books do not help and steps to calm you down only irritate or worsen the situation, then rush to a specialist: a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, neurologist.

A neurologist (neurologist), by the way, is not the last place here! Sometimes PA can occur due to functional or organic problems in the brain.

Expert help

Sergey Litan

Psychologist, psychoanalyst, researcher

Ask a Question

Hello, my name is Sergey. I am an expert in the field of psychology and psychoanalysis. I work by passion and love my job. I specialize in depression and anxiety. Over 20 years of practice, I have helped hundreds of people get their results: get out of depression, regain joy in life, put their inner state in order, get rid of fears, phobias and panic attacks. Years of research have allowed me to find the most effective “tools” for solving almost any situation and life scenario.

Tell me about your problem and I will help you.

Why does the phenomenon occur?

To understand how to overcome panic attacks on your own, it is important to understand their cause. And the main cause of such conditions is always disorders of the nervous system associated with severe stress. Most often, sufferers experience: depression, suicidal tendencies and drug or alcohol addiction, as well as severe phobia. That is why such attacks cannot be called a disease, attributing them to a specific type of behavior.

The main sources of panic are physical and emotional stress, often supplemented by aggravating factors such as alcohol intoxication, caffeine, energy drink components, lack of sleep and fatigue. An attack can be triggered by either a very stressful situation, such as losing a job, or a trifle, for example, a small conflict with a colleague. But if additional factors are not connected to the situation, then the catalyst should be enormous stress, for example, the loss of a loved one.

It is very important to understand what exactly triggers the “circle of panic” for you, because this is what your treatment should be based on. It is necessary to clearly assess the situation, because the main method of treating attacks will be to stop the attack at each point of its action. You have to change not only your thoughts, but also your bodily sensations, trying to think through your feelings already during an attack. It will also be necessary to prevent hormone releases.

But the main point of how to completely get rid of your panic attacks will be reducing stress in your life. Watch a video about panic attacks and find answers to your questions.

Is it possible to overcome panic attacks forever?

Nightmares from the situation you have experienced, unexpected panic attacks due to psychological trauma or stress - these are all problems that interfere with life, but, thank God, they are not fatal. They can and should be solved!

You can get rid of panic attacks for a long time! If the question is “for the rest of your life,” then it takes time, but it’s also possible! It all depends on the nature of the disorder. Sometimes PA is an independent pathology that can be removed from a person’s life.

But there are cases when panic attacks occur after alcohol in addicted people, against the background of organic brain damage as a symptom of mental illness. With this state of human health, it is impossible to predict complete relief from attacks. It's like phantom pain after limb removal.

Have you seen the movie “1+1”? There, the main character just had attacks of phantom pain, although his limbs had long been without sensitivity. So it is with panic attacks - as a symptom of the disease, they can visit a person during an exacerbation. But there is no need to despair! There are excellent ways to overcome even symptomatic PA, but a medical specialist will tell you about this in detail at your appointment.


The exact causes of the disorder have not been established. Despite the abundance of theories, the following risk factors are of primary importance:

  • prolonged stay in a psychotraumatic environment;
  • one-time, but large-scale stress - the loss of a loved one, a car/plane accident, passing an exam, speaking in front of a large number of people, divorce proceedings;
  • hereditary history of anxiety or other psychiatric disorders;
  • the presence of concomitant psychoneurological diseases;
  • physical or sexual abuse, especially during childhood;
  • Substance abuse – drugs, alcohol, pharmaceutical addiction;
  • the presence of intrapersonal conflicts when our desires do not coincide with our capabilities;
  • being in a threatening situation, for example, in conditions of hostilities or hostage taking;
  • manifestation of somatic diseases – pheochromocytoma, cardiovascular failure, taking medications (“Erespal”).

Proponents of cognitive theory give a key role to the incorrect interpretation of phenomena. We are talking about people with increased sensitivity who exaggerate objective experiences. For example, when experiencing chest pain for the first time, they regard it as a symptom of developing myocardial infarction.

When unexplained anxiety occurs only in relation to a specific situation or place, agoraphobia may be present. Due to growing panic, patients do not leave their homes and avoid people and open spaces. The combination of such disorders entails a worse prognosis if you do not seek help from a doctor in time.

Stop the attack with medication

Drugs from the group of tranquilizers (anxiolytics or anti-anxiety drugs) help stop a panic attack if you take the pill at a time when it is still in its infancy.

Tranquilizers cannot be taken by everyone; they are sold by prescription, so they must be prescribed by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Panic attacks. Why don't pills help?

What is the difference between anxiety and fear?

Psychologists describe interesting cases where doctors were able to quickly, within a few minutes, help patients cope with unbearable anxiety. Here's one of them.

The woman had to undergo a complex operation. Before the operation, her anxiety increased so much that the attending physician was unable to discuss even the necessary points with her before the operation. Her relatives tried to calm her down as best they could, but it had no effect, quite the contrary. Their consolations caused the patient to fall into a stupor; communication with her was impossible.

Then a surgeon approached her, so huge, serious, in a medical gown and cap. And he began to tell her that yes, the operation was not easy. Such operations have such and such a percentage of positive outcomes, and such and such a percentage of negative ones associated with complications. And the percentage of deaths, although small, is still there and amounts to such and such a percentage.

And although there was nothing soothing in his words, the woman came out of her stupor and burst into tears.

After which she admitted that she was very afraid of the negative consequences of the operation, but was ready to discuss with the doctor all the necessary details of the treatment in order to improve her chances.

And this is what happened. Thanks to the doctor’s words, supported by numbers, the woman’s boundless anxiety turned into a concrete fear of negative consequences, which has boundaries.

