Understand yourself and understand yourself - in desires, feelings and life

Understand yourself, understand yourself - what does this mean?

Each of us is an absolutely unique, unique being. At the same time, we may look similar in appearance to our parents. And even habits and character.

But, at the same time, we remain individuals. And therefore, we are not at all the same as our parents.

Understanding yourself, understanding yourself means mentally moving away from parental stereotypes.

Also, move away from any other stereotypes. Which were imposed on you by the team, friends, media, relatives.

Moreover, take it as an axiom that “I am unique and I have my own path. And I have the right to it."

It is from this point of “I am unique and I have the right to this” that true understanding of oneself begins.

In psychology it is believed: There are no norms.

This means that for each individual, something that contradicts the views of parents, friends, and society can be normal. But at the same time, this is normal for this person. Provided that “this” does not violate the Criminal and Administrative Codes, of course.

This means that in understanding ourselves and trying to understand ourselves, we will move precisely in the direction of understanding our characteristics. And, its dissimilarity from others.

Dead end? Take a break

If you have been so focused on the same problem for a long time that you can’t even think about anything else, take a break from it, forget it for a few days. It is important to return to this problem in a few days without procrastinating. Use whatever you want to distract yourself: watch a movie, visit a city park, or spend an evening with loved ones. There are tons of options here! You can then take a fresh look at the problem and solve it. Practice shows that in most cases the problem is invented by the person himself and simply does not exist.

Understand your feelings and emotions

Understanding our feelings and sorting out our emotions can be very difficult due to the fact that we tend to suppress and repress them. Why is this happening?

The fact is that we learn to feel certain feelings in early childhood. Childhood is the so-called sensitive period (favorable) for assimilating a set of feelings that will guide us in later life.

And, since in childhood we are small and often helpless, our feelings in response to various traumatic situations are negative. For example, such as resentment, anger, guilt, shame, fear.

And, what’s important, it happens in childhood that we feel so bad in traumatic situations, well, so bad! That the psyche includes defenses in the form of suppression and repression. These are the most common defenses, although there are more of them.

Thus, the feeling refuses to be suppressed (poorly realized) or even repressed into the unconscious (unconscious). And then, go figure, figure out “what kind of feeling I feel.” It's very, very difficult.


  1. Am I a superstitious person, do I believe in horoscopes, signs, predestination of fate?
  2. Am I happy with my lifestyle choice?
  3. Are others obligated to do as I want?
  4. Should I do what others want?
  5. Who is to blame that I and my life are exactly like this?

The ability to take responsibility for your life and your actions is very important. This helps to free yourself from other people's influence. As soon as a person realizes that only he is responsible for everything he does, fear may appear, which will later be replaced by a feeling of freedom of choice and the discovery of new paths.

However, there is a way out to understand your feelings and emotions

It’s about answering the question: What am I feeling now – what is it about?

To understand and understand your feelings, you need to give yourself the opportunity to stop and think. Because you can’t deal with feelings while running, they don’t like it. And they love thoughtfulness.

  • If it’s about a threat to your safety (physical, moral), then this feeling is fear.
  • And, if this feeling is about the fact that you were treated unfairly, then this is an insult.
  • Maybe you treated someone unfairly or you feel incredibly sorry for someone? It's guilt.
  • If you feel like you are worse than others in a given situation, that’s a shame.
  • And, if you are worried that you have lost something, that is sadness.
  • Well, if your boundaries and rights are violated and you seethe, that’s anger.
  • In addition, there is also disappointment, apathy, and boredom. And of course, positive feelings:
  • Love
  • Joy
  • Interest

Next, it is important to GIVE the feeling a name. Also, understand WHAT is it about? What caused it?

An interesting fact is that as soon as we begin to understand our feelings and emotions (therefore, understand ourselves), then everything changes greatly for the better.

Especially if we give ourselves the RIGHT to our feelings.

That is, if we understand that feelings are part of us, and they came to our souls for a reason. Namely: in order to tell us something important for ourselves. For, there is nothing superfluous in nature and there is nothing superfluous in human nature, in particular.


  1. Why am I embarrassed, what impression do I make on other people (acquaintances, strangers)?
  2. Should I be better than others or reach their level?
  3. How do I react to criticism addressed to me?
  4. Why do I think other people are better than me?
  5. How do other people like/dislike me?

