147 rules of modern etiquette that everyone needs to know

As etiquette consultants say: Bring good manners with you at all times. The rules of etiquette must be followed everywhere, be it going to the theater, cafe, restaurant, cinema, traveling on public transport, or even just a walk in the park. They are needed to ensure comfortable coexistence and interaction of people in society.

Etiquette norms are unified rules of behavior for certain situations. Behavior that is appropriate in a nightclub is unacceptable in the theater, and communication with close friends will always be different from communication when you first meet a person.

Understanding these norms for different situations and their correct application is an integral part of a person’s general culture. So, how should a cultured person behave? We will answer this question, but first we invite you to test yourself: do you now know how to behave correctly in different situations?

Now let's move on to the article. Let's start with the general rules of behavior in public places.

The ABCs of Politeness

  1. When meeting, they introduce: a man to a woman, those younger in age and position to the elders, those who came later to those already present. In this case, the person you introduce the stranger to is mentioned first, and the person you introduce is mentioned second. “Anna, meet me - this is Konstantin,” “Sergey Ivanovich, this is Marina.”
  2. When introducing people, it is appropriate to give brief “information” about them: “This is my friend Nikita, he is a surgeon,” “This is my institute friend Natalya.” This way you will make it clear what kind of relationship you have with each of your interlocutors, and provide them with a topic for conversation in your absence: “...So, you are a doctor?”
  3. The first to greet: men are women, those younger in age and position are older.
  4. But whoever you are - a director, an academician, an elderly woman or a schoolboy - when entering the room, say hello first.
  5. When two married couples meet, the women greet each other first, then the men greet the ladies, then the men greet each other.
  6. person to shake hands is the person to whom the stranger was introduced, that is, the woman to the man, the elder to the younger, and so on. According to the rules of business etiquette, the leader is always the first to offer his hand. Even if the subordinate is a woman.
  7. If you are given a hand to shake and you are sitting, stand up.
  8. Before shaking hands, the man takes off his glove. A woman does not have to do this.
  9. Do not smoke while shaking hands. If you can't throw away your cigarette, apologize for it.
  10. If your hands are busy with something, a handshake is inappropriate. Greet people with heavy bags or a baby in their arms with a smile and a nod to avoid awkwardness and fuss.
  11. in the restroom .
  12. Only married women kiss their hand as a sign of greeting and only indoors. It is not customary to kiss women's hands at business meetings and official events.
  13. When kissing a woman's hand, lean in rather than pull your hand up towards you.
  14. If you are walking with someone and your companion says hello to a stranger, you should say hello too.
  15. On the street, a man should walk to the left of a woman. Only military personnel can walk on the right and must be ready to perform a military salute.
  16. When going down the stairs, a man walks one or two steps ahead of a woman, and when going up, he walks one or two steps behind.
  17. No matter who you are, always hold the door for those following you.
  18. Never turn around when someone calls you “Hey, you!”
  19. Never point your finger at a person.
  20. When talking with someone you don’t know well, you shouldn’t touch on personal topics: “How much do you earn?”, “I heard your wife is sick?”, “Do you believe in God?” Good topics for casual conversation: sports, weather, cooking, pets, art, science, travel and the like.
  21. In an effort to show off your erudition, do not overdo it. Phrases like “I’ve known this for a long time,” “We found something to surprise you with,” and the like will only alienate your interlocutor.

Rules of speech communication

The main mechanism of communication interaction is speech. It reflects the entire worldview of an individual, his interests, area of ​​activity, hobbies, and cultural level. Almost all communication is carried out through speech. Speech can be called the language system in “action”. That is, it is the use of the language system for the purposes of speaking, broadcasting thoughts and direct communication. Speech differs from linguistic systems in that its nature is psychophysical. This means that the speech apparatus takes part in its production, and its work is regulated by the central nervous system.

Speech is divided into oral and written, dialogic and monologue.