Fear has an object. We are not afraid in general, but, for example, of dogs, spiders, women with black veils, empty buckets, or the likelihood of specific unfavorable events. No matter how unpleasant the feeling of fear is, it is still easier to cope with it, since it has boundaries.

Anxiety, unlike fear, has no subject and therefore has no boundaries. Dealing with it is much more difficult.

When specifics appear, for the psyche the task already seems solvable.

In the case of the doctor, treatment of anxiety, which seemed impossible to cope with, came down to discussing numbers, which for the psyche was a signal to stop being helpless and take control of the situation.

Physical activity

Even lazy people know about the benefits of physical activity. This is another surefire way to deal with panic attacks on your own. During sports activity, the body intensely releases endorphins—the hormones of joy. The energy that is necessary for a panic attack flows into another direction - it is spent on sports.

PAs are more common in those who do not devote time to physical activity. The human body is capable of healing itself. The main thing is to choose the sport you like and the optimal load. Physical activity will be followed by emotional relaxation. This is both pleasant and useful, and helps to overcome the pathological condition.

Clearing the subconscious

Why do we experience an attack of fear later, when there is no longer a threat from the outside. Often this happens because we have not fully worked out our reaction to a real external danger. Or we simply repressed the emotion deep into the subconscious. Modern realities are designed in such a way that we are forced to restrain our emotions. The boss yelled at us, but we remain silent. The offender cannot be hit because of the bad consequences. Running away is considered cowardice. That is, we do not work out the forced reaction, we hide it inside.

We are also constantly bombarded with stress, problems at work, at home, troubles in life, and constant tension. The worst thing is when a person does not have a normal rear. That is, we are ready to endure difficulties at work, but we must know and feel deep down in our souls that when we come home, a pleasant atmosphere with loved ones awaits us. Therefore, often the cause of panic attacks is also a painful environment, especially at home, from which there is nowhere to escape. For example, when there are scandals in the family, the husband or parents are alcoholics, an unloved spouse.

You need to understand that a panic attack does not occur on its own, but is a release of accumulated tension inside. Imagine a bubbling closed pot. If we didn't close it, the steam would naturally come out. When the lid is closed, pressure is created, which sooner or later will make itself felt.

Likewise, our psyche, as a result of stress and experiences, especially when we endure, accumulate inside, not allowing emotions to come out, is filled with unprocessed psycho-emotional material. When the psyche is not yet heavily overloaded, attacks occur sporadically. For example, in the evening or at night we have an unreasonable fear or just want to cry. I think this happens a lot to a lot of people.

But over time, intrapsychic pressure increases and chronic anxiety arises. The body, for its own protection purposes, in order to somehow relieve internal pressure, itself throws out the dirt accumulated inside. Often he does this through the body.

A rapid heartbeat, body shaking or other vegetative symptoms occur on their own. This results in frequent panic attacks. The psyche already ceases to function normally and weakens. A person becomes very sensitive to external stimuli, thereby further weakening the nervous system.

Often our subconscious is filled with negative material that we acquired a long time ago, for example, in childhood. Let's say a child grew up in a dysfunctional family of alcoholics with constant scandals and did not receive enough parental love. In this case, the psyche will be distorted. There is a high probability that panic attacks will begin in adulthood. Or, for example, some kind of resentment or fear that we experienced in childhood has settled inside us. Often, as if for no reason, the body can throw it out, that is, manifest it, but without the object of fear after a few years.

All this suggests that one of the main reasons for the occurrence of panic attacks is the overcrowding of the psyche with unprocessed emotional material. And in order to get rid of panic attacks once and for all, you just need to cleanse your subconscious of all the dirt that lies inside us and poisons our lives. Yes, this is not a quick process, but the result is guaranteed.

How to cleanse the subconscious? It's simple. It is necessary to create such conditions so that unprocessed psychic material comes out gradually, in doses and safely for us. For this purpose, special relaxation techniques are used, which you can read about in separate articles. These are shavasana and yoga nidra. During the implementation of relaxation techniques, the upper layer of consciousness is emptied, and conditions are created for the release of internal mental dirt. That is, we kind of open the lid of the pan and let the steam escape. But the discharge occurs in small doses, that is, it is safe. Negativity can also come out through the body. Many people begin to shake, twitching of some parts of the body. Some people want to cry, after which they feel better. It's different for everyone.

That is, getting rid of panic attacks begins with the fact that you add relaxation techniques to your daily routine. This is the topic of separate articles, which you can read separately.

Over time, for faster results, you also need to master the practice of hatha yoga and practice meditation. Hatha yoga, but only the right one, based on calming the mind, relaxation, and not on ordinary physical stretching, will not only help cleanse the subconscious, but also restore hormonal balance, strengthen the nervous system, and increase health. All this will help reduce panic attacks, and in the near future, complete recovery. In addition, relaxation alone can lead to low blood pressure and too much relaxation. Therefore, compensation is needed in the form of light sports or hatha yoga.

And meditation also cleanses the subconscious, but most importantly, it gives awareness and the ability to control your emotions. And this, it turns out, is very important on our path to getting rid of panic attacks. Please read how to meditate in another article, or better yet, get instructions on meditation by subscribing to my blog.

A quick note on meditation. During practice, straighten and at the same time relax, open your shoulders. It is important. Dropped and forward shoulders are a bodily pattern of fears, as well as other negative emotions. When we are afraid, we lower our heads and push our shoulders forward, as if shrinking and hiding from danger. In people with chronic fear, this body position is permanently fixed, although it happens a little, imperceptibly. By straightening our shoulders, we remove this pattern, which also reduces fear. Give it a try.

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