By asking yourself these questions, a person will be able to understand how dependent he is on other people’s opinions, how highly he values ​​himself. To understand whether your self-esteem is too high, you can ask yourself how often you do something for others and for what purpose.

Take the self-esteem test

How to realize and set your goals?

How to understand your goals and why is this necessary?

The fact is that the aimlessness of one’s own life is a difficult test for the human psyche.

It is the goals of your life that are the beacon that indicates the direction of your current tasks. And, the core around which you increase your efforts.

But how can you understand your goals if, since childhood, you have been accustomed to relying on the opinions of loved ones, or simply other people?

So, the first thing you need to understand your goals and set them is to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.

This means that you promise yourself now, from now on and forever and ever to rely on your own desires.

At the same time, be sure to take into account your characteristics as a unique individual. For there are no two identical people among us. After all, what is good for one person can be deadly for another.

The second thing you need is to give yourself the opportunity to HEAR YOURSELF. That is, to hear exactly your needs, your desires.

To do this, you need to consciously clear time and place where you can be alone with your thoughts. At the same time, allow yourself to relax so much that you can hear your inner voice.

Any real or imaginary place where your soul feels very good and calm is suitable for this. If the place is real, give yourself the opportunity to go there and stay there. If this place is imaginary, then give yourself the opportunity to find yourself there mentally.

It is there that the opportunity arises to hear your desires, and from them set goals. At the same time, be sure to write them down on paper. Why?

Because as they say, “if a goal is not written down on paper,” it is not a goal.

This is said because there is a direct executive connection between our brain and the word we have written down on paper.

Moreover, this connection only works if you HANDWRITTEN your goals.

The brain-hand connection is successfully used by many practicing psychologists. For example, as an independent exercise. Namely: recording affirmations (positive self-hypnosis) repeatedly.

Boost your mood and efficiency

Resource Sheet

I heard about this practice from Andrey Chernyakov, a coach and co-founder of the Evolution program, through which hundreds of Russian entrepreneurs and executives have gone through. “This is a practice for finding energy and strength,” says Andrey. — Sometimes there are conditions in which it is difficult to believe that there is joy. Then a list of resources comes to our aid.”

Andrey suggests taking a blank sheet of paper, dividing it into two parts, and writing down “major sources of joy” on the left: “Money, children, health, loved ones, your home, beauty, someone has a motorcycle, or even powerful potency.”

On the right you need to list the joys in a simpler way. What could it be? “Everything that fills not with ecstasy, but with quiet satisfaction,” says Andrey. “Food we love, sports that energize us, walks, canceling all meetings in the morning and the opportunity to lie in bed, our favorite TV series or computer game, the smell of coffee or citrus fruits, our favorite music or book, pets.”

“Looking at the resulting list, you will feel joy,” Andrey sums up.

Put the list aside, and then return to this exercise at difficult times (or at intervals of three to four weeks): the composition of the list can change quickly. “Even children, after watching the cartoon Inside Out, know that out of five basic emotions we only have one positive. And this leads to the fact that the mind quickly and easily notes the negative, and the positive needs to be worked on.” Chernyakov adds that it is very cool to exchange such lists with other people you trust.

Deep Work

The concept of Deep Work was invented by Cal Newport, a computer science professor at Georgetown University and the author of two best-selling books. He illustrates it with a simple analogy. To achieve success in a regular office job, you need to look up to those who are forced to achieve results in the most competitive environment: for example, musicians, athletes or chess players. A professional tennis player competing at major tournaments cannot help but train 3-4 hours a day (this is Deep Work), and, just as important, he must spend the rest of the time in a way that supports his main activity.

To immerse yourself in Deep Work, you need to meet two main conditions: turn off external stimuli (social networks, instant messengers, Slack) and limit time. Newport himself does not have accounts on social networks and tries to work strictly from 9 to 17. The founder and CEO of the Profi.ru service, Egor Rudi, says that he uses Deep Work in the morning. He doesn't schedule meetings until 11:00, setting aside two hours starting at 9 for focused work. “This is when you sit down with a piece of paper and a pen and think, plan without the Internet, mail, and so on. One two-hour session like this can radically change the effectiveness of an entire week,” says Rudy.

