What is self-confidence and why does everyone need it?

Many people tend to believe that confidence and self-confidence are the same thing. Naturally, these concepts are very different. So what is the difference between self-confidence and confidence?

It's simple - the first has no real basis and is bravado, while the second is inherent in people who know their capabilities and understand their capabilities. Moreover, it is not far from self-confidence to arrogance, when a person is unable to correctly calculate his strength, which is why he can get into an unpleasant situation.

Confident personality

Adequate confidence is formed on the basis of experience and knowledge. A man who has repaired his car more than once knows which part has failed and how to replace it. A woman who has raised more than one child develops her own parenting strategy and knows how to raise an unintelligent child. The path to confident actions lies through mistakes, bumps, successes and failures. It is impossible to be sure of everything. Every new situation provokes a lot of doubts and uncertainty. A person unconsciously feels like a beginner who does not know how to act, but wants to gain new experience. After mastering the theory (knowledge) and studying it in practice (experience), a feeling of confidence arises, which is reinforced by competence. The wider the area of ​​knowledge and experience, the more confident the person appears as a whole. Such a person is respected in his circle and masters new branches of knowledge.

Self-confident personality

Self-confident actions often resemble the steps of a confident person. There are no doubts at all, the result is achieved and “the people applaud” the brave deeds. What is the difference then? The answer is quite banal. A man who knows how to repair a certain brand of car believes that he can fix any car. A woman who has raised her child thinks that she can raise any child no worse than her own. The scale of the experience gained is so great that the individual does not notice the uniqueness and originality of the world. A self-confident person unconsciously tries to jump over all the steps of the ladder and instantly reach the top. These actions may cause admiration, but the situation changes dramatically when faced with real obstacles. Then the entire experience is devalued and a radical change in activity occurs, or glasses (pink or black) are put on and the person continues to smash his head against the wall. The reason for the emergence of self-confidence is the fear of new experiences. In any new situation, a person is forced to take the position of a student, which affects the self-esteem of a self-confident person. As a result, life flows in the illusion of omnipotence.

When does the transformation of confidence into self-confidence occur?

Self-confidence arises from negative experiences when mistakes made were subject to excessive criticism in childhood. One child will experience a feeling of shame and become insecure, the other will turn a blind eye to the words of adults and become self-confident. Confidence is cultivated through reasoned criticism with practical advice. Any inexperienced student hopes that the teacher believes in him.

How to increase self-confidence

To boost your self-confidence, follow these tips:

  1. spend a lot of time on your appearance (to become a self-confident girl, you need to dress fashionably, have a beautiful hairstyle and manicure; for a man, to increase self-confidence, it is enough to wear clean clothes, wash and shave);
  2. walk quickly (self-confident people walk with confidence, energy and purpose);
  3. train correct posture: walk with your head raised, keep your back straight;
  4. look into the eyes of the interlocutor to make a positive impression;
  5. be polite and sensitive in communication;
  6. notice the positive things;
  7. promote yourself (write a three-minute speech about your goals and strengths and recite it in front of a mirror);
  8. give compliments (by noticing the good in people, you indirectly reveal the best side of yourself);
  9. stop gossiping;
  10. sit in the front row at public meetings (usually people sit in the back due to self-doubt);
  11. play sports;
  12. Don’t get hung up on your experiences, focus on the world around you.

This behavior will help you become a self-confident person and gain recognition from others.


  1. Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas. Self-confidence: How to increase self-esteem, overcome fears and doubts = Confidence. Overcoming Low Self-Esteem, Insecurity, and Self-Doubt. - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2014. - 266 p. — ISBN 978-5-9614-4583-1.. P. 203.
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Have you ever met self-confident people? How do you rate them? Is it easy to communicate with them? Are you self-confident? People tend to notice a hint of negativity in others, but justify the manifestation of such a mood in themselves. So let's figure out how to evaluate self-confidence, regardless of who shows it and in what situations.

First of all, it’s worth noting that people don’t always have the right idea of ​​what self-confidence is. For example, they often confuse it with self-confidence, high self-esteem and even arrogance. But these are completely different concepts.

Self-confidence is exaggerated confidence in one’s own abilities and oneself, confidence in one’s perfection and absence of mistakes. If, for example, we compare self-confidence with self-confidence, then the latter carries a more positive connotation of personal abilities and skills.

