Trainspotting: where relationship addiction comes from and how to avoid love withdrawal
Trainspotting: where relationship addiction comes from and how to avoid love withdrawal
Love addiction, or relationship addiction, takes on different masks. Someone gets fixated on one partner
Socio-psychological characteristics of personality article
A socio-psychological characteristic is a set of certain socio-psychological phenomena that characterize the properties, characteristics and qualities
How to become thick-skinned? Getting rid of vulnerability and self-doubt
I received a message from a reader. “Hello, Vlad! Your blog is the only Russian-language blog that
women that make men crazy
10 ways to drive a man crazy, according to men themselves
How to drive a man crazy and become the one and only for him? Many
Why is family important?
Why does a person need a family? Six reasons from psychologists
Essays About family Family in a person’s life Family is one of the main components
what is mental infantilism
Mental infantilism: how not to remain a “big child”
Studying the problem of mental infantilism is important in psychiatric and pediatric practice. There is no single method
values_What spiritual culture includes_
What is a person’s system of personal values ​​and how to form it correctly?
The concept of “value” What is called value? To answer this question, it is important to clarify that in
Soviet poster Don't talk
How to stop the internal dialogue in your head: exercises
Stopping internal dialogue is the most important condition for self-development, without which it is impossible to adequately perceive the environment
alarmingly suspicious personality type
6 recommendations for changing the anxious type of character accentuation
Personality disorder (PD) is a set of enduring traits that develop in childhood and accompany
How to find a purpose in life if you don’t want anything? Not just find, but also set a goal and achieve it
How to find purpose and meaning in life if you don’t want anything: 9 powerful tips + psychological test
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