How to understand your desires

To understand your desires, as discussed above, allow yourself to be in a real or imaginary place where you can feel completely calm and relaxed. It is important that this place instills in you a state of absolute security.

While there, imagine yourself as a very small person - as if it were the smallest you. Next, try to understand what your littlest inner child wants.

Write down all the answers that you receive mentally or out loud from him.

Next, thank him.

Then, imagine an older inner child - yourself at the age of 3-7 years. And, as in the previous case, ask him what his desires are, what he wants. Don't be surprised by the answers , just write them down on paper.

And we carry out this procedure of understanding our true desires and needs with a child for about 10 years, then with a teenager and then with ourselves yesterday.

When you reach yourself yesterday, your subconscious will already “swing” properly, having communicated with your Inner Children (your inner child part, which each of us has, and in which our real desires and needs live ).

While performing this exercise, it is important for us to trust ourselves, our unconscious. And my childish part. And you will see, you will find sincere, honest answers about your desires and needs. Even if you want to understand “should I get married or not,” or “should I quit this job or not.”

This will happen because external desires always come from the internal needs of our psyche.

For example, a person wants a cool car because he wants to be special or feel more secure. And your inner children will definitely tell you about all this.

Letter to the Future

Imagine yourself in the future. Imagine that you have the opportunity to send your past self a letter containing everything you want. Write down what you have achieved and give an approximate plan of how you achieved it. Write the implementation date. Include absolutely every aspect of your life in this letter:

  • personal qualities (for example: determination, confidence, calmness, etc.)
  • relationships (with your significant other, friends)
  • prosperity (how money comes to you, what benefits you have)
  • the place where you live

Dream on! After that, carefully re-read what you wrote and analyze it.

How to answer questions?

You don't have to answer everything at once. You may have to think carefully. Do not rush to immediately answer the question; it may turn out to be a template answer due to stereotypes that have developed in your thinking. These stereotypes are designed to simplify your thinking and protect your pride from the possibility of self-accusation. They work instantly, offering you the most psychologically “comfortable” answer. But such an answer does not mean an honest one. So take time to reflect, try to get to the bottom of it, and be as honest with yourself as possible. Return to the article if necessary.

Hint: Most problems lie within yourself, not in the outside world. And these problems can be solved by working on yourself.

You can also find some tips by following the links that I will provide in the post.

Some questions include a statement. For example, “why do you smoke?” If you do not smoke, skip the question; this does not apply to you. The same applies to all similar questions.

Some questions may puzzle some, but leave others indifferent. This is fine. It is impossible to predict in advance which path your chain of thinking will take and what will attract your attention.

A game that will help determine the true character of a person

Finding a common language with a stranger can be difficult. This is not due to a lack of communication skills. To determine a person’s character, it is recommended to use special psychology questions.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to an interesting game - try on the role of a super agent. At the same time, it is worth observing the stranger in order to compose his portrait for yourself. To do this, it is recommended to pay attention to details: what this person eats, what he wears, how he behaves in a given situation, how he communicates with colleagues.

It is worth paying attention to whether a person acts spontaneously or is used to analyzing everything, how he perceives the disadvantages of other people, where the boundaries of goodness end. The sincerity of the interlocutor is of no small importance - when he starts to lie, up to what amount of money he remains incorruptible. After a detailed analysis, it will be possible to draw conclusions about how a person will be able to act in a given situation and whether he can be trusted.

Why are we given life?

If our life were given to us simply for the sake of life, then its length would be endless, and we would have no need to worry about old age, illness, or the fact that our appearance is deteriorating. But we are worried.

Why? The resource of each of us for important achievements tends to end. The only resource that cannot be replenished is time. We can earn lost money, lost health, if desired, can be restored.

Everything is possible when there is a certain amount of faith. Even if friends betray you, you can use an action such as forgiveness or acceptance. You can also make new friends. But if time is lost, it is impossible to get it back. And the older we get, the more difficult it is to search for the meaning of life.

Time saved is time that is taken away from life in order to understand oneself. But the quality of our only life directly depends on the quality of the issues that interest us. If we do not specify the question of how to find the meaning of life, then our precious life is wasted in vain, we live in vain.

Interesting psychological questions

Many people have negative experiences with their environment. At the same time, situations often arise when a person hopes for someone or expects some help, but in return receives the opposite effect.

