How to behave in a conflict situation: choosing an effective strategy for behavior in conflict
Once in a situation of conflict, a person chooses a model of behavior based on the circumstances and subjective state.
Negative character traits of men that women hate!
Hello, dear readers! They say that appearances are deceiving. I would add that the inner world
the ability to forgive and let go
How to start living your life and turn off autopilot?
Who is the master of your life? The master of life is the one who is aware of his desires,
Jealous cat
How to recognize male jealousy and whether you should be afraid of it
Jealousy is a completely normal feeling in a relationship. It excites, generates passion, encourages action.
How to find the meaning of life if you don’t want anything - 10 simple ways
What is a sense of life? Surely you have also asked yourself this question. Sooner or later he
Motives of behavior and activity
Is this motive in psychology? Is motivation in psychology?
Personal motives in psychology are a certain internal force of a person that encourages him to
I'm afraid of relationships: causes and solutions to problems with the opposite sex
People remain alone for various reasons. Experts say that recently there has been an increase in
how to deal with anger
How to stop being angry: methods and methods of self-improvement, practical exercises, advice from psychologists
2 10521 January 14, 2021 at 11:33 pm Author of the publication: Tatyana Kuzmina, education consultant
pain from parting
How to survive a breakup: 13 tips from a psychologist
Author of the article: Naumenko Alexandra Igorevna Family psychologist, child psychologist. Practical work experience: 8 years. We
How to treat everything more simply? Ten recipes for not giving a damn
Why are some people chronically unlucky, while others shamelessly enjoy life and don’t care?
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