How not to go crazy in the modern world: 7 tips for self-control

Each person has an individual internal state consisting of emotions, feelings and thoughts. Based on these components, it reacts in one way or another to the influencing factors. Often, solving situations that arise requires the help of a qualified psychologist who can have a positive impact on the problem. In such situations, the advice of a psychologist for every day is especially useful.

Advice from psychologists for every day

Most people don't know how to improve their lives. They are oppressed by any situation, because of which, in despair, many fall into depression. Useful psychology contains several recommendations that must be followed in order to prevent depression.

  1. The most important thing in a person’s life is sleep, only it will help you look healthy, cheerful and quickly assess any situation. Therefore, you should always get enough sleep, postponing things that can be done a little later.
  2. Don't hold onto grudges and negativity. Everything in life can be survived, you don’t need to stay on the black line for a long time, it’s best to quickly step over it.
  3. A monotonous life situation (work-home) can quickly lead to fatigue and depression. Diversify your life: visit exhibitions, concerts, museums and other entertainment events.
  4. There is no need to give all of yourself to boring and uninteresting work, at this rate you can become angry at the whole world and withdraw into yourself. If you don’t like a job, it’s better to leave it and find something more worthwhile and desirable.
  5. Love yourself and the whole world will love you!

This practical psychology for every day has been tested, which indicates its effectiveness.

Plan to take daily quiet walks outside (and actually do them).

Sometimes you just need to step away from what you're doing or what you're dealing with and get some air. Of course, regular exercise is important for mental health, but even regular relaxing walks can be good for your mind. Plus, it can literally force you to take a break when you need it.

Getting out into the world and connecting with life around you is a simple and accessible therapy, as is the rhythmic nature of walking. This can help you get your problems out of your head and look around. Try taking a walk when you get up in the morning, or after lunch, or try scheduling 20 minutes into your work schedule and create a reminder in your planner to take a short walk.

Advice from psychologists to help manage stress tolerance

Unfortunately, there is no such person who does not suffer from stressful situations. They affect many people so deeply that it is difficult for them to recover later and continue their normal lives. It’s not difficult to follow the recommendations, the main thing is to start doing it, and the result will not be long in coming.

  1. Under any circumstances, you need to listen to your body. It is important to understand his desire and make sure that it does not fail in a stressful situation.
  2. Drink vitamin D, it will help you endure difficult moments in life.
  3. Don’t hold grudges against others, forgive everyone, even if it seems difficult.
  4. Constantly increase your physical endurance. Exercising is a good way to deal with stressful situations.
  5. Yoga is also an effective way to combat stress. Video lessons will help you learn proper meditation.
  6. Spend less time on gadgets.
  7. Listen to calm music.

Such psychological advice for every day should not be missed, because regularity is the path to quick recovery.

Match negative thoughts with positive ones.

Negative thoughts are just a part of life, but they don't have to consume you. Instead of trying to completely ignore these thoughts, try countering them with positive affirmations. For example, if you feel anxious and regretful about staying in bed until noon one day, remember that you really need some extra rest and alone time this week. You can return to your normal schedule the next day.

How to learn to enjoy life: advice from a psychologist

Not everyone is able to enjoy what is happening around them, because this is often prevented by poor condition, a feeling of fatigue, depression or resentment. Often in such states, the world around us becomes boring, uninteresting and gray. To prevent this from happening, you need to take into account a number of psychological tips:

  • smile more often;
  • play sports;
  • update yourself (haircut, coloring, shopping);
  • dream;
  • look for the positive in small things, travel;
  • bring goodness to those around you.

These easy-to-follow tips from psychologists will help you move from a negative point and bring joy and positivity into your life. If nothing helps, don’t hesitate and contact a specialist, for example, psychologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

When you get stuck on a worrying thought, ask yourself “so what?”

Ruminating over something that makes you anxious won't do anything. But you can help advance your thought process by challenging yourself to think further. This helps clarify thoughts that are reasonable, probable, and sometimes even rational.

For example, if you keep worrying about losing your job, ask yourself what would happen if that were already the case. This may seem scary at first (you will be deprived of money, you may lose your apartment, it may affect your relationship, etc.), but then follow these thoughts - what will happen next? Perhaps you would look for a new job, find a cheaper apartment, take out a loan. Eventually, your thoughts should arrive at sensible solutions to your biggest concerns. You may even realize that these scenarios, although alarming, are unlikely to come to pass.

How to become a sociable and interesting person?

Many people, when in a company, behave awkwardly and do not know how to start a conversation. It all stems from internal fear. There are a number of psychological tips that will help you behave more relaxed and find common topics with your interlocutor.

  1. Analyze your speech less, because this takes time, which acts as a hitch in the conversation and because of this you may be mistaken for an uncommunicative person.
  2. Don't take criticism too seriously; some points just need to be omitted.
  3. In every conversation, highlight the positive points.
  4. Be the first to start conversations more often.
  5. Make new acquaintances more often.