Norms and rules of communication using speech instruments are the knowledge and skills to competently apply the standards of linguistic speech in various conditions, for example, at meetings, conferences, negotiations, in personal conversations, etc.

The culture and effectiveness of verbal communication should be assessed according to several indicators, such as accuracy of speech and its appropriateness, accessibility, expediency, correctness and purity of speech, expressiveness, literacy, diversity, ethics. The correctness of speech lies in the compliance of verbal means with the canons of the literary language. Accuracy of speech means, first of all, the correct and appropriate use of terminology. The appropriateness of speech lies in the precise choice of tone and style of communication. The communicative expediency of speech does not allow rudeness or tactlessness. Speech ethics consists in the use of polite stable expressions, addresses, phrases of greeting, farewell, apology, gratitude, agreement, and praise.

Literacy is considered a core indicator of the culture of speech communications, since an illiterate person is not able to clearly and clearly convey the essence of the message. Illiteracy is expressed in the inability to formulate one’s own thoughts, in the inability to correctly select and use the right words, phrases, phrases and give them the correct grammatical form. Literacy should not be neglected even in conversations with close friends or relatives.

We can identify typical mistakes that individuals tend to abuse during communication interactions. Quite often, conversationalists use slang speech, filler words, abbreviated words, put incorrect emphasis in words or inappropriately use inserts from foreign expressions, and use dialect. This style of communication will only cause confusion and misunderstanding.

Literacy is especially important in business relationships, when applying for a job, during telephone conversations, in writing, etc. To improve literacy, it is necessary to read more highly artistic literature. Reading books helps not only broaden your horizons, but also allows you to learn how to structure your speech correctly, trains visual memory, helps improve spelling, allows you to enrich your vocabulary, etc.

When talking, it is not recommended to address your communication partner by last name, even if he is lower in the service hierarchy.

During a conversation, evaluative statements should be avoided, except those aimed at encouragement. Negative assessments during a conversation will cause aggression and rejection in response, which will lead to conflict situations, as a result of which the conversation will become ineffective.

Rules of conduct in the theater, at a concert and in other public places

  1. Laughing loudly, communicating noisily, staring and discussing people in a public place is offensive.
  2. Always turn on silent mode or turn off your phone completely in the theater, library, cinema, lecture, and so on.
  3. It is permissible to use a telephone on the sidelines. But if you need to make or receive a call, move two or three meters to the side so as not to disturb the conversation of your friends.
  4. Smoking in the presence of non-smokers should only be done with their permission.
  5. A man never carries a woman's bag.
  6. A woman may wear her hat and gloves indoors, but not her cap and mittens.
  7. At the mirror in the wardrobe you can examine your appearance and slightly correct your hairstyle. But combing your hair, putting on lipstick, pulling up your trousers or stockings is only allowed in the toilet.
  8. Go to your seats in the hall facing those already seated. The man goes first.
  9. If two couples are seated in the auditorium, the women sit in the center, the men on both sides. Women sit in the box in front, men behind them.
  10. In the auditorium you should not sit with your heads bowed to each other. Even if you are in love.
  11. Leave kisses, hugs and other tenderness for later. Do not force people sitting next to you to watch two performances at once - on stage and in the hall.
  12. At the exhibition, do not try to touch the exhibits with your hands, unless specifically permitted.
  13. Do not try to take photos secretly where it is prohibited by the rules.

Rules of conduct in transport

  1. When getting into a taxi, greet the driver first. The rule does not apply to collective transport (buses, trams, etc.).
  2. Places are given way: men to women, younger ones to older ones. A woman in transport does not give up her seat to a man, even if he is much older than her.
  3. Never take special seats on public transport unless you have a disability or are pregnant.
  4. Watch your seat and leg position. By reclining the backrest and stretching your legs forward, you will ride comfortably. But not your neighbors.
  5. Try not to talk on your mobile phone in transport. It is unlikely that your fellow travelers are interested in the details of your personal life. Perhaps they want to take a nap or are reading an interesting book. If someone needs to be told something urgently, write an SMS.
  6. When flying or traveling with children, keep an eye on them. Don't let them make noise, run around the cabin (car) and pester others.
  7. If you notice your friend in a subway car or bus during rush hour, simply greet him with a nod and a smile. There is no point in making your way through the crowd, causing inconvenience to other passengers, in order to “ride together.”
  8. A man gets off public transport first to help his companion get out and take out her luggage.

