Crises in a person's life, what to do | Good blog

It is impossible to live life without facing crises. Moreover, there can be many of them, and most of us are simply lost when faced with a problem that can arise out of the blue. But it just seems like it pops up for no reason; there are a lot of factors that provoke periods of crisis. And it all begins, almost from the beginning of our lives.

History is a crisis in a person's life.

One of my acquaintances, let’s call him Andrey, worked for a quite decent company. He earned good money, every vacation he went with his family abroad to the sea. I took out a good mortgage on an apartment in a prestigious area and made luxurious renovations. In general, everything was fine. But he wanted more, he was tired of being a clerk, albeit a well-paid one. Then he decided to compete for the position of chief.

A place just opened up. For this purpose, a competition was organized. But our comrade was not confident of his victory. Since the competitor was more experienced, they say he had connections, he worked longer. In general, he had every chance of getting the position. Therefore, Andrei decided to do anything to win the competition. He made his choice - he bet everything on it. Work, family, reputation.

Overall, he did a bad thing. Eliminated a competitor. No, not physically of course. But he acted meanly. It seemed like he had everything figured out. And now the time has come to sum up. The board of directors and candidates met. Andrey was confident of his victory. He was already looking forward to how he would take office, how quickly he would pay off his mortgage, how happy his family would be. But then something unexpected happened.

It turns out that he was treated like a boy. The competitor, smiling contentedly, stated the essence of the matter. And he was thrown out of the office with a “wolf ticket.” It was a disaster. It was a shame. Now he has a real crisis. There is no job, no money, there is a mortgage, there is nothing to live on. Life is over... But Andrey is great. He managed to get out of the crisis in his life. Find yourself, restore your conscience and life. But that's a completely different story. What would you do in his place at a critical moment of fate?

God does not give you problems that you cannot overcome.

And I’m sure you can also find a way out of any crisis. If you read my recommendations.

How to get away from a crisis in life.

Events that make up a life crisis have a very strong impact on a person’s fate. In fact, they radically affect lifestyle changes.

Losing your job at the most inopportune moment.

  • Serious health problems in yourself or a loved one.
  • Death of a loved one.
  • Loss of social status.
  • A sharp deterioration in relationships with loved ones.
  • Shaky psychological balance.

These are serious tests. Not everyone manages to get out of them safely. But everyone will have to visit them. You will say, I have seen people who have gone through the most difficult periods in their lives. And they look pretty confident. Indeed, there are many such people too.

Winston Churchill.

Any crisis brings new opportunities.

These are mostly strong people, some are inveterate optimists in life. These people know how to find a way out of any situation. They are confident in their abilities. They believe that the crisis in life is not forever, and it will end sooner or later. But you still need to live. Therefore, they constantly find the right solutions.

First of all, they take responsibility only for themselves. They don’t blame the country, government, colleagues, or relatives for what happened. They don’t cry to everyone about how unhappy and poor they are, how unlucky they are, and who is to blame for this. Yes, they have crises, sometimes seriously changing their lives. But this only benefits them. Unlike those who live in this crisis constantly and whine. Crises in a person’s life are the boundaries of development. It all depends on how you go through it.

Teenagers - transition to adulthood

The first more or less “adult” crisis is considered to be the teenage one. Erik Erikson, the author of the ego theory of personality, calls the age of 12-18 years the most vulnerable to stressful situations and the occurrence of crisis conditions [3]. Boys and girls are faced with a choice - profession, identification of themselves in some social group.

A typical example from history is various informal movements (hippies, punks, goths and many others), the fashion for which changes periodically, but some part remains constant, or interest groups (various sports, music).

The teenage crisis is a period accompanied by excessive care and control on the part of parents. And also prohibitions, quarrels arising from attempts to circumvent them, and much more. All this prevents the child from getting to know himself and identifying the characteristics that are unique to him - as an individual.

During this period, the risk of drug and alcohol consumption increases - for teenagers this is not only a way to become “one of the people” in the company, but also to relieve constant emotional stress. After all, due to hormonal “swings” and other physiological changes in the body, young people constantly experience overwhelming emotions when their mood changes a hundred times a day.

It is during this period that thoughts about the future also come, which expose boys and girls to additional stress. Who do I want to become and what do I want to do as an adult? How to find your place in the sun? The school system, unfortunately, does not really help to find answers to these questions, but only aggravates the crisis of choice, since it sets certain deadlines for the process.

Among foreign experiences, the examples of teenagers in South Korea and the USA are interesting. True, in the first country they are rather unoptimistic. There it is believed that only graduates of just a few of the most prestigious universities have good job prospects. Therefore, it is quite common for teenagers to drive themselves to exhaustion and nervous breakdowns (and often to suicide) due to the upcoming graduation and preparation for courses. This problem forced doctors to sound the alarm and raise the issue at the state level.

But among American teenagers and their parents, a more sensible approach is common - at this age it is normal not to know what exactly you want. That’s why many teenagers, after graduating from school, take a year off to think (the so-called gap year) - to travel, work, gain new experience and make the right decision for themselves without outside pressure.

In the post-Soviet space, there are still frequent cases when parents themselves determine which university and what specialty their child will enroll in.

The outcome is not difficult to predict - the imposed profession may not be the one the applicant dreamed of. There may be a lot of further scenarios, but for a teenager, most of them will not help him spend his student years profitably and gain self-determination.

In the United States, they have compiled a list of the most popular crisis reasons why teenagers drop out of school: alcohol and drug addiction, pregnancy, loss of interest in school, financial difficulties, bullying by peers, sexual harassment, mental disorders, problems/cruelty in the family.