If you take a closer look at the person in advance and evaluate the characteristics of his character, you will be able to avoid such problems. Therefore, it is recommended to use psychological questions in a conversation in order to get to know a person better.

It is worth understanding that such a conversation should not resemble an interrogation. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce interesting questions on psychology into the conversation discreetly.

  1. What book are you reading?

All people are conditionally divided into 3 groups – those who read, those who create the illusion that they are reading, and those who do not read. People who are used to reading will be able to answer without hesitation. It will help you understand the interests of your interlocutor.

If a person has difficulty answering or says that he forgot, you should suspect deception. At the same time, he does not want to look ignorant, so he pretends to read. Based on this feature, it is worth drawing a conclusion.

If the interlocutor directly says that he does not read, this indicates a normal level of self-esteem. Such a person does not care about the opinions of others. Perhaps he has certain reasons for neglecting books. At the same time, the interlocutor speaks about this directly, which is considered a definite plus.

  1. Imagine that you could choose some kind of superpower. Which would you prefer and why?

The question seems quite easy and does not oblige you to anything. If you don’t know his goals, you can answer quite sincerely. This will help determine what the other person needs. If a person chooses the possibilities of invisibility to freely get into different places, he is an extraordinary person who lacks rich emotions.

In addition, by answering this question you will be able to gain insight into some personality traits. Some people want to have a self-assembled tablecloth, while others want to eliminate all wars in the world.

  1. What will you do if there is an alien attack?

Based on a person’s reasoning, it will be possible to determine his readiness to solve unusual problems and his attitude towards the people around him. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to what his final goal will be - to hide in a shelter, go to war, help the victims, or resolve the conflict peacefully.

  1. What qualities of others cause irritation?

Psychologists say that the qualities that make a person nervous in those around him are present in himself. At the same time, he tries to hide them. Negative emotions are not associated with the actions of other people, but with the obvious manifestation of inappropriate behavior.

  1. List 5 things you are willing to take to a deserted island.

Based on the answer to this question, it will be possible to understand what is more difficult for the interlocutor to refuse.

Why and where does our potential disappear?

Potential can be lost due to two trends:

  • One tendency is vegetation, that is, doing nothing

This is not always characteristic only of young people, but also of many older people. People don't even ask themselves how to understand themselves. But living well is not the goal.

A person should develop the habit of structuring his tasks on New Year's Eve for the next year. That is, he must write down specific tasks for himself in order to understand himself, and what needs to be done for this. For example, what do you need to do to improve your relationships, home, work, your appearance.

You need to write all this down and strive to complete these tasks throughout the year. Because in a year you will become older, there will be a feeling of life fatigue, resentment at life, in which for another year you have not been able to figure out the question: “what do I want from life.” If a person does not have specific goals that he has formulated in writing, then we can safely assume that there are no goals at all.

  • And the second tendency is the loss of one’s strength to take any action.

The forces that are not spent on achieving goals in life, not on finding oneself, are spent on activities such as:

  1. Party life. There are many people who do not regret spending their evening time on several cans of beer, packs of cigarettes, empty people and useless conversations;
  2. Computer games, social networks, watching meaningless movies, reading empty books or articles;
  3. Showdowns, gossip, scandals;
  4. Extreme entertainment;
  5. Pointless wandering around shopping. If a person is consumed by inner emptiness, and he does not know how to find the meaning of life, he tries to compensate for the emptiness with purchases, and often absolutely unnecessary ones;
  6. Excessive concern for household order. When a person has no real goals, he begins to fanatically clean three times a day or prepare some delicious dishes for his family in huge quantities.

The fact that many of us waste our energy on unjustified entertainment is not the end of all fears. It is important to ask yourself at least sometimes the question of why we perform all our actions. Our task is not to preserve ourselves, but to wisely spend our strength. In some situations, we spend a lot of our heart potential, physical and mental strength, time, finances, but in those cases when it is thoughtful, expedient and somehow justified.

And when we mindlessly play with life just for the sake of testing the adrenaline, it means that we cannot find the answer to the serious question of how to find the meaning of life. In reality, such people do not have specific goals and any opportunities to overcome vital obstacles.