Telephone etiquette

In our hectic life, we most often talk to people not in person, but over the phone. Therefore, it is very important to know how to do this correctly in order to be understood and heard:

  • Watch your intonation. It should make it clear to the person calling you that you are ready to listen to him.
  • While talking on the phone, sit or stand, but under no circumstances lie down, because this will change the timbre of your voice.
  • When you pick up the phone, do not greet the caller with “Hello” or “Yes.” You should immediately say “Hello!”
  • If you are calling someone, then after greeting you need to immediately introduce yourself so that the person understands who he is talking to and about what issue.
  • Pick up the phone after 3 rings. You don’t need to do this right away, otherwise your interlocutor will decide that you have nothing to do. But if you delay this, he will think that you are not interested in talking to him at all.
  • Always check whether the person you are calling can speak to you so as not to inconvenience them.
  • Try not to use phrases such as “It bothers you.” It sounds like you are a person who can only bring anxiety into the life of the person you are calling.
  • Don't drag out the conversation and get to the point as quickly as possible.
  • Try not to use the “Hold” function if you want your interlocutor on the phone to listen to you and understand what you want from him.

Of course, all these rules do not apply to people with whom you communicate closely. However, remember that long conversations on the phone are primarily a waste of both yours and your interlocutor’s time.

Rules of behavior when visiting and at celebrations

  1. Never come to visit without calling. And if you are visited without warning, you can afford to wear a robe and curlers.
  2. Respond to an invitation to visit with the question “Who else will be there?” impolite.
  3. When receiving guests, don’t make excuses: “I have a bit of a mess here, the kids are always throwing everything around,” “We’re renovating, so there are boxes everywhere.” By letting a person into your home, you show him your trust. Your guest should respect this and accept your home for what it is.
  4. When guests arrive, you should turn off the TV and step away from the computer.
  5. When receiving guests or while visiting, it is rude to talk on the phone for more than 2–5 minutes.
  6. When presenting the hostess with a bouquet of flowers, use the rule: odd to a dozen. If there are more than 12 flowers, the count goes to half a dozen - the number must be divisible by six. 13 flowers are not a gift.
  7. Young girls should not be given flowers of dark shades. The ideal option in this case is a snow-white bouquet with unopened buds. It is better not to give older women flowers that quickly fade. Why remind us that youth is fading?
  8. If someone comes to you for the first time, first show the guest where they can wash their hands and clean themselves up, and then invite them into the living room.
  9. When should you start eating? If there are fewer than eight people at the table, focus on the host (hostess). When he sat down and took a napkin, you can start eating.
  10. The hostess should not run to the kitchen all the time - treats should be taken care of in advance. Washing dishes can wait too.
  11. You cannot be late for a dinner or dinner party. If this happens, you need to call and warn the owners that you will be delayed. It is permissible to arrive at the buffet later than the appointed hour and leave before the end of the event.
  12. If champagne or other cold drinks are served at the buffet table, then at the beginning of the event, when everyone greets each other, you should hold the glass in your left hand. A glass can make your palm cold and damp, which is undesirable when shaking hands.
  13. If during a buffet you are talking with a lady, and the waiters are serving an aperitif, first ask what she prefers, and then choose a drink for yourself.
  14. Buffets or cocktail parties are held primarily for communication. It's not nice to stand near the snack table and eat all the time.
  15. At formal receptions, men usually listen to toasts while standing. Women don't have to stand up.
  16. If you leave a reception before the rest of the guests, say goodbye only to the hosts of the meeting. Otherwise, your departure may serve as a signal to party participants that it’s time for everyone to go home.