A teenager's acceptance of his appearance is also associated with a crisis of self-identification. For girls, this moment can become especially acute - comparing oneself with idols, models from glossy magazines is depressing and can cause eating disorders. Unfortunately, the most common patients in specialized departments for anorexics are young girls.

That’s why it’s so important for a teenager to feel the support of his family, which is ready to accept his choice, when he’s growing up. Just as in childhood, it is not recommended to harshly cut off a child’s desire for independence. The main advice from psychologists to parents comes down to one simple maxim - remember yourself when you were a teenager, your dreams and aspirations, conflicts with adults, and put yourself in the place of a child.

By the way, the teenage crisis still stands on the line between children's crises, which are more or less regulated by age, and adults, who are tied not to a certain time, but to the process of choice.

Childhood crises mean the collapse of a system that previously existed in the child’s mind, and adults imply the independent construction of this very system by a certain individual. The first serious choice for a teenager (university, profession) is the very symbol of the transition to adulthood.

Crises in a person’s life by year: stages of development.

Usually a crisis does not come immediately. It develops sequentially, in certain stages.

  • A problematic situation has arisen in life. A person tries to resolve it in ordinary, familiar ways.
  • The problem is getting worse. The usual solutions don't work. There is not enough experience. Despair takes over.
  • The tension from the existing crisis is already becoming critical, stress is intensifying, and panic is growing. There is only one question in my head: how to get out of the crisis in life. This is the ultimate level. At this stage, you need to make every effort, experience and find a way out of this situation. There is a search for new approaches to solutions. A new experience is being formed.
  • This stage occurs when the previous ones have failed. A person gives up and stops all struggle. There is a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. The person is close to completely breaking down. This can lead to dire consequences.

But a crisis in life can end at any time, at any stage, if the right solution is found.

After the 4th stage, he can go in 4 directions:

  • A constantly deepening situation that leads a person to suicide.
  • A person still finds a way out of the crisis, albeit with some physical, material and psychological losses.

In other words, he came out of this difficult situation with deep psychological trauma. Now she will determine his future fate. This does not mean that the crisis is over for this person. It continues in a sluggish situation. A person who has survived such a period of life gets stuck in that time and carries an unhealing wound in his heart.

What other stages of crisis are there?

It most often involves a relationship with another person. Divorce, separation from a loved one, or his loss. Some people can never recover from such a blow.

  • A person still manages to find the right adequate way out of the current crisis situation. He returns to his old life and lives as he lived before. The events of a difficult life period are gradually forgotten.
  • Or a person emerges from his crisis completely renewed. He rethinks his life, the reasons that led him to this situation. Draws the right conclusions.

Why are moments of crisis needed?

As we already know, it is by no means impossible to live life without problematic periods. But we shouldn’t treat them so harshly; we should understand that we need them. There is no need to exclaim at every occasion, “Lord, why do I need this!” If a crisis occurs, it means there is something for it.

We flatter ourselves and believe that we are soft and fluffy, and all around us are adventurers, aggressors, greedy people, spiteful people, slanderers, etc. We should accept all problems as punishment, and as a lesson, thanks to which we will no longer step on such “rake”. In order to understand what has been said, we need to study our crises as if from the outside.

The role of crises in the life of any person - how to avoid repetition.

A new meaning appears in life. He is reaching a new level of development. The crisis completely changes his life. It becomes more interesting, richer. Maybe this is precisely why God gives us trials in the form of these life trials? The strong become even stronger. The weak perish.

Remember how your crisis situations went. What stage were you at? How did you get out of them? After which you will find out what level you are at now.

  • You broke, but you didn't die. You live by inertia. The taste and joy of life are lost.
  • You found a way out of your crisis in life, but came out with losses and deep psychological and emotional wounds. Life has lost its colors.
  • The right solution was nevertheless found and you are at a new level of life and development.

If you are at stages 1 and 2, expect new crises. You failed the test. New ones will be assigned to you. They will not be stronger than before. Perhaps the same, or weaker. But not stronger for sure. This will be repeated until you find the right solution and reach a new level of development and life.

Reasons for appearance

The cause of crises lies in the emergence of contradictions between new needs that are no longer satisfied and current or past conditions. Each period of age-related development has an incentive for future change and development - this is the basis for the formation of the individual.

Note! In each period of crisis, differences between limited capabilities, new needs and social experience (the reaction of loved ones) increase. Today, according to psychologists, this dissonance is considered as a driving force in the development of the psyche.

What is the meaning of life without crisis.

Apparently this is the meaning of life. The reason we came to this Earth. Gaining experience. And this will continue until you grow wiser. Is the intelligence of the entity being formed? I can imagine how stupid we are for coming here. Our Souls are probably 5 years old, by earthly standards.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this knowledge about the crisis in life. If a person is prepared and basically understands what it is and why it is given. It will be much easier for him to find a way out of any life situation. There is no need to despair. You just need to think and compare. And then choose a way out of the crisis in life.

For example, your wife (husband), whom you love very much, cheated on you. You couldn’t even think that this would happen to you. Then divorce. And here you are alone. Broken, humiliated, insulted. This is the cruelest blow. At this stage, the lives of many people are ruined.

  • You can go on a drinking binge, lose your job, status, money, health. Which will lead you to stage 4.
  • You will be able to persuade your wife to stay and save the family.
  • But there is another option. If you understand that this is just a test and you can overcome it.

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