To make sure that you are right about the pointlessness of your pastime, try to time your yesterday. For many, it turns out that two hours were spent meaninglessly wandering around the apartment, one hour spent in front of the mirror, one hour wandering around unwashed dishes, not daring to wash them, two hours of empty conversations on the phone, and so on, instead of resolving such a question: “how find yourself in life."

Diversity of meanings in life

All the variety of meanings has one common feature - a less significant meaning, in order not to become meaningless, must lead to the implementation of a more significant and important one. No matter what goals a person achieves, questions follow him everywhere: “what is all this for, what’s next, what do I want from this life?”

As soon as the next object of a person’s desires sparkles, he immediately tries to achieve what he wants, since the object at that moment seems to be the limit of all desires. After all, a person cannot look beyond the horizon of that object.

As soon as the goal is achieved, new horizons and prospects open up to a person’s gaze, and new objects of desire, against the background of which everything that we strived for before becomes ordinary and disgusting.

No amount of earthly blessings or family happiness can eliminate that pain, that suffering, that meaninglessness that lurks in the depths of the spirit of each of us. But what then can eliminate suffering, how to find the meaning of life, where a person can feel comfortable and be in harmony with himself?

A man without goals

Finding yourself is impossible until there are goals. If a person has no goals, then the consequence is a lack of plans. How can a person understand himself without definite plans for life, even if not for the whole, at least for the next year. The lack of plans leads to inaction, and what is remarkable is that there is nothing to analyze.

Probably, many have felt such a state as mental pain, the feeling that the soul requires something. This suggests that the person was unable to realize himself, although he had the power to achieve something definitely greater. It seems that there is still strength, health, and time, but the person is in an incomprehensible vacuum.

In order to somehow realize his strength and get rid of the surging state, a person begins to waste his precious time on actions that do not help figure out how to understand himself, but on stupid, meaningless pastime. It turns out to be a vicious circle in which a person does not say to himself: “become the master of your life,” but begins to create the appearance of, albeit useless, vigorous activity.

Author of the article – Elena Zhuk

Best decisions of the last 3 years?

Three years ago, I left my job “for my uncle” and began to develop in freelancing in order to free my life from nervousness and be free in my actions. I quit my job, bought a laptop, changed my apartment and now I have a more beautiful view from my windows. At the moment, I have designed an excellent website, I consult on Skype, being in nature. I think this is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Follow your heart and don't be afraid of change.

At what points do you want to seem like a different person than the real you?

Under some circumstances we take risks, under others we live an ordinary life. An example of this is the situation: on the holiday of March 8, young people bought large bouquets of flowers and went to a busy place in their city, and what do you think, they did not sell them, but sold the opportunity to be photographed against their background. Afterwards, the girls’ Instagrams were filled with photographs with these bouquets with the phrases: “a gift from a loved one,” “the best holiday,” and so on... The guys made money on the girls’ desire to show their personal lives as beautiful.

Think about it, how often do such moments overtake you?

Where do internal conflicts come from?

When some of our desires do not agree with others, we feel it as an internal conflict. Such opposition causes severe psychological discomfort, and conflicting desires are not fully satisfied, since they “interfere” with one another.

It is important to distinguish between your own aspirations and those imposed by society: loved ones have certain hopes, society dictates its own rules, and the media promote new trends.

The inability to achieve one's own desires leads to severe dissatisfaction, stress and, as a result, an even more contradictory situation. And this state becomes more difficult to survive, the more we get stuck in this vicious circle.

So why do we experience counter-desires? There are two main reasons:

  1. An unsatisfactory state in one vector due to insufficient implementation of its properties.
  2. Switching between different vectors, the aspirations of which are sometimes radically different.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Unsatisfactory conditions

When we experience stress, a situation may arise where the manifestation of our qualities occurs as if at a lower level - just to get a little satisfaction in order to alleviate our condition. I want to receive happiness from life, but I am content with scanty “dissatisfaction.”

For example, the owner of the visual vector wants with all his heart to experience an emotional connection, sensual intimacy with a loved one. Filling it with your feelings and empathy, fill yourself with mutual giving.

But, experiencing stress, being in a state of fear, or being unable to freely express one’s feelings due to false attitudes, one can throw out unspent feelings in the form of hysteria. Tries to “get” emotions and the missing feeling of security, provoking the interlocutor to prove affection and love.