Rules of etiquette at the table, in a restaurant

  1. The phrase “I invite you” means that you pay. If it sounds like “Let’s go to a restaurant,” everyone pays for themselves. But even in this case, the man can offer his companion to pay for her.
  2. Having agreed to meet a woman in a cafe or restaurant, a man must be there a little earlier in order to have time to find a free table.
  3. If the restaurant provides only one menu per table, the man offers it to the lady, who in turn can ask her companion to read the menu out loud. In a large company, one person reads the menu for everyone.
  4. It is acceptable to sit down with an acquaintance who is sitting in a cafe in the company of a stranger. But not in a restaurant. The exception is if those sitting ask you about it.
  5. You cannot ask for the bill while your partner is still eating.
  6. At the table it is absolutely forbidden to: roll bread balls, play with cutlery and dishes, roll the edge of the tablecloth into a tube, stretch your legs under the table to their full length.
  7. At the table, you should rest on the edge only with your wrists. Women are allowed to place their elbows on the table for a short time.
  8. The napkin is folded in half with the fold towards you and placed on your knees, rather than tucked into your collar.
  9. It is unacceptable to use a napkin instead of a handkerchief.
  10. Before drinking, it is advisable to blot your mouth with a corner of a napkin so as not to leave greasy marks on the glass. A woman with painted lips should wipe her mouth with a paper napkin, not a linen napkin.
  11. If you need to leave the table, the napkin is placed on the table to the left. But in Europe, for example, it is left on the back of the chair. At the end of dinner, the napkin is placed to the right of the plate.
  12. If a napkin falls on the floor, you should not pick it up yourself. The waiter will do this, and he will bring you a new one.
  13. To avoid accidentally biting into your neighbor’s bread or wine, the bread plate is located on the left, drinks on the right. This is easy to remember: fold your hands into two OK gestures, with the letter b (bread) on the left and d (drink) on the right.
  14. The position of the cutlery on the plate can serve as a signal to the waiter: “I’ve finished the meal, you can clean up,” “I’m still eating,” “I’m waiting for the next dish,” and so on.
  15. You should only use a knife to cut food, not put it in your mouth.
  16. If the sauce is served with a dish in a separate bowl, you should put it on your plate little by little. Under no circumstances should you dip pieces into a common gravy boat.
  17. Do not soak the sauce in the plate with bread. But, if you can’t resist, help yourself with a fork, not your fingers.
  18. It is impolite to choose the best from the portions on the platter. Take the piece that is closest to you.
  19. It’s not nice to top up from a bottle or decanter just for yourself. Taking the vessel in your hands, first offer the drink to your neighbor at the table.
  20. If you drink your drink through a straw, don't suck every last drop. A shrill gurgle at the bottom of a glass is not the most pleasant sound for others.
  21. They don’t pick up the saucer; they only lift the cup.
  22. Never use your pinky fingernail as a toothpick.