There is no need to be afraid to communicate with people, because this gives rise to the meaning of further relationships.

Talk to your inner voice.

Everyone has an inner voice when you talk to yourself in your thoughts or out loud. But sometimes that voice can be quite cruel, even if it is ultimately created by you. He may tell you that you are a failure, or he may convince you to admit that you have absolutely no control over anything. Most people have a strong inner critic that makes their lives more stressful. Developing a supportive and calming inner voice can go a long way in improving your mental health.

Obviously, this is easier said than done, but here's a good place to start: When your inner voice gives you really negative feedback and advice, stop and think about how you would talk to your best friend in that situation. Then try to tune your inner voice to speak in the same way. Chances are you won't tell your friend that she's doing everything wrong and everyone hates her. You'll probably tell her that she's overreacting, that she has no reason to think about it that way, and that she should focus on what she can actually control in this situation.

How to approach life more simply: 5 practical tips from a psychologist

To make your attitude towards life easier, you just need to study psychology and its useful tips, which were developed by professionals.

  1. Don’t get hung up on the “work-home” principle, it won’t bring anything good. If you devote yourself completely to work, joy will disappear from life, and depression and chronic fatigue will come.
  2. Always keep emerging thoughts under control. Don't do rash things.
  3. Communicate with others easily, without coercion; if this is not possible, then this is not your circle of people.
  4. Keep your home in order, because it has long been proven that it completely affects order in your personal life.
  5. The dream must be correct, something you want to strive for and move mountains to make it come true.

If you have doubts that cannot be resolved on your own, it is best to seek advice from a psychologist. It will help you understand and apply recommendations on practical psychology for every day.

Try writing down your thoughts

Expressing your emotions is important because it helps you get rid of frustrations. This is one reason why keeping a mental health journal can be helpful.

You don't have to do anything fancy or too long - just five minutes or so a day to write down your thoughts, feelings or ideas is enough. This can be especially helpful if you want to track changes in your mood or behavior over time (perhaps to discuss with a therapist later). But it can also just be an opportunity to work through something in your own space, perhaps something that you might not be ready to talk about with anyone yet.

Think about your drinking habits and whether you can cut them down a little.

Drinking alcohol not only affects your physical health, but also your mind. So it's important to consider your habits when you're looking to improve your mental health.

If you find that you tend to drink more when you feel depressed or anxious, or that you end up feeling worse when you drink, try reducing the amount and frequency of your drinking. Keeping a journal of your drinking and your emotions before and after can also be helpful.

Celebrities advise women

Women who are famous also have something to share with us. Here are some wise tips for women from the stars, based on personal experience.

Catherine Deneuve

The beautiful actress encourages women not to be afraid of aging. Young people, according to Deneuve, are constantly fussing, rushing somewhere, and worrying. With age comes peace and life becomes easier. The actress advises worrying more than losing an attractive appearance that physical strength will dry up and brain function will slow down. Catherine Deneuve suggests training your brain rather than trying to look your best. Deneuve does not answer questions about plastic surgery, considering them very personal. By the way, the star shares a useful beauty recipe: to prevent the skin from stopping producing its own collagen, you need to use creams containing it no more than three times a week.

At 75, Catherine Deneuve still receives invitations to act in films.

Don't be afraid to grow up, every age has its own charm. The past years are not only difficulties and losses, but above all experience, wisdom, a sense of humor, a calm and sober look at everything that happens in life.

Catherine Deneuve, French actress

Meryl Streep

The American actress advises women to love... wrinkles. Meryl Streep believes that every wrinkle is part of her life and happy past. People with frozen, perfectly smooth faces seem funny to an American woman.

Meryl Streep says she loves every wrinkle she has

Natalya Krachkovskaya

The Honored Artist of the Russian Federation insisted on non-interference in the family life of children. Like most mothers-in-law, at first Natalya Leonidovna looked for flaws in her daughter-in-law, but, unlike others, she did not report her observations to her son. Perhaps, thanks to Krachkovskaya’s wisdom, her son’s marriage has lasted for a third of a century. Natalya Krachkovskaya did not interfere in the relationship between her son and daughter-in-law and did not tell them how to raise their grandson. Although he honestly admits, he could barely restrain himself. The artist considered it stupid to turn children against their parents.

Many women dream of such a wise mother-in-law as Natalya Krachkovskaya


Irina's review

I thought about psychological help for several years, but never...

Review by Elena

Not long ago I tried to commit suicide with...

Review by Svetlana

Deciding to see a hypnologist is often difficult for one reason or another...

Feedback from Ekaterina

Since childhood, I have always understood that my parents’ divorce, when...

Review by Natalia

For most of my childhood I experienced bullying from...

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