So we get a contradiction: “I want to do something good for him, to feel the mutual kinship of souls, to show how much I care about him. But at the same time I want to yell at him! Reproach for indifference, demand attention.” We cannot get more and choose less, primitive things, and in the end we suffer.

Or a situation in which the owner of the anal vector may find himself: “I value my family, I adore my wife. This is the most important thing I have. I want to take care of her, provide stability and comfort. But! She didn't appreciate my help last time. Once she spoke very offensively to me and doesn’t even remember it! And he doesn’t respect my mother enough! I would like to repay her in the same coin. Not to harm her - I love her - to teach her how to do it right!”

The bad conditions of a person with an anal vector, the lack of use of its properties (good memory, craving for justice, desire to pass on one’s experience, etc.) lead to getting stuck in grievances, aggression, stubbornness, the desire to teach, criticize, etc.

In a person with the skin vector, a stressful state or lack of fulfillment can cause, for example, a craving for inadequate savings, a pursuit of cheapness or free things, sometimes even a readiness to commit fraud, theft, and deception.

Then his dreams of success become smaller and remain unfulfilled: “Becoming a wealthy person is my goal. I would like to invest money in a business and make a profit in the future. But you have to spend so much! What can you save on? ABOUT! I will ride in public transport as a “hare”. I will only buy things on sales. And you can buy cigarettes from your colleagues. Where else can I get money? Maybe we can do something?”

It’s hard for the carrier of the sound vector, who does not use his abilities and plunges into severe depressive states. If such a person fails to use his capabilities on the path of knowledge and awareness for a long time, at some point he may begin to feel complete apathy.

Then the state of “I want to know what is the meaning, cause and effect of everything in the world” is replaced by the state of “I don’t want anything - leave me alone, let me be alone, finally!” Instead of searching for the essence in some form, striving to transform the world order, trying to understand how to change your life for the better, you want to lock yourself in a room and immerse yourself in, for example, a computer game, replacing global goals with quests.

Conflicting states in different vectors

As mentioned above, in the modern world a person usually carries several vectors. Their properties, values ​​and goals are different. Therefore, desires can contradict each other. Different vectors in one person constantly switch, change states, influence each other depending on the circumstances - the pressure of the landscape.

For example, a person who has both a visual and a sound vector may suffer from such contradictions. The visual vector craves communication, reaches out to people, strives to share emotions with them, and receive vivid impressions of the experiences and colors of the world around us. The sound vector (due to insufficient realization of desires) doesn’t really care about this very world; other people are indifferent or even unpleasant. Bustle, noise and conversations are depressing, a large company is tiring.

Or a person who has both anal and cutaneous vectors. Skin strives for changes, for high speeds, for working on several fronts at once. The anal vector is conservative, prefers the measured course of things, taking on one thing and slowly bringing it to the point with all the perfectionism inherent in it. He would have sat quietly at home under a checkered blanket, and not organized a forced march around the city.

In a state of super stress, vectors may switch inappropriately to the circumstances. And in a situation where a person with an anal-cutaneous ligament is required to react quickly and be proactive, he falls into a stupor; and when it is necessary to be assiduous and scrupulous, it becomes fidgety and fussy.

Or this turn: yesterday, having switched to the skin vector, a person somehow cheated, dodged in some difficult situation, and today he anally feels guilt and remorse for the lack of honesty, but tomorrow he will be angry at himself for his innocence in a skin way .

Having several vectors that react differently to different situations, we can be exposed to a wide variety of manifestations of their inconsistency. Let's say a teenage girl, being the carrier of the anal, skin, visual and sound vector at once, suffers from the fact that all her desires conflict with each other:

“I was always an excellent student, I was great at drawing. But now I feel indifference to everything. I don’t know how to sort out my feelings, what I want to do next, how to earn money in the future. I’m tired of my parents’ reproaches, I’m shutting myself off from them more and more and blaming myself for it. There are so many thoughts and ideas in my head, but it never comes to fruition. I am overcome by terrible boredom, I have neither the strength nor the desire to take on anything or communicate with anyone. Sometimes there is a feeling of inferiority.”

It should be separately mentioned that there are dominant vectors. One of them is the sound vector. And while the desires characteristic of him are not satisfied, the rest will be of less importance: the person simply will not see much sense in their embodiment. But even having filled them, he will not receive all possible joy - the unrealized sound vector “muffles” everything else.

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