Internet etiquette rules

  1. Don't neglect the subject line when sending email. It should reflect the essence of the letter and thereby save the interlocutor’s time.
  2. Confirm receipt of important emails if they take time to respond to.
  3. Using heavy attachments in emails is like traveling with bulky luggage. It’s inconvenient for everyone: both the recipient and yourself.
  4. Communication in the messenger can be synchronous and asynchronous. Most often, messaging occurs instantly. But don’t be offended if messages arrive “intermittently.” The person is probably just busy.
  5. Using CapsLock is equivalent to screaming.
  6. Don't overuse the "Submit" button. By breaking up a long message into pieces, you complicate mutual understanding. A person may decide that the thought is finished and begin to respond. Moreover, if he does it the same way as you, constantly pressing Enter, you will get confused.
  7. If during a conversation the interlocutor suddenly becomes offline, this is not a reason to be offended.
  8. If you “knock” someone as a friend on a social network, write who you are and why you want to be added.
  9. Don't post overly personal messages or photos on your friend's wall. Social networks are not a place for expressing intimate feelings and sorting out relationships. It's better to do it in person.
  10. Ask permission to post a photo of another person on a social network. Even if it's your bosom friend.
  11. Don't overuse #hashtags.
  12. Take control of the invitations and notifications sent on your behalf on social networks. Don't spam your friends.
  13. If you received a message, but for some reason could not respond to it immediately (for example, you were offline), it is advisable to respond within 24 hours. Even if you see that the interlocutor is not online, still do not delay in answering.
  14. If the status “Online”, “Active”, “Available” is on in your conversation program, you should respond within 5 minutes after receiving the request. If you are having a long dialogue with a client on the phone or have gone out for lunch, set the status to “Unavailable”, “Busy”, “Away”. As soon as the opportunity arises, immediately respond to incoming messages.
  15. Remember that the interlocutor is in the office - he can talk on the phone, communicate with company management or clients. Have patience, don’t pester your business partner or colleague every minute - wait until he can answer. If your interlocutor’s status is “Busy”, but you have a particularly urgent question, ask when the person will be able to give you their attention. This is fully consistent with the rules of etiquette.
  16. If the answer of your interlocutor is important to you today, try to write to him at a convenient (working) time so that the person has time to prepare the necessary information.
  17. If you have a serious topic to discuss, do not write it in the form of a set of short messages, this makes it difficult to accurately understand the essence of the issue. Even if you want to explain the situation as quickly as possible, write and send a detailed message. It will take you a little more time, but it will make it easier for your partner to perceive the information.
  18. Don't demand an answer instantly - give your interlocutor time to think. Even if a person has an “Online” status, this does not mean that the partner does not need to “digest” the information and choose the most correct answer. Do not ask again, do not bombard your interlocutor with other questions - and then communication will be easy, understandable to both parties.
  19. After writing the letter, re-read it and check your spelling.
  20. Be tolerant of other people, and if your interlocutor does not follow the rules of etiquette, you should not communicate in his manner.
  21. Also try not to use the abbreviations “IMHO”, “TPS”, “plzhlst”, “pzht”. This is a very uncivilized and disrespectful form of communication.
  22. Don't constantly complain about anything. You shouldn’t write only about the negative; sometimes it will be much more pleasant for both you and your interlocutor to discuss something positive.
  23. Don't reveal too much about yourself. Often on social networks you can read almost all the information about the user’s life, supplemented with photographs; this is not only not very nice, but also dangerous, since all the information about you will be available to strangers.
  24. Don't be pretentious. Don’t turn your social network wall into a board for publishing pretentious statements about politics and life. If you lead a group, don't look down on your readers.
  25. Do not use obscure vocabulary. Of course, it’s good that you know a lot of terms and definitions, but you shouldn’t use them in dialogue with people who are not familiar with them.
  26. Communication online is not much different from real life. In fact, these rules of etiquette for the Internet are no different from generally accepted norms of behavior, they only make some additions due to the peculiarities of virtual communication: you need to communicate with elders on a first-name basis, just like with strangers.

Etiquette for children and schoolchildren

Discussion: 3 comments

  1. Igor:
    09.19.2019 at 20:31

    In the rules of who should be greeted, I learned a couple of things that were new to me, although everything is logical and everything is laid out quite succinctly. Everyone should review such rules periodically; they will definitely be useful in social interactions. The title of the post about speech etiquette was a little confusing; in fact, these rules are familiar to many in everyday life. Thank you, good information, keep up the good work.


  2. Paul:

    09.20.2019 at 21:08

    Sometimes the text itself may not have as much impact as the intonation and enthusiasm with which the speech is delivered. The speech must be accessible to a specific target audience. On the phone, many people make mistakes in terms of speech etiquette; inability to listen and interruptions are not uncommon in communication.


