Strategies for behavior in conflict. Author24 - online exchange of student work
Models of behavior in conflict depending on the status of the parties and the situation
tags: Model, Behavior, Individual, Personality, Quality, Conflict, Attitude, Social In the literature, there are three main
why does a loving guy cheat
13 revelations about why men cheat on their wives but don’t leave
Hi all! Why does a husband cheat but love his wife? No one is safe in family life
how to always be in a good mood
How to cheer yourself up. Improve brain function. How to produce dopamine (the hormone of happiness)
A lot depends on our mood, namely how our day will go and how
Panic attack before bed
Panic attacks at night: causes, ways to combat, advice from a psychologist
A feeling of panic, fear of death, severe fright - all these symptoms suddenly overwhelm a person
Proving you are right in a conflict
Interpersonal conflict. Conflict situation. Ways to resolve conflict.
The concept of conflict Conflict is a clash of different interests; a natural process that should not be feared.
7 tips from a psychologist on how to get rid of envy and stop comparing yourself to other people
Envy is one of the ambiguous human feelings. On the one hand, it is considered a sin
the essence of the six hats technique
The “Six Thinking Hats” technique in the classroom: how to use it? Description of strategy and examples of use
The essence of the “six hats” technique The “six hats of thinking” technique is similar to a role-playing game, the task of the participants is
A man does not make eye contact when talking
A man averts his eyes when talking: loves or lies
Most people don't particularly like it when their interlocutor looks them straight in the eyes.
Beautiful woman
7 principles of charm. What kind of women do men fall in love with?
Sociability and openness are attractive and inspire confidence. Cold and, as they say, mysterious women seem to beckon,
why does a man deliberately cause jealousy step one
Why does a man make his woman jealous by flirting?
Why does a man specifically cause jealousy? Jealousy is characteristic of people who act as owners or egoists in relationships.
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