Positive aspects of self-confidence

Even though self-confidence carries a negative connotation, when examined in detail, it is not so bad.

For example, self-confidence will not harm those who hold a high position, have contact with competitors and the public, and life is much easier for people with self-confidence than others. After all, self-confidence inspires a person, encourages him to believe in his own strengths, abilities and talents, and does not allow him to stop there. If a person is also prudent, then others may not even be aware of his inherent quality.

Self-confidence is associated with a strong belief in a positive outcome of a situation. And such an attitude not only allows you to avoid stress, not pay attention to little things and not give up, but can literally improve your health.

After all, by allowing negativity to take over your brain, a person exhausts himself, and this is not typical for self-confident people. But, of course, everything must be balanced, because otherwise...

Self-confidence conceals negativity

Most likely, most people, when asked: “Do they consider self-confidence a positive or negative quality?” will be more inclined to the latter option, and there are good reasons for this. After all, self-confident people usually:

• First they do, and then they think;

• They are confident in their own abilities and somewhat exaggerate them, which in turn leads to the fact that they easily grasp at various tasks, but in fact cannot complete them. At best, they will only waste their own time, and at worst, they will let others down if their actions were aimed at a common cause;

• Behave overly arrogantly towards others, and this is reflected in their speech, because they consider themselves more capable than others;

• Critical and selfish, which they are not ashamed of.

And the conclusion is the following...

What picture emerges in general? Self-confidence is inherent in people. It is fraught with both negative and positive aspects. A lot depends on a person’s mood and his attitude towards others.

If a person is by nature prone to selfishness, then his self-confidence will only worsen the situation. After all, an egoistic mindset encourages you to think only about yourself and your own benefit and self-confidently strive for this.

But do not forget that there are other motivating factors for the manifestation of self-confidence. Often people with the best intentions strive to develop this quality in themselves, because its absence prevents them from achieving certain heights.

Others have become more self-confident in order to be able to protect themselves from the psychological pressure of other people. Therefore, you need to objectively evaluate this interesting quality and make sure that you show it in a balanced way in your life.

What do you think, dear readers, is self-confidence a bad character trait or a good one? Please leave your thoughts on this matter in the comments to the article.

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Regardless of whether you are a self-confident person or not, everyone has health problems. Especially such a popular disease as thoracic kyphosis, which needs to be dealt with in the early stages of its development. Even your self-confidence will not help you here.

What is self-confidence?

Self-confidence is confidence in one's own abilities; the desire to move forward, develop, eliminate weaknesses, without self-flagellation. Quality, like other human qualities, is acquired and not innate. Its formation is influenced by various factors, including upbringing, material and spiritual benefits, status in society, environment and others.

Self-confidence can be compared to a medicine - in large “doses” it cancels out the benefits, bringing only harm. People suffering from its excess rarely achieve heights, because they lack the ability to be skeptical about themselves and the results of their activities.

Take the test: Self-Esteem Scale

Excessive self-confidence.

This quality does not help to achieve anything - more often it interrupts good endeavors. A person with excessive self-confidence cannot be critical of himself and what he does. It seems to him that any of his creations are a priori beautiful, do not require corrections, and critics are simply jealous. In this case, it is almost impossible to admit to yourself the mistakes you have made.

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with excessive self-confidence - many would do well to become more persistent and be able to brush aside useless criticism. But there is still a problem. Criticism is not always useless; it is important to listen to it, to be able to notice the shortcomings of what has been done. It is important to adhere to the golden mean - respond to reasonable comments and ignore malicious comments.

Self-confidence and confidence: what's the difference?

Self-confidence is exaggerated confidence in oneself and one’s own strengths, the conviction that there are no mistakes or shortcomings in one’s character. It is necessary to distinguish self-confidence from self-confidence. Psychologists note the difference between these concepts.

Excessive self-confidence is a sign of an insecure person who hides his complexes under arrogance, aggressiveness, selfishness and arrogance.

Self-confidence is characteristic of people who objectively assess their skills and abilities necessary to achieve their goals. A person who is confident in himself boldly expresses his personal opinion, is not a hypocrite and does not curry favor with anyone. He responds adequately to comments and criticism. A confident person accepts people as they are.