  3. Valerie:

    11/10/2019 at 10:47 pm

    I studied the rules of speech etiquette and business communication professionally for a long time. Speech etiquette is very important. After you learn to speak beautifully, be able to listen to your interlocutor, express your thoughts correctly and master the rules of speech etiquette, any doors will begin to open for you...


Elevator etiquette rules

  1. When a man and a woman are waiting for an elevator, the man enters the elevator first. If a group of people is waiting for the elevator, then those closest to the door enter first. In houses and institutions where people know each other, the one who goes further is allowed ahead.
  2. A child always enters the elevator after an adult and exits before him.
  3. The man accompanying the lady presses the button for the desired floor. He does the same if women and older people are traveling in the elevator besides him. In a crowded cabin, the one standing next to him presses the buttons, the others ask him about it, naming the floors.
  4. According to the rules of good manners, a woman should not reach for the buttons if a man, even a stranger, is standing next to them. It is preferable to ask him to press the button for the desired floor.
  5. In the cramped, enclosed space of an elevator, special delicacy must be observed. It is not nice to stare at other passengers or glance at them furtively. It is best to look down or turn to the wall. However, when exchanging remarks, elevator passengers should look each other in the eyes.
  6. Whenever you touch someone, you must immediately apologize, regardless of who the culprit was. If your foot gets crushed, accept the apology and say, “Please.”
  7. When letting people exit, it is better to get out of the elevator than to press against the wall and create a crowd.
  8. In the elevator you greet your acquaintances, but it is not customary to talk unless absolutely necessary, since other passengers become unwitting listeners to your dialogue.
  9. Etiquette allows a man not to take off his hat in an elevator. And yet, a real gentleman, accompanying the ladies, will certainly take off his hat if circumstances allow it.

Why you need to improve your communication skills

A person who knows how to communicate, is a good communicator and a tactful listener. He will always successfully conduct any, even the most difficult negotiations and achieve real results. People with high communication skills move up the career ladder faster than others and are considered welcome guests in the homes of friends and relatives. They also strictly follow the ideas formed in society regarding the rules of communication with people, which may depend on the situation.

The norms of communication were developed by society in the process of its development. They are strongly supported by the culture and customs characteristic of certain territorial groups.

Individuals master the basics of communicative relationships through their own observations and imitation. They use the learned rules in communications mechanically, without conscious action. In any conversation, a person who has high communication skills and knows how to use them already has a great advantage over others.

Office etiquette rules

  1. Wash your dishes after lunch. Wash immediately. It's better to throw out your lunchbox altogether than to leave it dirty in the sink.
  2. Keep your shoes on. Change your shoes in places designated for this purpose. Well, or at least far enough away from other people’s tables. And you can put your feet on the table only if you are the last one to leave and there is no one else nearby.
  3. Before you run to the IT department, restart your computer.
  4. Don't touch other people's yogurt. And someone else's apple. You also need permission to take cookies.
  5. In the morning, the boss needs to say “Hello”, not “Great, dude!”, unless, of course, the boss himself says so.
  6. If you and a coworker find yourself in adjacent bathroom stalls and you finish early, you don't have to wait until he finishes to go back to the office together.
  7. When there are only three packs of stickers left in a box of stationery, don’t take everything for yourself; it’s better to put two on your colleagues’ desks. A little care in the office.
  8. The desktop should look like a neatly trimmed lawn, and not like an impassable thicket.
  9. We went to the cooler, filled a glass, and walked away from the cooler. There is no need to stand in front of it and communicate with colleagues. If you really want to talk, at least take a couple of steps to the side and clear the way to the water for others.
  10. Don't burp at the table unless all your colleagues are wearing headphones.
  11. Label lunchboxes and disposable food boxes. You don’t have to use your name, you can also use your nickname. For example, “The Tsar, just the Tsar.” This definitely won't be thrown away.
  12. Say hello to everyone, even if you work in different parts of the office and have no idea what your co-workers' names are.
  13. There is time at meetings for questions. Then ask them, don’t interrupt the speakers.
  14. No need to make decorations from paper clips.
  15. When coming to work, switch your phone to vibrate and do not leave the device turned on on the table (in your bag).
  16. A handshake is optional, but accepted in the business community.
  17. The correspondence is completed by the one who started it, i.e. the last letter should come from the one who wrote first.
  18. There is a rule in telephone conversations: if you call your boss, he is the first to hang up.
  19. There is no need to eat food with strong odors in the office ; with all your love for herring, sauerkraut, garlic and cutlets, try to do without them at work.
  20. If you only drink tea and coffee at work, do not place the cup on your documents, as a mark may remain on the paper that will clearly not be in your favor.
  21. You, of course, have the right to drink various drinks throughout the day, but the mug should look neat - there should be no repeatedly brewed tea bags, lipstick marks on the outside and the like.
  22. Well-mannered people do not wear outerwear to their workplace, do not hang it on the back of a chair, and, moreover, do not place it on the table. There is a wardrobe for this. The only exception is when you pop into the office for literally 5-10 minutes and then leave again somewhere. This option is permissible.