A self-confident individual strives to dominate people. He is characterized by excessive pride and touchiness. He often gets into arguments and finds himself in conflict situations.

Self-confident people are characterized by arrogance - an overestimation of their capabilities, behind which lies self-doubt. Psychologists call arrogance a separate mind that can do everything, knows and understands everything better than anyone else. A self-confident person realistically assesses his capabilities and uses them correctly.

For example, a person with excess self-confidence announces to his friends what an interesting book he will write, but in the end, he never starts it. And a self-confident person will write and publish a book without unnecessary self-promotion.

An overly self-confident person

Numerous studies in psychology have shown that overconfidence can be the cause of many failures.

The negative aspects of this personality trait include:

  • thoughtless actions (a self-confident person first acts and then thinks);
  • inability to notice and correct your mistakes;
  • overestimation of one's abilities;
  • arrogant attitude towards people (a self-confident person considers himself better than those around him);
  • selfishness.

Sometimes excess self-confidence comes with a plus sign. This quality will be useful to those who occupy a high position. It makes a person believe in his own strength and not stop there. In addition, a self-confident person is always confident in the positive outcome of the situation and never gives up. Psychologists say that people with excess self-confidence live more fulfilling lives than people with low self-esteem.

How to increase self-confidence

To boost your self-confidence, follow these tips:

  • spend a lot of time on your appearance (to become a self-confident girl, you need to dress fashionably, have a beautiful hairstyle and manicure; for a man, to increase self-confidence, it is enough to wear clean clothes, wash and shave);
  • walk quickly (self-confident people walk with confidence, energy and purpose);
  • train correct posture: walk with your head raised, keep your back straight;
  • look into the eyes of the interlocutor to make a positive impression;
  • be polite and sensitive in communication;
  • notice the positive things;
  • promote yourself (write a three-minute speech about your goals and strengths and recite it in front of a mirror);
  • give compliments (by noticing the good in people, you indirectly reveal the best side of yourself);
  • stop gossiping;
  • sit in the front row at public meetings (usually people sit in the back due to self-doubt);
  • play sports;
  • Don’t get hung up on your experiences, focus on the world around you.

This behavior will help you become a self-confident person and gain recognition from others.

How to communicate with an arrogant and self-confident person?

People with excessive self-confidence are found everywhere: at work, public transport or the nearest store. One can sympathize with those who constantly encounter them. A person with high self-esteem is accustomed to considering himself two heads taller than those around him.

It is especially difficult to communicate with a self-confident man. His arrogance and assertiveness can disarm anyone, making them feel stupid.

How to behave with a person whose arrogance and great self-confidence are dominant qualities?

To maintain your dignity and emerge victorious from the conflict, follow these tips:

  • give your interlocutor a “cold shower” by asking him a specific question from the “Why are you rude?” series;
  • do not respond to rudeness with rudeness, remain good-natured and calm;
  • ignore the self-confident interlocutor and do not enter into conflict with him;
  • do not give in to provocations (reply to an offensive phrase: “Thank you, I’ll take it into account” or “Do you really think so?”);
  • do not take what your opponent says as the pure truth.

Overly self-confident people are lonely and unhappy at heart. Their desire to show themselves more successful and smarter than you is only a desire to establish themselves in front of themselves. Do not think that the other person considers himself better than you. Most likely, arrogant and self-confident behavior signals problems in life. Such people are very vulnerable, vulnerable and suspicious. Their ostentatious impudence is a kind of protective shell.

Is it worth fighting self-confidence? After all, as psychologists say, it has light and dark sides.

The golden mean is important in this matter. If your confidence doesn't overwhelm those around you, embrace it and try to make the most of it!

An overly self-confident person

Numerous studies in psychology have shown that overconfidence can be the cause of many failures.

The negative aspects of this personality trait include:

  • thoughtless actions (a self-confident person first acts and then thinks);
  • inability to notice and correct your mistakes;
  • overestimation of one's abilities;
  • arrogant attitude towards people (a self-confident person considers himself better than those around him);
  • selfishness.

Sometimes excess self-confidence comes with a plus sign. This quality will be useful to those who occupy a high position. It makes a person believe in his own strength and not stop there. In addition, a self-confident person is always confident in the positive outcome of the situation and never gives up. Psychologists say that people with excess self-confidence live more fulfilling lives than people with low self-esteem.

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