An example of communication psychology from the school curriculum

Read the tips below, which ones will you use when communicating with friends?

  1. Be friendly and friendly.
  2. Live in peace with each other.
  3. Conquer evil with good.
  4. Do good and do not be afraid of anyone.
  5. Speak boldly about a good deed.
  6. Love your neighbor as yourself.
  7. Win hearts with love, not fear.
  8. Don't be afraid of the knife, but of the tongue.
  9. Think, think about it, and say it.
  10. Be patient with everyone for a long time.

Determine the type of sentences based on the purpose of the statement. Why are sentences of this type used here?


Sentences No. 1, 2, 6, 9, 10 are motivating, they teach and advise.

Good manners and technology

  1. People are more important than technology! Do not place your smartphone on a table in public places. By doing this, you show how important the phone plays in your life and how uninteresting you are in what is happening around you. As a last resort, if you are expecting an important call, take out your phone and place it face down on the table.
  2. It is better to answer the call after the second or third ring, so that the caller has time to concentrate. If you are not answered after the fifth ring, hang up.
  3. If the connection is interrupted during a call, the initiator of the conversation must call back.
  4. Use your full name if calling from an unknown number.
  5. It is indecent to report important events via SMS.
  6. Alert about a video call with a text message. Don't put your interlocutor or yourself in an awkward position.
  7. During a video call, communicate with the person, rather than admiring your own image in the corner of the screen. A camera is not a bathroom mirror.
  8. Always keep correspondence confidential. Don’t read other people’s letters, don’t look at the monitor when someone is chatting, turn away when a person is typing a password.
  9. Treat people the way you want to be treated!

Standards of conduct for children

Parents should pay attention to the fact that children strive to imitate them in everything (consciously or not) and adopt the parental model of behavior. In this regard, parents need to set a good example for their children by making careful comments and coordinating their behavior in public places and on playgrounds.

Children aged 2-2.5 years tend to greet others with joy. This kind of behavior needs to be encouraged. When playing on the playground with your child, you can invite the children to exchange toys for a short time. This will make it easier for children to learn to share and ask permission to play with other people's toys.

A child over 3 years old should know that it is unacceptable to be noisy and run around in public places (shops, buses, clinics).

As a child gets older, it is necessary to teach him discipline and an appropriate style of communication with adults and peers. Rules of conduct for children over 6 years old:

  1. It is unacceptable to intervene in someone else's conversation and interrupt, to behave impudently and rudely towards adults and children.
  2. You should treat older people with politeness and respect and provide them with assistance.
  3. Behave within the bounds of decency in public places such as theaters, museums, exhibitions, concert halls. It is forbidden to make noise and distract attention to yourself.
  4. The child should be warned to be vigilant, as criminals can take advantage of his gullibility and courtesy. You should not enter into conversation with strangers or go anywhere with them.
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